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Edison Chen : Repairing My Computer Was My Biggest Regret, Forever Friends With Nicholas Tse


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Guest Iloveminwooandbrian

I can't believe Edison Chen still hasn't learned his lesson yet.

So let me get this clear. After all this crap, he thinks his biggest mistake

was REPAIRING his computer?

and TAKING the pictures in the first place?


<_< I KNOW riiigght.... guyS

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Guest chickpeas

I can't believe Edison Chen still hasn't learned his lesson yet.

So let me get this clear. After all this crap, he thinks his biggest mistake

was REPAIRING his computer?

and TAKING the pictures in the first place?


Actually, he's right. Being a public figure, taking something as personal as a computer to a third party repair shop puts the content on that computer at risk of being exposed. Unfortunately for him, it did.

I never thought he did anything wrong. So he took some sexy photos of the women he's been with, that's not a crime. Anyone who have seen those photos can tell you it's clear as day those women in the photos knew exactly what was going on, safe to say it was a mutually consented act, therefore no one's at fault. It's unfortunate people painted him as a disgusting pervert over this.

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Guest NEEKA902

It was disgusting. Gillian needs to get slapped.

Damn straight ;) Haha

Bottom line is Edison shouldn't be taking the blame for everything that had to do with this. Every single one of them were part of it , there is no person who gets the most faults. If anyone are victims , they all are since the repair guy violated their privacy. If its anyone whose at fault , they are , since they all were part of this mess and it was all done with consent and shouldve thought about the consequences.

+1. Exactly.

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people do what they want. he's a man who has sex. and everyone got to see his penis. so what. it's not like he raped those girls.

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Guest hwaiting

I actually feel sorry for the guy. Those were personal pictures and China just really overexaggerated the whole 'scandal'. If he was in america things would of been so different and it would of blown over so quickly.. Poor Edison

I don't understand why he lost his career and not those other chicks..

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Guest yellow submarine

Edison is a cocky arrogant jerk, with or without the scandal.

have you read his old blog? all he did was brag about himself and his material goods.

he's almost 30 years old and he just learned how to iron a shirt...so pathetic.

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I never used to hate or particularly liked Edison Chen or any of the girl " victims" :rolleyes: involved. But after this incident, I have an honest distaste for Gillian, cecilia, and whoever else that played the innocent victim card.

1) The girls playing the victim card, just as they didn't know the photo's were going to be leaked, Edison didn't know that his deleted pictures were going to be retrieved by the repair guy.

2) Honestly, I have more of a distaste for Gillian more than anything else. Playing the damn cute and innocent card all the damn time. Telling the media how its a crime to have sex. For god sakes, practice what you preach. Honestly, if she was already known to be a wild child or even kept quite about the whole sex being bad thing in promoting her image, she probably wouldn't get that much flame for this whole thing. People were mostly shocked that she was such a decieving liar.

3) People always mention that you get more popular here in US when you have a sex photo and people don't care as much. It's because all of the girls who had a sex video were NOTORIOUS for being party girls. They never went around preaching about being virgins and promoting the cute innocent image.

First all, Gillian played the cute and innocent role because EEG wanted the audience to view Twins as innocent cute girls. Second, Gillian never blamed Edison for the photos being leaked. She mostly blamed herself for doing such a stupid thing. Also, if looking at her TVB interview back in March made certain people sick then its their own fault because no one asked them to look at it.

The only person who really threw blame at Edison was Cecilia.She got on national television claiming that Edison never called to apologize for the photos being leaked. That's where all that apology nonsense came from, Cecilia :angry:

I feel Edison, Gillian and Cecilia are all victims. The only person to blame is the repair guy who thought it was funny ruining people careers. He better hope Karma don't bit him in the but!

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There was never any law out there stating that it was illegal to take semi-nude photos. It's not like he broken any law when he took those pictures. I think the person that should of gotten all the blame was the guy that stole all those photos and putting it all over the internet. So I still don't know why till this day people still have hatered toward him...

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Guest vintageballad

I can't believe Edison Chen still hasn't learned his lesson yet.

So let me get this clear. After all this crap, he thinks his biggest mistake

was REPAIRING his computer?

and TAKING the pictures in the first place?


I don't see how he's the bad guy here. Yeah, truthfully, I think it's odd that he'd take those pictures, but how many guys in this world wouldn't/don't? It wasn't like his partners refused to have explicit pictures taken of themselves, so I don't see how he's the bad guy. I actually agree with him that whoever was fixing his computer was committing a crime of theft for invading his privacy.

It's just the fact that he's a celebrity that all this crazy crap is being thrown at him, especially in China's more conservative media. You can't deny that there have been many incidences that sex tapes of celebrities in Hollywood and such are leaked to the media and the public, yet you don't see that many people giving mini cooper to the people who leaked it; instead, they give mini cooper to the celebrities who were in those tapes. He was pretty much the scapegoat that had to settle the situation.

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Guest Pearl813

i honestly never thought it was his fault. so what if he takes them pictures and never deleted it??! it's not like he's taking it without the other partner doing it.

well whatever, im happy that he's okay now. =]

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^He actually deleted the pics, but there is way to retrieve back the pics once they're deleted and that's what the repairman did :(

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Guest 01S0ULL

As much as I don't like this guy, he does have a point.

Taking pictures/videos isnt illegal and is a private matter. Therefore he is a victim himself.

The girls are just as bad as he is but they just put the blame more on him.

To me, the girls are even more disgusting for acting like the innocent victim .__."

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Guest 520Shawn

really it wasn't his fault. it's his life, he decided to take these pictures and hell he never thought anyone would spread these pictures all over the well. at least he didn't go out and rape someone and record it =\ now then he should be blamed

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I can't believe how people are still mad at him over this?!? What he does in his personal time is none of our business. If he wants to rendezvous with another female celebrity and go nuts with a camera, we have no right to judge. Who would have known that a computer technician could recover files he deleted? I for one didn't know that until this whole scandal was blown way out of proportion. The only thing I would call him out on is not apologizing directly to the female celebrities that were involved. Whether he learned a lesson or not doesn't matter because I for one don't think he did anything particularly wrong, other than the whole not apologizing thing.

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Guest infifinity

I've never liked him! and i think people wouldn't have hated him so much if he weren't such a cocky arrogant jerk who thinks he's so hot that he can get any gals he wants. He has no talent and is only popular because of his good looks. The world is a shallow place, if he was butt ugly, i think most of you wouldn't have sticked up for him.

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