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Japanese Discussion 日本語の討論会

Guest putasmileon

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Guest mflonine

uhh hi.. to anyone who can help me out,

what exactly is the difference between

元気そう and 元気みたい

or is there no difference at all?

thanks (in advance!)


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uhh hi.. to anyone who can help me out,

what exactly is the difference between

元気そう and 元気みたい

or is there no difference at all?

thanks (in advance!)


They're pretty different actually, and in most situations you can't interchange them. -sou is more like guessing at an outcome of something, -mitai is saying something looks like X. They may sound the same in English but they're very different in Japanese. If you saw food you could say oishisou, it looks as if it'd be tasty (guessing at the outcome of it's taste), but you wouldn't say oishii mitai. Also you can say atama ga bakuhatsu shisou, it looks as if his head is going to explode (guessing that his head is going to blow), but you can't say atama ga bakuhatsu suru mitai...And you could ask a friend 'koraresou?' does it look like you'll be able to come? (to a party etc), but you can't say 'korareru mitai?', doesn't make sense.

So yes the two are different

A good way to remember to translate is:

-sou = It looks as if X (ame furisou) It looks as if it'll rain

-mitai = It looks like X (inu mitai) It looks like a dog

haha sorry this is quite stupid but when i looked up for the word 'Unknown' in japanese, i got different results? O_O

shiranai, mikenno, mishiranu, fushou, namonai

which one is correct?

unknown? unknown what? 不明 (fumei) and 未知 (michi) are pretty close definitions to unknown but unless you use it in a sentence I can't tell you an accurate way..because there are lots of ways to say it depending on context

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Guest Mugen

Where ya been mugenちゃん!

Since it's 夢から醒めて and not 夢から醒める I think it would be command form..So it's like 'wake up from your dreams'

saikin zutto isogashii desu. Tests and stuff. -.-

thanks for the heads up.

おかえり~。 :)

tadaima. But I'll be gone again. Working. :lol:

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Guest mflonine

They're pretty different actually, and in most situations you can't interchange them. -sou is more like guessing at an outcome of something, -mitai is saying something looks like X. They may sound the same in English but they're very different in Japanese. If you saw food you could say oishisou, it looks as if it'd be tasty (guessing at the outcome of it's taste), but you wouldn't say oishii mitai. Also you can say atama ga bakuhatsu shisou, it looks as if his head is going to explode (guessing that his head is going to blow), but you can't say atama ga bakuhatsu suru mitai...And you could ask a friend 'koraresou?' does it look like you'll be able to come? (to a party etc), but you can't say 'korareru mitai?', doesn't make sense.

So yes the two are different

A good way to remember to translate is:

-sou = It looks as if X (ame furisou) It looks as if it'll rain

-mitai = It looks like X (inu mitai) It looks like a dog

thanks for that! it was a really clear and yet simple explanation. :)

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Guest orangecake

今日7月7日は、『七夕さま』です。 :)


短冊以外にも、折り紙で作った飾りをたくさんぶら下げるので、まるでクリスマスツリーのようになります。 :lol:


が、これも環境破壊や、火事のおそれがあるということで、最近は、ゴミ袋に入れて可燃ゴミとして処分されることも・・・。 :sweatingbullets:

こういう、最近の状況を「風情がない(ふぜいがない)」と表現します。 :(






・・・・・こういうのを、「なんでもあり」といいます。 :wacko:

子どもが生まれると神社にお参りして、クリスマスにはケーキを食べて、大晦日にはお寺で除夜の鐘をついて、お正月には神社に初詣に行って、大人になったら教会で結婚式を挙げて、死んだらお寺でお葬式をする、日本人らしいでしょ? B)

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Guest mizz_J

Konichiwa tomodachi =) Ogenki desuka??

Watashi wa June (Japanese name) san desu. Onamae wa?

^i dont have the japanese program in my computer so i can't type in japanese. bleh.

i'm only like 15% Japanese, since my mom's half japanese. I grew up speaking Chinese (my dad's chinese & a little Korean) & korean (my mom's other half). Next semester, which is in August, i'm going to be in my 3rd & last year of Japanese class.

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Guest peachy™

im dying to learn more japanese since my halfbro is half korean&japanese.

i also want to learn to read japanese magazines & stuff so i practiced last 3 months ago till now and im in no progress. TT but. does anyone know how to write 'linda' in japanese? thanks :)

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Guest putasmileon

im dying to learn more japanese since my halfbro is half korean&japanese.

i also want to learn to read japanese magazines & stuff so i practiced last 3 months ago till now and im in no progress. TT but. does anyone know how to write 'linda' in japanese? thanks :)

リンダ is Linda in Japanese.

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Hajimemashite! Watashiwa Trung desu. Watashiwa Betnamjin desu.

Just out of curiosity (and I know it has been asked before), does anybody know how I can type Japanese characters (all of them) on web browsers and other programs, specifically for Mac OSX?

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Guest putasmileon

Hajimemashite! Watashiwa Trung desu. Watashiwa Betnamjin desu.

Just out of curiosity (and I know it has been asked before), does anybody know how I can type Japanese characters (all of them) on web browsers and other programs, specifically for Mac OSX?

Go to System Preferences -> International and set up the Japanese type function. It should work for all programs.

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Guest babyYUFFIE

sorry if i'm bothering all of you =[


how do you write..

"who do you think will win?"

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Guest orangecake

sorry if i'm bothering all of you =[


how do you write..

"who do you think will win?"


だれ が かつ と おもい ますか?

dare ga katu to omoi masu ka?

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Guest keauxz

Does anyone have skype? I'd like someone to help me with my Japanese through speaking with skype or msn...if someone can help please PM me

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Does anyone have skype? I'd like someone to help me with my Japanese through speaking with skype or msn...if someone can help please PM me

I would like to practice my Japanese on MSN/AIM as well. I think a bunch of us who wants to practice our Japanese should list their AIM or MSN, and then we'll start contacting each other and hopefully practice our Japanese. Who knows, perhaps once a week, we can gather together in a group chat and converse there as well.

My AIM is KrayZier777, and my MSN is KrayZier777@hotmail.com

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Guest ovaltinejenkins


is japanese like putting together different symbols, like korean?

like: ㄱ plus ㅏ plus ㅇ equals 강

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