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Kim Hyun Joong 김현중/金賢重/ キム・ヒョンジュン

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Final one I'm posting of his enlistment.  I like this one the best because he is singing in this video.  If you look carefully, there are two guys with white shirts with him the entire time.  I think those are the body guards that went in with him.  At the end, you see them go up the stairs with him.  I'm so glad to see that.

Edited by theone4me
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Final one I'm posting of his enlistment.  I like this one the best because he is singing in this video.  If you look carefully, there are two guys with white shirts with him the entire time.  I think those are the body guards that went in with him.  At the end, you see them go up the stairs with him.  I'm so glad to see that.

​<3 thank you...I already miss him! 

Edited by Lyana87
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Here he is at the enlistment ceremony.  Notice that he sees someone recording him.  


​I wish there wasn't any music - it would have been nice to have heard the general patter of what KHj was hearing also....even if we don't understand Korean - hearing the natural sounds gives us immense clues .... Thank you for the posting though!

Edited by lkh2
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It pains me to know that he went through all of this crap by himself.  He is surrounded by vultures that want to use him for his money and fame.    I hope he now knows that he can at least trust his mother and father to have his back at all times no matter the situation.


​I  - too -  was wondering where his friends were...but then I think they could not show support to him in Korea - since that would mean it would be encouraging KHJ - in his position - and the tabloids were trashing it out. However, remember  -  his former bodygurd spoke up for him, and

I hope to find accounts of his former CEO for DSP...

by the way - there was talk of KHJ and the whole of SS501 getting together for a tenth anniversary performance before he entered the military in March or April of this year with I htough him being possibly interested......this did not happen - too much Choi nonsense.

As for Key East -  through my eyes  - BYJ and KeyEast did the best they could for KHJ - while everything was temporarily going down in flames from August 2014 (KHJ), BYJ gets accused for "embezzling" (he was completely cleared of this by the way in January -or earlier? and it was so obvious that someone was clearly targeting not only KHJ, but also BYJ at the SAME TIME.

Key East was in the middle of MAJOR damage control after the KHJ August Nonsense ( I am calling what occured on 8/20/15 as NONSENSE) last year with their stocks plummeting - and I was saddened to see their supporters saying that KHJ was dragging them down - and unfortunately - last year - that might have SEEMED true....

Also - Bae Yong Jun ("BYJ")  -  broke up with his major Chaebol girlfriend of 2 years on her birthday in November 2014 (remember - we do not know the whole story of the breakup). So while he was dealing with that in his personal life, in addition, he was also re-targeted for some false embezzling accusation in September 2014, which he was dealing with in October and November and it was finally cleared on December 12, 2014 .

So, if BYJ was accused of embezzling funds (although proven false) how would he look fully supporting KHJ -

which begs the question - who would be pulling who down???

In addition, I saw pics of BYJ - OK OK I admit - I was introduced to KDrama through Winter Sonata and I have wonderful memories of crying and gasping through it with my girlfriends and sister at least twice.....

Anyway, I saw pics of BYJ as he was dealing with 1) Key East stocks plummeting  2) His breakup with his girlfriend in Nov 2014, and 3) his being accused of some totally false embezzling account 4) KHJ - his protegee/talent in the midst of that nonsense - and he looked very physically unwell...

Only recently - has BYJ started looking healthy again - and I am not too sure  - it seems he really only got back on his feet a couple of months ago.

Although BYJ could not really defend KHJ - until HE (BYJ) was cleared FIRST of of those charges  (Remember - BYJ is the boss - the employer - so he has to clear HIS name FIRST before he can address any support of anyone associated/employed with KeyEast) with the Korean tabloids berzerk around him with both his situation, and Kim Hyun Joong's  - he still sent flowers to show his support at all of KHJ's concerts.Actually so did Jae Joong, and Baby - Kim Hyung Jun - also with flowers.....within the rigid social mores of acceptable behaviour of a "pariah" (at this time) - this was what they could do....and if they  were such good friends..what held them back? We do not know everything ...we may never know....

