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Japanese Discussion 日本語の討論会

Guest putasmileon

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Guest chocomilky

Does kohane mean "little feather" or something? I read the meaning of it from somewhere, but I forgot it.

And also, how do you write "rose petals" in Japanese? Thanks. :)

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Guest hellobby

Can someone tell me what, "Hope you'll have an awesome day on your special day!" in Japanese would be? Thanks so much in advance! =D


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Guest ventura

Hello, I get the general idea of this ad, but i just want to get a more precise translation so I dont screw anything up, thank you :)


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Does kohane mean "little feather" or something? I read the meaning of it from somewhere, but I forgot it.

And also, how do you write "rose petals" in Japanese? Thanks. :)

ko -- when a seperate word means, "child"

so literally it'd be "child-feather"

which obviously means "little feather" or "small feather"

sandy.s2.yu -- "Hope you'll have an awesome day on your special day!" --> あなたの特別な日で楽しい日があるといいですね (anata no tokubetsu na hi de tanoshii hi ga aru to ii desu ne)

i'm not too sure on that translation tbh. maybe someone like kaitou kid or someone who's fairly skilled in japanese could clear that up. ^^;;

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Guest formula17


I don't mean that they're not particularly dear to me. They are, my family members and the others too. That's just me.

Literally translated the red part, i think it's something like "That is the thing that i can say to my family and to the others too". But i think it sounds weird, so i opt to the one i translated above. Is it all right or is there any better way to interpret it?

「僕、そうなんです」-->"That's just me" なんてあんまり確実じゃありません。なんか「That's how i am」とかそういう感じでしょう?


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I don't mean that they're not particularly dear to me. They are, my family members and the others too. That's just me.

Literally translated the red part, i think it's something like "That is the thing that i can say to my family and to the others too". But i think it sounds weird, so i opt to the one i translated above. Is it all right or is there any better way to interpret it?

「僕、そうなんです」-->"That's just me" なんてあんまり確実じゃありません。なんか「That's how i am」とかそういう感じでしょう?




"They do mean something to me, that's something I can say about all my family and friends, you know. That's just how I am."

じゃないかと思ってるんですがね。 Meaning is basically the same just a different way of translating it into English. It's more of a spoken style language in this translation so it looks funny in writing but then again it's like that in the Japanese also.

「僕、そうなんです」-->"That's just me" なんてあんまり確実じゃありません。なんか「That's how i am」とかそういう感じでしょう?


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Hello, I get the general idea of this ad, but i just want to get a more precise translation so I dont screw anything up, thank you :)

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Guest aesthetica


私輪の名前わ ポ ですね! 幸せだ~!



おひさしぶりです ^^; あ! いいえ ≧≦ 私は昨日書きました。。。

えと。。。すみません,眠いですね (≧A≦)


ともかく, また会いましょう! ^0^~

良い一日を! バイバイ!

So this is my first time posting in this thread. I wrote this on my livejournal~ but i hope i got everything right~ >,,<

I just have one question though. The thing in the red, i think i wrote it as "I'm practicing my japanese" but I don't know how to say it because that was like the only line i copied and pasted from freetranslation.com (LOL) so i don't know how to say it. (Also, the second one in red, i wrote it as "It was yesterday" but not sure how to say that one either~ T0T) And does anyone know how to say "practice" in japanese and write it? Thank you~! ありがとう~!

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Guest mechaku


私輪の名前わ ポ ですね! 幸せだ~!



おひさしぶりです ^^; あ! いいえ ≧≦ 私は昨日書きました。。。

えと。。。すみません,眠いですね (≧A≦)


ともかく, また会いましょう! ^0^~

良い一日を! バイバイ!

So this is my first time posting in this thread. I wrote this on my livejournal~ but i hope i got everything right~ >,,<

I just have one question though. The thing in the red, i think i wrote it as "I'm practicing my japanese" but I don't know how to say it because that was like the only line i copied and pasted from freetranslation.com (LOL) so i don't know how to say it. (Also, the second one in red, i wrote it as "It was yesterday" but not sure how to say that one either~ T0T) And does anyone know how to say "practice" in japanese and write it? Thank you~! ありがとう~!

Haha, it's my first time posting in this thread, too~ Upcoming Japanese III student who has forgotten most of what she learned last year, ahaha. ^^;;

Mmm, I'm seeing a few errors, but as a whole, good job :Db If you need anything else explained better, don't hesitate to ask~

- 私輪の名前 -- わ should be changed to は~ they're both read 'wa' when は is used a particle, which is what its usage is for this sentence.

- 私日本語はを実行しています~ -- 私は日本語を練習しています。練習 is read as れんしゅう, which is the word for practice~

-- Do you mind me asking what you're trying to say here? "一つの言語は決して十分ではない~" I can't figure it out~

- 私は昨日書きました。。。-- I translate that to "I wrote it yesterday..." To me, it's okay in this case.

Hope that helped ^^;

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-- Do you mind me asking what you're trying to say here? "一つの言語は決して十分ではない~" I can't figure it out~

She's trying to say one language is never enough

which more naturally can be

ひとつの言語しか知らないってダメ (hitotsu no gengo shika shiranai tte dame)

By the way in 私輪の名前わ ポ ですね! 幸せだ~!

There shouldn't be a 輪 there

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Guest formula17

1. ずっと居過ぎて周りが帰らなくなるパターン。(spoken)

It's a pattern where people around him stayed for too long, so he can't go back home.

