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Kim Hyun Joong 김현중/金賢重/ キム・ヒョンジュン

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[Pexers Write-Ups] A Soldier’s Story Pt 3 – Destinatin: Paju #‎Justice4KHJ‬ ‪#‎Pray4KHJ‬ ‪#‎SupportTBoKHJalbum‬ ‪#‎TheBestOfKHJalbum‬

Author: AprilStarr



Arts Credit:   as Tagged

Destination: Paju

Paju, a historically important area as the site for the twin Buddha statues and pavilions is now a progressive city in the Geonggi-do province. Home to LG factory, publishing books, thus is called Book City, it has Panmunjom where the armistice agreement between North and South Korea was signed in July,1953 and the most sensitive area known as the Demilitarize Zone. It has become a tourist attraction in spite of or because of it being the border between two Koreas now the world's most fortified and dangerous place .

This is the Paju KIm Hyun Joong 's destination for now and for the rest of his military service of less than 20 months.A respite from the bustling ambiance of Seoul, yet the seeming tranquility lies its contradiction: beauty and danger existing side by side.

Not far from Seoul and Inchon airport Paju is accessible to both by private and public means of transportation in an hour. Ilsan where Hyun Joong's parents' Jaksal chicken house is located is only about 25 minutes away. Are you thinking what I am thinking? HJ can easily hop in a bus when he is already allowed to take leave, bring his army friends over there, even serve and wash the dishes after seeing oma and apa.

Besides being buffer to and guarding the nation's capital, Paju boasts of being a naturally preservation sanctuary of endangered species, less polluted, has lush farming areas and lower cost pf living compared to Metro Seoul. It is no wonder the population of the city is steadily increasing even being the home of SK's border patrol, the US army camp Bonifas and the round the clock ever watchful eyes of NK border soldiers.

If you are planning to visit Paju in the hope of seeing HJ by chance just know that you can go to the DMZ only by accredited tour. As guests your movements are highly restricted and will be heavily escorted.

Thanks to my sources in the internet

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"The Best of KIM HYUN JOONG" at Shibuya TOWER RECORD


Heard from my Japanese Henecia Connection, KHJ's album album C & D are all sold-out




Cr: @a_ri_sss_a 
銀座 山野楽器






 1st glimpse of much-awaited[The Best of KIM HYUN JOONG]album!*
Release tomorrow.. July 1, 2015

credit to: @khj2077501_yuko




Credit to Isecchi No






Edited by newyorkcitygirl
added more photos
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[Pexers Write-Ups] A Soldier’s Story Pt 3 – Destinatin: Paju #‎Justice4KHJ‬ ‪#‎Pray4KHJ‬ ‪#‎SupportTBoKHJalbum‬ ‪#‎TheBestOfKHJalbum‬

Author: AprilStarr



Arts Credit:   as Tagged

Destination: Paju

Paju, a historically important area as the site for the twin Buddha statues and pavilions is now a progressive city in the Geonggi-do province. Home to LG factory, publishing books, thus is called Book City, it has Panmunjom where the armistice agreement between North and South Korea was signed in July,1953 and the most sensitive area known as the Demilitarize Zone. It has become a tourist attraction in spite of or because of it being the border between two Koreas now the world's most fortified and dangerous place .

This is the Paju KIm Hyun Joong 's destination for now and for the rest of his military service of less than 20 months.A respite from the bustling ambiance of Seoul, yet the seeming tranquility lies its contradiction: beauty and danger existing side by side.

Not far from Seoul and Inchon airport Paju is accessible to both by private and public means of transportation in an hour. Ilsan where Hyun Joong's parents' Jaksal chicken house is located is only about 25 minutes away. Are you thinking what I am thinking? HJ can easily hop in a bus when he is already allowed to take leave, bring his army friends over there, even serve and wash the dishes after seeing oma and apa.

Besides being buffer to and guarding the nation's capital, Paju boasts of being a naturally preservation sanctuary of endangered species, less polluted, has lush farming areas and lower cost pf living compared to Metro Seoul. It is no wonder the population of the city is steadily increasing even being the home of SK's border patrol, the US army camp Bonifas and the round the clock ever watchful eyes of NK border soldiers.

If you are planning to visit Paju in the hope of seeing HJ by chance just know that you can go to the DMZ only by accredited tour. As guests your movements are highly restricted and will be heavily escorted.

Thanks to my sources in the internet

All I know is that cray cray better not show up there trying to start no mess with KHJ.   She is so desperate for his attention, she would try anything. It's a highly restricted area?  LOL.!!! No wonder he choose that post!! :P   Hope they restrict her from visiting the area.   It's sad that he will probably be at more peace in a dangerous place like the DMZ then he would in Seoul.   I will pray for his safe return.

