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Moon Geun Young 문근영


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Another pairing I can think of is Moonie with my fave, Ji Chang Wook.. hehehe.. but it remains only a dream for now..

I love this actor too he's really charismatic, I like him since WBDS  :D I also hope one day he will work with Moonie :)

me too - also i dont think its that far-fetched they are both the same age and versatile so the pairing looks really possible  

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Moon Geun Young IG @aka_moons

aka_moons촬영 대기중에 어디든 낑겨 들어가긔~ 
#마을 #아치아라의비밀 #10월7일 #첫방 #노네들 #7주년이라고 #난 #안중에도 #없지#쳇#그까이꺼 #축하한다요 #Day8

Trans: While on standby for filming, finding any narrow place to fit into~ #thevillage #achiarassecret #oct7th#firstbroadcast #sinceitsthe #7thyranniversary(ofpotw)#ami #notinyour #mind(preoccupiedcelebratingnow)?#chet#congratulations #onthat(theanniversary) #Day8
BTW Moons playfully communicates with bears during the celebrations of the 7th year anniversary of the 2008 highly acclaimed historical drama 'Painter of the Wind,’ where Moon Geun Young played the character of Shin Yun Bok, an exceptionally talented painter.



aka_moons이건 어디에 낑겨 있는걸까용?? 큭- 
#마을 #아치아라의비밀 #10월7일 #첫방 #아잉데아잉데#챙겨주는거 #아잉데 #노네 #갤주는 #노네라매 #킁킁-#이름만 #도미나스지 #뭐 #쳇쳇-
Trans: Where do you think this is that I’m fitting myself into (now)?? keuk- #thevillage #achiarassecret #oct7th#firstbroadcast #itsnotnot #takingcare(joking/teasing)#not #yousaid #youre #theowner #keungkeung#imjust#dominus(owner)inname #well #chetchet-
btw ,Moons is playfully communicating again as she is obviously taking care of bears, but she jokes/teases and says the opposite. Bears call Moons 'Dominus' which means 'owner.' Moons is bears' owner.




Moonie IG Video 4

aka_moons촬영 끝! 추석은 가족들과 함께~ 다들 따뜻한 추석 되세요^^
‪#‎곰숑키들‬ ‪#‎7주년은‬ ‪#‎이제‬ ‪#‎끝났다‬ ‪#‎크하하하‬ ‪#‎10년‬ ‪#‎채우면‬ ‪#‎인정해줄겜‬‪#‎그치만‬ ‪#‎우린‬ ‪#‎Day9‬
Trans: Finished filming (for today)! Chuseok(Thanksgiving) is (a time to spend) together with family~ Everyone hope you have a warm Chuseok^^‪#‎bears‬ ‪#‎7thyranniversary‬ ‪#‎isnow‬ ‪#‎finished‬ ‪#‎keuhahaha‬ ‪#‎whenitreaches‬‪#‎10years‬ ‪#‎illconfirmit‬ ‪#‎but‬ ‪#‎were‬ #Day9
Video Trans: Everyone I wish you will have a warm and happy Chuseok (Thanksgiving) with your family. Also, make a wish while looking at the moon, and I wish that all the things that you hope for will come true. Happy~ Happy~ Happy Chuseok! Bye
By SoompiMoons

Happy Chuseok Everyone :wub:


MGY Fashion Style 


from DCBH

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Guest jisung_15

Gals, I'm not familiar with JCW or any of his works for that matter but may just try to see Healer at least when time permits to get to know him.;) He seems to get a lot of love from Soompi-ers so that says something. I don't know, but everytime I watch a series, I imagine the actor with Moonie hehe; maybe because imagining them with me is so far-fetched!:sweatingbullets:


@Kanyaprasetyo, maybe we can do the rice wreath some other time, even in the middle of the screening of The Village, not necessarily for the presscon so more people can get on board?

