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Jang Keun Suk 장근석


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Guest DongBangBoys

oohh....I like the pics he has with BoA =]

I heard their story....T.T

So sad for Geun Suk-oppa....

You heard their story?? WHAT STORY? lol I want to know!!

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Guest samaiku

geun suk is turning 21 right? but he looks like 17... incredible face.. grrr... im longing for him to see in person! geun suk! visit philippines!

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Guest SillyYun

oh hohoho page is growing

please join JKS BDAY PROJECT~

spread to ur friends

WOW STEPHY..U LOOK SO HOT! i wonder how JKS will react when he sees u..

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Guest laiyiwen

you're welcome guys :)

skittles_xp, thank you so much for the translation ^^

DongBangBoys, yuup I will post it later xD, I'm rushed .. Lol

Stephypham, welcome to the thread :D

Maeil Caffelatte CF pixs Collection :wub:



















































*credits: DCkeunsuk

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Guest newlili

His recent CF Cafe Latte is a bit unnatural ... The coffe cup looked like nothing in it when he drank .(: . I love the other 2 previous Coffe CFs more than this one. He was so addorable in those CFs.

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OMG!!! the cafe latte pictures are crack! ahaha. he looks great in them (eventhough im not a fan of the earring in each ear pictures, dunno how he still looks hot in them. wait no! what a stupid question. my baby is hot!) are the CFs out?

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Guest tuchee11

^ yeah! you can check them out on YT or you can backlog here for the YT links :D

His recent CF Cafe Latte is a bit unnatural ... The coffe cup looked like nothing in it when he drank .(: . I love the other 2 previous Coffe CFs more than this one. He was so addorable in those CFs.

My fave caffe latte CF has got to be the first one! He was hot there! Just natural, the PJ's :w00t: , the hair :wub:

Thanks skittles for the translations! LoL! Just because the theme was pink! :lol:

laiyiwen, thanks for the amazing and massive caffe latte pics! Am gonna save 'em all! He looks totally adorable! :D

About the Boa-Geunsuk issue... I think this was brought up in this thread not so long ago... Boa and oppa used to be very good friends... They got close because of the Ting CF... They were like bro-sis to each other... Then rumors spread that they were dating w/c is not true... So Boa's manager told Geunsuk to stay away from Boa cuz it might ruin her career as well as his... So it's like they're friendship faded away... Yeah, it's kinda sad :( Did I state it correctly? LoL! :D

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Guest blessed_2_be

Awwww............that JGS/Boa story is so sad!!!! :tears:

Gosh....I hate it how these things happen!! :(

Poor both of them........

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Guest tuchee11

Jang Geun Suk attending an event recently :)



credit naver

more Caffe Latte pics :D










credit dckeunsuk

Gaaaah! There's loads of Caffe Latte pics lately :D

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Guest bluishbong01

Hi! I'm a new fan of his. Does anyone know where I can possibly download Happy Life with eng subs? I really want to watch this movie.:D

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Guest tuchee11

Hi bluishbong01! Welcome to the thread fellow eel! It's nice to see you here :D Unfortunately, there's no upload yet of Happy Life on the web cuz I think it's still not released on DVD? :sweatingbullets: I really wanna watch it too! Gaaaaaah! :lol:


credit dckeunsuk







hmmmm... wonder what's the event... it's probably today/yesterday :)


related articles.... I hope someone can translate this :D Thanks in advance! ;)



[스포츠동아 오프닝 파티] 박진희 “생애 첫 경험, 이렇게 즐거울 수가”

서긔 부분만.

○… ‘꽃미남’ 장근석이 ‘누나’들의 열렬한 환호를 받았다. 장근석이 포토월에서 포즈를 취하자 팬들은 “근석아 누나왔다!”고 외쳐 시선을 사로잡았다. 그는 이어 오후 8시 입장하자마자 숨겨둔 스넵 댄스 실력을 선보였다. 공연이 끝나고 다른 스타들이 빠져나간 이후에도 끝까지 클럽에 남아 팬들과 즐거운 시간을 보내며 파티의 마스코트 역할을 했다.


[스포츠동아 오프닝 파티] ‘힙쇼’ 쥬얼리와 흔들… 황홀한 밤

‘힙’(Hip)의 잔치였다.

‘힙’한 스타들과 트렌드 리더들이 가장 ‘힙’한 장소에서 함께 어우러져 말 그대로 뜨거운 열정이 넘쳐나는 ‘힙’한 쇼를 만들어냈다.

유 행을 선도하는 대중문화 일간지 ‘스포츠동아’가 30일 오후 8시부터 서울 청담동 클럽 서클에서 창간 이벤트로 ‘스포츠동아 오프닝 파티-Hip Show(힙쇼)’를 펼쳤다. ‘힙’이란 ‘멋있다’는 의미의 ‘핫’(hot)과 ‘쿨’(cool)을 대신해 요즘 트렌드를 이끄는 젊은 세대에서 두루 쓰이는 신조어다.