Remember - if BYJ goes down, so does KHJ and all the other stars in KeyEast Roster - they will ALL hold less credibility (translation - possibly be less marketable) - it is tantamount in importance that BYJ be cleared of baseless accusations first.....

so in my opinion - both KHJ and Bae Yong Jun were "targeted" at the same time - my opinion only.....

However, I still feel it would have been nice to see KHJ with a better defense - but considering how KeyEast gave full control of his songs/venue/production to KHJ, I would expect that KeyEast conferred with KHJ on every single issue before they made a move to publicize KHJ's answers.  

During the situation in August (before everyone knew that KHJ would NOT lose his fans) perhaps everything looked very very grim -- and when faced with everything dying down with just a $500,000 blackmail money to settle the waters even if her accusations may have had little bearing with actual truth - my opinion - and I am open to being updated on this matter....perhaps they all thought this was worth it....

Now that so many things seem so much clearer, and BYJ has left the whole false accusation against his name behind him, he can now come out and fully support KHJ.  Remember - he could have fully dropped KHJ - and he didn't. In fact, I believe any other agency would immediately have dropped him...remember what happened with Jay Park when his My Space account got hacked, and his statements were publicized and he had to leave 2pm (the same Jay Park who deos the rap on Unbreakable), or when Jessica had to to leave her group because she started her own business?

We do not hear of any KeyEast star blaming on KHJ - but now that I think of it - I wonder if he had been the focus - of such a thing....

There are many many things about BYJ that remind me of a young KHJ during BYJ's younger days - I kid you not - they have the same type of facial expressions etc....

Those who support Bae Yong Jun - please update me if I have said anything wrong and those who support KHJ  - also please update me.  I did not realize who much I felt Key east was benefiting KHJ until I wrote this.....May I ask for a calm reasoned response?


Edited by lkh2
BYJ Start of Fraud accusation Sept 23, 2014, Cleared of it all in December 12, 2014.
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Oh, I totally agree w/you about ALL of this (including that BYJ looks like an older version of our boy!!!!)  I do know that w/KHJ more people came out of the woodwork to support him than I saw in other scandals - JYJ has enough publicity problems, I'm sure KHJ did NOT want them publicly supporting him, but as you said JJ sent him flowers :D  

KE was definitely targeted :(

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​My sentiments exactly. 

DSP or KE? Well, KE screwed him over majorly. What about the recent article (when everyone was against HJ) didn't someone from KE (or a person closely linked) blame him for their downfall? And fans came out with evidence that HJ is one of the highest tax payers in Korea? Or did I totally misunderstand?  

Maybe DSP are trying to manipulate fans. I couldn't honestly trust them... BUT... at least DSP are speaking out for HJ when nobody from KE said a word up until now! 

As his agency, they should have protected him. Now he has this amazing lawyer, just when his contract is about to expire!

I'm sure KHJ's hands were tied, throughout this mess, many fans felt that he was being blackmailed... and now we know that he really was! His agency should have protected him. It couldn't have been THAT hard to convince him to seek legal advice back then.

I just don't buy that HJ was ever offered legal representation by KE...sorry. (I don't want to offend anybody) 

It seems he was scared of this woman...but I feel he would have trusted his agency and BYJ if they had suggested that he hire a lawyer back then.  



I saw that article - I think the one you are mentioning is the one where some person on a variety show was comparing how Kim S Hyun (I don't know his name  -  whoever is in the From the Stars drama) adds to Key East and KHJ is like a gourd with a hole in it , so when you pour the water through it- it runs out....that person - as far as I recall - has nothing to do with Key East - and even if he was - would a classy company that employs Kim Hyun Joong and allows KHJ full reign overall his music/songs/production venue - allow someone from the same company to badmouth KHJ? That is cutting off the nose to spite your face ...

I do not mean to be so direct....

I can see who much you care about KHj from your defense of him - Welcome to Soompi!



