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Taemin(shinee) Getting Bullied @ School? :'(

Guest fallen*angel

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Guest superjihyeee!



dude i'd totally like adopt this kid if he went to my school.


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Guest Christinaisweird

aww, taemin. I mean they're all about respect, but taemin is really respectful towards his sunbaes and stuff, but he should really beat the crap out of them.

this is why you have to stand up for yourself. hope he doesn't go into depression and other stuff.

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Guest epikxlove

my friend used to go to school with him

she was a year younger and she said that no one believed that he was an SM trainee..

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Guest doubleAnumbertwo

oh my.

i hope taemin is okay.

man, people in his school is so rude.

celebrities are humans too.

they should respect him as a human. -_-

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Guest CitrusFlower

I could tell he was pretty vulnerable by the way he looks but then again atleast he has his fans to support him

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omgosh that is horrible; taemin needs to like get some bodyguards and then be like WHAT to all those effed up people

well since the situation is now all over the internet the school is bound to find out and do something about it.

LSM should definitely do something about this.

if he gets a bodyguard, i'm afraid all those students would be even more appalled and pick on him even more when he's alone cus it gives them the idea that taemin thinks he's all that with a bodyguard : /

anyways, i didnt knoe that things lik group bullying still exist >.<

that's a really naive statement. bullying exists everywhere : / & esp in groups cus it's easier for a group to gang up on a person.

why is he eating lunch @ the teachers lounge???


doesn't he have friends to eat lunch with...

I mean he did say he has friends who are jelous of him

because he gets to be near snsd.. :mellow:

if this is continuing to happen he should transfer schools

i think he just eats there cus it's safer with noone going around bothering him.

but i don't think transferrign school is going to help ): im sure this kind of harassment doesn't just happen in his school

i believe it's true. i also heard that he goes to the bathroom and cries.

the main person who bullied him was a girl and she later apologized for it.

WOWW. : / poor taemin !

god i hate these bullies : / i remember Lee Si Young (from BOF & WGM) was talking to Junjin about how she went to the same highschool as him and she thought "is being a singer that great" after seeing Junjin leave school in the middle of the day and stuff. it gives you kind of a look into the other students' (who are not crazy about celebs) perspectives / POVs.

but bullying / harassing them is just too much. >:/

i hope the schools everywhere do something about this. (btw, for those who ask why he isnt homeschooling, i think it's just cus he wants to have a normal school life & be able to see his friends : /)

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All bullies are pathetic and insecure losers. Picking on someone who has done NOTHING wrong and someone who has not provoced this type of behaviour ... it's just messed up, and group bullying is cowardly. I'm not even a big fan of SHINee but reading about his cruel school life is making me sad for him.

I understand if people get excited that their idol is attending their school, they want to take pictures and follow him around etc but as FANS, shouldn't they also try to make it a pleasant place for him? A place where he would feel welcome (and not suffocated)? Or are they too busy forcing themselves under his umbrella and stalking him to defend him? You fans on soompi say that you would defend and protect him if you were in the same school, is it not the same with Korean fans who actually have the opportunity to do it? I mean, wth are they doing, just letting bullies bring him down. :o

He should transfer to a special private school or get home-schooled ASAP. It will be impossible for him to ever attend school as a normal kid again and he should accept that fact instead of going through bullying and negativity. Dealing with all the stress, sleepless nights and hard work of being a celebrity is enough as it is.

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Guest MinJee_318

Poor Taemin... Getting bullied at school.

I wonder what the members say if he told them about this. I bet that

they'll be annoyed and a bit angry.

This is horrible.

I would understand why he ate in the teacher's lounge, but this is

ridiculous. Sure, its exciting to have a celebrity going to school.. but at

least keep a distance from them.

I wish that he could go to a private school or at least a place where he

doesn't get this much bullied.

TAEMIN Hwaiting!!

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Guest dahheekeem


wtf? those kids are so just jealous of him....>:[

T_T poor taeminnnn`!!!!!!!!

its okayyy you have all your fannsssss :D


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Guest ilovestarrobots


Whhhyyyy? This is completely ridiculous. These people have NO lives. They have to resort to picking on Taemin just because he has enough talent to be famous. I thought he'd actually be pretty popular. Poor taeminnie.

How stupid. HEY GUYS. Let's form an angry mob and start kicking some richard simmons. ;DDD

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Guest hannuhh

that's so heartbreaking :(

taemin is adorable.. and i doubt he's extremely rude to anyone..

i just hope things will get better for him...

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Guest nightmare.

Poor Taemin. I never think these things can happen to him.

the students are crap. they just bullied him because he is a shining star?

ckckckck.. wonder what people think now about the school.

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Guest Uyen Duong

It seems likely.. poor baby ): </3 I wish I could be there to protect him from

those mean people.. gosh. He probably keeps his head down incase anyone

recognizes him.. or not.. since it's easy to tell.

It must be very stressful for him.. and he can't do much about it, since it could

tarnish his image if he were to stand up and say something about it.

Lee Taemin, hwaiting~ ): <3

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Guest simplelifeblue

he comes to school to learn,not to face other people and make fun of him.

they should learn properly in school so they know how to act and treat other people politely.

I know how he feels.Other people jealous of you and always waiting to put you down and make fun of you.that kind of people,trust me,they have worse future and other people hate them. muahaha

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