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[breaking News!] Jaebeom Quits 2pm ! :(

Guest Mimiluvsu

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Omg the KPOP world is just falling apart...... there is no 2pm without jaebum! I seriously hope he considers going back to korea. I miss him already :[

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Guest Bamidele

I'm not even a 2PM fan but this situation is so out of line even I feel pissed off. This is what happens when antis/netizens are given to much power and can actually have the ability to bring down a person based on such small information. I really feel for Jay Park because he is really just a young kid who got caught up in a new world and like any teenager he made some mistakes and should have been forgiven.

This whole situation was out of control and I hope the K-pop industry, fans, antis, media, and netizens learn from this and grow up. My goodness, this kids life is pretty much ruined right now and I just pray he comes out a better person and has his family around him to support him through this.

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saw jay like ten minutes ago. he had family with him. my friend gave him two letters while me n my other friend wish him good luck. he gave a little bow n said thank you. his voice was very weak and looked a little sad yet relieved to be back. his mom, i think it was, looked a bit happy that we were there.

saw some other fans there.. i want em videos! just kidding (:

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Guest Imperfxtion

Thanks so much for the update. I can't even begin to imagine how much thinking time he had during his ride. Best of luck Jay. Put a smile on.

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saw jay like ten minutes ago. he had family with him. my friend gave him two letters while me n my other friend wish him good luck. he gave a little bow n said thank you. his voice was very weak and looked a little sad yet relieved to be back. his mom, i think it was, looked a bit happy that we were there.

saw some other fans there.. i want em videos! just kidding (:

Wut? You actually saw Jay? AWESOME!

You should have given your letter by yourself >_<

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Guest jiyuhnn

omgsh i cant believe this. is he really not coming back?

is there any chance of him coming back?

please tell me that there is because this is just ridiculous and unfair.

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Guest Llamallamaa

O_O So shocked by this...

This was totally 2PM's year, too! T____T I still can't believe it... it's just so heartbreaking to see him have to go through this </3.

I wish it didn't have to come to this, though hopefully now at least he'll be able to get some rest... I feel so sad seeing him like this :unsure: .

2PM will not be the same without him. :(

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Guest pink.strawberrie;


I seriously miss him already and wish he'd come back. He doesn't deserve this!

is he gone permeantly though?

sucks that 2PM looked like they were going to become a huge band this year too.

Stay strong Jay, you still have lots of fans that love you. <3

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Ahh... followed this since last night and cried myself to sleep. I love 2PM as a whole, and now having Jaebum gone (the thoughts of him as an ex-member still isn't sinking in) just doesn't feel right. He'll always be a part of 2PM because you can't deny that he makes up 2PM, along with the other 6 members.

Anyway, I'm glad he arrived safely and reunited with his friends and family. I'm still really saddened, because everywhere I go, I see something related to 2PM and it's going to keep going through my head. However, I respect his decision, even though I won't be seeing him in any future 2PM activities (although inside of me, there's this ball of hope). Sulking isn't going to do much or change what has already happened. We all feel like crap at the moment, and I just can't imagine how One Day are feeling, especially 2PM. They've went through so much to achieve what they have and where they are, and it has only been barely a year. It's sad how this happened after their anniversary.

Good luck, Jay Park! There's so many supporting you and I hope you know it. Be strong.

And on a happier note, now that we're on the same continent (and Washington being just two states above), the chances of seeing him is much bigger! Though I wanted to see him with the group. Who knows, we'll let the future decide.

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Guest Anngotpho

For the past few days, I was hoping that the news would die down and JYP told us that Jay wouldn't leave 2PM. I'm quite sad. Really sad actually. The news is too sudden and so hard to accept.

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THIS IS NUTS. First DBSK, now 2PM has some drama?!

2PM is nothing without Jaebum!

I mean... just for a small mistake in the past, he shouldn't be getting all this mini cooper. There are so many celebs who have said or done worse but they're not forced to leave the country.

This is too sudden. I'm still in denial. I'm waiting for him to come back in a month and 2PM is all good again

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Guest southida


Before he left:

When they asked him about his plans in America, he talked about music. He said, "I am planning to study music in America" and "have a time of reflection. I want to show a more mature side both personally and musically."

He also avoided answering questions regarding his plan to return to Korea. His expression showed that it was too early to be discussing about comeback plans. Instead, he expressed, "I want to thank the fans who had come out to the airport," and "I will stay healthy in America. I will COME BACK as a better person."

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Guest leavemebroken

I completly broke down.

Come back Jay.

I cant come to terms with the fact that you are an EXmember.

2PM will never be the same.

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