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Epik High (에픽하이) Official Thread [#2023]


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Guest iChangmin

>.> did I? which side of the stage were you on? I was just attempting to see since i couldnt see over everyone's taller heads

sorry if i did tho...you saw over me tho right?

I was in front of the middle of the stage, but slightly toward the right. I was able to see over whoever got in front of me since I'm tall, but I still wanted to be in the very front row, against the barrier between the audience and the stage.

Apparently Yoobin was at the NY show. It probably would have been mentioned here if anyone had seen her, but still...did anyone spot her?

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Just posting my videos of the Epik High concert in NY...the rest are under my youtube account so check them out.

The concert was awesome and Tablo looked so gosh darn gorgeous ^^

Far East Movement were awesome as well coming out in their astronaut costumes...they must've been hella hot in those haha.

Kero One was amazing and the girl he sang with (I forgot her name) had a wonderful voice.

MYK was just unbelievable XD

----> This was my favorite performance of the night. It was awesome and I recommend you watch it. Plus...you get to see Tablo getting down with Beatbox DG ^^

----> Last performances of the night and they kicked a.ss. If you watch it you get to see DJ Tukutz doing a little dance XD

----> Ok so I had to share this one with you guys...it's so cute and funny and I was psyched that I caught it in time ;]

Thanx to everyone for sharing their vids and pictures. Hope you enjoy my vids.

Lets hope they come back to the states again ^o^

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Guest Siriusmoonpuppy

I was in front of the middle of the stage, but slightly toward the right. I was able to see over whoever got in front of me since I'm tall, but I still wanted to be in the very front row, against the barrier between the audience and the stage.

Apparently Yoobin was at the NY show. It probably would have been mentioned here if anyone had seen her, but still...did anyone spot her?

ooh then i dont think it was me then

since i was all the way at the end of the stage.

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Guest lilaznboom

I was in front of the middle of the stage, but slightly toward the right. I was able to see over whoever got in front of me since I'm tall, but I still wanted to be in the very front row, against the barrier between the audience and the stage.

Apparently Yoobin was at the NY show. It probably would have been mentioned here if anyone had seen her, but still...did anyone spot her?

oh thats cool maybe she was in disguise? :o where'd you find out?

oh and what row were you in?

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Guest naomicoolperson

I won the map the soul book album! I still can't believe it, I got home and there was a UPS package on the counter and my dad was going to open it when he saw it had my name on it. I reached for it wondering if I had bought anything on accident or done something stupid. When I opened it (it took forever by the way) I immediately recognized it and I had to close the bag again because I thought it was too weird lol!

So yeah I took it out opened it and guess what... its signed by Epik High!

Seriously, today goes on my "Best Days of My Life" list haha.

Epik High=love

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Guest aneng

I'm a new Tablo fan. XD I know about them coz they're popular but I got really curious about them when I watched their Pops in Seoul interview. (: I thought of buying Tablo's book. I heard it's a really good and worth to buy book.

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Guest iChangmin

oh thats cool maybe she was in disguise? :o where'd you find out?

oh and what row were you in?

I read it in the Wonder Girls Soompi thread.

I was in the front row for the first half of the concert, but the second to fourth rows for Epik High's portion of it.

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Guest whohungjen?

hey guys! i haven't been updating much but there hasn't been much for me to update you all with o_o

but i'd like to share a dream i had hahaa

so in my dream, i was out at lunch with some friends when suddenly one of them said "hey! my exclusive vip friend says EH added 6 more venues for the world tour in the US!!"

so immediately i thought, "gotta inform soompi!" and i looked everywhere for a computer but i couldnt find one

and none of the iphones we had on us allowed me to access the internet - so i kept panicking and looking for a means to get onto soompi forums but i couldn't find one so i was never able to get the info up to you guys so it made me really sad

then i woke up and realized there were no more shows (for now) :(

anyway, this is from 4 days ago but i forgot to post it here - idk if anybody else has yet since i'm too lazy to scroll through the pages and check

Map the Soul Exclusive IGGY perf (pictures)

oh and follow tablo!: http://twitter.com/blobyblo

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Guest natnatnaz

What an awesome dream!!

If only it was true but then again, I can't go to another concert but it would be great for them to have 6 more sold out concerts in the US.


Does anyone have the Green and pink versions of this:


And the large HQ picture version of the Map the Soul cover T?

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Guest gr3ent

i cant believe the world tour is over. it went by too fast! and now epik high has gone into quiet mode again.. haha. i cant wait to hear new music from them soon.

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Finally~ after having so many unknown problems with youtube......

I got my videos uploaded~haha :P

My group got extremely lucky at the after party in a club~

We saw DJ Tukutz pretended to be shy when he saw us, hiding behind the VIP entrance, he waved to us, making peace sign & thumb up~~

It was way to cute~~︿︿

And we got all three members of autograph~︿︿




Mithra Jin


DJ Tukutz

Not very clear to see....cause I only have black marker at that time.....︿︿|||

And pictures with DJ Tukutz & Mithra Jin ︿︿!!!!



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Guest ..kaleena..

