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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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nice moves yong!!!




































couples are tend to be alike... i believe that now.




































wifey must have taught him the moves, see this gugumas....











































































































oohhh yess...you are true....wow like wife like husband...whahaha





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Guest lovekin




sorry for cutting your post. the link you linked (win win) was aired on June 25, if I'm not mistaken. and it was filmed around late May. I've seen that interview and I felt disappointed at first but by the way he reacted after he said "compelled" I feel like he just used the wrong term.




regarding yong's feelings, nobody can say for sure but yong. but we can see that he likes Seohyun based on the glances and the stares. there are alot of interviews about Yong's ideal girl and about Seohyun. I just read them here in this forum. Its one of the reasons I visit this forum, to get some news and links of interviews of Yonghwa and Seohyun.




in a recent interview I read a few pages back, the question was, "Who is the celebrity you want to be close to?" the rest of the CNBlue boys explained before saying the name of the celbrity except Yonghwa. he said "Seohyun." there was also this drawing of Yonghwa describing his ideal girl. the drawing was cute but the descrition basically describes Seohyun.






haha, it's okay.  when i need to talk, i get carried away!  lots of tl;dr text up there. sweatingbullets.gif






yeah, after watching that interview, i kind of told myself that it could've been a mere translation error.  after all, even subbers have different interpretations of the conversations that take place on WGM.  that, or yong might've meant something else, as you suggested.  but i don't know, i could see him really feeling that way.  for example, i know if i were thrust onto that show with someone that's not really my type, i may feel compelled – which is an appropriate word to describe it – to like that person because i'll be with them for the length of time i'm on the show.  that doesn't mean i won't develop my own feelings in the long term, as minor or major they may be.




yes, i don't think the gazes can be disputed.  but i don't know if i'm the only one who's noticed it, but yong looks like he's about to sex anyone up.  blink.gif  just the way he looks.  i mean, i hate to be a debbie downer, but i suppose this is me wanting fool and doubt-safe proof that maybe, maybe, maybe yong doesn't feel like he needs to like her because he's stuck with her.




i saw that one post about that interview you mentioned.  but i think there was some additional commentary that he had paused to let everyone go before him before he said hyun, which i took to mean that he needed time to formulate his answer.  o m g i am such a ...




also, i agree that yong is the only one who knows how he feels, and i'm aware of that.  but ... nyah.  i really should get a new hobby.  being this invested in these two is giving me a migraine.  >.>



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hi sweet potatoes, it's been ages! even though i dont post here that often anymore































































































































































































































































I still keep tabs on our fave WGM couple...































































































































































































































































i loooove the little skinships they shared last episode!































































































































































































































































it just came naturally...you can see how far they've come and how comfortable they've become around each other!































































































































































































































































I wish next time it would yong's turn to piggyback our hyun!

































































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Hello!!! I'm a young once & been reading this forum for months & i feel the love for these two from all of you. It's mostly a bumpy ride but of course also smooth ones. We come here to show our love & support for the yongseo couple although it's a make believe but, here, as for me, i can relive my youth,the love ,the innocence, the joys & hope that in this crazy & tupsy-turvy world there is still that love as being such and no other or as we say unadulterated as illustrated by them. Nevermind the outside forces(interviews,questions) but lets just focus on the show per se, of what it bring to us, the feelings it evokes in us,but most of all the lessons it will impart to all of us. Lastly, we all can wish & dream that in the end it will all come into reality.



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Guest baby_bo



Hello!!! I'm a young once & been reading this forum for months & i feel the love for these two from all of you. It's mostly a bumpy ride but of course also smooth ones. We come here to show our love & support for the yongseo couple although it's a make believe but, here, as for me, i can relive my youth,the love ,the innocence, the joys & hope that in this crazy & tupsy-turvy world there is still that love as being such and no other or as we say unadulterated as illustrated by them. Nevermind the outside forces(interviews,questions) but lets just focus on the show per se, of what it bring to us, the feelings it evokes in us,but most of all the lessons it will impart to all of us. Lastly, we all can wish & dream that in the end it will all come into reality.
















