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[Drama 2010] Still, Marry Me / The Woman Who Still Wants To Marry 아직도 결혼하고 싶은 여ì

Guest purpleZ

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Guest favoree

I have just watched the 9th episode..... Though I don't understand what's really going on, but guys, KB is awesome there! What did they do to make him act like this? And he strangely looks much younger with this gray hair. Now he is truly just a boy. If there is a generous person here , please explain in few words, what is going on. Thank you !

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I have just watched the 9th episode..... Though I don't understand what's really going on, but guys, KB is awesome there! What did they do to make him act like this? And he strangely looks much younger with this gray hair. Now he is truly just a boy. If there is a generous person here , please explain in few words, what is going on. Thank you !

U already watched ep9??whaa~soo jealous of u.where did u watch it?

i try to look previous page to find if someone put up the link to watch the live streaming,but cnt find it.

and i realise that not so many people know about this drama..

such a waste,kim bum's acting has improved,its worth to watch even raw :P

PJH is a good actress.

gotta spread the love~~~!

:lol: :lol: :lol:

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Guest purpleZ

Hey guys, just got back from work. I can't wait to watch episode 9!!

Alongside with Kwon Sang Woo, Cha Seung Won, Kim Seung Woo and others.

[ChanMi's movie news] Park Jin-hee and T.O.P a couple in "Into the Gunfire"


Choi Seung-hyeon also known as T.O.P is to be coupled with Park Jin-hee in a new war movie!

The movie is set in the 6.25 war that was in the 1950s.


Thanks for the info on PJH latest movies, JEYEF. I've read this already, but forgot... Oh, she's going to fall in love with a student again?

First off, thanx for the welcome the other day, purpleZ. I tried hard to sidestep this thread b/c I want to not spoiler myself but the drama just make me so in love with it that I just can't help myself. Also I totally need to flail with others about this even though I persuaded 3 of my friends to watch this already (and they're all squealing with me), but it's the power of this drama that I still need more flailing partners. hurhur

And I agree with you at how cute SY runs. I keep on replaying this scene b/c I thought the way her butt wiggle when running was adorable and I meant that in a very non pervy way. I just like how the woman has a nice hip and butt unlike the extremely skinny women you tend to see in celeb world.

I really like the thoughts the drama production team put into styling each character. Each has their own style that reflect their jobs and characteristics. Also their music usage is ACE! , no song is on constant repeat and when they do use music, it's done with the intention to extract emotion from us audience and boy, do they do that well!

I think it will be interesting to see the relationship b/t MJ and SY now that the pursue is over. Often in drama, the whole plot is revolve around main players trying to hook up but then you don't really see what happen afterward so I hope this drama explore that aspect.

Np, dreamgazer1985 :) I also tried to persuade my friend to watch this. We watched together 5 episodes a day. She liked it too! :D

Not only her butt wiggle, her arms swaying too :D She's one actress with hot body. Have you seen her pictures before? I'm a woman and I want that bod :D

Yup, the OST fits the mood so much. Too bad there are some instrumental songs not included in the OST.

I think SW and SM will hook up though. Seen their looks in the eyes to each other. I hope it won't become a big of an obstacle to MJ-SY relationship. They MUST end together :)

In 2009, I separated myself from Korean dramas because they're pretty much are un-original, predictable and the actors & actresses are blah. I was disappointed in 2009 in dramas (apart from City Hall/You're Beautiful/Shinning Inheritance) and the Kpop music industry (all the bands looks the same; there's nothing that set them apart) therefore, I chose to travel to Taiwanese drama land! (which is a decision I don't regret). But 2010 is hopeful in the land of Korean dramas because of "Still, Marry me". "Still, Marry me" is making me all giggle and stuff. I can't STOP thinking about this drama! That's how much I love it! I'm 26 so I can relate to the down-to-earth female characters. The plot is not unique, but the characters, the mood and the realistic issues makes the drama worthwhile for me. As for Kim Bum; I believe that his character fits him perfectly. Kim Bum is so much better in this drama then in Boys before flowers! Talk about an improvement! Yay for Bummie! I don't speak Korean so the only way I can understand what's happening in the drama episodes is with the recaps of javabeans from dramabeans.com and cause of you guys in the forum! I am 150% sure that once the drama ends that I will end up buying it on dvd!

To irenns and favoree. I'm downloading episode 9 now and will watch it later. I will try to do a quick summary. Please check back :)

U already watched ep9??whaa~soo jealous of u.where did u watch it?

i try to look previous page to find if someone put up the link to watch the live streaming,but cnt find it.

and i realise that not so many people know about this drama..

such a waste,kim bum's acting has improved,its worth to watch even raw :P

PJH is a good actress.

gotta spread the love~~~!

:lol: :lol: :lol:

There's still no episode 9 live streaming as far as I know. I think it's downloaded file. I think the thing that not many people watch this drama because they already started watching Chuno (for any reason, Koreans LOVE sageuk (epic dramas). Almost all sageuk shows have high ratings, for example Queen Seon Deok).

