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Epik High (에픽하이) Official Thread [#2023]


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Guest goldenGAZE

WOW, they had soo much visitors on the site, no wonder it crashed. At least now i have a date on when the site will be back up (i can stop refreshing like a mad man lol). I hope their album does amazingly well. I also wanna get a high school tee.

@Jenny, you sent them an awesome message no wonder they responded. But wow its nice to know they care about the fans (actually in one of the videos on mts, i could have sworn one guy was on yt, i think it was the 'manager' video lol). Their reply to you was so sweet, i see they've been working super hard on this album. Hope it all pays off.

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Guest xradiostatic

now the site is saying that it'll be back up by the 23rd:

We regret to inform you that our webpage is facing a temporary

technical problem due to the flood of traffic on March 21st. More

than 300,000 of you visited us at once, resulting in a server crash.

You are absolutely amazing! Thank you for your love and support.

We will have the site up and properly functioning by March 23rd.

300,000 people at once?! that is INSANE. omg. at least now they know a lot of people are planning to support them. ^_^

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Guest she leanss

Thank you for your kind words Jenny. We have put a lot of work into this whole concept and reading e-mails like this give us the courage and energy to pull all-nighters as we have been doing for the last 3 months.


aww that's so awesome <3333.

wow 300,000 people? that's even more awesome. i cannot wait for epik high's release ^_^ and yeah i want them high skool shirts to

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Guest eternal_bliss


It's great though. 300,000 people? If they all buy the album or at least something, that'd be a success!

Hopefully they can get the server back up before the 23rd. I'll be at school. I'll die of anticipation or something.


Haha, wow jenny! I actually recently sent them a message too. I'd faint from shock if they responded. =D And then I'd print it out and frame it on my wall. XD

<3 Epik High

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Guest xradiostatic

did anyone see the shoutout to allkpop

LMAO at Blo "Forget About All That Other Sh!t"

LOL 'blo is awesome.

i love how mithra just stood there nodding and tukutz with his hand movements emphasizing tablo's words. XD

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Guest JANG.

YES. the site will be back up on the 23rd! 300,00 fans trying to view it at once is amazing.

they really deserve to see that kind of support.

i'm dying to order the album book & a green high skool shirt.

if their youtube promotions don't get you hyped up for map the soul's release,

then i don't know what will, haha. their promotion for mapthesoul.com & the album itself is awesome.

the seoulbeats & allkpop shout-outs got me even more excited.

jkdgjdfklh. i can't wait to access the site & order everything!

& jenny (if i can call you that!), that's such awesome news. i wonder if they'll continue to respond to the messages sent out. (;

seriously, the work they're doing for their fans still amazes me. they're taking this album process to another level.

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Guest stardaisy212

man allkpop and seoulbeats are so lucky. lol

i love that in allkpop they were "hanging against the wall" and in seoulbeats they are in the closet. there is music in the allkpop video and the seoulbeats video is so hyper.

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Guest fallenframes

good to see people spazzing here, lol.

i've been doing it at lj.

anyway, hopefully when the site is back up today, it won't crash again, XD

the shoutouts will have a lot of affect.

jennylee528: that is very awesome.

btw, i'm doing a group order for toronto fans over at lj. if you don't have an account, post with your soompi id. ^^

iono, check it out. Toronto group order for book album.

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Guest prisonerzero

HAHAHA I'M LOVING THESE SHOUTOUT VIDEOS, especially the one for AllKPop. Tablo's swearing is hilarious.

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Guest Jenny1430266544

haha thanks everyone for your comments on my correspondence with epik high. i encourage you to include where you are from (city/country) if you message them like i did, too! will give them a quick idea where their fans are =D

btw, i'm doing a group order for toronto fans over at lj. if you don't have an account, post with your soompi id. ^^

iono, check it out. Toronto group order for book album.

excellent idea... but all those locations are so inconveniently far from me, arg

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Guest fallenframes

haha thanks everyone for your comments on my correspondence with epik high. i encourage you to include where you are from (city/country) if you message them like i did, too! will give them a quick idea where their fans are =D

excellent idea... but all those locations are so inconveniently far from me, arg

it's hard to come up with what to say, hehe.

as for locations, i can always do downtown toronto locations or somewhere as well. PM me, maybe we can arrange something. ^^

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Wouldn't it be cool if Epik High made a shoutout to us on soompi?

I think it would be very awesome <3

Good to know the site will be back up

I hope their album does really well

& they're doings so much for the fans

epik high is simply epic :D

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