Very well said :)








It's how these 2 shows the real them on the show that makes people love them more. The relationship they have is a typical relationship a couple has... They show love and care for each other in such a different way, sometimes very different.








I am just glad WGM brought these 2 together :)



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Hello!!! I'm a young once & been reading this forum for months & i feel the love for these two from all of you. It's mostly a bumpy ride but of course also smooth ones. We come here to show our love & support for the yongseo couple although it's a make believe but, here, as for me, i can relive my youth,the love ,the innocence, the joys & hope that in this crazy & tupsy-turvy world there is still that love as being such and no other or as we say unadulterated as illustrated by them. Nevermind the outside forces(interviews,questions) but lets just focus on the show per se, of what it bring to us, the feelings it evokes in us,but most of all the lessons it will impart to all of us. Lastly, we all can wish & dream that in the end it will all come into reality.
















































































Welcome to the thread! :)
















































































Well-said! Let's enjoy the sweet and innocent love of our beloved Yongseo couple as shown in WGM program. Personally, I simply just blank out on any negative interviews and will select what I want to hear and watch, hahahaha!
















































































My view is: During filming of WGM, Yonghwa and Seohyun are the only ones interacting with each other, well, more like they only have each other. Though a lot of people said that WGM is partially scripted, this is exactly it- PARTIALLY. So, MOSTLY, Yonghwa and Seohyun are doing and saying what they feel at that moment in time with each other... The whole point of WGM is they want to show the chemistry, that's why they usually have minimal cameras eg. in the house is just installed cameras and outside, I think there are usually 2 cameras at the most following the couple.
















































































As for interviews outside WGM, there are many factors that can affect one's answers- pressure of the hosts asking the questions, people/audience sitting right in front of u, scripts if any, etc. Well, that's how i feel.
































































































































































EDIT: BABY-BO, yes me too- so grateful to WGM for bringing these two people together and I think our Yongseo couple too are very happy to have each other... saying this just bring tears to my eyes.... Good night xx

















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Hello lovekin, fabiistar, dawnxiama and all you lovely Potatoes who have joined us for the first time *waves!!!!* Yes, this is definitely the place to spazz about the SeoHwa couple. We are open for busines 24/7 :lol: Thank you for sharing why you love our couple. I've followed them from day one too and spazzing about them never gets old!




Lovekin about the WinWin show you posted, I think there is something missing in that version of the translations mixed wth some poor wording choice by YongHwa himself (aigo). I'm pretty sure the one I had seen had YongHwa saying: That back then he liked Taeyeon Sunbaenim a lot more but now it's inevitable... [this is when the other MCs started to tease him becasue he said inevitable/no choice. And he is quick to correct himself so that the others don't misunderstand].. because he spends more time with SeoHyun on the show of course he likes her more now. So the use of the word 'compelled' in the subs there is really confusing when out of context. Maybe one of our lovely korean-speaking posters can help enlighten us more?




I just about died laughing watching Yong's dance on WinWin! I know I shouldnt have but I took a peek at work and ROTFL-ed like a crazy woman. PowerOf9 your quote is my favorite phrase of the day! Secondhand-humiliation really sums it up. But, I gotta respect a man who gives it his all on national TV. He's getting better too rite? Yong fighting! :lol:





My view is: During filming of WGM, Yonghwa and Seohyun are the only ones interacting with each other, well, more like they only have each other. Though a lot of people said that WGM is partially scripted, this is exactly it- PARTIALLY. So, MOSTLY, Yonghwa and Seohyun are doing and saying what they feel at that moment in time with each other... The whole point of WGM is they want to show the chemistry, that's why they usually have minimal cameras eg. in the house is just installed cameras and outside, I think there are usually 2 cameras at the most following the couple.




