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Epik High (에픽하이) Official Thread [#2023]


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Guest getawaycar

The good thing with Epik High is that ... they really mean it when they say there's no genre, just music. Because we can all enjoy their work. Everyone can love their music, literally. The beats, lyrics and feelings into it are awesome.

Agreed. The thing about them is that you can see that they are really musicians. You can also feel & hear all the hard work that they've put to make the whole album inside the music.

& i'm really addicted to Breakdown right now.

Great album! A must buy!

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Guest heylove

I'm loving their 5th album so far. <3

I think this may be a stretch, but I'd like to compare them to Bach. Bach was one of those composers that just wrote and wrote music, like it was his natural instinct. And not just music, but it was complicated in thought, mathematically, overall very well written. I get that kind of feeling when I listen to Epik high, they're natural instinct is to just write music. High respects to both! :D

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Guest love-yun

holy djafksdl;ads;! I MUST BUY THIS ALBUM. the songs are amazing, and not only that but the cover of the cd is byfar the best cover i've seen - in a while. i'm so happy for epik. they've come a long way to stand in the kpop world. pieces just made my YEAR.

octieu2005 100% agree. i have absolutely no doubt that they'll win a daesang.

i love this picture, btw. haha!


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Wait, so part 2 is coming out in JUNE??

I'm not sure if you guys have already seen it, there's a list of future projects somewhere on the album lyric book?

The first one one the list was "Pieces, Part 2", and the next one was "Remixing the Human Soul" and then you had Tablo's solo album next on the list. They had other things but I don't remember -__-;;

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Guest azurewinds

Wait, so part 2 is coming out in JUNE??

I'm not sure if you guys have already seen it, there's a list of future projects somewhere on the album lyric book?

The first one one the list was "Pieces, Part 2", and the next one was "Remixing the Human Soul" and then you had Tablo's solo album next on the list. They had other things but I don't remember -__-;;

I'm really excited!! I can't believe Epik High is releasing so many projects this year! They're truly overworking themselves at the fan's best interest! What other projects were listed?? =) 2008 The Year of Epik High!!

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Guest WanMinBin

I listened to that song out of curiosity and I personally think the melody sounds nothing like "One". Even the clock ticking sounds is different. Like angelfightrJ mentioned, "time is ticking" is a very common phrase. I think Tablo would've mentioned if he sampled anything, but I really doubt he sampled. Perhaps we can ask someone like WanMinBin who has the CD already to see the credits for you. ^^

I'm taking this straight from the lyrics book:

composition + arrangement tablo

song lyrics tablo

rap lyrics tablo + mithra jin

featuring jisun

string arrangement + midi strings asher

all instrumental programming tablo

keyboards tablo

acoustic piano tablo + jang ji won

electric guitar mr. sync

additional vocals dj tukutz + yankie

chorus jw + kim hyun ah

vocals tablo + jisun

rap tablo + mithra jin

btw, it was mentioned in the Nell thread that lead singer Kim Jong Wan featured in the chorus of One, but I can't really tell it's him when I listen to the track....I guess the credits confirms that it is indeed him in the chorus. ^^


with the exception of Eight By Eight, The Future and Pencil Sharpener, the lyrics of which were co-written with some of the featuring artistes.

and some of the instrumental arrangements were done by other people.


I guess you can see now how much work they put into this album and why Tablo would be upset about the leakage.

I'm not sure if you guys have already seen it, there's a list of future projects somewhere on the album lyric book?

The first one one the list was "Pieces, Part 2", and the next one was "Remixing the Human Soul" and then you had Tablo's solo album next on the list. They had other things but I don't remember -__-;;

yep, besides the 2 Epik albums to look forward to, there's also Tablo's Blonote, Chapter One, Blac Bakery's Cream (BB=Tablo + DJ Tukutz) and something called Pe2ny Presents Alive! Soul Cuts Volume 1.

maybe I shouldn't share this info here....and force people to go buy the album to see this info for themselves, LOL! :phew:

edit: btw, my name's Tessy! *waves* ^^

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Guest Dirtycash23

"Topped a Page "Woot"....Woot"...owns^^


Me too I just love the album and the new mv......ahhh can't

wait for part 2

love-yun: I like the pic Tablo's like "What in the world"!

