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Jang Keun Suk 장근석


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whoa!!! thanks for the yepp video's ahahaha

i remember when i first saw that it was like

drooolllss!!! geunsuk ahaha

why is your so sweet/hot and all of the above ahahaha

i saw the new notice from geunsuk officil webisite this thread is so fast im translating it now but i think some one already posted the translation ahahaha

i was thinking to join the taiwan fan meeting although im hir in the philippines ahahah but i think i have 50/50 chaces exams and work are killing me i think il just wait for geunsuk in philippines fan meet ^^

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Guest miniejungle

thank you shiro sis for the link! you make my day - i thought i would not find part 1 anymore... :)

here's one notice from Sukkie's website. look like the merchandise will be sold through only innolife and dvdheaven.

could someone please confirm? ta ta, cri!

장근석 MD굿즈 해외 판매 사이트 안내

안녕하세요. 트리제이컴퍼니입니다.

장근석 MD굿즈를 해외에서 구입할 수 있는

판매 사이트를 안내해드리겠습니다.

http://dvdheaven.com -> 중화권

http://innolife.co.kr -> 일본

많은 관심 부탁드립니다. 감사합니다.

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3300NT is about US$100 right? I think that's about right for a VIP seat...

whereas in Korea, Tree J did everything themselves, it would be impossible to do so for overseas FM. They would have to rely on local companies to take care of it for them, and the local company would want to make a profit, of course... *hopefully the Spore FM's VIP seat would be about the same or cheaper... :P*

I just hope there's some benefit for the members, like they can reserve tickets first or there are designated seats for members...

I checked the innolife link, but I think they only cater to Japan market. All the prices are in Yen, and the website is in Japanese. When I checked out the other innolife (the one where we pre-ordered our DVD; website in chinese and prices in US$), there's no mention of Keun Suk's merchandise. So I assume the innolife is for Japan market only and DVD Heaven for the rest of the world... :D

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Guest SoyaBeans

thank you shiro sis for the link! you make my day - i thought i would not find part 1 anymore... :)

here's one notice from Sukkie's website. look like the merchandise will be sold through only innolife and dvdheaven.

could someone please confirm? ta ta, cri!

장근석 MD굿즈 해외 판매 사이트 안내

안녕하세요. 트리제이컴퍼니입니다.

장근석 MD굿즈를 해외에서 구입할 수 있는

판매 사이트를 안내해드리겠습니다.

http://dvdheaven.com -> 중화권

http://innolife.co.kr -> 일본

많은 관심 부탁드립니다. 감사합니다.

this is talking about how to order FM goods. 1 via http://dvdheaven.com & 2. via http://innolife.co.kr

hope this clarified.


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3300NT is about US$100 right? I think that's about right for a VIP seat...

whereas in Korea, Tree J did everything themselves, it would be impossible to do so for overseas FM. They would have to rely on local companies to take care of it for them, and the local company would want to make a profit, of course... *hopefully the Spore FM's VIP seat would be about the same or cheaper... :P*

I just hope there's some benefit for the members, like they can reserve tickets first or there are designated seats for members...

it is reasonable...VIP seats are usually around (in Malaysia its usually around 300-400...and US$100 is about RM340)