-Is it wrong? May be i got it the opposite way around :sweatingbullets:

2. またこれも新鮮でいい感じに仕上がっています。(spoken)

Again, even with this freshness, it's starting to give out such nice feelings.

-Is this wrong?「仕上がっています」 The meaning is pretty vague to me. Can it also mean "turn out" / "outcome" / "the result"

3. 両A面扱いの『Hero』は日テレ系『アテネ』五輪テーマソング。

The double A-side featuring "Hero" is the theme song for Nihon TV broadcast Athens Olympic.

(i am so arashi's fangirl) :blush:

-I really wanna know the usage of 「扱い」 in this. I'm just guessing that it means "feature" or something along the line... lol


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Guest delighted

I need help. My friends are arguing over what particles to fill in for this sentence.

Boku __ tomodachi __ isshou __ tabemamini coopera.

If you can answer and fill those in, it will help me a lot.

I think wa, to, ni would work?

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1. ずっと居過ぎて周りが帰らなくなるパターン。(spoken)

It's a pattern where people around him stayed for too long, so he can't go back home.

-Is it wrong? May be i got it the opposite way around :sweatingbullets:

周りが帰らなくなる would mean the people around him don't go home, not he himself. If it was the people around him who stayed for too long it would be 周りが居過ぎて etc etc

2. またこれも新鮮でいい感じに仕上がっています。(spoken)

Again, even with this freshness, it's starting to give out such nice feelings.

-Is this wrong?「仕上がっています」 The meaning is pretty vague to me. Can it also mean "turn out" / "outcome" / "the result"

仕上がる means to finish or to complete something. So this means "This also ends with a nice fresh feeling". As in..their song finishes with a nice fresh feeling.

3. 両A面扱いの『Hero』は日テレ系『アテネ』五輪テーマソング。

The double A-side featuring "Hero" is the theme song for Nihon TV broadcast Athens Olympic.

(i am so arashi's fangirl) :blush:

-I really wanna know the usage of 「扱い」 in this. I'm just guessing that it means "feature" or something along the line... lol


扱い means to treat something in a certain way, from the verb 扱う、 for example 子供扱いするなよ! means don't treat me like a child!

So 両A面扱い means to be treated like a double A-side single..now the important part is that it's 両A面扱い『Hero』

There's a の modifying it so that means the sentence is "Hero, which is treated like a double A-side single"

Kind of like how 医者の田中さん means "Mr. Tanaka, who is a doctor" and not "Doctor's Mr. Tanaka" (it can also be written 医者である田中さん or 両A面扱いである「Hero」 with the same exact meaning)

So the final translation is "Hero, which is treated like a double A-side single, is the Athens Olympic theme song on Japanese TV networks."

So 扱い will never really mean feature. How it's used is structured differently in Japanese than it is in English so it can be confusing at first.

Does that make sense?

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Guest formula17

周りが帰らなくなる would mean the people around him don't go home, not he himself. If it was the people around him who stayed for too long it would be 周りが居過ぎて etc etc

仕上がる means to finish or to complete something. So this means "This also ends with a nice fresh feeling". As in..their song finishes with a nice fresh feeling.

扱い means to treat something in a certain way, from the verb 扱う、 for example 子供扱いするなよ! means don't treat me like a child!

So 両A面扱い means to be treated like a double A-side single..now the important part is that it's 両A面扱い『Hero』

There's a の modifying it so that means the sentence is "Hero, which is treated like a double A-side single"

Kind of like how 医者の田中さん means "Mr. Tanaka, who is a doctor" and not "Doctor's Mr. Tanaka" (it can also be written 医者である田中さん or 両A面扱いである「Hero」 with the same exact meaning)

So the final translation is "Hero, which is treated like a double A-side single, is the Athens Olympic theme song on Japanese TV networks."

So 扱い will never really mean feature. How it's used is structured differently in Japanese than it is in English so it can be confusing at first.

Does that make sense?

Yes it makes sense. Thank you :D I was just confused about ずっと居過ぎて周りが帰らなくなるパターン。 Because i always thought that verb(居)+noun(周り) it would be something like "(noun) that (verb) bla bla bla". So i guess the presence of -te in 居過ぎて connects the first sentence with the 2nd one starting from 周り, is it? Thanks for explaining the grammar etc. I really appreciate that.

I have another question.


I actually wanna know the meaning or the colloquial use of the word バーッ. Is it a Japanese onomatopoeia? Does it mean like "If we all could go with everyone"?

Another example is バーッと起きて, does it mean something like "wide awake" or "fully awake"?

Another one is 花壇がバーッと続いております. Is it something along "The flower bed is widely/vastly/massively everlasting/continuous"?

2. 日に当たるの好き

I like lying under the sun

-Or is there any other meaning apart from it because of the presence of の?

3.ほんで塩分取られてね。あ~ちょっと冷たい果物でもちょっと食べたいなぁみたいな (spoken)

And then, taken in by the salt content, i was like "ahh~i wanna eat some cold fruits (even though it's the cold one)"

-not really sure about 塩分取られて. I think it could also mean "the salt content is taken" literally.. The speaker is talking about his experience in the ocean. I don't really understand what he meant by the salt content is taken. Does he means like he's in the ocean for too long so his body all smelt salty or something (and that's why he felt like eating cold fruits)?

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