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Epik High (에픽하이) Official Thread [#2023]


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Guest lilaznboom

LOL someone thew their bra at Tablo during the Seattle concert?! anyone have a video of that? xD I wanna see Tablo's expression!! LOL

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Guest yeindarrrling

OHMYGOSH! seattle concert was awesome! my friend and i were the 5th and 6th peeps in line; and somehow

we ended up being like the 50th since a ton of people cut...which sucks! but it was still awesome! i was in second

row but then my friend wanted to leave and so i had to go ): it was amazing though! they sang all my favorite

songs; and the meet and greet was awesome too! i got a bandana signed; and i watched them leave. i hope

epik high comes again soon! it was the most amazing experience everrrr. i touched tablo's wrist too! (:

awesome! i topped a page; will come back with pics/vids

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Guest The Legend

i didnt get to go to the concert but as long as i met them its all good! TABLO LIKED MY SHIRT! i was wearing a RUN DMC shirt. Instead of one thing signed i got two! they signed their 1st cd Map of the Human Soul and Tablo's book.

i think i was the only one with that cd.

Tablo: i like your shirt!

me: thanks! (i was gonna say, i like YOU guys!..but i chickend out haha) can you sign my book too?

Tablo: sure!

*i give him the cd 1st*

Tablo: whoaa! our 1st cd! hey Tukutz looked like a girl!

Mithra/DJ Tukutz: *laugh*

me: my ap lit teacher loved your book too!

Tablo: oh really??

then Mithra and Tukutz sign Tablo's book too haha. when Tukutz closed my book the flap got caught then he was like:

Tukutz: oh shhh!

me: haha thank youu!

anyone see me? i was with 4 girls and i was the black girl with a RUN DMC shirt, a hat, and baggy sweats and chucks.

ill upload pics laterr

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^i saw you! i think i was behind you.!! was the girl in the red short sleeve jacket thing with their black concert tee underneath and that big brown coach bag.

That was me with the Soompi shirt lol. But I put on a Map the Soul shirt on later.

The lineup system used near the beginning of the concert (rectangular one) was sooooo stupid. I've never seen anything more retarded. I looked back at the beginning and I noticed that I was about halfway in the lineup. Next thing you know, I'm near the back..

i KNEW i should have said hi. LOL

xxguccixgirlxx -ITS YOU! i cant believe you won that tshirt. i was like UGH if only i could dance i would have gone up there. LOL

i saw that bra on stage towards the end of the concert. i was like UHH wth? O.o

i DO hope Epik High comes back.

DUDE while i was in the verizon building Tablo was all saying that if anyone wanted to go to Korea that they were free to fly with Epik High. except, you'd have to buy your own fare. xD

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Guest spazzo ducky

omg!! the seattle concert was sooo awesome!!!

the system was soooo stupid!!

like the last lineup thing they did had like 50 people cut infront of me xP

we went before noon, there were about 20 people infront of us,

by 6pm, there were at least 150 people infront of me

thank god that the seaguls pooped on them XD

at the meet and greet, Tablo was like "OMFG! i love this!!"

when we gave him the domo toy XD

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Guest xxguccixgirlxx

xxguccixgirlxx -ITS YOU! i cant believe you won that tshirt. i was like UGH if only i could dance i would have gone up there. LOL

i DO hope Epik High comes back.

DUDE while i was in the verizon building Tablo was all saying that if anyone wanted to go to Korea that they were free to fly with Epik High. except, you'd have to buy your own fare. xD

It is me? xP Truthfully... I can't dance. xD I'm kinda suprised I won actually. My friends kinda pressured me into doing the contest and I was just like "Oh what the heck, once in a lifetime." ^^;

Free to fly with Epik High... but I have to buy my own fare. XD Pssssh... I would pay.

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Guest sam sik

Epik High - One (on my facebook)

my video of epik high - One! sry i was screaming the words to it the whole time! more videos and pics (and more from the meet and greet) will be up on my facebook so friend request me if u want, as long as u tell me ur from soompi! =]

LOL from the video, I was like literally right behind you somewhere.

LOL someone thew their bra at Tablo during the Seattle concert?! anyone have a video of that? xD I wanna see Tablo's expression!! LOL

Haha I was pretty close to that as well. He just threw it back LOL. Not really laughing at it either. More like a "wtf...no comment.." face if i recall correctly!

