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Guest Skylinr

Accidentally dropped my phone into a container of water


Alright, I didn't. It was on purpose, lol!


F-01B went for a swim as well


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Guest angelicious


sorry, just another quick question, what is the web browsing like? are you able to use apps such as facebook and twitter on it? =]

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Guest Skylinr

@angelicious Its ok! I tried FB and twitter. FB works in mobile mode, but I haven't got it working in the full desktop mode. Tried playing a game(Castle Age) just to try, and it took quite awhile to load.

Twitter didn't work. The top bar loads, but there were no tweets!

I tried again to load YouTube in fullscreen and it still won't work, and the phone still lags pretty bad.

Overall, I feel the wifi is more for some quick Google search. The wifi is pretty crappy as well, sometimes it can't load any pages and I had to turn off the wifi and turn it on. I also got a "Service not Subcribed". I think this happens after attempts to access i-mode stuff and the phone realizes I'm not subscribed to i-mode, but a restart of the phone fixes everything. :)

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Guest angelicious

thanks for your help Skylinr =D

i'm glad the wifi is at least active.. i heard some japanese phones cant operate wifi or 3G overseas, which is a shame T_T

i'm gonna keep shopping around, but i still leaning towards f-06b, it looks awesome :D

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Guest IonNuke

thanks for your help Skylinr =D

i'm glad the wifi is at least active.. i heard some japanese phones cant operate wifi or 3G overseas, which is a shame T_T

i'm gonna keep shopping around, but i still leaning towards f-06b, it looks awesome :D

They usually have 850Mhz UMTS 3G support. My N-02A operates on 3G in the US on AT&T. But of course it won't work on T-Mobile b/c they have AWS system and some change like that.

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Guest Skylinr

@angelicious You're welcome! Only the wifi works btw, 3G doesn't because of the hypersim.

Edit: A friend who is using F-06B just told me he could use Twitter on his.

Edit2: Mobile twitter works, but the standard twitter doesn't. Hope that helps! :)

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest evermore

does anyone know how to add pictures in a japanese phone?? i've been trying to put pictures in my sh906i vis micro sd for daysss!! but to no avail! ):

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Guest c0lap1nada

does anyone know how to add pictures in a japanese phone?? i've been trying to put pictures in my sh906i vis micro sd for daysss!! but to no avail! ):

You can use datalink. I find it less troublesome than going through the folders in your phone and renaming the image etc etc.

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  • 2 weeks later...

is it possible to buy the sh-03a for around $250 :\

with everything needed; charger, battery, memory card, hypersim, etc.

that sh-07a I have pictured up I can probably let go at that cost, with hypersim, charger, dock, battery, no memory card, but it has 2gb internal...

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Guest je aime

that sh-07a I have pictured up I can probably let go at that cost, with hypersim, charger, dock, battery, no memory card, but it has 2gb internal...

really!? please contact me if you do |:

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