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Epik High (에픽하이) Official Thread [#2023]


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Guest iChangmin

I might remember some of you because the view of these pictures looks so familiar! LOL. And I totally missed Tukutz walking around outside; iChangmin, you're lucky! All we heard was screaming and AHHHH TUKUTZ.

DUMBFOUNDEAD WAS AMAZING. I forgot the name of the song, but brokedigger, lol. He was an amazing MC, too. Kero One's set was really, really chill; I sort of died when MYK came out for one of the songs. Augh, MYK. *___*

The second half was amazing, mostdef. Everyone was literally flying during Fly and Love Love Love was adorableeeeeee. I adored Tablo, Kero, and MYK's faces when the whole venue was doing MYK's part of the Map the Soul Worldwide ver. rap. Priceless. And who else was ridiculously touched by Tablo's talk about depression before the acoustic version of One?


tablo: "DJ Tukutz, how're you doing?!"

tukuz: "I'm cool."


tablo: "eyyy mithra how're you doing?!"

mithra: *korean i didn't understand*

tablo: "...mithra how're you doing?"

mithra: "I'm cooool"

XDDDD; SO CUTE. Tukutz speaks the most wonderful English.

Were you near the front of the regular line? I was the second person there (or with the second group of people there, rather; there were two girls and a guy in front of me).

Oh, so that's the MC was! I was like, Who is this guy? I liked his song about brokediggers; don't even got a quarter.

"Fly" and "Love Love Love" were so much fun! Everyone was singing along, myself included. I did the "L" sign with the wrong hand, though; my left instead of my right. ^^; Haha, I was also amused when MYK paused in surprise/amazement when everyone was shouting his rap at the beginning of "Map the Soul (Worldwide Version)." I thought that maybe he would stop and just let the audience do the whole thing, haha. I loved Tablo's talk about depression in Korea before "One." I had no idea that that's what it's like over there, so I learned something new.

Ahaha, I loved that~ I didn't expect DJ Tukutz to answer in English when Tablo asked that. And it's ironic how Mithra didn't really answer when Tablo talked to him in Korean, but did when he was spoken to in English. They're all such cute people.

My fancams:

Far*East Movement: "Millionaire":

Beatbox DG and Tablo:

Epik High and MYK: "The Future":

// I accidentally covered my camera's microphone for most of the song, which is why the sound is so muffled. Sorry about that.

Epik High: "Map the Soul":

Tablo and MYK: "A Lady's Vows":

Epik High: "One":

Epik High: "1 Minute, 1 Second":

Epik High: "Love Love Love":

Epik High: "Fly":

// It's hard to see much of anything in this one; a lot of the light came from the flash of people's cameras.

Epik High: "Free Music":

Still uploading two more. You can check my YouTube channel to see when they're done processing. http://www.youtube.com/user/WooyaPooya

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Guest mechaku

Were you near the front of the regular line? I was the second person there (or with the second group of people there, rather; there were two girls and a guy in front of me).

Oh, so that's the MC was! I was like, Who is this guy? I liked his song about brokediggers; don't even got a quarter.

"Fly" and "Love Love Love" were so much fun! Everyone was singing along, myself included. I did the "L" sign with the wrong hand, though; my left instead of my right. ^^; Haha, I was also amused when MYK paused in surprise/amazement when everyone was shouting his rap at the beginning of "Map the Soul (Worldwide Version)." I thought that maybe he would stop and just let the audience do the whole thing, haha. I loved Tablo's talk about depression in Korea before "One." I had no idea that that's what it's like over there, so I learned something new.

Ahaha, I loved that~ I didn't expect DJ Tukutz to answer in English when Tablo asked that. And it's ironic how Mithra didn't really answer when Tablo talked to him in Korean, but did when he was spoken to in English. They're all such cute people.

I was sort of near the front? I was sitting in the front of the freight entrance/black doors~ Trying to remember if I saw you! Probably did. XD;

Thank you for all of your fancams! Now I know the names to some of the songs I didn't recognize. "The Future" was amazing *__*

I'm so envious that you got to the front; I totally could have snagged a spot there if I didn't go the merch table and had left my bag at bag check. Augh. I'm watching One right now and I'm tearing; it was beautiful ): I learned something new, too~ Thought MYK was just going to let us do his rap, too, hahaha. Epik audience! Had no idea people were doing the "L" sign during Love Love Love, augh.