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Moon Geun Young Transforms into a Chic Careerwoman for Bazaar Korea

by ockoala (koalasplayground)


Moon Geun Young‘s comeback month of September has basically been an unending stream of goodies. The fun promo circult she did with Yoo Ah In for sageuk movie The Throne (Sado) showed off yet another male costar of hers that is totally enamored of her talent and personality. Then came the promising previews for upcoming SBS corpse mystery drama The Village(Achiara’s Secret), with Moon Geun Young working again with the network after the inconsistentCheongdamdong Alice and the amazingly excellent Painter of the Wind. I thought Moon Geun Young’s recent photoshoot for Allure Korea was beautiful in an ethereal way, she’s now followed up with a Bazaar Korea spread that edgier but still plays up her all grown up aura. Love the diverse poses and outfits, all of which come across as classy and accessible just like her.

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Moon Geun Young IG


aka_moons숙모가 보내주신 전과 송편!! 맛나게 먹고 내일부터 또 힘내서 으랏차차!! #다들 #배부르고 #뜨뜻한 #추석 #보내세요 #과식하진 #말구용#과식엔 #부채표세경활명수!! #
Trans: Jeon (pancakes) and songpyeon (traditional Chuseok rice cakes) that my aunt sent (me)!! (Will) eat deliciously and starting tomorrow again (will work) energetically/strongly euratchacha(fighting)!!#everyone #hopeyouhave #afilling(fullstomach)and#warm #Chuseok #butdont #overeat!#whenyouovereat #(drink)thefanlabeledsekyungsdigestivemedicine!! #
Btw,Moons again wishes fans a filling and warm Chuseok, and worries about fans overeating and getting sick. Moons tells fans to drink her friend Shin Se Kyung's advertised digestive medicine drink that has a fan label on it if fans get an upset stomach. They're old friends and in the same company. Se Kyung said on her appearance on Happy Together in the past that Moon Geun Young is her good friend and role model.
by SoompiMoons
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Trans: Finished filming (for today)! Chuseok(Thanksgiving) is (a time to spend) together with family~ Everyone hope you have a warm Chuseok^^ #bears #7thyranniversary #isnow #finished #keuhahaha #whenitreaches #10years #illconfirmit #but #were #Day




Trans: Now is there about 10 days left (until the first broadcast of 'The Village: Achiara's Secret')? heet- Quickly, quickly, I wish the broadcast would start!!! Kkya~ >ㅁ<// #thevillage #achiarassecret #oct7th #firstbroadcast #didyoumake #awish #whilelookingatthemoon #todayalso #hopeyouhave #agoodday #and #asexpected #i #wontdo #food(eat)stagram #Day10

Translations by: sarigomtangmoons

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30 Korean Celebrities Turning 30 Next Year



It’s always somewhat of a shock to find out — or be reminded of — a celebrity’s age. It’s not really something that requires regular attention. Unless, of course, you covet someone and periodically lament the age difference between you and (not) yours. Normally — at least I think so — it doesn’t matter to anyone how old Joo Won is, or how old Jun Ji Hyun is. They’re just phenomenal actors. And seeing actors and celebrities in their various roles, it’s not always easy to have an accurate grasp of age, depending on how they’re dressed, what character they’re playing, all those things.

So here’s a reminder. And a quiet “wow.”

Here are 30 celebrities — 15 female, 15 male — that are turning 30 next year (by Korean standards of age; in the United States, these celebrities would be considered 29), all of whom look great, and some… who look 18. Dejection and self-loathing are not allowed beyond this point.


Moon Geun Young — May 6, 1987


More here :soompi


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aka_moons이제 두씬 남았당!! 싄난다~ 싄난다~ 꺄~
#마을 #아치아라의비밀 #10월7일 #첫방 #하루 #잘 #보내고 #이쪄#오늘하루도 #잘 #마무리하고 #미리 #굳밤
Trans: Now there's only two scenes remaining (for today's filming)!! Excited~ excited~ kkya~ #thevillage#achiarassecret #oct7th #firstbroadcast #youre#spending #yourday #wellright#todayalso#completeyourday #welland #inadvance #goodnight



aka_moons아놔~ 진짜 빵터졌네~ ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
#곰숑키들 #씽크빅 #돋네 #근데 #라니눈화도 #블랙리스트 #작성 #시작함 #노네들은 #이제 #클나따 #크흐흐#레알 #굳밤
Trans: Oh my~ (This) really cracked me up~ kekekekekeke #bears #creativity #isawesome #but#raninunaalso #started #making#ablacklist(ofbearswhotease) #youre #now #introuble#keuheuheu #(for)real #goodnight

By SoompiMoons

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Moon Geun-young sports chic style on Harper’s Bazaar

Fashion magazine Harper’s Bazaar released photos of actress Moon Geun-young for its October edition. 


