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6 hours ago, QSD said:

MissGee 2017 Collection


I rather not seeing Victoria’s Secret lingerie or whatever brand it is on the model, sorry.

Credit to Stroppyse for the translation. 


there is a saying in fashion: "less is more". :lol:

I also prefer LYW's style: a black or white tee look better and cooler in that suit. 

Btw, what is "credit to Stroppyse for the translation " abt? 


6 hours ago, avalon2046 said:

It's about 116 mins. but most of LYW's talking is in 1st half. (46'27")


Dear, God bless you ! :sweatingbullets:

QSD, we can do sub for this video, haha... jk.



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4 hours ago, vaiduakhu said:

I really feel this part... NL's story lacks sth (If EOG's writer wrote NL's story, it would be an amazing script). Nevertheless, SYK is undeniably attractive in all aspects.

It's a shame NL's writer didn't know what is the point that he tries to say. the business fight or the relationship/fight between teacher, SYK and student LSJ. (the fight between Mishil vs Doekman is a very good example, excited and full of tense) He should focus on one, if he can not control the 2 sides. NL is really good until EP07, after that it goes downhill. 


4 hours ago, vaiduakhu said:

I'm grateful LYW took the role in EOG... starting from this drama, she has changed her image drastically from weak, helpless and must-be-protected-at-all-cost women to strong, independent and butt-kicking ones with unique characteristics. Playing 4 continuous roles as rich and prideful female leads is quite a record.

CSY is really a turning point for LYW in her career. That's why she spent a lot time to talk about CSY/EOG in her FM.


4 hours ago, vaiduakhu said:

Many K-drama fans (not LYW's fan like us) say LYW is now labelled as chaebol / rich and cool image with fabulous fashion style, and this image suits her very well. I'm kinda worry if she's suddenly interested in poor and dimwit roles :sweatingbullets: . I have a feeling that she won't play rich kid role in her next drama.

dimwit...I think she rarely played dimwit roles am I right? Doekman, CSY, OK Da Jung and SYK all are very smart. Even Song Yi Kyung is very smart too. in her early period works she also played smart girl, Lee Ji Won (Afrika), Shin Hye-joo (take care of my cat), Yoon Yeo-jin (Daemang). Maybe KJH and Bong Dal-hee are not that smart like CSY or SYK. But they are not stupid. Anyway, since LYW says she like to play the attractive characters. I have faith on her. I hope she can play police, lawyer, prosecutor or villain in the future. Or something like vampire Dracula is not bad for me. :D


4 hours ago, vaiduakhu said:

I must laugh at this part.  LYW is down-to-earth type, isn't she?

LYW just says the truth hahaha. She also ever mentioned she doesn't like politics when she was interviewed for the May 18 in 2007.


4 hours ago, vaiduakhu said:


Btw, b/w EOG and NL, which one is more difficult to understand to you ?


Again, thanks avalon2046 for your translation. :) it's amusing to read her honest talks to fan. 

EOG! my knowledge about stock and estate is very poor.  

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4 hours ago, vaiduakhu said:


there is a saying in fashion: "less is more". :lol:

I also prefer LYW's style: a black or white tee look better and cooler in that suit. 

Btw, what is "credit to Stroppyse for the translation " abt?

I 3rd for this.


4 hours ago, vaiduakhu said:

Dear, God bless you ! :sweatingbullets:

QSD, we can do sub for this video, haha... jk.

I read in weibo, the agency maybe will release DVD. If they do I think they will do sub for it, Chinese and English. They have brought an interpreter for Chinese fans in FM. But I think the possibility of DVD releasing is low...


Some fans uploaded videos on-line after FM, the agency asked them to delete in twitter. So if you really want to do sub for this video, better not to upload to youtube or other on-line platform.

This is the opening video that was played in FM, it's funny they put Han Deo-mi (Fashion 70's) singing part in this video.

by the official recorder of FM, that's his twitter account.



