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You See An Attractive Stranger, How Do You Start A Conversation?


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Guest xjimin

depends on the situation (what ur doing, where u are, etc..)

"hii :) i couldnt help but notice ur _____. theyre so nice!"

complinents are the best, yo. hehe

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Guest doctorlee

If you would like to pick them up, go straight up to a person and say something like, "I was just walking by and I had to say you are pretty." And then go along from there. Don't try to be too much of a nice guy. Try to tease them a little.

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Guest kawaiiai

You guys got courage if you are able to go up to a person who you thought was really attractive, I'd probably freeze up and just stare at them from afar rofl.

^lol..yea..me too..i think its difficult starting up conversations..with guys you dont know..even if they are..looking at you from afar also.. :mellow:

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Guest Ericcc

Ill walk up to her strutting from side to side, and proceed to say:

"... Crap ... Something's wrong with my cell phone..?! .."

She will respond by saying: {Oh Really. What is that?}

".. Its just that...your numbers not in it .."


Sure win!

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Guest aleener

I've found the best way to start conversations with cute guys is through cigarettes.

I don't smoke but I've found when the hottest guys are outside smoking it's the best way to start a conversation.

For example it's something like:

"Sorry but do you mind if I borrow your lighter?"

Usually they say yes, as soon as you get it - show a struggle. I learned this trick by accident.

Ask for help with it and they usually find it amusing + you get to be a tad closer to them ;D

And follow that with a compliment: "I know this sounds weird but you smell amazing what kind of cologne are you wearing?!"~ ^O^ It works because you're got physically close enough to be able to use it as a conversation starter~

Ah! That's actually a pretty good one.(:

I'll try that sometime, I've been admiring someone from afar for awhile & that's a good way to start talking to him.:'D


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Guest -HyuNi-

I feel comfortable talking to strangers all the time, especially if I'm on a trip or vacation, on the bus or train, or somewhere in public by myself, like a bookstore or buying groceries, etc.

But it's all out of making small talk and being friendly, not because they are cute or pretty.

There were two times I actually started conversations and got the girls number. Two for two, baby~ haha

First one, I thought the waitress was uber cute, so I slid two business cards under my credit card when the check came: one with my name and number and the other with name: ____________ number: ____________ on the backside.

She came back and took the one with my info and gave me the other with only her name. But the did text me the next day :)

Other time was when I was at a club. haha I know... pretty lame. She was with a group of friends and I tapped one of her friends on the shoulder and asked, "Do you mind if I buy your friend a drink?" while I pointed at her. They gave me with 'wtf' kinda look, but girl started laughing and said, "sure, let's go" Bought her a drink, talked to her at the bar for about a minute or two about how dorky I was on how I picked her up, and let her get back to her friends. Before I leave, I said bye to her and handed her my number on a napkin that had my name, number, and 'It was nice to meet you, *name*" She called about 20 minutes later.

Nothing really happened after that, though. To be honest, it was a bet with my buddies to see if I could do it.

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Guest mukinsvivi

Wow this was always one of my weak points..

But It's proven fact that if you smile at a male

he'll take it as a ''Mating'' call. It's proven LOL

So don't call e crazy~ But it's common sense as well :3!

I usually just smile and quickly shift my eyes elsewhere xD

And he'll just come over >:D! So we gals don't have

to make the first move! MWHAHA <33

vivienne <--- loocoo

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"Hi, I just wanted to say that if looks could kill, you'd be on death row."

Works like a charm.

I've gotta try this sometime LOL

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STALK THEM! >:D Jk hahahahaha.

But I'd see who's their friends, talk to their friends first (I find this easier, bcuz I don't like them in that way), and see what their interests are. And then go to a club they're in (that's only if you like it tooo!), bump into them, and ASK TO TAKE THEIR PICTURE! (jk), start having a convo hehe about the club. :o

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Guest uh-ohxev

Unfortunately, I won't go up to a stranger just like that. Since I don't know how they'll react I'm just sort of like "eh" about it. If the guy is alone, sure. But, if hes with friends that just makes things awkward LOL.

I know once some guys came up to me and it was really creepy. I was at the movies... and I was sitting on the bench right next to the window, and the guys (a group of them.. and I was alone waiting for my mom to pick me up >,<) sat on the bench with me and were kind of harassing me and saying really weird things. And then one of them put their arm around me and I was like ew man wtf.. I'm going to get raped! So I immediately got up and I went forward because I thought thats where the door was... and it ended up being the window... ROFL. So I basically ran into the window. It was kind of funny, but really embarassing... anyways, thats another story. So basically, how to NOT approach someone is being really creepy.

I guess just be natural, and not too cheesy. Cheesy lines can easily turn into an awkward situation LOL.

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Guest chocopocky

Hey baybay

wanna take a ride in my ferrari?

depends on the situation (what ur doing, where u are, etc..)

"hii smile.gif i couldnt help but notice ur _____. theyre so nice!"

complinents are the best, yo. hehe


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Guest Christinaisweird

haha this year at a fair i saw a really cute boy sitting on the bench with his friends

and i was in line for the ferris wheel. He didn't look occupied or anything

so i just went up to him and said "hi, look i don't have anyone to ride the ferris wheel with! i'm a third wheel today, do you think you could save me and come on it with me??" he smiled and was like of course!

from then on i made a friend with a complete stranger! we didn't exchange numbers or anything like that.

it was just for fun lol!

HOMG, I do that sometimes.

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Guest InvestigatorCHER

i'll be like "hey do you know if megan fox use to be a guy or was that just rumors??"

or i'll just not talk to them at all. o-o

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I feel comfortable talking to strangers all the time, especially if I'm on a trip or vacation, on the bus or train, or somewhere in public by myself, like a bookstore or buying groceries, etc.

But it's all out of making small talk and being friendly, not because they are cute or pretty.

There were two times I actually started conversations and got the girls number. Two for two, baby~ haha

First one, I thought the waitress was uber cute, so I slid two business cards under my credit card when the check came: one with my name and number and the other with name: ____________ number: ____________ on the backside.

She came back and took the one with my info and gave me the other with only her name. But the did text me the next day :)

Other time was when I was at a club. haha I know... pretty lame. She was with a group of friends and I tapped one of her friends on the shoulder and asked, "Do you mind if I buy your friend a drink?" while I pointed at her. They gave me with 'wtf' kinda look, but girl started laughing and said, "sure, let's go" Bought her a drink, talked to her at the bar for about a minute or two about how dorky I was on how I picked her up, and let her get back to her friends. Before I leave, I said bye to her and handed her my number on a napkin that had my name, number, and 'It was nice to meet you, *name*" She called about 20 minutes later.

Nothing really happened after that, though. To be honest, it was a bet with my buddies to see if I could do it.

darn I dig confidence and woah, what you did is hella hot lol. Its actually not creepy unless you start getting real touchy and stuff.

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