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Won Bin 원빈


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Guest Aomniji

clockwatcher&Maria, haha I don't like the end of Hana Kimi, too. I think they may tend to tell us that there'll be part 2 for sure lol Anyway, I still wait for Hana Kimi 2

xiao_ai19 , wowww I like your artworks. Won Bin and Song Hae Kyo are really nice couple.

Status: Still waiting for Won Bin's coming back!

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Guest esprit

eeeek what's that won bin "fake" got to do in my/our beloved won bin thread.....away with him! he ain't as good handsome as our man!!!! this boy isn't even good looking *cough*

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Guest mimerita

xiao_ai19, beautiful artworks, love the pictures and the words.

Regarding Won Bin's comeback, I guess some Korean media are probably members of Binus. They may not copy the contents inside Binus as it's not allowed, but they should know Won Bin will finish rehab this month. I believe in next couple of days, they may contact Won Bin's agency for latest status of Won Bin, his next work, etc. So, we may get more accurate news by that time. Not like before that there was only little news and the content was repeating or not sure it's true or not.

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Guest lang866

Hey klanners!

No new news? no updates?

I think Wonbin's comeback is soon. Since he's done with rehab and everything.

Well i gotta go. Just sneaked in the internet in my computer class. kekkee

EDIT: Does anyone have a saved up WonBin picture where he's doing the "peace" sign? anyone??? i dont know if i've seen one before but i need it. So if you have one, pls. post! i need it for something. Thanks!

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Guest lang866

HOLY COW!!!!!! :w00t::w00t::w00t::w00t: WIE! Some of those pictures, i have never seen before!!!!! gahhh!!!!!!! *SAVES SAVES SAVES AND DEFINATELY SAVES*

look at these! Such a mesmerizing look! !



Thanks for sharing them WIE! I can drool on these pics till our Binnie makes his comeback. :D

BTW what's a lemot?

is this new?

무릎수술을 받고 의병제대 한 후 지난 1년간 재활에만 전념해온 원빈이 마침내 재활 프로그램 종료 판정을 받았다.

원빈의 소속사인 드림이스트온의 오경하 이사는 28일 "지난해 6월부터 시작된 재활훈련이 이번 달을 끝으로 완전히 마무리됐다. 초기 집중 재활훈련을 거쳐 2차 재활훈련까지 1년이나 지속된 프로그램에서 마침내 벗어났다"고 말했다.

원빈은 지난 2005년 11월 현역복무 판정을 받고 전방부대에 입소해 근무하다가 고질적이던 무릎십자인대 파열로 지난해 4월 수술을 받고 6월에 의병제대해 재활에만 몰두해왔다.

작품활동은 물론 외부활동도 중단한 채 재활에 전념해 수많은 팬들에게 궁금증을 낳았다. 최근에는 몇 년 전 과거 사진이 재활 중의 모습인 것으로 오인돼 인터넷에 떠돌아다니기도 했다. 그만큼 팬들은 원빈의 재활과 복귀를 고대했다.

심지어 지난 1년간은 작품활동을 하나도 못해서 "종합소득세를 환급받아야 할 정도"라는 얘기까지 나왔다. 일반 직장인들이 연말에 세금정산을 받듯이 원빈도 혹시나 더 냈을지도 모르는 세금을 돌려받을 지경이라는 말이었다.

재활에서 탈출함에 따라 원빈의 작품 컴백 시기는 시간의 문제가 됐다. 소속사 측은 "쉰 기간이 워낙 길어서 그동안 들어온 시나리오나 시놉시스는 제법 되는 것 같다. 하지만 아직까지 차기작 출연에 대해서는 정해진 것이 아무 것도 없다"면서 "다만 재활이 마무리되고, 마음의 준비도 끝났기 때문에 연내에 작품활동에 들어가고 내년쯤 팬들과 만나는 일정이 되지 않을까 하고 생각하고 있다"고 밝혔다.

김인구기자 [clark@joongang.co.kr]

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Guest Aomniji

WIE, YOU R ROCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! yeah there're many pics that I've never seen before! Thanks a lot for sharing.

Eude, I think this news is the same as news which was posted by Rita in Wonderland. here is the link

News in Wonderland

Rita may tell us about this news in very soon. Waiting...

I found a news in the News thread. <Thanks to Rubie> :)


June 28, 2007

The Ideal Young Korean Male -- Revealed


A plastic surgeon has published a composite image of the ideal male Korean face. Rhee Seung-chul, the head of plastic surgery at Hanil General Hospital, made the image from the faces of 16 Korean Wave stars. Rhee had earlier done the same thing for women by making a composite image of 19 female stars.

The ideal Korean male consists of bits and pieces from Kang Dong-won, Kwon Sang-woo, Kim Rae-won, Mun Jeong-hyeok, Bae Yong-joon, Jung Ji-hoon, Song Il-gook, Won Bin, Lee Wan, Jang Dong-gun, Jae Hee, Cho In-sung, Jo Hyun-jae, Ji Seong, Ji Jin-hee, and Hyun Bin? all of them popular not only in Korea but in China and Japan as well. He analyzed their faces with a computer program called BAPA, for “balanced angular and proportional analysis.” The result is a slim face with chiseled cheekbones and a clear chin, big eyes, a long nose and long, thin upper lip.

"According to the beauty theory that says the average of all the most preferred faces is the most beautiful, I made the new-generation handsome face by using the faces of stars that young Internet users like most,” Rhee said.

Source: englishnews@chosun.com


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Guest lang866

whoa Aom that combination of Korean male stars... it's cray how people can use modern technology to do those things now!

However, the face didnt really look atractive to me. :sweatingbullets:

Kathleen about the project, we're making WonBin a fanbook. I'm trying to move it to Kim Klan Forums instead of here in soompi but Teresa hasnt replied back to me if we can hold it there or not. Im still waiting for her response.

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Guest zekebear

:blush: oh my,it's been too long since i've done this...as much as miss won bin, i also missed all the nice people of this forum!!! :tears:


thanks for this pic!i love this one,sooo cute!!!

well i've been way too busy with work...i don't even have the time to say hello!!!and with all that i'm too sorry for myself that i couldn't contribute for your won bin project!(it's so bad of me :tears: ).i couldn't think of anything to actually give to won bin!!! :blush:

well neways,i wanted to wish everyone good luck with the project and hoping that everything with be successful.GO GIRLS!!!



bannd.jpg :blush:

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Guest margossari

GOSHSHSHSHSHSH!!!!!!!! so many pics i haven't seen before!!!!! Thanks a lot WIE! i love this one:




but how you been, klanners??

Aom! i think i found WonBin far more handsome than the "The Ideal Young Korean Male" but it's not bad at all :P

Thanks zekebear for your best wishes! Maybe if you don't have time to create a fan page you can contribute with something simple like a little letter to WonBin or anything you want :)

Hey Eude! How are you??? "look at these! Such a mesmerizing look! ! " --> Definitely agree!!


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