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11 hours ago, QSD said:

Daepyonim forever

1. EP07 after SJ says "Daepyonim said before that I must look up for the answer. If I can make a corporate heir mine, my life will be totally different too." Then SKY looks at her and sighs.

2. EP05, SYK returned to gallery S, standing on the front of the door. She saw someone coming, the light of GW's car shined on SYK's face.

3. EP08, SJ went to prosecutors office to see SYK. SJ says " I have nothing to give you " SYK says "what?"

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10 hours ago, vaiduakhu said:



there is a saying in fashion: "less is more". :lol:

I also prefer LYW's style: a black or white tee look better and cooler in that suit. 

Btw, what is "credit to Stroppyse for the translation " abt? 



Dear, God bless you ! :sweatingbullets:

QSD, we can do sub for this video, haha... jk.



There is another version of the same image that had some texts on it which i have asked Stroppyse to translate about fashion clothes/accessories for me.


As for the subbing,  the truth is... I have thought about doing it, however, unless fans are crying for subs, I am not touching it.  I can see it's more tedious than working on the usual movie or drama already.

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Avalon, when did you read about the agency might release  FM video?  If they haven't released already then I don't think they would anymore since Yowon has left her formal management last month.

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3 hours ago, QSD said:

Avalon, when did you read about the agency might release  FM video?  If they haven't released already then I don't think they would anymore since Yowon has left her formal management last month.


If Yo Won has left her former agency, why her photo is still one the official website of management Koo? (on their official facebook page as well) I think the information about she changing agency is wrong.


And IMHO, the copy right of her FM video belongs to the management Koo, so they can release the DVD if they want. no matter Yo Won has left or not.

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It’s either they didn’t take the pic down yet or news about her departure from Koo management is wrong.  I think it’s strange if they would release her video when she isn’t in their agency anymore.  Maybe it’s just me.


On 7/13/2018 at 3:22 AM, vaiduakhu said:

EOG and NL are really for hard-cord fan. They are kind of dramas which require audience's brain function 100% only to catch a glimpse of what's going on with all the business and political talks :sweatingbullets:

Btw, b/w EOG and NL, which one is more difficult to understand to you ?



I was planning to outline the business aspects of EOG for viewers to have better understanding of the drama and to helping following its story line easier and more enjoyable.  With that in mind, it can only be accomplished with the participation from 5 of us, including me, you, Avalon, May, and Yanki.  Each would take care about 5 episodes, but now knowing how heavy heart you and others felt while watching EOG, the project is vanished.  Don’t think your all gentle souls could handle the stress of going thru its completion for each assigned installments again. 


To me, I think EOG is the heaviest and most complex plots to comprehend in all of her works.  The writer is amazing in tackling plenty of business intrigues.  His script is certainly not for the general audiences, it is definitely for selected people who are more interested in much more critical thinking. 


I’m also grateful to Yowon’s role in the show.  It’s her accomplished credentials which presenting to us with 3 more strong characters following EOG.  


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Continue the translation of LYW FM
Fans questions

MC: I also think Yo Won xi is very handsome when she wears a suit.
MC: Please answer next question.
LYW: Try this one.
MC: If Oh Soo-kyung from yes family, SYK (NL),  Ok Da-jung (MT) and CSY (EOG) are sisters, what is the order of them?
I have translated in my first post of the impression


MC: Let’s do about five questions. Umm…because I think fans' curiousness to Yo Won xi is very much.
LYW: Right. Let’s answer this one.
MC: The most unforgettable sentences writing on the menu of the support dining car during NL shooting.
LYM: Oh, They wrote sentences on the menu. I was very moved when I saw that. My lines…Here (questions board), is also sticking another questions: How do you memorize your lines? Let’s answer this one as well.
LYW: When I was memorizing the lines, That’s…really… I can remember the lines instantly, but I forget it once I turn around. Because there have been new scripts coming while filming the dramas. I don’t have the time to memorize the previous lines. So I developed this habit. If you ask me directly “Are there any lines impressed you? I can’t remember. When I saw the menu of the support dining car, really I could remember those lines. So I felt interesting while reading the menu. Umm…the lines writing on the menus all I could remember.
MC: the lines were written on the menu?
LYW: Yes. The lines were written on the menu. Those…I could remember the whole.