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Hello KHJ Fans,

As we get closer to the July court date, I would like to ask if anyone knows how the Korean judicial system works?    Are they just going to have 1 court day per month?  Is this likely to drag on for couple years?  Or does this work like the American system where you have a case where all the evidence is heard at one time, then their judges make a ruling (I know Korea does not have a jury system).  How is this most likely to work? One court date per month could drag on for a long time.  KHJ needs his name cleared now.  If this drags on for a long time, it will completely ruin his career.   Let me know if anyone knows about the judicial system in SKorea.

Does anyone have an answer to my questions about the Korea judicial system especially in a case like KHJ?    Thank you.

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Guest erminda2671

As i'm as curious as you in south korean justice system i've searched in the internet the trial only takes more or less than 3 mos,unlike here in our country(philippines,sorry) that it take years to have a final verdict and another years if appealed in the higher court of appeal- "justice delayed,is justice denied"

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The views on Kim Hyun-joong

Read more at: http://tr.im/zKZDs



Is Kim Hyun-joong the victim or did he really hit his ex-girlfriend and cause a miscarriage?

There doesn't seem to be an end to Kim Hyun-joong and the right with his ex-girlfriend, Choi. In May last year, Choi claimed Kim abused her and caused her to lose the child she was pregnant with.

The fight is still ongoing today. There are two different views towards Kim Hyun-joong. Some criticize that he's immoral and a disappointment while others say that he's the victim of a very bad woman.

Kim was fined 5 million won in January for violence and everyone thought that would be that. However, Choi created a bigger case. She sued him for compensation of 1.6 billion won in April.

Choi claims that she lost her child because Kim hit her while she was pregnant and that she was suffering from mental instability. However, it turns out that she had received 600 million won in settlement after she told the world that she was abused. Critics turned to Choi. Many had thought Kim was the 'bad one' but now the views have been divided.

A media source told OSEN, "Choi liked Kim a lot. She was in love with him. She even wanted to follow him to the set he was working on. It's sad they had to come to this".

Kim's legal authorities can't trust Choi's statement. They claim there was no miscarriage due to abuse and have decided to deal with this legally. Kim's attorneys claimed fraud in criminal investigations and compensation in civil case. Lawyer Lee Jae-man said, "Choi claims to have lost her child but she's not bringing forth any solid evidence of it. If she had any, she would've showed it to us already but she's lying".

About the pregnancy, Lee Jae-man said, "The biggest issue here is if she miscarried the baby or not. She claims the child was his so we are asking for ultrasonic pictures but she's changing the story. Kim's parents claim they will take responsibility if the child is really Kim's". Kim and his legal attorney are suspicious of Choi's claim of pregnancy and that's because Choi isn't showing them anything in evidence.

To summarize, Choi sued Kim in May and July last year for physical violence. Kim released a letter of apology in September and the case seemed to go away as Choi cancelled all charges; however, in January this year, she called Kim to say she was pregnant yet again".

Why did Choi go ahead and restart the fire? If she really is pregnant, then why isn't she showing any evidence? It's sad that they are going at each other when they should be congratulated for being responsible for creating new life.

Kim Hyun-joong is currently serving his country in the military since the 19th of June.

Read more at: http://tr.im/zKZDs

Edited by newyorkcitygirl
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[Kim Hyun Joong Inspiring Generation Filming Diary Ⅰ-Ⅱ]
9/2015 16 released! 
Started accepting reservations! 
DATVshopping limited edition set benefits also available! 
『キム・ヒョンジュン感激時代撮影ダイアリーⅠ・Ⅱ』が発売決定!ご予約受付スタートしました! 【DATVshopping限定セット特典】もございます!‪#‎kimhyunjoong‬ ‪#‎リダ‬http://datv.jp/…/user…/packages/default/page/kangekimake.php … 
cr: @cek66 &@DATVshoppin
HD Photos by Newyorkcitygirl






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[News Updates] [7.1.2015]
1) According article today, one of A's side
(currently working at entertainment area)
told that A asked to take her to IG drama shooting site.
2) They said she like HJ so much that her eye were sparkling whenever talks about HJ..
cr: 4everhyun

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[News Updates] [7.1.2015]
1) According article today, one of A's side
(currently working at entertainment area)
told that A asked to take her to IG drama shooting site.
2) They said she like HJ so much that her eye were sparkling whenever talks about HJ..
cr: 4everhyun

What actually happen behind all of this.. only KHJ and Choi know the best..

how tired to see all of this. but still want to know the progress...

Hope everything went well for both parties..

and for Choi, she should move on rather than revenge for KHJ. and creates more problem to him.

We can't read what in her mind. Maybe money is everything to pay her revenge.