QUESTION!!! Did that dj dumbfounded sing anything for the LA concert?? i have horrible memory.. i don't think he did.. right?


omggg, i was finally able to look through all the pages! arghh, hahaha ,makes me totally miss the concert even moreeee! i'm freaking jealous of all the people that got to meet them or touch them or whatever. hahah, gah..... it feels like AGES ago when i was getting smooshed up against other people's body (shudders) haha, i miss my epik men :( this will definitely be an unforgetful experience! .

oh yea.. i feel hella dumb for asking this... but who exactly are the Wongfu productions?? *dodges tomatoes* AHH, i'm sorry.. but i've never heard of them before :( someone wanna enlighten me?? :P

I went to the LA show, and it was BOMB!! my sister and i managed to see them walk into the HOB! we were at the end of the "vip" line thing, so we were RIGHT THERE! haha, i'm surprised no one screamed! lol, i just waved, and they waved back <3 it felt so surreal!! but yea, i was getting kind of pissed off with all the pushing going on in the concert, but oh well. haha, and at the end, i managed to see them while they were behind that screen thing and taking pics and stuff. OMG tukutz is so freaking adorableeeeeeeee!!!!! OH YEA! did anyone catch him doing the RAINISM dance?? lol! but ya, so a bunch of people just started crowding around the rail just to see them one last time, and tukutz was taking pics of us and recording us! haha, i think i was caught in them cuz i was right at the front :P and also.. it got really quiet, and i yelled out "BYEEEE" really loudly, and tukutz turned around and said "BYE!!" and then everyone just started yelling and screaming and stuff! hahaha, also, as they were going back in, tablo mocked the fans and "screamed all fangirlish' hahaha, it was funny! he was doing the rock sign and everything. aigo,, so cute!!

and at the fan meet.. omg it was SOOOO hot!! and you know how they were having those contests? well, i was literally BEGGING the lady for a dance off for a signed t shirt, but she never did!!! and now i find out that they had one when i left, and the prize was a signed t shirt. GAHHHHHH, stupid lady X_X i so woulda entered!! oh yea.. i was the one that they said we were alllll the way from utah. haha, great stuff X_X. but yea, OMGGG, i was so star strucked when it was my turn to sign! i had these caps made for them, and i was shaking!!!! i ended up going first before my sis, and i was like "hiii" and tablo said hi~~ and i totally forgot to give him that paper thing with my name.. and i asked " could you sign this for me?" and he said sure, what's your name. haha, i felt so dumb! i must have looked dumb also! but yea, then as he was signing, i asked him if he had fun last night, and he said "ya i did" then my sister asked if we were better than SF (LOL) and he hesitated for a bit, but he said "ya, actually" or something. GAH, so cute! but he looked so tired :\ and i gave him the hat, and he was about to sign it, bbut i said "nooo, it's for you!" and he was surprised.. and said "you made it??" haha, yea.. what's gay was while i was still talking to tablo, my frekaing album was already signed by the other three!!! X__X and i went down and gave mithra and tukutz a hat.. but OMG. i wanna smack myself for this.. i sooo did not know MYK was gunna be there so i didn't have a gift for him! i was apologizing to him (and cursing myself) but he said it was ok, but i still feel horrible :( and tablos' like "MYK is the odd one out!" *gahhhh, dies* hahhaaha

i hate how the security was rushing us! i had all these things planned out to say but being the damn girl i am, i totally spaced out. aish, i hate myself in these situations. lol, i told myself to ask for a hug or pic or handshake or anythingggg, but nope. totally blanked out. hahahaha

anywhoo,this wasn't going to be a spazzy post, but OPPS, haha. i met some awesome peoploe in line also!! i miss everyone! haha, freaking popseoul interviewed us so many times, but we were barely mentioned in the articles. hahaha

my sister took some pics at the meet and greet :P


gahhhhhhhhhh *dies* ohh, i got a poster also, and tablo filled in tukutz shades with his orange marker. at first, i thought tukutz was really wearing orange glasses.. i was like what the hell, then i looked carefully and laughed my richard simmons off xDDD


me and my sister in the scorching heattt~ i have the craziest tan lines and sunburns now!!


tablo was saying hi to me here. haha. he said it all slowly and dragged it out xDD


he was gunna sign the hat here before i stopped him, lol


i was shaking while giving it to mithra. aigoo, i couldn't utter anything out either! haha, except "this is for you" X__X


omg, look at MYK's face... lol, my sister always teases me and says its because he's sad he didn't get a hat TT_________TT but damn, MYK is so adorable


probably the DORKIEST GUY EVER!! *glomps him*


everyone always freaked out when tukutz came down to the stage :PPP




HAHAHAHA so cute




haha, this pic makes me laugh


damn, he's hella buff! look at his arms! hahaha, but he was freaking dope!!


teehee, look at the dorky man's face! <33

sorry for the long post! hahahah, i'm still spazzing over everything X____X


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Guest TOPforever

oh and follow tablo!: http://twitter.com/blobyblo


-mouth drops-

i didn't know he had a twitter xDD


did you guys hear about weePROMO? giving out an autographed poster of Epik High x]


LOL the pictures for the signing thingies.

they look so funny and cute at the same time. xD

i wished i was there...sigh

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Guest lemoncake0910

^ huh? Tablo has a Twitter?? O__O

But I've been following 'mapthesoul' and wondering whether it's Tablo doing the updates on it.



@..kaleena..: :o omg!!! thnx for sharing the pics with us! Did you guys give tukutz a hat too?

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Guest 2046

I think this video hasn`t been posted yet

Arirang Showbiz Extra - Epik High Map The Soul World Tour - "on Location Interview"


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