MC: This question is “How do you memorize the lines? Do you have any secret?
LYW: Umm…I just memorize the lines. That’s it. (fans laughing)


LYW watching the questions notes and chose two.
LYW: Let’s answer these two at the same time.
MC: The first one is “What is the scene that you think you did it well and is deserved to be praised. 2nd one is “the secret of playing the crying scenes.”
LYW: Oh…I don’t have the special secret when I play the crying scenes. I just fall into the characters of the works deeply. I just think “it’s that character crying.” I wouldn’t think the sad stories or sad emotions in purpose to make myself crying. It would fail if I do that. And then I thought I act well. Honestly speaking, actor this job, although you would think it’s OK with this performance. But I never feel satisfied for once. I seem never feeling satisfied. If I have to choose one, ohh…in the case of Night Light, uhh, when SYK heard her father passed away. At that time, I was just according to SYK’s emotion to show it. I have not done any consideration or analysis. Umm, so I…but that scene is favored by a lot of people also. Therefore, I have the thought “Uhh, fortunately everyone loves it.” And then in the case of “yes, family”, uhh…the scene when OSK was watching her mother’s DVD and crying. Ahh, I think I should do it with slightly different way. Once there are the crying scenes I always have the thought “I should act with slightly different way.” Umm, that one was the same, I would think “the relationship of Soo-kyung and her mom” and to play that scene. I was not crying because of watching my acting, watching that movie. (laugh) It’s just because Soo-kyung this kid is too miserable. Before this mom dead she says those words to this kid, to the 2nd child. Then when you are listening to these words although it is very sad but how abominable it is for the person who is listening. I fell into this movie because of these. At that time the NL crews sat in front of me they were watching that movie too. Jin Goo xi says to me afterward how come you cried during watching your own movie. (laugh) He says these words to me. I was not crying because of watching my own movie. The content of that movie touch the heart of 20-30 years old women. That’s why I cried. I definitely was not crying because of watching my own movie. Not because I thought I acted well. (laugh) Right, that’s it.


MC: Umm, Yo Won xi try hard to answer fans question to satisfy your curiousness. Everybody, how about it? Does she answer the parts of your curiousness?
Fans: Yes.
MC: Although there are still many questions left, but in order to have a better time with Yo Won xi let’s do the next part.    
Fans questions part translation finished!
Continue the 2nd half of the FM
The best character talk show
MC: Yo Won xi Could you remind immediately any remarkable lines among these famous characters right now?
LYW: Uhh…I am unable to remember the lines. But, uhh…such as SYK from NL this kind character, She says many outrageous lines…(laughing out loud) The lines favored very much by fans now. “I will see you in hell.” What the hell is “I will see you in hell.” ? What is this talking? (Yo Won’s facial expression and movement here is very cuuuute :wub:)
(fans laughing and applauding)
LYW: Oh…and fans also like “Your world will become hell.” (once again Yo Won is very cute while saying this)
MC: Then, the lines that you just said could you perform it here?
(fans applauding)         
LYW: Oh, I can’t do it well just like this…I will draw out one fan…and then that fan will play as LSJ. And that scene I will do it exactly the same with the way of whispering.
(fans cheering)
LYW: I can’t do that kind acting without camera.
MC: It’s a great honor to act with teacher Lee.
LYW drew out a fan.
MC: This lucky fan is number 41 row C.
LYW: I am sorry to have been drew out the person sitting in the front row. Should draw the person sitting in the rear row.
Because that lucky fan didn’t show up. LYW draw again.