Edited by lkh2
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​I  - too -  was wondering where his friends were...but then I think they could not show support to him in Korea - since that would mean it would be encouraging KHJ - in his position - and the tabloids were trashing it out. However, remember  -  his former bodygurd spoke up for him, and

I hope to find accounts of his former CEO for DSP...

by the way - there was talk of KHJ and the whole of SS501 getting together for a tenth anniversary performance before he entered the military in March or April of this year with I htough him being possibly interested......this did not happen - too much Choi nonsense.

As for Key East -  through my eyes  - BYJ and KeyEast did the best they could for KHJ - while everything was temporarily going down in flames from August 2014 (KHJ), BYJ gets accused for "embezzling" (he was completely cleared of this by the way in January -or earlier? and it was so obvious that someone was clearly targeting not only KHJ, but also BYJ at the SAME TIME.

Key East was in the middle of MAJOR damage control after the KHJ August Nonsense ( I am calling what occured on 8/20/15 as NONSENSE) last year with their stocks plummeting - and I was saddened to see their supporters saying that KHJ was dragging them down - and unfortunately - last year - that might have SEEMED true....

Also - Bae Yong Jun ("BYJ")  -  broke up with his major Chaebol girlfriend of 2 years on her birthday in November 2014 (remember - we do not know the whole story of the breakup). So while he was dealing with that in his personal life, in addition, he was also re-targeted for some false embezzling accusation in September - that was only cleared in January of this year - I believe.

So, if BYJ was accused of embezzling funds (although proven false) how would he look fully supporting KHJ -

which begs the question - who would be pulling who down???

In addition, I saw pics of BYJ - OK OK I admit - I was introduced to KDrama through Winter Sonata and I have wonderful memories of crying and gasping through it with my girlfriends and sister at least twice.....

Anyway, I saw pics of BYJ as he was dealing with 1) Key East stocks plummeting  2) His breakup with his girlfriend in Nov 2014, and 3) his being accused of some totally false embezzling account 4) KHJ - his protegee/talent in the midst of that nonsense - and he looked very physically unwell...

Only recently - has BYJ started looking healthy again - and I am not too sure  - it seems he really only got back on his feet a couple of months ago.

Although BYJ could not really defend KHJ - until HE (BYJ) was cleared FIRST of of those charges  (Remember - BYJ is the boss - the employer - so he has to clear HIS name FIRST before he can address any support of anyone associated/employed with KeyEast) with the Korean tabloids berzerk around him with both his situation, and Kim Hyun Joong's  - he still sent flowers to show his support at all of KHJ's concerts.Actually so did Jae Joong, and Baby - Kim Hyung Jun - also with flowers.....within the rigid social mores of acceptable behaviour of a "pariah" (at this time) - this was what they could do....and if they  were such good friends..what held them back? We do not know everything ...we may never know....

Remember - if BYJ goes down, so does KHJ and all the other stars in KeyEast Roster - they will ALL hold less credibility (translation - possibly be less marketable) - it is tantamount in importance that BYJ be cleared of baseless accusations first.....

so in my opinion - both KHJ and Bae Yong Jun were "targeted" at the same time - my opinion only.....

However, I still feel it would have been nice to see KHJ with a better defense - but considering how KeyEast gave full control of his songs/venue/production to KHJ, I would expect that KeyEast conferred with KHJ on every single issue before they made a move to publicize KHJ's answers.  

During the situation in August (before everyone knew that KHJ would NOT lose his fans) perhaps everything looked very very grim -- and when faced with everything dying down with just a $500,000 blackmail money to settle the waters even if her accusations may have had little bearing with actual truth - my opinion - and I am open to being updated on this matter....perhaps they all thought this was worth it....

Now that so many things seem so much clearer, and BYJ has left the whole false accusation against his name behind him, he can now come out and fully support KHJ.  Remember - he could have fully dropped KHJ - and he didn't. In fact, I believe any other agency would immediately have dropped him...remember what happened with Jay Park when his My Space account got hacked, and his statements were publicized and he had to leave 2pm (the same Jay Park who deos the rap on Unbreakable), or when Jessica had to to leave her group because she started her own business?