Well said Purestupidity! Even the PD has said that Yong and Hyun often plan things out themselves and are constantly surprising the crew. And at the end of the day, I am jsut really really happy and grateful we get to see the two interact and that I get to learn more about these two wonderful people. :wub:





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Guest lovekin




Hello lovekin, fabiistar, dawnxiama and all you lovely Potatoes who have joined us for the first time *waves!!!!* Yes, this is definitely the place to spazz about the SeoHwa couple. We are open for busines 24/7  :lol: Thank you for sharing why you love our couple. I've followed them from day one too and spazzing about them never gets old!




Lovekin about the WinWin show you posted, I think there is something missing in that version of the translations mixed wth some poor wording choice by YongHwa himself (aigo). I'm pretty sure the one I had seen had YongHwa saying: That back then he liked Taeyeon Sunbaenim a lot more but now it's inevitable... [this is when the other MCs started to tease him becasue he said inevitable/no choice. And he is quick to correct himself so that the others don't misunderstand].. because he spends more time with SeoHyun on the show of course he likes her more now. So the use of the word 'compelled' in the subs there is really confusing when out of context. Maybe one of our lovely korean-speaking posters can help enlighten us more?






thanks for the welcome! biggrin.gif and i'm just glad that there are fans who are just as enthusiastic about them as i am. happy.gif




yeah, sometimes i wonder about the translations when i watch the videos because i never know the person behind the translations.  and i know some of the subbed videos go from korean -> chinese -> english and a lot of things get lost in translation, especially when it goes through multiple languages.  that said, any enlightening would be wonderful!




it's always interesting how people interpret things differently, as well.  and genxv, i liked your interpretation of that interview.  it's definitely a more hopeful version than my cynical one, and it sounds like an accurate play-by-play.  i like yours better than mine, haha!




also, i'd like to mention that dawnxiamara and purestupidity brought up a good point - that we ought to just focus on WGM itself and none of the outside sources because it's those outside sources that give us all sorts of grief & it's easier to get mixed signals from them.  i understand that, but sometimes it takes a lot of self-control not to see how both yong and hyun answer questions regarding each other outside of WGM because they're no longer in a controlled environment.  of course i agree that it's only partially scripted so that we can see how they build on the chemistry that can naturally occur between them.




it's kind of like ... erm ... when you're paired up with a group and given a simple task.  from there, you need to build on your relationships with each other to make it more stable, and that's how i think it is between yong & hyun, but i obviously restrict this to the set.  outside of the set, i feel like it's different.  then again, what yong and hyun feel is obviously known only to themselves~ 


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Guest chikaaaaa

































































































































































































































































Hello!!! I'm a young once & been reading this forum for months & i feel the love for these two from all of you. It's mostly a bumpy ride but of course also smooth ones. We come here to show our love & support for the yongseo couple although it's a make believe but, here, as for me, i can relive my youth,the love ,the innocence, the joys & hope that in this crazy & tupsy-turvy world there is still that love as being such and no other or as we say unadulterated as illustrated by them. Nevermind the outside forces(interviews,questions) but lets just focus on the show per se, of what it bring to us, the feelings it evokes in us,but most of all the lessons it will impart to all of us. Lastly, we all can wish & dream that in the end it will all come into reality.
































































































































































































































































very well said. thank you for write this post.
































































































































































































































































for me, i choose to believe that they're real, but still stay true to the real world.
































































































































































































































































i mean, they're public figure, they have to maintain their image on tv (esp. yong who's just rookie). it's getting hard for them, who's chosen to be in one condition where they're paired up. people then tend to connect them to each other, that's what make it even harder for them to choose the best answer regarding the question about their marriage.
































































































































































































































































what i really sure is, despite their true feelings towards each other (which i choose to believe that GOGUMA LOVE is there..) or their ideal type (something that i learn along the way that ideal is just ideal, thanks to yong who taught me this), this whole make-believe marriage has taught them something really valuable about life, about relationship and i'm sure that they will cherish all the memories they made together and remember it for as long as they live.
































































































































































































































































for me, what they've given to me as a fan is somehow really precious i don't wanna give it up. they made me met wonderful persons through this thread, and together we share some little joy and love that lighten up our daily life. that's what yongseo meant for me.
































































































































































































































































btw, i wanna said thank you for those who support the 200 days project!! thank you guys soo much!! my secret wish is our gift will featured in their next filming of their wgm episeode. hey, we can hope right?? kekeke
































































































































































































































































have a nice day everyone.

































































































































































































































