The Lucky fan went to the stage.
MC: Umm, Yo Won xi please go to the front of the stage.
LYW: (says to the fan) Here…please come here.
(Yo Won is so tall, the lucky fan is only on Yo Won’s shoulder.)
LYW: umm, I will act exactly the same.
LYW hold the fan’s shoulder. (fans screaming)
LYW whispers in the fan’s ear “Your world…will become hell from now on.”
The lucky fan covers her face with her hands and laughs. Then Yo Won hugs her shoulder again.
All the fans applauding!
MC: Thank you.
LYW: I feel shy too…

MC: Oh, it’s interesting.

MC: Let’s do the next part.
MC: We have drawn out three lucky fans in first half part, right. Please come out to the stage, Yo Won’s will sign the autograph and present the NL posters to you.
(Originally they plan to give the lucky fans the posters after the event, but Yo Won discussed with the staff in the breaking time and changed the plan.)
The time of signing and presenting the posters to the fans.

MC: Umm, the prize draw of first half is over. Because I think Yo Won xi and fans both would feel regret. Let’s do the draw again, OK?
MC: If the draw in the first half is the practicing. This time we will do it seriously! In other word, it’s the core. (the prize draw) The prizes are Yo Won’s precious collections. She prepared four prizes.
(The four prizes are: 1. a cap that she wore very often in her 20s period. 2. a bag that Yo Won used when she did photo shoot in San Francisco. 3. a bottle of wine, Yo Won says she can't hold her liquor well. This is Rosé…is a pink champagne…I thought it’s good after tasting it. 4. a big poster of movie “Fist of Legend” . all the prizes with Yo Won’s signature


MC: It’s a pity that the draw finished just like this right?
Fans: Yes.
MC: Everybody, to take the selfie with LYW. How about this?
MC: Select two fans to take the selfie with LYW.
First lucky fan took a selfie with LYW. (seems a Chinese fan.)
MC: Seems you fans like more to take a selfie with LYW.
MC: Let’s draw the 2nd one.
2nd fan took a photo with LYW.
Then because LYW has been drew the fans sitting in the certain row. They decide to draw one more till selecting the fan in the other rows. But once again LYW drew the same row (:D) MC thought this one would be passed but LYW looked at him says something.
MC: Ahh. You will do selfie with this fan too? So the MC called out that lucky fan.

MC: Umm…we have been drawn only row C and row R.
LYW: Then I call the number randomly from row D and row L.
MC: Ahh, um um…Just do this.

So at the end Yo Won took selfie with five fans individually. (Yo Won treats fans nicely.)

To be continued…

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15 hours ago, QSD said:

Is it the initial plan they’ve intended to have Yowon taking selfie with some lucky fans only, but she ended up taking selfie with all 300 fans after the meeting?

The initial plan is, as I wrote, selfie with 2 fans. Then in drawing game Yo Won took selfie with 5 fans. And after the end of FM, it's time to high five with Yo Won. This part was not included in the fan's recording video. I read the impression of Chinese fans, they said: The original plan is all fans going to the stage individually to high-five with Yo Won. But Yo Won says she wants to give all fans autograph photos suddenly. Then fans saw Mr. Koo (her manager) taking a lot of photos out :D . Yo Won met all fans' request during giving her signature, taking photos with her (individual or multi-persons), hugging with her etc...Fans said Yo Won stood up and sat down 200+ times. The estimated ending time of this event is 5 PM, at the end it was finished at 6:30 PM. The place of the FM would be closed on 6:00 PM but Yo Won didn't care so the staff were forced to request delaying the closed time of the place.


On 7/14/2018 at 12:37 PM, QSD said:

It’s either they didn’t take the pic down yet or news about her departure from Koo management is wrong.  I think it’s strange if they would release her video when she isn’t in their agency anymore.  Maybe it’s just me.