We do not hear of any KeyEast star blaming on KHJ - but now that I think of it - I wonder if he had been the focus - of such a thing....

There are many many things about BYJ that remind me of a young KHJ during BYJ's younger days - I kid you not - they have the same type of facial expressions etc....

Those who support Bae Yong Jun - please update me if I have said anything wrong and those who support KHJ  - also please update me.  I did not realize who much I felt Key east was benefiting KHJ until I wrote this.....May I ask for a calm reasoned response?


Wow.. thank you very very much.. I am BYJ die hard fan and my love for BYJ is what drives me to now hopelessly devoted to KHJ as well.. BYJ intoduced me to KHJ!.. how?.. (late 2014) I was so shocked when I first saw KHJ through the first episode of BOF I thought I saw BYJ double in this drama.. this trigger my interest on KHJ.. I saw the beautiful soul of BYJ.. in KHJ.. the rest is history... my curiosity on KHJ brought me to read/watch every single things related to KHJ.. Im now a devoted fan of KHJ as well... I couldn't help crying for KHJ.. for all the misfortune.. Im so glad BYJ still support KHJ.. Im hoping his 2 bodyguards really enlisted together with him.. love KHJ and BYJ.. Love all henecias..triple s and sll great fandom of KHJ

As for DSP I could not trust DSP.. if Im not mistaken... the breakup of SS501 was because of DSP and.. unfortunately KHJ had to shoulder all the blames.. 

KHJ my prayer is constantly for you.. stay happy

Edited by AhKimHJ
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Oh, I totally agree w/you about ALL of this (including that BYJ looks like an older version of our boy!!!!)  I do know that w/KHJ more people came out of the woodwork to support him than I saw in other scandals - JYJ has enough publicity problems, I'm sure KHJ did NOT want them publicly supporting him, but as you said JJ sent him flowers :D  

KE was definitely targeted :(

​Hi, finally...................he went for MS.....I heard that KHJ arrived at the site of the enlistment ceremony around noon KST yesterday. He arrived at the training camp in a van with his manager and a few people from his company, KeyEast. So nice to see that most of KE reps were there to support him. As what reported that he's enlisting quietly, but numerous fans and reporters were present at the gate, but he entered the camp privately without any special event or announcement. Many fans showed up at the site with signs “We are only Kim Hyun Joong’s fan,” and “Kim Hyun Joong! Please be safe, we are waiting because it’s you.” I heard that fans from China and Japan were reportedly present. His enlistment ceremony started at 2 p.m. As reported, BYJ accompanied him to the ceremony - but, I still haven't seen his picture.....Together with KeyEast’s executives and associates from Japan, they had a meal together in a restaurant close to the camp. :P

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I saw that article - I think the one you are mentioning is the one where some person on a variety show was comparing how Kim S Hyun (I don't know his name  -  whoever is in the From the Stars drama) adds to Key East and KHJ is like a gourd with a hole in it , so when you pour the water through it- it runs out....that person - as far as I recall - has nothing to do with Key East - and even if he was - would a classy company that employs Kim Hyun Joong and allows KHJ full reign overall his music/songs/production venue - allow someone from the same company to badmouth KHJ? That is cutting off the nose to spite your face ...

I do not mean to be so direct....

I can see who much you care about KHj from your defense of him - Welcome to Soompi!



​Thanks for the clarification... as I said, I am just mad...but who knows how I will feel when more is revealed in June. 

I would love to hear that they were being supportive behind the scenes, but the fact that he didn't have any legal representation just worries me. 

I'm sure everything will fall into place soon. 