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Yes Lovekin! That's the spirit! We all have our reasons for loving this couple. Cynicism is fine and living on an ever-happy goguma planet (guilty!) is fine too! As long as we are in it together and have fun supporting this couple then it really doesn't matter if we have different views on things




redtulip are you around? Can you repost the Goguma Planet pledge please? :lol: Edit: YAY thank you! That was fast :w00t:




A YongSeo fan on dcinside spent 2 days 1 night touring all the YongSeo places including stopping at their SangDo house. It's really amazing!! It's like she is living my dream... \^o^/




고구마케잌(Gogumacakes)@DCInside if you ever read this, thank you for sharing your experience. I salute you for our dedication!




Source: DCInside

















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@_d3seohyun. Your post especially the wonderful spolier really lights up my day. I will wish very hard for it to happen. Cannot imagine how all the sweet potatoes will be like then. Maybe we will be cooked cos too heated up from all the love.





Anyway, life is too short so have fun. I am allowing myself to do all the fangirling, stalking the thread etc etc cos it is fun.





The Goguma Pledge










We the aliens of Goguma planet, pledge ourselves as one united family, regardless of  nationalities, language and gender, to support our Goguma couple with love and sincerity, so as to achieve unforgettable dreams and beautiful memories.


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Hello, everyone,

I proudly present the reason why I'm kinda procrastinating. I'm going to continue my fanfiction, but for now, I hope you like:

Goguma - the Movie

"We Got Married Goes Action Movie"

(inspired by the "The Adjustment Bureau - soon to be a major motion picture)

(currently, the quality is still bad - once YouTube has finished it's thing, I hope it's going to be better)

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Guest cacaupop
































































Hello, everyone,
































I proudly present the reason why I'm kinda procrastinating. I'm going to continue my fanfiction, but for now, I hope you like:















































Goguma - the Movie
















"We Got Married Goes Action Movie"
































(inspired by the "The Adjustment Bureau - soon to be a major motion picture)
































(currently, the quality is still bad - once YouTube has finished it's thing, I hope it's going to be better)































































































































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Hello, everyone,




I proudly present the reason why I'm kinda procrastinating. I'm going to continue my fanfiction, but for now, I hope you like:





Goguma - the Movie


"We Got Married Goes Action Movie"




(inspired by the "The Adjustment Bureau - soon to be a major motion picture)




(currently, the quality is still bad - once YouTube has finished it's thing, I hope it's going to be better)










Wow Trent! That is an AMAZING video you made. LOL at the action movie concept. I can totally see it! Also, can I say I am so happy you plan to write more. I held myself back and didn't want to pester you or anything about it but your stories are SO GOOD!!! This world deserves more of them. Hope you don't mind my posting the link to your fanfics: FanFiction by Trent




While lurking around DCInside saw this cute compilation of YongSeo feeding each other. Can really see how they are progressively getting more comfortable with each other. Can;t wait to see the kimchi scene next week!




credit: Mongkki@DCInside












redtulip JJANG!!! Thank you for reposting the Goguma Pledge!!







The Goguma Pledge














We the aliens of Goguma planet, pledge ourselves as one united family, regardless of nationalities, language and gender, to support our Goguma couple with love and sincerity, so as to achieve unforgettable dreams and beautiful memories.








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Guest baby_bo










Wow Trent! That is an AMAZING video you made. LOL at the action movie concept. I can totally see it! Also, can I say I am so happy you plan to write more. I held myself back and didn't want to pester you or anything about it but your stories are SO GOOD!!! This world deserves more of them. Hope you don't mind my posting the link to your fanfics: FanFiction by Trent








While lurking around DCInside saw this cute compilation of YongSeo feeding each other. Can really see how they are progressively getting more comfortable with each other. Can;t wait to see the kimchi scene next week!








credit: Mongkki@DCInside







































kyah!! i love that feeding compilation.








