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Edison Chen : Repairing My Computer Was My Biggest Regret, Forever Friends With Nicholas Tse


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Guest Tonyc402

I've never liked him! and i think people wouldn't have hated him so much if he weren't such a cocky arrogant jerk who thinks he's so hot that he can get any gals he wants. He has no talent and is only popular because of his good looks. The world is a shallow place, if he was butt ugly, i think most of you wouldn't have sticked up for him.

Oh yeah , hes sooooooo good looking thats why Im defending him :rolleyes: . It doesnt take a rocket scientist to look at the picture and see that the girls in the picture were VOLUNTARILY to be in the pictures the whole time . So its their fault as well and not just Edison's.People aren't saying that it isnt his fault but that the blame shouldnt be focused on JUST him. It should be blamed to all of them who were in it. He didnt forcefully take pictures of them, it was all mutual. The only thing thats stupid is that he got it repaired and thats it. And just an FYI, hes actually not doing too bad even tho most of HK hates him , he owns his own music record company called CMD (Clot Media Division) and clothing line CLOT , so I don't really think hes that untalented. So don't go thinking just because hes "good looking" that thats the reason that some people here are defending his richard simmons.

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Guest smirk_it

First all, Gillian played the cute and innocent role because EEG wanted the audience to view Twins as innocent cute girls. Second, Gillian never blamed Edison for the photos being leaked. She mostly blamed herself for doing such a stupid thing. Also, if looking at her TVB interview back in March made certain people sick then its their own fault because no one asked them to look at it.

The only person who really threw blame at Edison was Cecilia.She got on national television claiming that Edison never called to apologize for the photos being leaked. That's where all that apology nonsense came from, Cecilia :angry:

I feel Edison, Gillian and Cecilia are all victims. The only person to blame is the repair guy who thought it was funny ruining people careers. He better hope Karma don't bit him in the but!

I did watch the interview (the private one), her way of blaming edison for the whole situation was actually quite passive agressive. When the interviewer asked her if edison called to say sorry, she burst out into tears and said no, the way cecilia blamed him for the situation also. I tried to youtube that interview, but the only one they have is the public one where she stands infront of the crowd and talks.

And it doesn't matter that she played the cute and innocent role, you still have to practice what you preach. It's like a politician who preaches he's against drugs and enforces stricter laws on it and then does drugs on the side. Who the hell would want to obey the law then? And believe anything else he says? If she couldn't practice what she preaches, then she should of just kept her mouth shut. Now she's just caught with a foot in her mouth.

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Guest rinoa89

I agree with Edison. I don't think he is the "bad guy" in this situation. Why is he blame for everything? Just because the girls cry and act like they didn't know jack mini cooper, they were easily forgiven? Thats pretty bull. They knew exactly what they are in for and they agree to take pictures and have sex with him. If they didn't want the pictures, they could of easily told Edison, "no pictures". Yes, it was a mistake for him to fix his computer but he didn't know someone would acutally go hack into his computer and do this to him. It was all an ACCIDENT, no one wanted this to happen.

I'm sure a lot of the girls are disgusted at Edison because of this whole sexual scandal. But it was a normal thing that they made such a huge deal about. I'm getting really tired of girls calling him perverted horndog and so on. He likes SEX okay, is that a crime? We all will have sex in our life one day, and for the girls..you are planning to have kids one day right?

What he did with the girls are personal. I'm sure he is not the only celebrity that takes naked/sex photos, and I'm sure not only celebrities but normal people out there as welll.

I still don't understand why after this happened, people have a "different view" on him. Why is that? Is it because he had sex with lots of girls? Or the fact he takes pictures of them? Why don't people have a different view on the all the ladies he slept with? They were the one who agree to take pictures and posing sexually infront of the camera. They just had to put the blame on Edison Chen because I duno..He's a perverted horny bastard? Yeah, maybe thats why. I say it's both at fault, and it is not Edison's fault that he went to fix his computer and like he said it was his biggest regret. I'm pretty damn sure after all of this, he definetly learned his lesson.

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Guest heartdrops

Even though I was never a fan of Edison, I'm sick of people just putting all the blame on Edison. People are forgiving Cecelia, Gillian, etc, but blaming it all on Edison. Like Tonyc402 said, obviously if you saw the pictures, the girls were willing to be in the pictures and maybe could ne even said "enjoying it".

He's definitely still doing good money wise lol.. as he does alot of behind the scene things.

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Guest mz simmonz

Edison still has a long road ahead of him in terms of getting over this entire issue and of his critics and anti-fans to get over it and accept him back into the public eye as well..I guess this is where his frustration comes from..I'm sure he feels a lot of regret but at the same time resentment towards all the crap he got as well as from the women who played damsel in distress meanwhile they were open to the picture taking, looking in the camera, posing, allowing sexual acts to be capture on film, etc. Maybe some of us are tired of hearing about it since we're over it or we were never that angry with him in the first place but Edison got directly hit with everything and I can only hope he doesn't let this consume him any further.

I personally think he looks quite handsome in the GQ pics but a bit aged, of course due to stress.

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