Yes, spread the love for Park Jin Hee :D

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Guest epixeltwin

I just rewatched the end of ep.8 :mellow: ... damn that was pretty strong. Even though I'm a guy, with the acting and especially that soundtrack my heart is somewhat rocked, I feel like I'm in shambles right now and I think I'll need a few workouts to surrvive until I can see eps 9-10 subbed :(.

I'm really puzzled by something though...Can anyone explain to me how they interpreted this, I'm unsure about what happened:

Shin Young is obviously amazed and has her heart fluttering when she sees all the candles and walks up to the end of that hallway. And when she sees Min Jae, she seems a bit angry/disappointed. So I'm bewildered... I mean, who did she expect to see? It was pretty obvious that it was him, so why does she react the way she did and act all upset. I sure hope she didn't wish it was Sang Woo, but from all the previous scenes and what she said to her roommates and Sang Woo she obviously has feelings for MJ deep down somewhere in there and is over Sang Woo. Especially with the foreshadowing we saw and the scene with Min Jae's mom & SW.

I think I'm going crazy here, and the fact that there's no WUAS/SFFTS this week REALLY doesn't help. Heck, I'm Canadian and hating the olympics right now. No NHL matches & no SFFTS... pisses me off, no way I'm all excited about Biathlon. And the hockey tournament isn't THAT exciting because we already know what's going to happen.

Torrent Link Ep9 (DokGoDie):



Cute girl will you marry me? :P I'm a hard-working dongsaeng too!

thanks infinitely you're like, providing raw torrents all the time and it's a huge help.... I wish I knew how to use Clubbox, I tried to sign up but it's allllll Korean and no translator works with that site :(

also: gahhh can,t WAIT for subs of this... this drama is so addictive. I like it even better than Wish Upon A Star / SFFTS and LYATT...... so awesome. I love all the girls, and Kim Bum does a great job. Sang Woo is annoying though, he's the most plainest and boring character ever. If SY doesn't end up with MJ I think I'll blow up the planet.

Also ep.8.... ahhh seeing Wang Bit Na with this super short pajama sure was a highlight =D

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Pictures from episode 9:

On slideshow/webplayer:



















End of Episode 9.

purpleZ...I'm happy too...hehe...smiling from ear to ear...hehe...great episode today. :)

epixeltwin...sorry to hear that...sigh...

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Guest purpleZ

My dear Luv! You make me super duper happy! :D

I just rewatched the end of ep.8 :mellow: ... damn that was pretty strong. Even though I'm a guy, with the acting and especially that soundtrack my heart is somewhat rocked, I feel like I'm in shambles right now and I think I'll need a few workouts to surrvive until I can see eps 9-10 subbed :(.

I'm really puzzled by something though...Can anyone explain to me how they interpreted this, I'm unsure about what happened:

Shin Young is obviously amazed and has her heart fluttering when she sees all the candles and walks up to the end of that hallway. And when she sees Min Jae, she seems a bit angry/disappointed. So I'm bewildered... I mean, who did she expect to see? It was pretty obvious that it was him, so why does she react the way she did and act all upset. I sure hope she didn't wish it was Sang Woo, but from all the previous scenes and what she said to her roommates and Sang Woo she obviously has feelings for MJ deep down somewhere in there and is over Sang Woo. Especially with the foreshadowing we saw and the scene with Min Jae's mom & SW.

... If SY doesn't end up with MJ I think I'll blow up the planet.

It's really cute that we have a Canadian guy here addicted to this particular K-drama :D We're on the same boat!

Let me explain the candle scene. Shin Young didn't expect anybody in particular in my opinion. She was just amazed looking at so many candles. I think I would smile and woooow the whole way too. SY was mad at MJ because of the bet. MJ said that SY is foolish by misunderstanding the situation herself. MJ explained that he started the whole bet because he was interested in her that his feelings now grows. He starts to really like her. Then he leaned over as though he's going to kiss her. But surprisingly SY anticipated the kiss and just stood there. So obviously she's not that mad and she does like him. But I think you must have watched it with the english subs. So you knew about the conversation.

... If SY doesn't end up with MJ I think I'll blow up the planet. (I have the same sentiment!)

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Guest spicycurry

oh ppl.. :( :( :( :(

disaster strucked & no MBC tonight. just a scene or 2 then froze - i was forced to watch Chuno instead (good ep ending tho) so im counting on you guys.. thousand of thanks in advance!!!

in the meantime hv to be nice to husband and get him to torrent me the raws once it's available later

Episode #9 and Minjae's new hair are streaming at Dramastyle.