I wish for them to do that infront of CNBlue inlaws.. just because hahahha!








Yonghwa was right during that meet the inlaws part, when they get comfortable they will eventually feed each other.. and i am too happy cause it comes naturally... and sometimes seohyun takes the effort, specially from the preview for this week's episode.. and seohyun's feeding hyun using her bare hands :) how cool is that?? haha :wub:








kyah!!! 2 more days :)



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Guest blueswim_boo


Seohyun missed the fanmeet to film WGM at Youngheung island, a special episode with all the couples reportedly, a big shooting with dozens of cameras and a helicopter. Rumor says this special might be aired next next week but there is some trouble brewing at MBC right now;; (similar to strike situation earlier this year...)

errkk..can someone please transfer quote from silis7noy2 from snsd thread about seohyun wgm filming..i dont know how to

edit:oopss actually i did it..hehe..sorry..


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Guest hihi_hehe









Seohyun missed the fanmeet to film WGM at Youngheung island, a special episode with all the couples reportedly, a big shooting with dozens of cameras and a helicopter. Rumor says this special might be aired next next week but there is some trouble brewing at MBC right now;; (similar to strike situation earlier this year...)








































cr: silis7noy2@SNSD thread








































What the heck ... a helicopter?? but what is the trouble?.. :crazy:








































a strike... again??? OMG .. I'm gonna suffer









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Guest baby_bo













Seohyun missed the fanmeet to film WGM at Youngheung island, a special episode with all the couples reportedly, a big shooting with dozens of cameras and a helicopter. Rumor says this special might be aired next next week but there is some trouble brewing at MBC right now;; (similar to strike situation earlier this year...)








thank you silis7noy2 :)








i just hope that strike something will not push through.. no please!








wow filming at an island?? kyah! i want to see more skinship!!! weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeh








dozen of camera's + an helicopter??








Maybe they have assigned 3 to 5 cameras each couple and an arial view.. haha! they can't miss anything.. having 3 couples there, each and every moment of each couple is important! hahaha


















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Helicopters and they are on an island? Is this going to be Survivor WGM couple edition? LOL!! WGM PDs you sure know how to go all out!!!




Like many of you have mentioned, in past WGMs when all the couples get together they compete for prizes. I hope the PD follows a similar concept here because I have a feeling Yong & Hyun will really make a kick-richard simmons team being super competitive and all.




As for the second part of the report about MBC, how about we take a wait and see approach. Since nothing has been confirmed or mentioned in the news yet it may be a bit too soon to react one way or the other. And, if you think about this the thread has gone through so many ups, downs months of broadcast delays and I know for a fact we have come out stronger! So my Potato friends HWAITING!




Also, chincha... broadcast next week? So I don't have to wait 2/3 months to see it? SQUEEEEEEEEE *die with happiness* Dear universe, please let this happen!




Another fan went to Jeongdonjin and captured some pictures there.




Yong and Hyun had signed an autograph which they keep framed at the station.




credit: 먹어어@DCInside




"JeongDongJin Hwaiting ~~~!!!"








So cute how their signatures are so similar. I think the paper with their signature was posted waaaay back around the time they filmed the episode. How nice that the station has it framed and all.








A picture inside Sun cafe. Apparently it becasme very popular due to the WGM filming and while the poster was there she heard other tourists talk about how WGM was filmed in there. Also, naughty them, wrote "SNSD SeoHyun, this is where she slept" on the table. LOL. I'm sure they erased it afterwards.




Visit the post on DCInside for the full post and pictures.





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Guest desirenhope

thanks for the translation regarding the filming yesterday. I'm very much excited to see this episode cos we'll get to see how close they are now. but at the same time i am definitely not anticipating the fans of other couples comparing Yonghwa & Seohyun with the other two since they are appearing together and thus inevitable.

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