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[Tweet Updates/Photos] 김현중 KIM HYUN JOONG Enlistment Updates – 2015.05.12

credit to lovingkimhyunjoong.com

UPDATING ALL NEWS ABOUT KHJ ... Sorry for the delay

Tweet/Trans Credit:    501왕자 @501wangja  ·  May 9

  • HJ's parents heard about fans going to send him off on enlistment day and was thankful. They said since it's already widely known so it would be difficult for him to enter quietly, thus hope many fans can go to see him off. RT @Woojusin0606 12일 현중이 입소 팬들 배웅 온다는 소식듣고 부모님들이 고마워하신다고 기왕 알려진거 조용히 가긴 힘드니까 많이들 와주셨으면 좋겠다고 하시더라고

Tweet Updates:  lovingkimhyunjoong @loving_khj  

  • Some fans early at site


  • Victory Camp. credit: @soopaprincess


  • Can u imagine HJ driving this?
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[Media News + Fan Support Photos] 김현중 KIM HYUN JOONG Enlistment Day – 2015.05.12

[News] BYJ, Kim Hyun Joong ‘Loyal send-off’…Japan Universal Music’s representatives also accompanied


Hallyu star Bae Yong Jun had send-off Kim Hyun Joong for his military enlistment.

On 12th May around 12pm, Bae Yong Jun accompanied Kim Hyun Joong to Gyeonggi-do Goyang-si Recruit Training Center of Army Division 30 for his military enlistment.

Under the same agency Keyeast and of special Hallyu senior-junior relationship, Bae Yong Jun came to send Kim Hyun Joong off.

Bae Yong Jun took a Range Rover from Seoul and met up with Kim Hyun Joong and his companions for a meal. Also Keyeast’s senior officials as well as officials from Japan were mobilized to watch Kim Hyun Joong’s enlistment.

In particular, representatives from Kim Hyun Joong’s Japan agency DATV and KNTV and Universal Music were together with him for the enlistment.

Also, Kim Hyun Joong’s childhood friends and friends from music band also joined the send-off and patted his shoulder.

News from http://www.sporbiz.co.kr/news/articleView.html?idxno=2798 + (eng trans) kelemama


Please Click Title read the News

Kim Hyun Joong Enlists in the Army with Bae Yong Jun Seeing Him Off

Source/Credit:  Mwave @OfficialMwave 



Photo Credit: Newsen/Lim Se Young

 Kim Hyun Joong, Bae Yong Jun sent off active duty enlisted

Upload Credit:  K STAR 한류스타 리포트 & 생방송 스타뉴스



Tweets Credit:    잠꾸러기현중 @jamkkuleogihj  






4ever_HYUN @4everhyun :Many fans are waiting for KHJ







































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I admire BYJ's ability to act.  I have seen all of his movies and his dramas.   I, on the other hand, do not like what I've seen in his personality over the past 7-10  years.  BYJ has been in the K Entertainment Industry for over 15-20 years.  You don't survive such a dirty business with slave contracts, abuse of stars, etc. without being a little cut throat yourself especially when you own the majority of a Korean entertainment company.   BYJ's trouble ended in the fall of last year so I don't want hear about him having to handle his own problems.  He DISAPPEARED while KHJ was going through this ALONE!!  He was not seen with KHJ publicly for almost an entire year. Usually, he's breaking his neck to be on stage or be seen coming/going with his cash cow: Kim Hyun Joong.   It's May 2015 and now he shows up!!  After almost an entire year, he shows up!! This was such a load of crap!!! BYJ going to the enlistment ceremony was for publicity and for show.  Nothing more. Now the headlines read:   BYJ showing support for KHJ!  Whatever!! We should have seen that headline in August, September, October, November, December, January, February, March and April. BUT WE DIDN'T!!  Ugh!  :crazy:  It's easy to support someone when the tide is turning to that person's favor.  If that woman still had the upper hand on KHJ, trust and believe, BYJ would have been no where near that enlistment ceremony.  

Whew!! I'm glad I got that off my chest!! :sweatingbullets:

Edited by theone4me
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@theone4me I agree with you, KE did nothing to protect KHJ and now they want to make us believe the opposite. The good thing is that now he has a good lawyer that is working to defend him with the truth, exposing all the lies of this woman.

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