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Guest azurewinds

to WanMinBin and sweetsmile:

Thank you so much for the information! I'm really looking forward to all these projects. I hope they take their time and don't rush it.

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Guest luffa

OMG >>

I Feel in love with epik high when they came out with Fan last year....and now THIS!?!?!?

I think died a little...

I agree with what you guys said -- whenever I hear their songs, I can FEEL how much hard work, thought, and emotion they put into each one. I love how their songs have so many layers of message, not something as simple/overrated you can grasp by hearing the first time (or even watching some their MVs for the first time)

I think another reason why this album was so anticipated and has done so well so far is because after the release of this album, they have proven to everyone that their music has QUALITY. Their hit songs are not a mere FLUKES. That they have unbeatable talent xD

I am definitely gonna try get my hands on this album ASAP. From what I hear, its worth it. And the cover is awesome - makes me want to buy it more.

yesasia here I comeeeee~ (lol this will be my first non-dbsk album)


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Guest super.music.maker



창밖에 반짝이는 수천개의 투명 거미,

Thousands of clear spiders sparkling on the window

잠든 도시에 잿빛 거미줄을 치고.

spinning webs in the dim lights of the sleeping city

한숨처럼 책상위에 가라앉은 수필 원고더미,

sighing like an accused essay writer on a desk

허리와 연필심을 굽혀 밑줄을 치고.

Bending my back and pencil led to create a line

어쩌면 이미 흩어진 꿈을 쥐고 날 속이면서,

Getting fooled by a dream that's already shattered

빈손이 가득 찬 착각에 세상을 놓치면서

Losing an opprutunity with the world because of a delusion of a full hand

살아왔던건 아닐까? 극적인 생각.

Have I not lived? An ironic thought

어느새 보니 공책 여백에 끄적인 생각.

Sickened with thoughts of an empty notebook

내 꿈의 적인 생각, 내안에 숨쉬는가?

My dream is an enemy to my thoughts, is it breathing in me?

갈수록 나답지않게 세상의 눈치를 봐.

I notice the world, unlike my usual self

클수록 부끄러워지는 부모의 손처럼 내 손과 꿈의 매듭이 쇠약해 풀리는가?

Like a maturing child embarrased at holding their parent's hand, is my hand being weakened from its knot?

그건 안돼. 분명한게, 이 눈먼 안개같은 현실의 바람이 세상을 휩쓸어갈때,

That can't happen. But one thing's for sure, my eyes are blinded like the fog blocking out the wind

찢겨진 허수아비라도 난 버틸수가 있는데.

I can handle it like an old scarecrow

버려진 가을밤이라도 난 지킬수가 있는데.

I can protect it even if it's a waste of one autumn night

며칠째 집중이 안돼. 작은 손틈새 물 한줄기같에, 손에 잡히던 그 모든게.

I can't concentrate for days. In my hands everything that I try to hold on to is like a rope of water

어쩌면 나조차도 모르게 펜을 못놓는게 그저 눈치를 보는게 겁나는건가 고민돼.(Dream)

I'm worried and afraid to face myself from not being able to let go of my pen.

가질수없는 꿈이지만, I have a dream.

It's a dream that I can't have, but I have a dream

비틀거리는 꿈이지만, I have a dream.

It's an unstable dream, but I have a dream

버림받은 꿈이지만, I have a dream.

It's a dream that will be rejected, but I have a dream.

live and die for this dream.


세상이 등을 져버린 꿈.

A dream of the world turning its back

너무나 더럽혀진 꿈.

A dream that's been corrupted

찢겨진 우산처럼 젖은 땅에 버려진 꿈.

A dream that's been thrown to the wet ground like a ripped umbrella

그저 버러지 꿈. 지워진 낙서뿐이걸.

Just throw away your Dream. It's just graffiti that's been erased.

you say, "dream... 잊혀진 단어뿐인걸."

you say, "dream... it's just a forgotten word."

