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I Lost All Feelings For Her, She Still Has Feelings For Me


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She attempted suicide
I've been losing feelings for her for a while. We broke up about 2 weeks ago, due to a lot of problems and the fact that we're not a match. Of course...I didn't feel as much pain as she did. She wanted to get back together, I didn't want to, until I heard that she attempted suicide. I agreed to get back with her, fearing that she'll do something stupid again. I really don't know what to do, if I said no, she would've kept up the stupid acts, if I said yes, I'd be lying about my feelings and leading her on. Anyways..I said yes, so now I'm in a situation where I'm basically stuck with her. I'm probably sounding like an richard simmons, but what should I do..? I don't want her to attempt suicide again, but I also don't want to be with someone that I lost feelings for.
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One of the worst things I think is to go out with someone because you pity them.

She's practically blackmailing you with her life >< It's a difficult situation to be in.

I think you need to talk to her parents, and somehow guide her to seek professional help.

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Guest kRaZiExLaDiE

i think the best thing you can do is to sit down & have a serious & honest talk w/ her. make sure she understands how you`re feeling too, but remember to put things in a nice way b/c she`s already in an emotionally unstable state. tell her there`s plenty of other fish in the sea & that she`ll meet the person she`s meant to be w/ when time is right. give her positive comments like "you`re a beautiful, smart, & strong woman & i know you`ll be just fine" stuff like that. make her feel confident about herself b/c i think right now.. she think she`s not good enough for you or that she did something wrong to make you leave her.

i know you`re worried about her b/c you still care about her. if you didn`t.. you wouldn`t be w/ her right now. i know when we break up w/ someone & if we still like them.. we tend to cling onto false hope. wishing things will work out the 2nd time around but this is reality. if it`s meant to be.. it`ll happen again naturally. maybe tell her you do care about her, but things just can`t be in a romantic way anymore. don`t make her believe in something that`s not going to happen. be honest w/ her.. that`s the least you can do for her now.

we all go through tough times to see the good times. she`ll really learn from this & she`ll come out stronger than ever before. time heals all wounds. this is just a stepping stone to a better relationship. GOOD LUCK!!

oh! and honestly.. if she really wants to get over you. she should probably cut you out of her life for now. you guys can be friends.. but not now. if she keeps talking to you.. she`ll never get over you. BUT don`t tell her that. maybe have one of her friends tell her if they haven`t already. it`s for the best.

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Guest writerstale

People who are genuinely suicidal don't "attempt," they commit. I fully feel like someone was just being dramatic and it worked.

If you genuinely feel like she's suicidal then call the authorities and have her committed where she can be treated for her obviously severe depression.

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Guest leedre

That's right attempted suicide is in most cases a call for attention, although it must be taken seriously. If you're depressed about this try turning the tables on her. Now this is controversial, but highly effective. Listen, you now must attempt suicide to spite her. That will show her.

ps I seriously hope you don't take my advice because it was tongue in cheek. I just wanted to provide some comic relief. Plus I'm a jerk most of the time.

pps One sure way to make your girlfriend lose interest in you fast is being clingy. Call her every minute of the day. Ask her

"I'm bored, what you doing?"

"Wanna go drinking with my frat buddies? Great! You'll be the only girl there."

"Let's watch all the Rocky movies tonight"

"I love baseball, let's go to the game"

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Guest Kanzen

People who are genuinely suicidal don't "attempt," they commit. I fully feel like someone was just being dramatic and it worked.

If you genuinely feel like she's suicidal then call the authorities and have her committed where she can be treated for her obviously severe depression.


Don't be clingy back to her, don't stay with her, don't pity her. =/ She's blackmailing you into staying with her. She knows EXACTLY what she's doing.

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Guest aznxmushu

while you're with her... secretly get her help...

like DreamingSaturn you commit not attempt...

you know deep down this whole suicide this is a total act.

She's being OVER dramatic about this whole situation.