This is strange for me, how could the agency still put her photo on the website if she has left. It has been one month after the rumor coming out, I read the rumor it was posted in this forum at Jun 07, at the event of the atestoni, and the agency still doesn't take down her photo. It's unreasonable for me. I have searched recent Korean news about Yo Won, I didn't find any news about this. And Management Koo is still listed as her agency in Yo Won's DC page. (DC = a famous Korean forum)

In my opinion this information about she changing agency is wrong. If she really does what's her new agency? Still no any information about it also. 


Yo Won has been cooperated with Mr. Koo almost 20 years. They worked together since she was freshmen. Hardly believe there are no any official news if Yo Won really left Koo management. 

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It’s strange, indeed.  Probably the info regarding her exit from Koo agency isn’t true then.  I didn’t know Mr. Koo is her manager for 20 years.  Don’t think he has his own management company before.  If I remember correctly, Yowon joined his agency after EOG ended in 2013.

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1 hour ago, QSD said:

It’s strange, indeed.  Probably the info regarding her exit from Koo agency isn’t true then.  I didn’t know Mr. Koo is her manager for 20 years.  Don’t think he has his own management company before.  If I remember correctly, Yowon joined his agency after EOG ended in 2013.


I read the information about Mr. Koo from Yo Won's Chinese fans forum: http://www.loveyowon.com/index.php

Yo Won changed agency several times but her manager is always Mr. Koo. They are good friend. Mr. Koo protects Yo Won very much in the aspect of her private life. Mr. Koo sometimes would travel with Yo Won's family, saw the pictures in the Chinese forum. And Yes, Mr. Koo didn't have his own company before. He registered his company at Jun 2013, and Yo Won joined to his company at Jul 2013.
Korean news about Yo Won joined to management Koo


All information read from the Chinese forum.

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Continue the translation of FM


Selfie time finished


MC: We have drawn out many fans, let’s finished here.
MC: Yo Won xi fans made a video for you, please turn around to the screen, let’s take a look.
The video was shown on the screen, a montage of Yo Won’s all works.
After this video, the greeting words by fans were shown on the screen.
Yo Won turn around to the fans and says: thank you! Thank you!

LYW: Are we going on?
MC: No.
LYW: Umm, oh…I am really highly touched by these. I should drop a tear at this moment…(fans laughing) I am very shy. Umm, I sob in my heart. I have the feeling that I have lived for a long time. I feel like what kind of the birthday party that I attended.
A staff took out a cake, and everybody sang the happy birthday song to Yo Won.
LYW: Thank You! (taking the cake and blowing out the candles)
MC: Yo Won xi I heard that they prepared other gifts.
LYW: Ah…OK…Yes, I know.
The staff took out another cake and a gift. There are five LYW’s characters on the cake.
(this cake: https://imgur.com/OM3aDER )
LYW: Ah…um, Thank You!
MC: I think that present is SUPER!
(The staff put down the cake on the table.)
LYW: Oh~ um, Thank You!
MC: These characters on the cake, all have their own stories? What kind of their roles are?
LYW: Oh…um, oh…hahaha
LYW: This one is in NL, I played the outrageous shooting scene. (EP03). Um, I don’t have special skills. When the camera crew ask me what am I good at? I say I am good at Yoga. I am good at reading. I answered like these. Um, so they added the shooting scene…fortunately…I thought that the frame of that scene looks naturally. And this one is when I took the photo shoot in San Francisco (Cosmopolitan Korea issue Apr 2017), Um, I like blue, don’t I? So I wore a blue suit and took a blue coffee, it’s that image. Um, this one is my fans the most beautiful…the most popular period. I attended the 2013 SBS awards because of EOG. I think it’s that image. And this one is the first time that I wore the sportswear as an actor, right? (It’s her image that she was in airport to set off to San Francisco for photo shoot.) Ah~Thank you very much! Thank you! (she didn’t explain the 5th character, it’s also from San Francisco photo shoot, Yo Won wore that grey suit sitting on the chair. all girl crush images except that one in SBS awards :D)

