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What Happens To Robert Pattinson When Twilight Is Over?

Guest massive toene

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Guest massive toene

Will he suffer under the Mark Hamill (Star Wars) factor?
What Happens to R.Pattz When Twilight Is Over?


What will happen to Robert Pattinson after all of the Twilight Saga films are done? You think all the obsessed fans will flee him?

written by Hannah Penton

"Flee," eh? Well, if there's anything a Twilight fan loves, it's overblown melodramatic wordage. Why merely wander off when you can tear through the woods as if being chased by a bloodthirsty high-fashion vampire?

Fans may love R.Pattz now, but kids also used to obsess over Orlando Bloom and Mark Hamill (aka Luke Skywalker in Star Wars). The indicators for Pattz's future are not necessarily all that solid...

...and that's based on actual data. You know. Facts.


Like this one:

Pattz is already showing symptoms of the deadly Mark Hamill factor. Moviegoers had so much trouble disassociating the Star Wars actor from his Luke Skywalker character that he removed all mentions of the franchise from his résumé.

After taking the role of Frodo Baggins in The Lord of the Rings trilogy, Elijah Wood was so aware of the dangers of Mark Hamill syndrome—"[Fans] were only able to associate him with that role," Wood once observed—that he deliberately picked movies like Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind to make sure he didn't get typecast.

"That's the main thing, continue to work and be perceived in a different light with different characters," Wood once explained to an Australian newspaper. (Bloom, on the other hand, has two giant franchises to overcome: Rings and Pirates of the Caribbean.)


And that's exactly what Pattz needs to do more of. Right now. Because according to data pulled by social media agency Karma Media Labs, the kids are having a real hard time separating the actor from the bloodsucker.

Between the fan forums, social media sites and photo and video sharing sites, Karma CEO Lori Dicker concludes that "most of the references and conversations about Robert Pattinson are about his character, and less about him as a stand-alone personality outside of Twilight."

In fact, she notes, "One of the top contributors of content on a popular photo sharing site is named Robert_is_Edward."

And don't even talk to me about Pattz's forgettable turn as Salvador Dalí. Did you stand in line to see Little Ashes? Exactly.


Pattz has another big hurdle ahead of him, too.

He has to prove he can act. Sounds like an unnecessary road block—why please the critics when you can hypnotize fans?—but to survive in Hollywood long term, you really do need talent.

Harrison Ford made huge bank swinging from Star Wars to Indiana Jones. But he would have eventually crawled back to carpentry if directors found he couldn't carry a movie like Working Girl or Regarding Henry. And Pattz has yet to show true chops even in the movies he's already done.

Here's what the Village Voice had to say about Little Ashes: "Pattinson—first presented as a twitchy weirdo...has difficulty conveying cracked genius, at one point seeming to mimic Jame Gumb's prance in front of the mirror in The Silence of the Lambs until settling on just bugging his eyes out."

"Pattinson...is more parody than performance," the Los Angeles Times echoed.


Even Twilight hasn't exactly bowled the critics over when it comes to Pattz.

After watching it, "I checked Pattinson out on Google Images and found he almost always glowers at the camera 'neath shadowed brow," über-critic Roger Ebert concluded.

Of course Pattz could show the world he has staying power starting with his next non-Twi flick, Remember Me. But until then, the jury is far from in.

Edit: An example, why Rpattz is so not Edward!! Here he plays a gay character~

Watch this: Little Ashes - Trailer

Is Robert naked at 2:05???? :o


I think that if Robert gets some good roles to play after the Twilight Series, he could become the next Leonardo DiCaprio.

Let´s see how his future will turn out.


Ok, guys, maybe I exaggerated a bit with the Leo-comparison. Leo is, of course, a great & talented actor since he was a child. Rpattz is a newcomer in Hollywood and Twilight was his first lead role in a mainstream movie. But I think he can improve and learn from his experiences, the more movies he will shoot. I´m also curious about Robert´s fanbase...if they still like him if he is not "Edward - the Vampire" anymore. Hopefully, he will not end like Mark Hamill aka Luke Skywalker!

Anyway, all your comments are very interesting to read. Thanks, guys! B)

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Guest mishax3

I think he will be fine. He seems like the kind of actor who would be fine doing indie films all his life. So even if he doesn't get casted in big movies, he will still act in small films, which i think he prefers.