하지만 난 오늘도 헛된 꿈을 꾼다.

But to this day, I dream of impossible dreams

비록 어둠속이지만 다시 눈을 뜬다.

Even if I'm engulfed in the darkness, I open my eyes

I will never give up, I will never give up, I have a dream.


내 꿈은 하늘을 걷는 난장이의 꿈.

My dream is a dwarf walking in the sky

무지개를 손에 거머쥔 장님의 꿈.

A dream of a blindman clutching the rainbow in his hands

달콤한 자장가에 잠이든 고아의 꿈.

A dream of an orphan falling asleep by a sweet lullaby

시간을 뒤로 되돌린 불효자의 꿈.

A dream of a disobedient son/daughter to turn time back

내 꿈은 세상의 모든 어머니의 꿈.

My dream is a dream of all mothers in the world

내 꿈은 크게 노래 부르는 벙어리의 꿈.

My dream is a dream of a mute singing loudly

내 꿈은 사랑하는 사람의 작은 속삭임에 미소를 짓는 귀머거리의 꿈.(Dream)

My dream is a deaf smiling at the whisper from a love



Time is tickin′. T-Time is tickin′, tickin′.

Time is tickin′, T-Time is tickin′ away...


그대, 눈물이 볼에 쏟아지는걸, 이유 없이 쏟아지는걸.

Tears are spilling out on your cheeks, without a reason it's spilling

아무도 모르죠, 심장 속에 유리조각 폭풍이 몰아치는걸.

No one would know, in your heart there's broken glass stirring up a storm


상처가 병이 돼서. 모든 문이 벽이 돼서.

Your wound became a disease. All the doors into walls.

거울속의 내가 적이 돼서 아.프.죠?

Isn't it painful to have your reflection in the mirror as your enemy?


아무도 그댈 모르게 가두고. 숨을 조르게 놔두고.

You trapped yourself without anyone knowing. They left you choking

끝을 고르게 만들죠. (참 나쁘죠.) 이 세상 속에 설 이유 없앴죠.

They forced you to end it. You got rid of your reason to stay in the world


돌아 갈 길을 선택도 없이 마냥 걷겠죠.

Without a path to choose from, you would wander

네 마음보다 그대 숨이 먼저 멎겠죠.

Your breath would stop before my feelings would


상처... 흉터... 눈물이... 흐르고.

Wounds... scars... tears... flowing

(When you cry. though you try. say goodbye. the time is tickin′)


죽음 속을 헤매던(널 내가 구해줄게.)...

Wandering through death (I'll save you...)

(When you cry. though you try. say goodbye. the time is tickin′)

You are the one.

어둠속을 걷고 있을 때.

When I'm walking in the darkness

(어둠속에 니가 사로잡힐때 내 숨이 같이해)

When you find yourself in the darkness, my breath has to be with you)

넌 나의 구원.

You're my saviour

내게 손을 건네준 그대.

You gave me your hands

(세상속에 문이 네게 닺힐때 내손을 바칠게)

(I'll give up my hands for you before the world shuts the door on you)

you are the one. 넌 나의 구원.

You're my saviour

Time is tickin′. T...


세상에 불을 지른 그대 손이죠. 사람들의 눈가림은 그대 몫이죠.

It was your hands that started the fire in this world. You nailed everyone's eyes shut

그대 눈에 비추던 고통이란 별이 그대 도시죠.

The suffering that shine in your eyes become your city


(아직도 꿈을 베나요?) 숨을 세나요? 쏟아버린 눈물 깊이를 재나요?

(are you still dreaming?) Do you count your breath? Do you measure the tears you spilled?

희망은 가라앉는 종이 배인가요? 슬.프.죠?

Is your hope a drowning paper boat? Isn't it sad?


혹시 밤에 땀에 흠뻑 젖어 깨나요? 양심이 땅에 기며 버벅 되나요?

Do you wake up drenched in sweat? Does your conscious crawl on the groud, stuttering?

끝이라고 생각되나요? 괜찮아요, ′cause I understand.

