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[breaking News!] Jaebeom Quits 2pm ! :(

Guest Mimiluvsu

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just days ago jyp released pictures of him writing lyrics for 2PM's new album...

i was so excited as was everyone else, but now that's vanished. i cannot believe

this is happening to a new group.

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what jay said did not kill somebody, it did not start a world war, it did not kick anybody out of the country.

THE NETIZENS on the other hand... RUINED A BOY'S LIFE.

that's what they live to do, right? ruining other people's lives cause their lives are completely pathetic.

i cant imagine what is going thru jay's mind.... all he worked for just to debut, FINALLY debuting, worked hard during their debut, and just when they finally they made hits, gained love and respect, celebrated their first year together

and then now, he has to leave allllllllll of that behind and look to a future he wasnt even prepared for.

my heart goes out to his mom the most right now.... i bet her heart is breaking to be with her son during all of this.

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Guest java_junkie

Wow. I'm in utter shock right now. I've been following all the posts for the past few hours know, hoping my brain can make sense of it all, but everything is still a little muddled. We all hoped it wouldn't come to this, but unfortunately it has, and it's truly a sad, sad day for 2PM fans. My heart breaks a little more the more I read on...

What's best for Jaebum right now is to be surrounded by a support system, and his #1 support system is back home in the US, with his mom, his family and his closest friends. Yes, it hurts us all to see him leave and under these circumstances, but we have to put ourselves in his shoes. If you were in his situation, you'd want to be with your family too, right? He needs unconditional love, and while the fans and his bandmates love him, that is incomparable to the unconditional love of family. Whether he was forced out or he left on his own, we won't really know until we get more word on it. For now, we can only support Jaebum's decision and send him off with all our love and support. It certainly wasn't an easy decision for him to reach, but this is what he thought was best for himself, for his 2PM brothers and for JYPE.

It's just incredibly unbelievable how much power these netizens and antis have. I've been following the Korean entertainment scene for a good number of years now, and know how dangerous they are, and everytime something like this surfaces, it absolutely saddens me. This is not the first time it has happened. Careers have been destroyed because of them. Worst of all, lives have been lost because of them. I really do hope that government officials take these issues and do something about the internet-bullying problem. Yes, we're all entitled to our opinions. But we're not entitled to play God and be puppet-masters of other people's lives.

I'm worried about the other members right now. If we as fans are devastated, imagine how magnified their pain and sorrow are. They've just lost a brother, and their future right now seems to be uncertain from all the rumours that are running about. Let's just hope they stay strong, and that the worst doesn't happen. If they do remain as a group, I would much rather see them as a 6-member group. It's hard enough to when a member leaves, but to add someone new amongst a group that has already bonded and been through so much is always awkward for everyone. Let alone that they won't be replacing "just another member" like other groups have done. This is a gap that was left by the leader of the group, and that gap will always remain.

I hope our boys stay strong through this difficult time. I hope Jaebum stays strong as well. I wish you nothing but the best. I hope you return home and have the proper time to heal and move on. You're still very young; you have your whole life ahead of you to accomplish great things, no matter what they are. And know that we will always support you in whatever you decided to do.

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Guest monsterjamiez

I usually never post in Soompi.

But at this point, I will.

Sure I feel a little overdramatic that I'm so heartbroken over Jay leaving, but it's not even that.

Jay has apologized and he's agree to move on. The fact that netizens have blown this out of proportion makes Koreans look pretty ignorant. I'm not saying all koreans are but the reality is that one thing blown out of proportion makes us all look bad. My brother used to tell me "Koreans have too much pride and it makes them look bad." I NEVER EVER believed him and actually fought with him saying that's not true. Until now.

I hope netizens and anti's will realize that at this point, no one will continue to even consider their opinions or find them worthy of using the internet. This just makes them look like disgusting low life garbage with not even an ounce of integrity. No one really used to mind some of the harsh things that they did. But destroying someone's dreams and breaking apart a good family and friendship shows everyone how heartless they are.

I really hope Jay reconsiders. I'll still support him no matter what he chooses to do. But I hope he knows that as much as he feels too guilty to perform in front of his fans and perform alongside his members, it's even more of a disappointment to us that he's leaving and even more painful to his members that their leader and big brother is leaving them. But for now, I do think it's a good idea he goes home to his family and recovers from all the drama. I truly hope he comes back soon in the future.

I still stand by 7 OR NOTHING.

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Guest simplicity90

GAHHH!!! i've got to let my frustrations out!!! this is john teshing ridiculous. netizens are so stupid. why the hell would you dig up something 4 years old?!?! it was tough for Jae being in a new environment, not being able to communicate with the people well. instead of being understanding, some just shunned him. GAH! i would be pissy too. also, john tesh that suicide petition, do people not have john teshing hearts?!?!?! if Jae was unhappy and decided to leave on his own then that would have been better, not like having people talk mini cooper about him and basically telling him to get out of the country cause they have too much john teshing pride. SIGH. this should not be the way to go. i have no idea how things are going to turn out, but i hope somehow Jae and the other 2PM members will find happiness.

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Guest carpediem101_1

Let this be a lesson learned for Korean netizens as they have just defaced their country. It is unfortunate that a minority representation has to make one whole country look heartless and cold. *sarcastic round of applause*

if they even learned a lesson. sigh.

so disappointed in this news and people like the netizens who did horrible things. and yeah. way to represent korea >:[ i kinda wish this would make bigger international news and actually make them feel sorry. but that is doubtful. and they'll continue their hating and negativity towards others, whether it be jay or someone new.

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Guest chikashi

@twooneday twitter

i'm literally sitting on the edge of my seat refreshing every two seconds for updates. thanks to everyone for translating articles/posting updates. we're all in this together :)

Same here haha. It's crazy how I'm much more affected by this than when our former president died.

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Guest love-monster


Jaebum's posts can be found here.

There are parts where he says he's glad he's come to Korea, thankful to his mother for sending him there.


that's what a netizen posted right? not jaebum? XD

I started reading it (i have poor korean, but I understood some of it) and realized.

Sorry n_n;;

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Guest thehazyfiasco

Can you please translate?

Sorry~ I know you're probably busy.

I translated the bulk of these a few pages back. These are just image proofs that he actually said them. And yes, the comment about the perm hair was made by his friend Yoon, the one that made the comment "The motherland that we always made fun of."

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Guest aberkimbie

i live in seattle. well tacoma to be exact. the airport is like half an hour away. i really really really wanna go see him.

-_____-; should i?

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Guest Lishathestain

i live in seattle. well tacoma to be exact. the airport is like half an hour away. i really really really wanna go see him.

-_____-; should i?


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Guest onlyforbenjamin

omg this is SOOO crazy im TOTALLY crying. this is SOO upsetting and ridiculous. I dont understand how these things can happen. I seriously wish Jay would wait it out before deciding so early.and plus like how can the leader quit?!

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My heart hurts so much. :(( Read the other comments he made and I feel even more upset. I was really looking forward to their album!

Arghhh fml.

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Guest love-monster

I translated the bulk of these a few pages back. These are just image proofs that he actually said them. And yes, the comment about the perm hair was made by his friend Yoon, the one that made the comment "The motherland that we always made fun of."

ah, I just realized.

Sorry for the misunderstanding and thank you n__n

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