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Steven Lee tweeted KHJ'S album and ranking of his album

STEVEN LEE Instagram 01. 07. 2015
realstevenleeToday, I broke my own record with 31 songs released on the same day. (all produced & Written credits only) Songs on No.1 single, No. Album, No.1 Blu-ray & No.4 Album on Japan Oricon Sales Chart. ‪#‎SexyZone‬‪#‎KisMyFt2‬,‪#‎SHINee‬‪#‎AvengersOST‬‪#‎KimHyunJoong‬ Thank you so much for all your supports! A lot more to come...! ^^




『The Best of KIM HYUN JOONG』DVD Concert (opening)




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[News Update-3] [7.3.2015]
1) KHJ's ex-gf confirms pregnancy, not paternity: 
Atty. Lee "if expected delivery date is not true, its possible she may flee abroad"
2) KHJ: A confirms pregnancy, no comment about paternity. A's ultra-sound-pics shown by media present questionable circumstances
김현중, 여자친구 A씨 임신 사실 인정 '친자 확인에 대해선 묵묵부답' |다음연예http://media.daum.net/v/20150703125508481/ … A씨측에 초음파사진을 요청했다.사진을보면 임신기간을 알수있기 때문""초음파사진을 방송국을 통해 보여줬는데..의심스러운 정황이많다
credit translation: @sunsun_sky



[News Update-4] [7.3.2015]
1) A got 600 MillionWon for miscarriage by assault. When court rules the claim false, she will get heavy punishment for blackmail & fraud litigation
“지난해 최씨가 임신 후 폭행으로 유산된 걸 알리겠다고 해서 6억원의 합의금을 받은 만큼, 법원 판결로 최씨의 주장이 거짓으로 밝혀지면 최씨는 공갈과 소송사기로 중벌을 받게 된다”고 전했다.
2) Atty. Lee: They need to submit proof for last year's miscarriage by assault but they didnt & now focus on this year's pregnancy & Sept delivery
이재만 변호사는 “지난해 임신과 폭행으로 인한 유산 증거를 내면 되는데 필요한 증거는 제출하지 않고 올해 임신을 강조하며 9월에 출산한다고 주장하니 동문서답하는 셈이다.
credit translation: @sunsun_sky


[News Update-2] [7.3.2015]
KHJ's ex gf expects delivery on Sept 12
[영역] OSEN[단독] 김현중 전여친, 9월 12일 출산예정

https://twitter.com/sunsun_sky/status/616804681206009856 … 
credit translation: @sunsun_sky

Retweeted sunny (@sunsun_sky):( edit to add)
Correction: a special law will apply for a lawsuit over 500MW for heavier punishment. 






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[News Update-5] [7.3.2015]



1) KHJ side: Choi's current pregnancy is irrelevant to 1.6BW case.
Litigation is whether the baby is KHJ's are two separate matters
김현중 측 "최씨의 현재 임신, 16억 사건과는 무관" | 다음 연예http://media.daum.net/v/20150703144319102/ … 소송은 과거 임신후 김현중의 폭행으로 유산을 한것이라고 주장하면서 제기한 사건이지 현재 최씨가 임신한 아이가 김현중의 친자인것과는 상관없는
2) Love Atty Lee: always makes it clear about issues & non-issues, 

talks straight to the point, covers everything, leaves no loopholes

credit translation: @sunsun_sky

3) So what if ex-gf is pregnant, still need to go through paternity test 
김현중 측 "전 여친 임신 사실…친자 여부는 확인 안 돼

"http://news.jtbc.joins.com/html/022/NB10950022.html …
credit translation:@Princessmich123 




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Kim Hyun Joong's ex-girlfriend Miss Choi's expected delivery date revealed



Kim Hyun Joong's ex-girlfriend Miss Choi has revealed her expected delivery date. According to her lawyers, she is scheduled to give birth on September 12.

On the same day, Kim Hyun Joong's side responded by saying, "We have received medical records of her second pregnancy. We however requested for ultrasound pictures to confirm, but they haven't given us those yet. If it turns out to be Kim Hyun Joong's baby, he is definitely wanting to take responsibility."

As you know, Kim Hyun Joong is also planning on counter suing Miss Choi for libel and violating their settlement agreement last year, but so far no action has been taken. On why it's taking some time, his lawyer explained, "The reason we can't proceed with the lawsuit is because Miss Choi is pregnant so it's hard for the court to demand her appearance. However, if everything is eventually found to be a lie, then the lawsuit she has filed against us for damages will be rejected by the court as well."

2015.07.03 news of Kim Hyun Joong 
Some other translation of news~ Atty Lee Interview...
Translation credit : @SeoulSue via @mohanasweety — in Seoul, Korea.




13th day at paju

credit to  @oaewma06 



Edited by newyorkcitygirl
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