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Guest epixeltwin

My dear Luv! You make me super duper happy! :D

you make ME super stressed and spoil the whole thing by watching these pictures -_-

It's really cute that we have a Canadian guy here addicted to this particular K-drama :D We're on the same boat!

haha, best boat to be on. It's not the only drama I'm addicted to atm hehe (well I'm usually pretty intense and get addicted to anything I like, if I'm not addicted to it I just drop it)...I also LOVE Stars falling from the sky now, because I really like stuff with kids & family

Let me explain the candle scene.
Yeah I think I get what you mean, but I DO know what happened there because I watched it with subs...you watch it raw? What you say ddoes makes sense, maybe she really wasn't expecting anyone in particular. I still thought the whole way she behaved was a bit cold. I mean, he did do that CRAZY romantic setup & everything, on top of that, he WAS honest with her there and at the café in episode 7 and finally he's ALWAYS helping her... She did not lean away from that expected kiss but still the fact that she just stays passive really shows how insecure she is, and I have to say it ticked me off. All in all I'm surprised, because when I started to watch this show, I really really thought he was going to be the player and she was going to be hurt all the time, but in fact she's the cold one, with all her "mature woman" issues and always keeping him on edge. Just hoping he doesn't get too tired of it honestly =/

... If SY doesn't end up with MJ I think I'll blow up the planet. (I have the same sentiment!)

yeah how can I get so immersed in a freakin story -_-

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Guest favoree

Honestly, I 'll go all crazy tonight. because I don't understand why NOTHING happens between MJ and SY? Somebody help please!!!

The guy is obviously dying to love her and she is doing WTF? Although on her place I would also wait for him to make the first move. :wacko::blink:

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Guest purpleZ

Yeah I think I get what you mean, but I DO know what happened there because I watched it with subs...you watch it raw? What you say ddoes makes sense, maybe she really wasn't expecting anyone in particular. I still thought the whole way she behaved was a bit cold. I mean, he did do that CRAZY romantic setup & everything, on top of that, he WAS honest with her there and at the café in episode 7 and finally he's ALWAYS helping her... She did not lean away from that expected kiss but still the fact that she just stays passive really shows how insecure she is, and I have to say it ticked me off. All in all I'm surprised, because when I started to watch this show, I really really thought he was going to be the player and she was going to be hurt all the time, but in fact she's the cold one, with all her "mature woman" issues and always keeping him on edge. Just hoping he doesn't get too tired of it honestly =/

I've re-watched a lot of times, raw and with subs just a couple of days ago. Couldn't wait for the subs. I understand some Korean and challenging myself to learn it the hard way ;) Luckily a kind soul translated the candle scene here. Love him/her! :D

How did you start to like Kdrama? You live in Canada right?

Honestly, I 'll go all crazy tonight. because I don't understand why NOTHING happens between MJ and SY? Somebody help please!!!

The guy is obviously dying to love her and she is doing WTF? Although on her place I would also wait for him to make the first move. :wacko::blink:

I haven't watched, so I can't judge much. You must mean a kiss or something? I think they're starting going on a date or something? Many sweet scenes of the two of them...

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Guest purpleZ

Kim Bum treats Still’s staff to rice-cake soup

February 16, 2010


On Lunar New Year, Kim Bum sent a special holiday meal of traditional rice-cake soup to the Still’s crews, who were still filming the drama during the new year break. Because of the tight schedule, Still’s crews didn’t stop filming on the New Year’s Day. Kim Bum’s holiday soup was a pleasant surprise for everyone on the set.

Kim Bum expressed, ” Without taking some time off during the New Year’s Day, I was looking forward to celebrating the New Year with all the crews, eating the rice-cake soup together, which seems more meaningful to me now. I’ll try my best to portray my role.”

Source: Bumsso Wordpress

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Guest epixeltwin

haha, I think I'll just suffer the long waiting time and watch with subs, reading synopsis/recaps and THEN watching the whole thing RAW, or the opposite, will just spoil it for me.

I've re-watched a lot of times, raw and with subs just a couple of days ago. Couldn't wait for the subs. I understand some Korean and challenging myself to learn it the hard way ;) Luckily a kind soul translated the candle scene here. Love him/her! :D

I wish I could understand Kdrama... when I watch Jdrama/movies I can sometimes get the gist of it by understanding a word here and there but I'm pretty much at a loss still, and korean is even worse so I can't even think of trying :(

How did you start to like Kdrama? You live in Canada right?

yup I do. I've always been into asian stuff from food to Japanese rock...but I first got into it because a vietnamese friend of mine once told me to check some Kdrama out and recommended some titles and stuff, so I went on mySoju back then and just read the synopsis of the top popular ones...and as soon as I started to watch Coffee Prince I got hooked to it. I have quite a few series under my belt. I watched Jdrama before Kdrama, but although there are a few good japanese series I like Kdrama much better.

Also, WOW, Kim Bum, nice guy! Haha I feel hungry now =/. I hope he keeps their moral up because honestly I'm concerned by the low ratings. All the historical series always get top slots, I really don't understand how they are so popular.

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Guest dreamgazer1985

Episode #9 and Minjae's new hair are streaming at Dramastyle.

@spicycurry; I'm not sure if you intended it or not but your quote crack me up. " Minjae's new hair are streaming" haha...ok sorry I'm just really easily amused.

So I gave in and dl-ed 9 raw, altho to be frank, there really wasn't a war to begin with, My obsessive need for this drama raise the white flag like awhile ago. Complete surrender!

And although I have no idea what's going on that didn't stop me from squealing over certain parts in 9 and the beginning of 9 was so nail biting! egads!

@epixeltwin: I don't mean any offense but I think it's pretty kick richard simmons that this series has a devoted fanboy also. =D

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