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White Guy, Asian Girl -- Infrequently The Other Way Around


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Mang, why are all the white guys taking our girls? ;p
The title nearly speaks for itself.

Does anyone feel that of white-asian heterosexual couples, it is usually the male that is white, and the girl that is asian, and not the other way around?

I think that this is usually the case. I'm the product of an exception, but most of my hapa buddies' parents are this way.

Why do you think this is? I imagine there are a variety of factors, but my favorite is Wong Fu Productions' theory:


What do you guys think?

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Guest GreenTeaSparkles

i think it's because asian guys' offspring carry on the family name, so the blood inside their offspring has to be pure asian. Asians generally want their offsprings to have pure asian blood. Caucasians generally don't really care, so you see more white guys with asian girls.

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Guest fredinsac

Easy, most asian guys don't have the balls to talk to white women or women of other colors for that matter.

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Guest Yunho<3

I think you should stop worrying about the girls you're not getting and go for the ones that you can.

Which you are, thus you qualify.


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Guest muffinx3

(This thread will get closed for being a race related topic, but I'll put in my two cents)

Actually, this has come up as a topic between my guy friends and I a couple times. xD

(They say) It's harder for Asian guys to get with Caucasian girls, and when it happens, they're amazed at the Asian guy's skill if the Caucasian girl is pretty/hott. And yes, as fredinsac said, the Asian guys usually don't have the balls to speak to Caucasian women. Either that or the Caucasian women just aren't interested in Asian guys. They'd make remarks when they see a couple like that such as "Wow how'd he do it?" or "Man that guy must be a pro." even though they themselves prefer Asian girls. xD

But yeah, I do see many Caucasian guys with Asian girls.

I'm not the biggest fan of it cause I'm more old fashioned (I guess you could say) and prefer Asian/Asian couples, but it doesn't make me angry or anything.

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I'm not the biggest fan of it cause I'm more old fashioned (I guess you could say) and prefer Asian/Asian couples, but it doesn't make me angry or anything.

Being old-fashioned has nothing to do with it. You prefer an asian guy, that's all there is.

No one's going to criticize you for preferring the asian guy look.

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Guest muffinx3

Being old-fashioned has nothing to do with it. You prefer an asian guy, that's all there is.

I'm probably using the wrong word, but my parents raised me that way and many other Asian parents prefer it to be Asian/Asian also.

But yes, you're right, I do prefer Asian men over other races.

Thanks for pointing that out though. :]

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Guest nostalgiafades

Heh, this is an interesting topic! Glad someone brought it up.

I think that Asian girls (and the occasional guy) like a refreshing change from the societal roles they're expected to fit within (from their families, peers, and even society as a whole looking at them). I mean take a look at the Women's Liberation movement. They went and rebelled against -all- of the roles they were expected to stay in (not supporting or arguing against their motives). Talk about empowerment huh?

Don't know but most of my non-Asian friends, which is about 99.9% of the people I know in real life, perceive Asians (guys a majority of the time) in general as being all proper, uptight, and literally exempt from the dating scene.

I'm sure that perception is shared by a lot of people, mainly because they've personally confessed that to me, including other Asian American girls I've dated. But that doesn't make it right or wrong. It just is what it is.

I don't take offense to any of their thoughts, because I'm confident in my own skin. I know that I'm different from the pack.

So regardless, I admire the Asian people out there who are stepping up and going against traditionalism.

After all, life isn't a perfect cookie-cutter shape for everyone right?

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Guest asianpanthers

well...i wouldn't say it's because asian guys aren't capable of dating white girls...it's that...if you take a survey, i'm sure that it will come out with more than 95% (seriously) of asian men prefer asian women. the other 5% doesn't have a problem though. when i was in highschool, i dated a lot of white girls...heh heh. there were no asian girls in my school...:'( BUT whatevs. i never looked at it as a challenge? don't say that asian guys don't have the guts, it depends on the person.

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i totally know what you guys mean, but

the asian guys around my area have the guts to talk to white girls.

lately, i've been seeing a lot of asian guys with white girls.

yes, you read it right. i didn't make a mistake or anything.

i'm serious.... i was freaked out too, but lately around my area, there are many asian guy-white girl couples.

i see them eating at chinese restaurants all the time.


i was eating with family at a chinese restaurant at times square.

there was this hot BLONDE with her ASIAN boyfriend, with the asian bf's family.

the girl looked bored out of her head, but the fact that he went that far is hard for me to take in ^^

i think race doesn't have anything to do with this,

it just matters how confident you are. :)

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Guest ebolainmemphis

Live in America, so there's more chance to have an interracial relationship. The divide comes between man and woman, where Asian man usually won't seek white women for whatever reason and is working with a society that views asian males as effeminate and weak (ever hear of a popular asian artist? rare). Asian women, on the other hand, like all women, don't really have to do so much to get other people's attention, since Americans seek usually anyway. Helps white males that they are "the standard" as well.

There are basically more reasons to list but I know that some of them won't be taken in well by some, and I'm lazy.

oh and in b4 the lock

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Asian girls seek white guys for social status. I'm totally against that.

I disagree, asian girls are quite popular already without the need for a white guy in the picture.

It's usually the white guy approaching the asian girl from what I see.

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Guest ultimoroboto

two of my sisters are married/ dating a white guy and they talk about how nice and awesome they are. My other sister married a korean guy and all she does is complain.

I see a pretty even number on both sides. there are plenty of Caucasian girls that like asian guys but i guess it depends on the area sometimes

nostalgiafades has a point, sometimes you need something new. i think generally asian guys perfer asian girls (cuz they're awesome :P ). I used have no attraction to asian girls whatsoever (girls at church were mean!), but thats changed in the opposite direction now. DARN YOU WONDERGIRLS AND SNSD! :lol:

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Guest supa'Wanki

That's kinda funny. I don't think that's true at all.

I haven't seen many white men/asian women relationships a lot lately, but when I do, the men treat their women very nicely and I respect that. I personally prefer Asian women due to comfortablity and attraction(not saying I'm not attracted to white ladies), and I don't find white guys to have an advantage over myself or have competition for asian women either. I also think that most Asian women that I meet prefer Asian men, and most white women that I meet prefer white men. As for your question, why are white guys taking all the asian girls? They're not.

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Guest xCandeex

from my own personal encounters, i've noticed that the asian guys i have met were always way too shy to confront me with confidence which frustrated me because i hate taking initiative all the time. whereas on the other hand, the white guys i have met weren't so afraid. i guess it just comes down to confidence in my book ^^

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