MC took that gift and says
MC: I heard fans prepared this gift.
MC: Could you open it please?
LYW: Ah, OK…
LYW: Oh, before opening it, this is my first time to watch the montage of the highlight of all my works from my young age till now. So thank you very much for making this video. Ah, really…like I said just now I really have the feeling that I have lived a very long time. Actually…I really have lived a long time…Um, really…I saw the images of my young age. I feel shy…I also feel proud of myself. There are successful works …although there are failed ones. No matter what, all are the shapes of me…all are my life. Actor this job…is to experience life through works. I don’t have many fans. Like this when we met (with fans) occasionally, I felt fans are more anxious about my next works than me…the feeling of insecurity? the feeling of success? I thought fans having this feeling “You can not fail…the rating should be better, isn’t it?” This kind insecurity. I definitely don’t have that kind insecurity. Although everybody also has experienced life. There are successful times also there are failed moments, also there are frustrated periods in life, isn't it? You wouldn’t abandon those experiences because of failure. When you have experienced failure then afterward you could succeed. Because of failure you could gain something. So I…have been taking part in new works like this. I am grateful for having the opportunity to act. “Ah…What to do if the rating is under 2%-3%? What to do if I failed. So should I just give up totally? “ “Just maintain this image right now, just live on like this.” I definitely don’t have these kind thoughts. Absolutely not! Because we are getting older years by years…Me too…I thought I would stop at my 20s year old period. Now I will become…(forty) tomorrow, the day after tomorrow…(laughing) I will feel pain if I speak out (means if she said the age she will feel pain so she didn’t say it.) Oh, um…I absolutely don’t have those anxiety…I really thanks for everyday. I have the thought “I can enjoy my life now because I had did my best in my young age.” Then this is the biggest birthday party of my life. Initially, I don’t like this kind party, similar occasions I don’t like…(laughing) Um, so really thanks everyone! Um, really really…I felt today becoming the unforgettable day for me…Thank you very much!
(Fans applauding enthusiastically)

LYW: Then I open this gift.
LYW: The hand writing is very beautiful, Thank you~Thank you~
LYW: That’s just my style. Girl crush…Thank you. (laughing)
MC: Yo Won xi, these boxes beside all are the gifts for you. Could you choose one among them to open it ?
LYW: Ah, want me to open the gift? Ah, really many thanks to all the fans.
LYW: Oh, here’s a drawing in this…ah, thank you.
LYW: Ah, exaggerating? Thank you. (everybody laughing)
LYW: Um…Thank you.
LYW: Uh, which one should I open? I just open the one in the front of me, OK?
LYW: Thank you. I would read them seriously when I received hand writing letters. I thought I am the person that would read fans’ letters seriously. Fans try hard to write letters to me. Really thank you very much.
LYW: What is this? Thank you. This…oh, what is this? Flowers…please take the gift for me…let me read fan’s letter. Um, Melody, this fan…oh, she wrote “Happy Birthday” no description for the gift. Oh, I think…um, “ presented immortal flowers means to keep the flowers like this” This should be the thought of this fan I think. Thank you.
MC: You have good impression for this gift. Um, please choose one more. Because there are too many gifts. Just one more…Don’t have enough time…
LYW: Let’s open the biggest one among them, OK?
LYW: Thank you.
LYW: A composite gifts set. Thank you. Um, I will do my best to eat them all. Thank you.
MC: Ah, um…because there are many gifts. Though we want to open all of them but because of the limit of time we have to finish here.

MC: Oh, Yo Won xi the videos that are prepared are not only these. Please turn around to the screen again, thank you.
Showing the greeting videos from Yo Won’s colleagues on the screen.
Yoo Jae-myung (Mr. Jo from Miss temper), Son Jong-hak (Mr. Kim from Miss temper), Hwang Bo-ra (Miss Jang Mi Ri from Miss temper)

Yoon Sang-hyun (Mr. Nam from Miss temper): Hi, I am Yoon Sang-hyun. Congratulations for Yo Won’s birthday. Happy Birthday! Please contact with oppa (means himself) too~bye bye~