Do you think it's the end? It's ok, cause I understand


내가 고장난 그 몸의 흉터, 산산 조각난 그 혼의 숨겨버린 눈물도 지워줄게요.

I erase your hidden tears from your broken body of scars, broken pieces of your soul

그대 손을 내 손에 움켜쥐고 믿어줄게요.

I'll hold on to your hands in mine, and I'll believe in you.


상처... 흉터... 눈물이... 흐르고.

Wounds...scars... tears... flowing

(When you cry. though you try. say goodbye. the time is tickin′)


죽음 속을 헤매던 (널 내가 구해줄게.)

Wandering through death (I'll save you)

(When you cry. though you try. say goodbye. the time is tickin′)

You are the one.

어둠속에 걷고 있을 때

When I'm walking in the darkness

(어둠속에 니가 사로잡힐때 내 숨이 같이해)

When you find yourself in the darkness, my breath has to be with you)

넌 나의 구원.

You're my saviour

내게 손을 건네준 그대.

You gave me your hands

(세상속에 문이 네게 닺힐때 내손을 바칠게)

(I'll give up my hands for you before the world shuts the door on you)

you are the one. 넌 나의 구원.

You're my saviour



상처가 있나요? 흉터가 있나요? 어둠속에서 헤매고 있나요?

Do you have a wound? Do you have scars? Are you wandering in the darkness?



상처가 있나요? 흉터가 있나요? 어둠속에서 헤매고 있나요?

Do you have a wound? Do you have scars? Are you wandering in the darkness?

(Faith, Destiny, Love.)


you′re still beautiful to me.


You are the one.

어둠속에 걷고 있을 때

When I'm walking in the darkness

(어둠속에 니가 사로잡힐때 내 숨이 같이해)

When you find yourself in the darkness, my breath has to be with you)

넌 나의 구원.

You're my saviour

내게 손을 건네준 그대.

You gave me your hands

(세상속에 문이 네게 닺힐때 내손을 바칠게)

(I'll give up my hands for you before the world shuts the door on you)

Time is tickin′. T-Time is tickin′, tickin′.

Time is tickin′, T-Time is tickin′ away...



나의 구원.

My Saviour




translated by me

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Though I already downloaded it, I also have it on Preorder. YesAsia says that the expected ship date is going to be on the 25th. How lame is that??

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Guest love.peace.happiness.

i've been a long time fan of EH but never posted on this page before...fist off how awesome is their 5th album? it's very different it definitely has more of a pop/techno sound too it but it still has that unique sound of EH..i can't stop listening to it..

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Guest xx_swit_c_xx

Though I already downloaded it, I also have it on Preorder. YesAsia says that the expected ship date is going to be on the 25th. How lame is that??

wow... that's late. maybe so many people are buying it that they have to push the dates back in order to receive more shipments haha... i pre-ordered mine a few days ago and they said they would shipping it out Monday the 21st....

yeah... just wait a little longerr!! =D hehe.

I can't wait to get ittt.....

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Guest kaidrama

thank you so much for translation ^^ i do like 'ONE' and other songs of this album



창밖에 반짝이는 수천개의 투명 거미,

Thousands of clear spiders sparkling on the window

잠든 도시에 잿빛 거미줄을 치고.

spinning webs in the dim lights of the sleeping city

한숨처럼 책상위에 가라앉은 수필 원고더미,

sighing like an accused essay writer on a desk

허리와 연필심을 굽혀 밑줄을 치고.

Bending my back and pencil led to create a line

어쩌면 이미 흩어진 꿈을 쥐고 날 속이면서,

Getting fooled by a dream that's already shattered

빈손이 가득 찬 착각에 세상을 놓치면서

Losing an opprutunity with the world because of a delusion of a full hand

살아왔던건 아닐까? 극적인 생각.

Have I not lived? An ironic thought

어느새 보니 공책 여백에 끄적인 생각.

Sickened with thoughts of an empty notebook

내 꿈의 적인 생각, 내안에 숨쉬는가?

My dream is an enemy to my thoughts, is it breathing in me?