and shiro, did they send any merch to u after they approve the membership?

~~~waiting for singapore fm date~~~

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Guest brumeux

.... he has a way with words.

:lol: i am so agree and loving this 'skill' of him

NT3300 is about SGD150

so i guess the pricing in Singapore will be more or less around there?

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The admin said they will send membership package after the fan meeting. Didn't say whether it will be the same stuff as the Korean members (cell phone strap?) because I heard something about a mouse pad (although I'm not gonna use it for sure... what if Sukkie's face got scratched? :lol: ) But at the moment, the package hasn't arrived yet...

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Guest crazy_guava

Amesy, you are malaysian? let's go together to Singapore Fan Meeting..

i agree that what amesy said, it is reasonable...

The most cheaper ticket are 1200TWD that's mean about RM130...

Shiro401, they don't sell goods in innolife chinese website?

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Guest brumeux

The admin said they will send membership package after the fan meeting. Didn't say whether it will be the same stuff as the Korean members (cell phone strap?) because I heard something about a mouse pad (although I'm not gonna use it for sure... what if Sukkie's face got scratched? :lol: ) But at the moment, the package hasn't arrived yet...

shiro401, is this from the latest notice in the official website?

saw a new notice with some 'FM' in it

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Shiro401, they don't sell goods in innolife chinese website?

I couldn't find it...

If you go to the Japanese site (http://innolife.co.kr) the link to the FM merchandise is at the very bottom...

And here is the chinese site: http://shop.innolife.com/shop/index.php

There's no mention of official goods there...

shiro401, is this from the latest notice in the official website?

saw a new notice with some 'FM' in it

No, the latest notice is for the chinese fans who are concerned about the Beijing fan meeting. There are some issues, and the notice said to be cautious, etc.

Wanna read some fan account of the Fan Meeting? Someone wrote about it at sears' blog... :D


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Amesy, you are malaysian? let's go together to Singapore Fan Meeting..

i agree that what amesy said, it is reasonable...

The most cheaper ticket are 1200TWD that's mean about RM130...

Shiro401, they don't sell goods in innolife chinese website?

hi crazyguava! yes i from msia...and yes i m plannin to go to the fm in spore!!!haha...gettin all excited d...

we are actually plannin to set up a msian eels community, but we're still workin on the template (we have bad css skills haha)...the community name is keunsukj

pls email me k (aymes.6@gmail.com)....i am groupin msian eels...so far there are 11...

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Guest kittiwan

Hello fellow eels!

This is my first post here, but i've been lurking since December. Anyway, I need to know what Tree-J's phone number is so that me and my friend can transfer FC fees to their KEB account through Shinhan Bank here in LA. KEB only does financial services and doesn't handle banking.

Googling, we got two numbers:

82-2 3410-3000

( from the official FC post of Ks_holic and also by yana. We called this number and we got the Samsung Medical Center in Gangnam, but it's on a different street as Tree-J's address)

82-2 540-6959

( from his official Japanese FC's website. We also called this number to confirm. But we didn't manage to communicate because we could only speak in Japanese and English. But then we managed to trace it to an architechtural firm on hellopages.korea.com)

We also posted on the FC Q&A board ( got the answer from yana). We also sent email to Tree-J ( no reply yet).

We sure would appreciate any help on the matter.

Are there any other LA fans here who managed to successfully send FC fees to Tree-J's account? Which bank did you use?

One other thing, how do you write Tree-J in Hanggul?

Thank you so much,


PS Dear mods, I hope this is allowed.

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Guest SoyaBeans

Hello fellow eels!

82-2 3410-3000

( from the official FC post of Ks_holic and also by yana. We called this number and we got the Samsung Medical Center in Gangnam, but it's on a different street as Tree-J's address)

82-2 540-6959

( from his official Japanese FC's website. We also called this number to confirm. But we didn't manage to communicate because we could only speak in Japanese and English. But then we managed to trace it to an architechtural firm on hellopages.korea.com)