Lee Ho-jung (Son Mari from NL): Hi, I am model Lee Ho-jung. Um, I have heard that Yo Won onni holds the FM. We knew each other because of Night Light. And really…It’s really really really my great honor to know predecessor Lee Yo Won. I am very happy. And predecessor Lee Yo Won is really very handsome. Really, you fans are blessed to be the fans of predecessor Lee Yo Won. So…really congratulations to predecessor Lee Yo Won’s birthday. Really really congratulations. And I thought FM will be very interesting. Hopefully all you fans have fun. And wuli (our) Yo Won onni I love you. Love you. Bye bye~thank you~

Jin Goo (PGW from NL): Yo Won na, happy birthday. I acquainted with Yo Won this good friend because of Night Light. Uh, it seems good to know her. Hopefully it will be good in the future too. Ah, and…To the fans gathering here in order to congratulate Yo Won’s birthday. All of you, thank you. Please support wuli (our) Yo Won xi ‘s cool acting. I also…I also hope you can support me. Happy Birthday.

Jung Hae-in (Tak from NL): Hi I am Jung Hae-in. Sincere congratulations to Seo Daepyonim, Yo Won nu na 's birthday. Hopefully you like a heroine today, having a happy and meaningful birthday. Nu na Happy Birthday. (Nu na= elder sister)

UIE (LSJ from NL): Hi I am UIE. Sincere congratulations to predecessor Lee Yo Won for her 2nd FM. Daepyonim, Sincere congratulations. I really envy you that you can hold a FM on your birthday. Today is my birthday too. Um, best wishes. Oh, I really want to see Daepyonim meeting with fans. Oh, don’t know why I am laughing…um, Daepyonim really congratulations to you. Wishing you have a happy time with fans. Oh, congratulations again. Oh, don’t cry. Oh, and don’t laugh out loud unceremoniously. Um, hopefully you can gather many unforgettable memories of your life time. Also hopefully fans have a wonderful time today. Um, really congratulations. Love you.

MC: Really many people greet Yo Won xi ‘s birthday and her FM. UIE says today is her birthday, right?
LYW: Um, oh..yes.
MC: Because of Night Light…
LYW: I knew she has the same birthday with me from the TV program “We got married” . In that program, UIE and her fake husband to see the Tarot. And I found her birthday is same with me…Tarot cards are similar right? Of course our birthday year is different…I have the thought “ Oh that’s a person who shares the same birthday with me. So I felt it is novel.” And we met because of this work (NL), really, I felt it is more novel…it’s the fate.
MC: Really it’s the fate.
LYW: Yes.
LYW: No matter what…thanks everyone very much. I knew there are these videos…Because among these people two big mouth girls have told me. Although they have told me, I thought just few colleagues. I never expected that the predecessors prepared greeting videos too. They should be busy in shooting. Very…really, many thanks to everyone…um, thank you very much.

MC: Um, I think everybody must wait for this for a long time. It’s the photo time, to take pictures of Yo Won xi freely. At first…Yo Won xi please take a picture with fans, OK?
MC: Please go to the front of the stage and turn around then take a photo with fans.
Yo Won took a photo with all fans

MC: Yo Won xi please poses to let fans taking photos of you.
Photo time finished.

MC: Yo Won xi says she wants to have a selfie with all fans for her own memory.
Yo Won took a selfie with all fans