갈수록 나답지않게 세상의 눈치를 봐.

I notice the world, unlike my usual self

클수록 부끄러워지는 부모의 손처럼 내 손과 꿈의 매듭이 쇠약해 풀리는가?

Like a maturing child embarrased at holding their parent's hand, is my hand being weakened from its knot?

그건 안돼. 분명한게, 이 눈먼 안개같은 현실의 바람이 세상을 휩쓸어갈때,

That can't happen. But one thing's for sure, my eyes are blinded like the fog blocking out the wind

찢겨진 허수아비라도 난 버틸수가 있는데.

I can handle it like an old scarecrow

버려진 가을밤이라도 난 지킬수가 있는데.

I can protect it even if it's a waste of one autumn night

며칠째 집중이 안돼. 작은 손틈새 물 한줄기같에, 손에 잡히던 그 모든게.

I can't concentrate for days. In my hands everything that I try to hold on to is like a rope of water

어쩌면 나조차도 모르게 펜을 못놓는게 그저 눈치를 보는게 겁나는건가 고민돼.(Dream)

I'm worried and afraid to face myself from not being able to let go of my pen.

가질수없는 꿈이지만, I have a dream.

It's a dream that I can't have, but I have a dream

비틀거리는 꿈이지만, I have a dream.

It's an unstable dream, but I have a dream

버림받은 꿈이지만, I have a dream.

It's a dream that will be rejected, but I have a dream.

live and die for this dream.


세상이 등을 져버린 꿈.

A dream of the world turning its back

너무나 더럽혀진 꿈.

A dream that's been corrupted

찢겨진 우산처럼 젖은 땅에 버려진 꿈.

A dream that's been thrown to the wet ground like a ripped umbrella

그저 버러지 꿈. 지워진 낙서뿐이걸.

Just throw away your Dream. It's just graffiti that's been erased.

you say, "dream... 잊혀진 단어뿐인걸."

you say, "dream... it's just a forgotten word."

하지만 난 오늘도 헛된 꿈을 꾼다.

But to this day, I dream of impossible dreams

비록 어둠속이지만 다시 눈을 뜬다.

Even if I'm engulfed in the darkness, I open my eyes

I will never give up, I will never give up, I have a dream.


내 꿈은 하늘을 걷는 난장이의 꿈.

My dream is a dwarf walking in the sky

무지개를 손에 거머쥔 장님의 꿈.

A dream of a blindman clutching the rainbow in his hands

달콤한 자장가에 잠이든 고아의 꿈.

A dream of an orphan falling asleep by a sweet lullaby

시간을 뒤로 되돌린 불효자의 꿈.

A dream of a disobedient son/daughter to turn time back

내 꿈은 세상의 모든 어머니의 꿈.

My dream is a dream of all mothers in the world

내 꿈은 크게 노래 부르는 벙어리의 꿈.

My dream is a dream of a mute singing loudly

내 꿈은 사랑하는 사람의 작은 속삭임에 미소를 짓는 귀머거리의 꿈.(Dream)

My dream is a deaf smiling at the whisper from a love



Time is tickin′. T-Time is tickin′, tickin′.

Time is tickin′, T-Time is tickin′ away...


그대, 눈물이 볼에 쏟아지는걸, 이유 없이 쏟아지는걸.

Tears are spilling out on your cheeks, without a reason it's spilling

아무도 모르죠, 심장 속에 유리조각 폭풍이 몰아치는걸.

No one would know, in your heart there's broken glass stirring up a storm


상처가 병이 돼서. 모든 문이 벽이 돼서.

Your wound became a disease. All the doors into walls.

거울속의 내가 적이 돼서 아.프.죠?

Isn't it painful to have your reflection in the mirror as your enemy?


아무도 그댈 모르게 가두고. 숨을 조르게 놔두고.

You trapped yourself without anyone knowing. They left you choking

끝을 고르게 만들죠. (참 나쁘죠.) 이 세상 속에 설 이유 없앴죠.

They forced you to end it. You got rid of your reason to stay in the world


돌아 갈 길을 선택도 없이 마냥 걷겠죠.

