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feeeeel the swaggggger, i command you.


So, I've got this awesome story to tell you guys.

While I was visiting New York last week, I ended up walking down some road in brooklyn (HUNGER CALLLS. MUST EAT PIZZA FROM BROOKLYN YANAMEEN kinda like p.diddy on make the band with his mama's breast milk! the cream of the crop is only brooklyn~) as I was strolling through the UNKNOWNSSS I came across this skinny, dark-skinned boy (is saying black offensive? x;) who sported.... A BUMBLEBEE COLORED CUSTOMIZED BEATS!! I was so intrigued I had to talk to him - SCREW PIZZZAAA. I think the boy caught me drooling cause he was coming towards me... oh gosh, PLZ DONT BEAT ME UP! and he pointed at the beats that were around my neck (too bad mine's the ghetto non customized generic black one ;( ) and then we started talking about the song we were both listening to... and whatdoyaknowwww, it's DOK2 - IT'S ME! hellls ya!! korea represennnt! (and japan, and wherever this stranger was from. let's just say africa) and then he stared spittin it! and i was like OHHHHHH SNAPPPPS!!! <3_<3 and then i started singing a long and he's like! let's go to the studio down the street and record this shizzlyshiznits (yes i made that up. shut up, i dont know ggangggpeh tuhk)!



CHECK OUT THE LYRICS! -----------------> CHYEA


oh yeah..

Dear ying/tozert~

how was your plane ride with the stranger? did he put his head on your shoulder and sleep during your 8 hour flight? remember to take pictures of hongkong and europe! maybe u can meet eider in barcelona! alright peace~!


oh yeah, if you can figure out who the african american boy in the story's suppose to be, i'll send u 1 dollar via paypal. no joke!

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Guest bambishanny

i can't guess, but i sure can use a dollar donation! my bank account is totally depleted-- no joke.

but damnnn sonn this was legit! hawt stuff!

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dang yo mucho sexy..

i really like the beat ^_^

when i read the thread title i instantly thought KO

the most gangsta rapper fasho..

why so pro?

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