Me neither! Tukutz has wonderful English and the world needs to know about it.

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Guest lilaznboom

^^^^ waiit there was a spot for you to leave your bag?! O.O why did i not see this area?! lol

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Guest iChangmin

I was sort of near the front? I was sitting in the front of the freight entrance/black doors~ Trying to remember if I saw you! Probably did. XD;

Thank you for all of your fancams! Now I know the names to some of the songs I didn't recognize. "The Future" was amazing *__*

I'm so envious that you got to the front; I totally could have snagged a spot there if I didn't go the merch table and had left my bag at bag check. Augh. I'm watching One right now and I'm tearing; it was beautiful ): I learned something new, too~ Thought MYK was just going to let us do his rap, too, hahaha. Epik audience! Had no idea people were doing the "L" sign during Love Love Love, augh.

I just went to your LiveJournal, and I think I did see you! Were you with a boy who wore a green top and had glasses? If so, I was with the group of people directly in front of you.

I would have gone to the merch table, but I didn't want to not be in the front row, so no merch for me. I wanted a black concert shirt. I don't know if other people were doing the "L" sign, but I saw Tablo doing it so I started doing it, too.

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Guest ChL0e326

Hahaha last night felt like dream. A very "hot" dream. The place was hot, literally and pysically. lolz

My fave part, when Tablo asked Mithra how he felt. and Mithra let out a "Rarrwww!!!" hahaha then Tablo called him a bear! ^___^ So adorable.

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Guest mechaku

I just went to your LiveJournal, and I think I did see you! Were you with a boy who wore a green top and had glasses? If so, I was with the group of people directly in front of you.

I would have gone to the merch table, but I didn't want to not be in the front row, so no merch for me. I wanted a black concert shirt. I don't know if other people were doing the "L" sign, but I saw Tablo doing it so I started doing it, too.

That wasn't me, actually! xD; The two you're talking about are two of my friends, though. I think I remember you now! You were in the front of the line the entire day?

I was depending on people to try to get to the front, but clearly that didn't end up happening. You are extremely smart D:

@lilaznboom: Downstairs in the lobby, to the side of the hallway that led to the bathroom. T____T

@ChL0e326: mithra bear! XD

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Guest holdfast

tablo: "DJ Tukutz, how're you doing?!"

tukuz: "I'm cool."


tablo: "eyyy mithra how're you doing?!"

mithra: *korean i didn't understand*

tablo: "...mithra how're you doing?"

mithra: "I'm cooool"

XDDDD; SO CUTE. Tukutz speaks the most wonderful English.

i was also touched by the depression talk - korea has a really high suicide rate. it is sad.

anyway, if i remember correctly (which i likely don't, but anyway..) tablo asked him if he wanted to try again (to answer the question) and mithra said no, but tablo asked him again anyway, and he copied tukutz.

i was like 4 people back too. i was the random white girl with lots of tattoos. hahaha..

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Guest iChangmin

That wasn't me, actually! xD; The two you're talking about are two of my friends, though. I think I remember you now! You were in the front of the line the entire day?

I was depending on people to try to get to the front, but clearly that didn't end up happening. You are extremely smart D:

Actually, I got there around 2, but I joined my friend who had been there since 8:30 that morning. She had a long day of waiting, and got a bit sunburned. :/ The two girls at the very front of the line had been waiting since 8AM.

My last fancam is almost done uploading.. I am never uploading this many videos in one day again. I wish I had FiOs so they could have uploaded super-fast. http://www.youtube.com/user/WooyaPooya

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Guest motnani

Did anyone get the Lost Map cd(at the concerts)?

On mapthesoul.com it says it comes with merchandise and I bought like everything but I don't think I got it..

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Guest lilaznboom

@lilaznboom: Downstairs in the lobby, to the side of the hallway that led to the bathroom. T____T

wow no wonder i missed it I ran up to the stage once I got in haha

but my friend stuffed her merch into my bag and i was like ughh so heavy

btw does anyone know if its possible to send Epik High a gift? o__O

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Guest mechaku

@ motani: You had to ask them for the Lost Map CDs when you bought your merchandise ): The girl who was helping me almost forgot about mine~

@ iChangmin: I heard about those two girls at the very front! So crazy~ And ah, okay, I see :D

@ holdfast: Thanks for clearing that up for me, haha. I was thinking Tablo said something like that~

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Guest skipperdoodle

Did anyone get the Lost Map cd(at the concerts)?