You gotta sit down with her and pour out your heart about how you feel being in this situation.

tell her at this point.. all she is going to get is your body (don't think dirty thoughts yet!) your heart and soul isn't going to be in the relationship.

so if she still wants to date you, she's not going to get much. it's like dating a life size doll

haha i don't know if this make sence at this point... it kinda did in my mind.

i hope this works out =T


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We became "special friends". Not in a relationship, but being close, like somewhere between close friends and an actual couple. It's for helping her get over me. I found out trying to cut all communications with her was a bad idea, she just got more dramatic, because me and her agreed to stop talking for a while, and the next day she sent me a text >_>, I just ignored her for a day, her sister actually cussed me out because I was making her cry so much. So yeah... I guess a break won't work in this situation. I thought it was a pretty good idea too =\.

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Guest kRaZiExLaDiE

wow.. um.. she sounds like a complicated girl. maybe her sister should tell her to stop talking to you for now. i don`t want to sound mean, but she really needs to face reality. not even BEST friends talk to each other every single day. i know its freakin` hard for her right now.. trust me..i know how it feels. i`m not saying she`ll get over you in a day or a week, but she at least needs to try. like someone said before.. she needs to commit. not commit suicide, but to commit in getting over you. i know it`s hard to hear that she`s crying just b/c you ignored her, but really, it is for the best. if you`re close w/ her sister or any of her friends.. let them know so they can console her. i`m sure they want the best for her. they wouldn`t want to see her cry all the time and they wouldn`t want her to be in a emotionless relationship. i think its better if they said it b/c if you said it.. it might make her feel like you don`t want to talk to her and she`s going to feel really bad inside. she has to realize it herself & her friends/sister can help her. it is possible to be "just friends" (though it`s really really hard) but there needs to be a break right now. i hope things work out!

oh.. idk if this would help, but one of my friends tried the "being friends right after a break up" thing, but it was just kind of awkward whenever they were in the same room and everyone else in it can feel it, too. good thing is.. they still talk to each other.

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Guest xkrn4lyfx

be an richard simmons, make her not like you anymore =O

or just break up, it's not your problem if she commits suicide

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this happen with my friend before.

Just let her go.

I mean either way, you seriously going to stick with her forever, after she keeps trying? Either way, she will grow more attached to you if you stay with her, and more likely the situation.

Girls are always saying 'im going to attempt suicide if you leave me"

Did you know girls do it for more attention then guys does?

Guy mostly succeed then girls do.

Look it up.

So yeah, just let her go, say its over. I'm sorry its not working out. She'll understand someday. I went through the same mini cooper a million times and later on i snapped back to reality. She'll realize its not worth it. so let her go dammit

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Guest twinkle_l0ve

I'm sorry but you honestly should've said no the second time round

If you said no, the reality would've sunk in giving her more of a better chance of getting over you

NOW, when you break it to her (again) it's going to hurt more

Think of it as ripping off a bandaid - the quicker you do it, the less it hurts

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Guest SillyyJenn

let her die. jk.

but seriously just leave her alone and she'll know that a guy that doesn't give about her life is not worth her time

playing the bad guy here but ey.

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Guest fallen*angel*

Don't believe that she will actually kill herself for you. A lot of people said that but never has a gut to go through it. Also; it's unfair to be with someone for the rest of your life just because she threaten to kill herself.

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Guest cand33clouds

I'm going through the same thing... I went to Barnes and Noble and found a book called "The White Knight Syndrome." Really, you should read it. It basically tells you that some things are out of your control and you can't help everyone. My ex was being all emo and stuff too. I just tried talking to him to knock sense into him. I told him if it was meant to work out, it would have. Obviously it didn't, so that means that I am absolutely not the one for him. Some other girl out there will make him happier than I ever made him, so he should get over me already. And he should cheer up, because another girl is not gonna find him attractive if he's so moody.

Anyways, you should tell your ex the same thing. It's not fair for you to have to be stuck with her because she threatened to commit suicide. She knows exactly what shes doing, and exactly why you're staying with her. Remember what they said about true love? Its wanting the other person to be happy, even if you're not. She must know that you're only with her cuz of her threats. If she really loved you that much, she would let you go and be happy.

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