‘Hip Show'는 식전행사인 화려한 레드카펫에서부터 시작됐다. 연예계 대표적인 패셔니스트 이정재와 김정은을 시작으로 박진희, 이진, 박시연 등 미녀 배우들이 차례로 힙한 스타일을 뽐냈다. 트렌드 세터로 손꼽히는 장근석과 고주원, 박해일, 전진, 김동완 등도 자리를 빛냈다. 아울러 손담비와 선하 등 ‘제 2의 이효리’로 각광받는 신예 스타들도 참석했다.

YTN스타의 ‘스타뉴스’, M.net '와이드 연예뉴스'와 ‘트렌드 리포트 필’, tvN ‘E뉴스’, OCN '연예뉴스 O', Etn ‘ENU’ 등 국내 방송사 연예프로그램은 물론 중국 케이블채널 팝TV 등의 연예프로그램 취재진도 이날 레드카펫 행사를 지켜보며 취재 경쟁을 벌였다.

화 려한 디제잉 쇼에 이은 ‘힙’한 여가수들의 축하무대도 펼쳐졌다. 여성그룹 쥬얼리는 ‘원 모어 타임’과 ‘슈퍼스타’를 부르며 ‘스포츠동아 오프닝파티-Hip Show’의 본격적인 막을 올렸다. 장내는 젊음의 열기로 달궈져갔다. 브라운아이드걸스는 ‘L.O.V.E’ ‘홀드 더 라인’으로 ‘힙’한 분위기를 더욱 뜨겁게 이어갔다.

일렉트로니카로 파격 변신한 거미는 빅뱅의 래퍼 T.O.P와 무대에 올라 ‘미안해요’, ‘어른아이’를 열창했다. 이어 힙합 3인조 45rpm이 ‘살짝쿵’을 부르며 축하공연을 마무리했다. 무대를 즐긴 스타들과 참석자들은 모두 하나가 되어 리듬에 몸을 실었다.

‘스포츠동아 오프닝파티-Hip Show’의 진행을 맡은 혼성그룹 무가당의 프라임은 이날 재치 넘치는 언변과 매끈한 진행솜씨를 유감없이 발휘하며 주목을 받았다.

이날 ‘스포츠동아 오프닝파티-Hip Show’에는 스타들과 영화, 방송, 가요계 등 엔터테인먼트업계 종사자, 스포츠동아 독자 등 500여명이 참석해 열기를 더했다.


팀장=김재범 엔터테인먼트부 부장

엔터테인먼트부=김원겸 허민녕 이해리 이경호 이정연 홍재현 기자

레저생활부=주영로 원성열 기자

사진부=임진환 양회성 기자


pics credit to dckeunsuk

I think oppa attended an event called Hip-Show... An opening party for Sports Dong-A... I'm not very sure about that :sweatingbullets: I hope someone could help us out ;)

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Guest nFn_jaejoong

hi guys XD

or should i say HI EELS !!

i'm new to this thread XD

and yeah!!! i'm also one of Geun Suk fans XD

waaaaaaaa!! and sillyYUN you can count me in for the Bday Project !

waaa~ cant wait to send him a letter XD

wow!! theres lots of pic too !!!!


he is sooooo DAMN CUTE!!!

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Guest bluishbong01

Hi bluishbong01! Welcome to the thread fellow eel! It's nice to see you here :D Unfortunately, there's no upload yet of Happy Life on the web cuz I think it's still not released on DVD? :sweatingbullets: I really wanna watch it too! Gaaaaaah! :lol:]

Thanks for the warm welcome!!!:D

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Guest DongBangBoys

Welcome new eels!!!

About the Boa-Geunsuk issue... I think this was brought up in this thread not so long ago... Boa and oppa used to be very good friends... They got close because of the Ting CF... They were like bro-sis to each other... Then rumors spread that they were dating w/c is not true... So Boa's manager told Geunsuk to stay away from Boa cuz it might ruin her career as well as his... So it's like they're friendship faded away... Yeah, it's kinda sad Did I state it correctly? LoL!

OMG really? That's so sad!! Poor Geun Suk!!

and laiyiwen and tuchee11: thanks for those gorgeous pictures!!!

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Guest suju sarang

i love all the lovely pics of jang geun suk..i really cant wait for the movie of his to come out in america..im like looking everywhere to watch it..oh my~ hes already turning 21?!?! it seems like hes turning like 18 haha..he looks soo young..that article is gonna take me a while to read..ill probably read it later..i wish i could write to him..

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Guest nFn_jaejoong

waa~ just heard bout geun suk and BoA~ how sad T_T

their friendship just ended up like that D:

WOAH! can someone tell me where i can download Jang Geun Suk performance etc?

for now, i only have a some collection of his Mv blackNjean and the BSX CF~ ah! and his perf with heechul "ballerino"


that is so few >_<"

i want to search for his performance, but don't know where to look around..

help me ..please *battling eyes* :wub:

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