Check out his film "How to Be" it's good, hysterical but a little depressing..lol

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Guest i_4got

I think he's already proven that he can't act.

And as for separating Robert Pattinson from Edward Cullen? That's professional suicide for him. Take away Edward Cullen, and this guy is nothing.

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Guest duh123

i'm tired of twilight. i think i would've liked him better if he wasn't associated with twilight. no this guy can't act. even in harry potter he couldn't act. he was down right annoying in both films. the only thing i like about him is that he's funny during interviews. he needs acting lessons fast then he should learn how to attend to his hygienic problems after all the twilight movies and disappear for a year or two and come back looking completely different with acting skills. otherwise he isn't going to make it.

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Guest theskinnygirl

I think he's already proven that he can't act.

I agree. lol.

He's actually very lucky to be casted in Twilight. Without this movie, I doubt he'd ever make it big with his acting skills. He should be thankful for it, because if his acting skills doesnt improve in the future, the Twilight Saga will probably be the only movies that will bring him in alot of $$$ as an actor.

Everytime I think of Robert Pattinson, I think of that part in Twilight when Bella was walking into the Bio Lab room, Edward had that constipated look on his face. -__-

I don't hate him or anything. I'm just saying things as they are.

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Guest nana544

I agree with most of the facts the critter writes...like fans doesn't really like Robert Pattinson, they like the character he portray which is Edward Cullen...hopefully he will show the audiences that he can still act in his new movie Remember Me.

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Guest 1S0ULL

I think after Twilight, he should get himself some acting lessons and then make an awesome comeback with a GOOD movie. Not some teen movie.

If he can do that, then he will be fine.

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Guest polaris

I think he will be fine. He seems like the kind of actor who would be fine doing indie films all his life. So even if he doesn't get casted in big movies, he will still act in small films, which i think he prefers.

Check out his film "How to Be" it's good, hysterical but a little depressing..lol

I totally agree...

Although this Twilight Franchise has catapulted Rob's career, he makes it very clear in his interviews, his demeanor, outer appearance outside of making the Twilight movies, etc... that he is far from the "Edward" character. He actually seems more comfortable in the small indie films he makes and also in making music. So I think he will completely fine after Twilight. I certainly will be watching whatever creative endeavors he chooses to pursue in his future after the whole Twilight craze blows over.

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Guest 0oyokisuo0

I think after Twilight, he should get himself some acting lessons and then make an awesome comeback with a GOOD movie. Not some teen movie.

If he can do that, then he will be fine.

^ that.

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Guest _ijusswannabeme_

I'm actually getting kind of sick of the publicity with the Twilight movie series...

I would have just preferred to have the book not turn into the movie...

Robert... has his freaking hands full. He better inpress people with his

next film after Twilight or people are going to say that he can't act...

and that's going to be a LOT of pressure.

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Guest akanelove

There's a good chance that after the Twilight saga is finished and all this hype dies down, Robert Pattinson will fade into oblivion. No one really noticed him before he got casted for Twilight and without this pivotal role, he still might be going around unnoticed. Also, I think a lot of his fans like him because they associate him as the character he plays, meaning they are really fans of Edward Cullen not Robert Pattinson. The farther removed from this role he is, the lesser his popularity may become. Unless he can prove that he is a good and versatile actor, he might not have the staying power to have a successful and long-term career in the entertainment industry.

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Everytime I think of Robert Pattinson, I think of that part in Twilight when Bella was walking into the Bio Lab room, Edward had that constipated look on his face. -__-


i like him in interviews...he's funny and always seems high...it makes me laugh

hate his acting. makes me cringe...so hard to watch. especially since kstew already sucks at acting & then you have rpattz. total fail.

he's attractive only in twilight. he looks like a hobo otherwise.

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Guest Swtess

I think that if Robert gets some good roles to play after the Twilight Series, he could become the next Leonardo DiCaprio. Let´s see how his future will turn out.

Ha! Sorry but that just makes me laugh. The first film for me and the world to notice Leo is from Titanic, and he showed that he could act in that. Robert, there doesn't seem to be much acting at all.

You could put any guy as Edward and he be crazy popular like Robert is now.

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Guest talksound

definitely not going to last. he can't act.

popular, yes, but it will fade. zac efron is already no longer as popular.

and please do NOT say he can become anything near leonardo dicaprio, at least dicaprio can act.

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