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[breaking News!] Jaebeom Quits 2pm ! :(

Guest Mimiluvsu

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once he's gone from 2pm,

what's going to happen to the group?

That's what I want to know as well ! .. I don't even know how the rest of the group will go on without him and also I think their opinions of Korean netizens have most definately changed dramatically ever since this whole thing changed !..

Jae Bum I just wish him the best and pray that we'll get to see him perform in the future one day ! I'm just so devastated that he is leaving 2PM !..

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Guest parkjimin

Although I'm not his fan, I hope he won't leave 2pm

It will be very sad to see his leaving

Let's try hard to make him come back with 2pm

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Guest Allison

alot of the korean fansites have posted up pictures of jaebum with quotes like "i believe in you, i swear the from today, no one will take your place " & " just believe and you will never walk alone " .. T_____T seeing it is so heartbreaking.


credit - http://www.parkjaebeom.net/

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Guest saradah

First before you read this, these are just all my own observations and thoughts.....

I know this may be kind of a weird coincidence...

like something from a Greek tragedy or a novel....

but I found these things to be really strange and eerie....

1. first of all, the whole myspace issue surfaced just as they were celebrating their one year anniversary..

2. comments that were made 4 years ago... in merely 4 days, 4 years of hard work down the drain....

3. this will only make sense to those who watch wild bunny.. but when wild bunny episode 7 aired, I noticed

that he went on his myspace to show pictures of him and his bboy crew in america.. at first when this whole issue

surfaced in Korea, I thought it was because the Korean netizens saw that he had a myspace and decided to do

some digging... (purely my speculations..)

4. Also pertaining to wild bunny, the last episode, which was supposed to air today in Korea was cancelled (I don't know when they are going to ever air it..) The last episode was supposed to be about "changing the leader" (리드자 바꾸기 게임).....

I know I'm probably reading into it.. but it's just so weird that all this happened so quickly

best of luck to 2pm and Jaebum...

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Guest AnabellaNoire

I can only hope this is some sort of publicity stunt. Perhaps even to help get rid of all the hype surrounding Jay's myspace comments. But it doesn't seem like it's getting any better. I don't think I'll be able to sleep tonight. This is horrible to say the least. I don't even know what to say really.

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Rough translation of the hidden Jaebum files.

"I'm having a hard time fitting in."

"At least I'm able to wear clothes.."

"I don't think I'll be able to make a lot of money. I won't be able to buy my mom nice things and pay back her debt..."

And other hardships that he expressed towards his friends.

"I'm a complete Korean now. I tried to do that perm that's so popular but I ended up looking like my mom's older friends. Koreans here all look like celebrities, they're so fashionable. I look so crappy next to them. But I'm not ashamed of being Korean anymore. Dae Han Min Kook! Man, I can't even speak or write in English anymore... funny, right?"

You can translate that to Jaebum-speak if you'd like but that's roughly what's been found.


Wow thanks for that

hope netizens feel the most regret ever now

my mom started crying with me when I told her that Jaebum was leaving. She didn't really know him or like him, but her response was:

"I read this on the news and I was so ashamed of Korea, to the world we are just going to seem prideful and unforgiving. He was just a kid and he's still just a kid. Think of how heartbroken his mom would be right now. They are too harsh."

I know to you guys, he's an adult, but understand my mom who has an 18 year old son (my brother) and still thinks of him as a toddler. She's saying that he only just started his career and pursuit of his dreams.

The only thing I can do is silently support Jay, and the rest of 2pm. I wish and pray they stick together.

i agreed with what your mom said

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Guest jusplainmeh

Something that's really pissing me off is what started this whole thing. Jay makes some comments that netizens are not happy with. They decided to inform all of Korea and pretty much black him out. Suicide petitions start circling. Jay can't take this anymore and decides to step down and be with people that care and love him - people that will love him no matter what he says or does.

In a nutshell, Koreans hate Jay because he made Korea look bad? Uh, wtf are you guys doing? One person's opinion is just that - an opinion. What Korea is doing in response to that opinion validates all of Jay's previous comments about Korea being gay and how much it sucks. The treatment of this whole situation is cold hard evidence that Korea is "gay." Evidence is a lot more solid than just someone's opinion. You will never regain your mysterious and wonderful image Korea. Way to kill yourself in the eyes of every international fan that 2PM and anyone else had. Pat yourself on the back for me.

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Guest はんなり豆腐

this is so sad..netizens are so harsh, how could they leave out the good comments? jaebum was softening up to korea, it just took a little time..even tried to perm his hair..gosh this is so sad

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Guest ashleyx

I think THIS will make it in Kpop HISTORY!

Jaebum has so many supporters!! <3

JYPE shouldnt disband 2PM

that will upset Jaebum even more!! T-T

JYP and 2PM should dedicate the new album to Jaebum <3

but will 2pm even be the same without jay? the leader?

are they going to replace him? or will they continue as 6?

as much as i dont want them to break up as a whole,

i cant imagine it any other way :/

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Guest ms.incredible

twooneday twitter:

The members are not taking this well...

I'm sure it has to be rough on them too. 1) they're losing a friend and 2) now their careers are up in the air. Can't imagine to go from finally seeing your hardwork payoff, gaining popularity to I don't know if you guys will be a group anymore. SMH

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Guest Noncinema

I don't usually reply to these threads, but this really is heartbreaking. Coming from a Korean-American GUY, it actually hurts me to see a dream shattered like this. He doesn't deserve this. The Koreans have completely misunderstood his comments (not to mention the comments are from years ago). I truly feel for this guy, because he's seems like a genuinely nice guy. As for leaving, it's not only netizens folks. There's probably hate parades of him everywhere he goes. It's a shame that Korea's people have done such a ruthless act. This is a lose-lose situation for everyone. Korea will lose reputation while Jaebum might lose everything. It's a sad day when a business like K-Pop ends hope for a talented young man.

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Guest Senorita_

Not to be mean, but Korean netizens have too much pride on themselves...why can't they forgive and forget? It's like one wrong word about them and bang! 1000 missiles come shooting at you. They have seriously gone overboard this time. Jaebum deserves a chance!

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he didnt killed anyone whatsoeverr damn

they were just words

I freaking dont want him to quit

he came so far and now he quits no way!! I wish I could fly to Korea and talk with him lol

OMG!! I hope JYP says some good words for him and encourage him.

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