I think the 1st one is correct. btw, Tree-J staff is not good in English & they don't reply mail individually. so hopeless to get their reply.

anyway,hope this wud help.

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There are three more notices at the official website... can someone give us ideas what they are about?

Notice #1

정회원신청 및 환불관련 공지입니다.

안녕하세요 트리제이 컴퍼니 입니다.

다시 추워진 날씨에 감기 조심하시길 바랍니다.

다름이 아니오라 정회원 신청 및 환불에 대해

다시한번 알려드리고자합니다.

첫째, 정회원 신청은 2월20일(토)까지만 받도록 하겠습니다.

기간은 사전에 공지한 바와같이 2010년 12월31일까지이며

변동 사항은 없습니다.

추후 추가신청이 필요하다고 판단될 경우

다시한번 공지올리겠습니다.

둘째, 환불에 대한 신청은 2월 5,6,7일 3일간 자유게시판 환불관련글에

비밀댓글을 달아주시기 바랍니다.

단, 환불대상자는 아래와 같으니 참고해 주시기 바랍니다.

- 아래 -

1) 12월14일 입금자중 중복입금하신분

2) 환불신청후 준회원으로 강등되신 회원분

3) 비회원으로 팬미팅 참가 신청후 불참하신분

위 사항에 해당되시는 분들에 한하여 환불조치가 있을예정입니다.

그리고 이전공지에 대해 약간의 오해가 있으신 분들을 위해

입금하신 내역에 대해 간단히 설명드리고자 합니다.

1) 연회비 2만원 : 정회원으로서 입금하신 금액(2만원)은 팬미팅 참가비가

아닌 1년 연회비 입니다. 팬미팅 참가비와 무관하다는 점

알아주시기 바랍니다.

2) 비회원 1만원 : 이금액을(1만원) 입금하신 분들은 비회원 자격으로

팬미팅에 참여하고 싶다고 신청해주신 분들에 한하여

참가비를 받은것입니다.

지금까지 설명해 드린바와 같이 운영하였으며 이외의 사항은 없습니다.

앞으로 더좋은 서비스와 알찬 컨텐츠로 회원 여러분깨 보답하는

모습 보여드리겠습니다.


- 트리제이 컴퍼니 -

Notice #2

개인정보유출에 대한 후속조치 및 사과문

안녕하세요 트리제이컴퍼니 입니다.

팬미팅 준비 기간중 일어났던 불미스러운 업무처리에 대해

사과말씀 드리고자 합니다.

이번 문제에 대하여 저희 회사는 책임을 통감하며 후속조치로서

홈페이지 관리 및 마케팅 담당 실무자를 경질 하였습니다.

이번 조치로 모든것이 일단락 된것은 아니오나

본사는 절대 회원 여러분들께 피해가 생기는 일이 없도록

홈페이지 관리 업체와 연계하여 지속적인 관리와 조치를 취하고 있음을


다시한번 불미스러운 일처리에 대해 사과드리며

앞으로 실수를 반복하지 않고 더욱 발전된 모습을 보여드릴것을



- 트리제이컴퍼니 -

Notice #3

대만팬미팅 티켓구입에대한 공지입니다.

안녕하세요 트리제이컴퍼니 입니다.

이번 투어에 관심을 가져주셔서 감사합니다.

먼저 대만팬미팅에 참여하시고자 하는 국내 회원분들께

티켓구입 안내 공지를 올립니다.

HS미디어와의 거듭된 회의를 거친 결과 현지의 여러가지 상황에 맞춰

진행하여 한국 팬들에게 별도의 단독구역을 배정하지 않을계획입니다.

하지만 해외사이트를 통해 티켓판매가 이루어지고 있어

여러분께 좀 더 나은 편의를 제공하기위해

티켓 구매대행을 진행하려 합니다.

티켓구매대행은 HS미디어에서 진행하오니 아래와같이

신청하여 주시기 바랍니다.

- 아 래 -

1, 모집기간 : 2월5일~2월6일 저녁 9시까지

(대만현지시각 2월7일 오후12시티켓오픈)

현지의 좌석여유 상황을 시시간으로 체크하여 구매하는 것입니다.

이에 좌석을 지정하거나 따로 구역이 있는것이 아니오니

주의하시기 바랍니다.

2, 접수방법 : 온라인 메일신청 hsmediaKR@paran.com

(1,본인성함 2, 연락처 3, 원하는티켓가격)

3, 티켓가격(한화)

R석 : 119,000원

S석 : 108,000원

A석 : 90,000원

B석 : 65,000원

C석 : 44,000원

4, 좌석안내 : 메일 접수가 확인되는대로 개개인에게 연락들 드리고

좌석안내를 받으셔서 결제되면 발권진행 합니다.

5, 티켓수령 : 현장수령으로 진행합니다.

이상 티켓구입 방법이었습니다.

위사항은 HS미디어 측에서 보내온 내용입니다.

자세한 문의는 HS미디어(070-7783-4485 오전10시~오후7시까지)

로 문의해 주시기 바랍니다.

늦은 공지에 다시한번 사과 드리며 많은 관심과 사랑에 감사드립니다.

- 트리제이 컴퍼니 -

This reminds me... need to sign up for Korean lesson soon... B)

Another pic of bts of the FM... the day must be cold... he even needed to hide his hand inside the sleeves. And the more I see him wearing that hoodie sweatshirt, the more I want to buy it... :lol: A good model for business marketing... :P


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update on Taiwan's fanmeeting ticket price:

VIP 3300/ 3000 /2500 / 1800 / 1200 (Taiwan Dollars)


correct me if i'm wrong. ^^

the ticket price is quite expensive but its worth it right? afterall its not everyday that you're in the same place as JKS.. B)

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Actually i feel very hard on him to continuous working and preparing for fms and studying at the same time after yab shooting even he has a short break in the middle but it s still very tiring for him ba....

i feel very bad sometime i am like wanting to see his new prokect fast so i hope he will continue working and working and also want to see him in sg soon so i hope he will come faster but i sometimes think that am i too selfish to lead him to overwork......

but somehow i know that if he take a longer break, his popularity might go down as if we dont get to see him more for a long period we might not be as crazy as now ba...

so he has to grab this peak period of his career in order to gain more regconity and popularity so he will be next Bae Yong jun just shoot 1 drama in a long time can already. but i somehw hope that he wont be like that as he can shoot one drama or movie once a year like that we eels wont wait until our necks long like girrafes

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Actually i feel very hard on him to continuous working and preparing for fms and studying at the same time after yab shooting even he has a short break in the middle but it s still very tiring for him ba....

i feel very bad sometime i am like wanting to see his new prokect fast so i hope he will continue working and working and also want to see him in sg soon so i hope he will come faster but i sometimes think that am i too selfish to lead him to overwork......

You're sooooooooooo right! but...this is what a celeb life is.(?) :/ but imo, i think he enjoys what he is doing! :) He put sooo much effort into all the fms. That is what i admire about our jks! xDD


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