MC: Everybody…time flies. It’s time to end…it’s a pity, right?
Fans: Yes.
LYW: Oh, right now…the FM is over, isn’t it…So as ending I would like to introduce the staff members who worked hard with me during this year. I want to introduce them to you. Then…please come out. You saw them in insta…in SNS very often right? Um, oh…please come out.
LYW: Our xxxx (a Korean name) you saw her frequently right? Oh, this is the stylist…is the chief…No no…is captain…um, the chief is someone else. Oh, although our chief also makes me very beautiful…Our captain has to go to the filming places personally…She is not young already. (still need to do this thing.) Um, oh…beautiful…flawlessly…During this year worked very hard…um, introduce yourself to the fans.
Stylist: Hello. I am the stylist of Yo Won xi, Seo XX.
LYW: Um, and this is the make up artist. Now she has became a designer, so she went to other shop. We met because of Night Light…um, we cooperated for just one work and say good bye regretfully, right? Um, introduce yourself.
Make up artist: Hello, I am make up artist, Kim XX.
LYW: And this one she is famous, right?
Fans: Yes
LYW: Dami Dami Dami nim…Jo Dami nim um oh…in which work that we started cooperating? From Miss temper? Ah, yes, from Miss temper she is in charge of my hair style. Now she will become a designer soon. Follow our teacher’s steps. Um, she could do my hair style beautifully, a talented person…please introduce yourself.
Dami (hair stylist): Hello, I am Dami.
LYW: Our housekeeper (general affairs I think). Um, our…this one I also knew him because of Miss temper. Because he is the new friend...So please introduce yourself.
Housekeeper: Hello. I have to take care of the safety of Yo Won nu na and these and those kind things. My name is Kim XX .
LYW: Um, Thank you.

LYW: Oh…I have been as an actor for almost 20 years. When I was young I worked with oppa onni. Because my age has started to increase. now the age of the staff is younger and younger, isn’t it…Um, now these friends too…oh, will become designers, become chiefs and leave me…I will probably work with more younger friends…uh…I feel pity…and now the age gap between me and the staff is increasing slowly. I am a bit afraid also…But regardless, my job…actor too, the colleague too, the staff too…We met and became close, then separated with each other. Then met new people, became close, separated again…Actor is this kind job…This…I feel very pity and unwilling…Then, uh…I said these words because the popularity is like foam.
Fans: It’s not.
LYW: I…Ah…Thank you.
LYW: I really never thought I would stand in this kind occasion. Oh, and never thought I would receive so many presents and loves. I thought acting is interesting, making works is interesting, so I keep acting continuingly. My family members also say so, “Your popularity is foam.” “I don’t know when I could get so many fans’ loves again.” So…um, I definitely would not falter because of the popularity. I just thank you very much. Oh, in the future, no matter what works that I take part in, no matter what I am doing. Um, support me hiddenly it’s OK. (laughing) Um…oh, I have a great day today. Fans came here from far away, really thank you very much. And This FM it’s not that interesting. Um, hopefully everyone has a good memory. It will be good if everyone leaves with a good memory. Thank you very much. Thank you.

MC: Now we will do this activity, Fans high touch with Yo Won xi. The most important thing is to do it safely. Comes to the stage from here then high five with Yo Won then leaves from there.

The full FM video translation finished.

About the high five with Yo Won. This part was not included in the fan's recording video. I read the impression of Chinese fans, they said: The original plan is everyone going to the stage, high-five with Yo Won individually. But Yo Won says she wants to give all fans autograph photos suddenly. Then the Chinese fans saw Mr. Koo (Yo Won's manager) taking a lot of photos out :D . Yo Won met all fans' request during giving her signature, taking photos with her (individual or multi-persons), hugging with her etc...Fans said Yo Won stood up and sat down 200+ times. The estimated ending time of this event is 5 PM, at the end it was finished at 6:30 PM. The place of the FM would be closed on 6:00 PM but Yo Won didn't care so the staff were forced to request delaying the closed time of the place. 

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10 hours ago, avalon2046 said:


LYW: That’s just my style. Girl crush…Thank you. (laughing)

LYW: Our housekeeper (general affairs I think). Um, our…this one I also knew him because of Miss temper. Because he is the new friend...So please introduce yourself.
Housekeeper: Hello. I have to take care of the safety of Yo Won nu na and these and those kind things. My name is Kim XX .





She’s funny.  So she knows she possesses girl crush image.


Is this housekeeper the same man on the right?


Once again, thanks a ton for your translation.  Good to know her thoughts about the characters she has had played.

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