In the photos, the 28-year-old actress looks chic and elegant in classic suits, shedding her traditional lovely and friendly image. 


In an interview with the magazine after the photo shoot, Moon shared her thoughts on her acting career. 

“I always thought I could well play characters such as an idiot, psychopath or madwoman, but those roles do not usually come to me,” she said, adding, “I want to say I can play the roles well.”

Moon, who turns 30 next year under the Korean age system, said, “I have been waiting to turn 30, and I want to stay in my 30s.”

“No matter how hard I tried to look mature, I always looked awkward (in my 20s),” she added. 

The actress is scheduled to star in the upcoming SBS drama “The Village: Achiara’s Secret,” which begins on Oct.7. 

More of her photos and the interview are available in the magazine’s October issue.


(c) kpopherald.koreaherald


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aka_moons촬영 가기전에 밥밥밥밥!! 스시다~ 꺄~ 
#나 #먹스타그램 #해도됑? # #오늘도 #탑을 #쌓아보쟝!! #내숑키들도 #맛점 #즐점 #Day11
Trans: Before going to filming, ricericericerice(meal)!! It's sushi~ kkya~ #CanI #do #foodstagram? ##todayalso #letsstack #atower(ofplates)!!#myshyongkiesalso #(havea)deliciouslunch#enjoyablelunch #Day11



aka_moons크하하하~ 탑 쌓았다~ 왕뿌듯! 
#47접시 #팀소윤은 #식신원정대 #니들이 #내숑키 #아님 #누가 #내숑키니#이곰숑키들아
#노네가 #준 #크록스 #맞음 #근데 #곰숑키가 #사라져뜸#ㅠㅠ
#참놔 #내가 #떼버린거 #아니거등 #그곰숑키가 #떠난거거등 #노네가 #나 #버리듯이 #킁킁킁#쳇쳇쳇- #
Trans: Keuhahaha~ Stacked a tower (of plates)~ Feels really great (satisfied)! #47plates #teamsoyoon #(ona)foodcravingexpedition #ifyoure #not #myshyongkies #thenwhoare #myshyongkies? #youbearshyongkies #(youre)right #thesearethe #crocs #yougaveme #but #thebearshyongky #disappeared #ㅠㅠ

by SoompiMoons

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aka_moons촬영끝!! 꺄아~ 나는 내일부터 쉰다요^^ 다들 굳잠&굳밤
#마을 #아치아라의비밀 #10월7일 #첫방 #오늘 #눈화가 #무슨 #촬영했는지 #알면 #깜딱 #놀랄걸#큭#곰숑키들 #굳밤 #Day12
#아놔#유리멘탈 #곰숑키들 #무슨말을 #못하겠네 #뿌잉뿌잉 #내핑계 #대고 #술마시지말고 #언넝 #푹자라잉#술값은 #누나가 #계산 #못해준다잉~ #
Trans: Filming finished (for today)!! Kkya~ I’ll rest starting tomorrow^^ Everyone goodsleep&goodnight~
#thevillage #achiarassecret #oct7th #firstbroadcast #ifyouknew #whatkindof #filming #nuna #had #today #youdprobablybe #startled? #keuk- #bearshyongkies #goodnight #Day12
#ohmy- #glassmentality(fragile) #bearshyongkies #(itslikei)cant #sayanything #bbuingbbuing #dontuse #measanexcuse #togodrink #(instead)quickly #getagoodsleep~ #nuna #cant #cover #thecostsofthedrinks~ #




aka_moons봉츠 타고 붕붕붕~ 엄마 만나러 간다요^^ #다들 #오늘하루도 #잘 #마무리 #하시구 #좋은저녁 #되세용^^ #내숑키들 #누나 #내일도 #쉰다요 #
Trans: Riding Bong’s car vroomvroomvroom (boongboongboong)~ I’m going to meet my mom^^ #everyone #todayalso #complete #yourday #welland #hopeyouhave #agoodevening^^ #myshyongkies #nuna #willalsorest #tomorrow #
by SoompiMoons

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