On mapthesoul.com it says it comes with merchandise and I bought like everything but I don't think I got it..

yeah XD i got it. i was confused when i saw it actually. its reallly awsome!

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Guest motnani

@mechaku- ugh... I was sitting right across where they were selling the merchandise (I got out of the crowd because I couldn't breathe-____- I was near the front too) and I was like are they giving the cds out?

I should have asked >< I thought they would give it out at the end of the concert.

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Guest lilaznboom

@motani - samee!! I couldn't breathe properly when Tablo announced the 2nd half and went out of the room xD the front is massively brutal x.x

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Guest mechaku

seoulbeats' interview about Epik High! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2uuTa8YDxYg&fmt=18

lolol, I'm the one to the left of the cute Korean guy who shouts, "No homo!" That was so funny.

Ahhh, that was you! He is so cool, LOL. And I totally saw ya'll in the front~ I remember seeing the pink High Skool girl at McD's after the con, too.

Why do you like Epik High?

They're sexy!

Funny, funny interviews xD

@ lilaznboom: the front really was brutal. )): great view, though! i'll forever regret moving for more oxygen LOL

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Guest kimchi hana

lilaznboom, amen. Getting to the front was brutal. Staying in the front was brutal.

People were pushing from the back. I didn't want to hurt the people in front of me.

Considering they were standing right in front of a metal fence thing.

So I stuck my butt out and started pushing everyone back LOLLLL.

I felt so sorry for the people that I was mean to accidentally.

If you were one of them, I apologize. Heat + lack of oxygen can make a person pissed off LOL.

It was so hectic after the concert finished that I forgot to ask for my Lost Map CD as well. :<

Picture time! It was hard to take a decent picture.

Considering the dark room + crazy lights.

Sorry if I kill your computers with all of them.

I resized them, but forgot that they were still pretty big.

And I'm too lazy to resize it. :o And please don't steal. ;D

When Beatbox DG was standing during the opening I was just like *Q*


I don't have any pictures of Kero One cause my flash wasn't working at that time. :/

FM totally hyped the crowd back up with their amazing performance.

When they threw their CD, I turned around at the area where it was thrown

There was this poor girl who was holding it above her head.

And all these hands were just trying to try it from their left and right. DDDD:


When Tukutz entered, I was going mad. He is extremely adorable looking.


The crowd went absolutely nuts when Tablo's fierce-self entered.

























v It was so hard to get any good picture of Tukutz. :<






v Myk's solo part of the concert. I fell in love that night. :o





v Uhhhh, pouty Mithra LOL. Why was he so shy?!



v I was so thankful to the girl with the fan. She fanned her friend, which reached me!




I'm posting up videos now. I'll link when I'm finished. :D

Oh yeah, and for those in the front, did you see those photographers up front?

They took pictures of my sweaty and cracked up looking self LOLOLOL.

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Guest eggy_O

First post? :D

I joined my friends on line (towards the front) in the afternoon, sat for a couple of hours, and then after a certain point (prob around 5:30 or so) it was all standing...whoo ~_~


minus the extreme heat and body-body mashing, minus the bit of delay in the beginning, and minus the lack of water (besides, of course, the blessed droplets of water that flew out of their water bottles every now and then)...it was hot hot HOT!

Nearly left in the middle because of the same reason that many others did leave for (no air! the heat! ahh!), but...One started...and I couldn't leave...*-*

Here are some pictures...(mostly of tablo, lol - didn't take that many...I mainly took vids)





is that a trace of sadness o___o DSCN0631.jpg


and fancams(!):

I have a lot more but they're going to take forever to upload...so tomorrow or so!

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Guest FunPhax

holy crap, just got back from the seattle concert and it was AMAZING wow even though i went deaf from the girls screams and FM's music it was all worth it :)

but i think there should have been age restriction of like.. 16 and older... i was behind this kid who had to get his privates all up another girl's butt even if there was no room for him so i just gently moved him out of my way.. :P

the beatboxer was unbelievable, i watched beat box vids on youtube but its like x9999999999999999 better in real life damn

i wish i had an actual camera though.. instead of phone cam.

it was hella funny when tablo told the back to effin stand up haha

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