Without a path to choose from, you would wander

네 마음보다 그대 숨이 먼저 멎겠죠.

Your breath would stop before my feelings would


상처... 흉터... 눈물이... 흐르고.

Wounds... scars... tears... flowing

(When you cry. though you try. say goodbye. the time is tickin′)


죽음 속을 헤매던(널 내가 구해줄게.)...

Wandering through death (I'll save you...)

(When you cry. though you try. say goodbye. the time is tickin′)

You are the one.

어둠속을 걷고 있을 때.

When I'm walking in the darkness

(어둠속에 니가 사로잡힐때 내 숨이 같이해)

When you find yourself in the darkness, my breath has to be with you)

넌 나의 구원.

You're my saviour

내게 손을 건네준 그대.

You gave me your hands

(세상속에 문이 네게 닺힐때 내손을 바칠게)

(I'll give up my hands for you before the world shuts the door on you)

you are the one. 넌 나의 구원.

You're my saviour

Time is tickin′. T...


세상에 불을 지른 그대 손이죠. 사람들의 눈가림은 그대 몫이죠.

It was your hands that started the fire in this world. You nailed everyone's eyes shut

그대 눈에 비추던 고통이란 별이 그대 도시죠.

The suffering that shine in your eyes become your city


(아직도 꿈을 베나요?) 숨을 세나요? 쏟아버린 눈물 깊이를 재나요?

(are you still dreaming?) Do you count your breath? Do you measure the tears you spilled?

희망은 가라앉는 종이 배인가요? 슬.프.죠?

Is your hope a drowning paper boat? Isn't it sad?


혹시 밤에 땀에 흠뻑 젖어 깨나요? 양심이 땅에 기며 버벅 되나요?

Do you wake up drenched in sweat? Does your conscious crawl on the groud, stuttering?

끝이라고 생각되나요? 괜찮아요, ′cause I understand.

Do you think it's the end? It's ok, cause I understand


내가 고장난 그 몸의 흉터, 산산 조각난 그 혼의 숨겨버린 눈물도 지워줄게요.

I erase your hidden tears from your broken body of scars, broken pieces of your soul

그대 손을 내 손에 움켜쥐고 믿어줄게요.

I'll hold on to your hands in mine, and I'll believe in you.


상처... 흉터... 눈물이... 흐르고.

Wounds...scars... tears... flowing

(When you cry. though you try. say goodbye. the time is tickin′)


죽음 속을 헤매던 (널 내가 구해줄게.)

Wandering through death (I'll save you)

(When you cry. though you try. say goodbye. the time is tickin′)

You are the one.

어둠속에 걷고 있을 때

When I'm walking in the darkness

(어둠속에 니가 사로잡힐때 내 숨이 같이해)

When you find yourself in the darkness, my breath has to be with you)

넌 나의 구원.

You're my saviour

내게 손을 건네준 그대.

You gave me your hands

(세상속에 문이 네게 닺힐때 내손을 바칠게)

(I'll give up my hands for you before the world shuts the door on you)

you are the one. 넌 나의 구원.

You're my saviour



상처가 있나요? 흉터가 있나요? 어둠속에서 헤매고 있나요?

Do you have a wound? Do you have scars? Are you wandering in the darkness?



상처가 있나요? 흉터가 있나요? 어둠속에서 헤매고 있나요?

Do you have a wound? Do you have scars? Are you wandering in the darkness?

(Faith, Destiny, Love.)


you′re still beautiful to me.


You are the one.

어둠속에 걷고 있을 때

When I'm walking in the darkness

(어둠속에 니가 사로잡힐때 내 숨이 같이해)

When you find yourself in the darkness, my breath has to be with you)

넌 나의 구원.

You're my saviour

내게 손을 건네준 그대.

You gave me your hands

(세상속에 문이 네게 닺힐때 내손을 바칠게)

(I'll give up my hands for you before the world shuts the door on you)

Time is tickin′. T-Time is tickin′, tickin′.

Time is tickin′, T-Time is tickin′ away...



나의 구원.

My Saviour




translated by me

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