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Guest xxguccixgirlxx

Gogo~~ Aigooooo... lucky. T_T I wanted to go in a second time to take pictures with them, but the Verizon crew was all "They are tiiiiired. Sorry." Oh well. >.<

Does anybody actually have the dance contest video... I'm kinda curious to see how I did. ^^;;;;;;

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Guest hyele128

the girl who threw her bra was my friends friend. i was supposed to go with her but had to work :(

my friend's friend also won some raffle? she went backstage but was too embarassed to tell him it was hers.. hahaha

was the security really mean? apparently they wouldnt let my friend backstage with the bra thower, which is kindof messed up.

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Guest BayByOjaH

Argh dammit, I forgot to ask for the Lost Maps CD as well. ): *Is sad*

I asked Allen (the CEO/ dude selling merchandise) & he told me they were gone ><;;

Omgosh I was near that girl who threw her bra! The look on Tablo's face was funny heehee.

WHATTT??? I totally missed that~ lol* When was that?

ahh* There were seriously so many cutters ><;; and I was crammed that I couldn't even put my hands up

when Tablo was like "PUT YO HANDS UP". But I'm sure most if not ALL of you felt that way too.

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Guest itislorraine


There was a bra thrown at the concert? LOL. I never noticed that, i just saw only paper airplaines.

I could put both of my hands up ^____^

But i felt bad for those people who were right behind me, they were short :P

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Guest ThePrime


It was pretty weird being the ONLY indian guy there though, from what i saw, pretty cool though lol haha. The line was a mess lol, the front half was just one big clump of people. The security guys were kinda edgy but i dont blame them, getting moved around like cattle was a little meh and people behind me got in before me which was a little annoying .... but everyone got in eventually so it was all good.

ALSO, was that really Yunho from DBSK that was running around back stage and came out every now and again to set up water bottles?! It was before everyone was inside, but he came out a couple of times on stage and everyone started shouting "YUNHO YUNHO" lol.

Fly, One, Fan, and Map the soul worldwide ver were sooooo awesome live. And Beatbox DG IS TIIGGGHT!!!

Plus I thought it was funny when Tablo told the people that were sitting to get up - "you know...because it's a little arrogant" LOL.

Just made this short vid of some of clips i took, check it out:

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^LMAO! are you talking about the dude in the purple? cause that is NOT Yunho! my friend thought he resembled Yunho but no.

Lost Maps cds were gone? no wonder i didnt get any! kjasdhjaskhdas i want one! friggin A.!

pandasRcute - i was behind you or next to you somewhere too. xD somewhere on that side. near the front ish. iono. hahaha.

Mithra kept coming to that side but i didnt get to touch him. i only got to touch Tablo and Tukutz. LOL that sounds kinda freaky but yea......

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LOL ! So you guys noticed that too ~ My friends and I were like... "dang that guy... from the right side looks kind of like Yunho" so we snapped a bunch of secret pictures HAHAHA.


<- my new favorite song for the summer by Far East Movement.

The line for the concert was retarded... we got there pretty early but so many people were cutting and then it turned into a square and we ended up pretty far back. It was dumb.

HAHA @ someone throwing their bra at Tablo xD.

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Dang he does look like him.

WHATTT??? I totally missed that~ lol* When was that?

ahh* There were seriously so many cutters ><;; and I was crammed that I couldn't even put my hands up

when Tablo was like "PUT YO HANDS UP". But I'm sure most if not ALL of you felt that way too.

Oh yeah it landed on someone I think. I had my arms up the whole time that it was so crammed I couldn't put them down.

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Guest lilaznboom

Haha I was pretty close to that as well. He just threw it back LOL. Not really laughing at it either. More like a "wtf...no comment.." face if i recall correctly!

LOL wow!! Well that's cool though....@ the NYC concert I don't think anyone really threw anything onto the stage? lol my friend wanted tot hrow my friend on stage though [since she was pretty small haha]

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Guest chopstickcutie

The Epik High concert was AWESOME! they performed all the songs i wanted to hear, and i made a mix video of my favorite songs that they performed at the concert, including Follow the Flo, One, 1 Minute 1 Second, and Fly.


spazzo ducky, i stood in line with you at the concert! and i saw the Domo you guys gave Tablo at the Meet & Greet. my friend took pictures at the meet & greet, and Tablo looked rly happy when he received it. that was a rly good idea.

when i went up, Tablo, Mithra, and DJ T looked soooo tired.

i got them to sign my hat, and Tablo was like, "what's your hat?" when he meant to say "what's your name?" lol.

Yunho look-a-like security guard was sooooo cute! nice picture of him, by the way, AngeloDS. ^_^

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