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Guest kiwipassion

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Guest Geministar8806

To Asia Or Bust.blogspot.com

It's about Asian Music, fashion, culture, and language. I'm an Asian Studies major (studying Korean, Chinese, and Japanese simultaneously) and i'm basically writing down my journey of getting my BA next year, and my MA & Ph.D two years after that. I also have a vlog posted on there also: Episode 1- Jaebeom/2pm Controversy. My next video is White Day themed lol.

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Guest Monsterchan

hahaa...funny. I think I saw you there at the Rodeo Run. My boyfriend ran the 10k also. I'm not in good shape to run..right now. I used to run half a marathon like nothing! =/


life, spirituality, inspiration, health, experiences...

Wow, small world, isn't it? =o I only ran the 5K.I doubt I can run a marathon, or even half. Are you going to be training to run in the future though?

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Wow, small world, isn't it? =o I only ran the 5K.I doubt I can run a marathon, or even half. Are you going to be training to run in the future though?

lol....yes in the very distant future. I can barely run 5k now! What is going on!? Ive been lacking so much energy, so starting on a raw vegan cleanse..hopefully I don't have to do this for long because it's not that great to go out with friends and only order a salad...

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Guest Monsterchan

lol....yes in the very distant future. I can barely run 5k now! What is going on!? Ive been lacking so much energy, so starting on a raw vegan cleanse..hopefully I don't have to do this for long because it's not that great to go out with friends and only order a salad...

Oooh, harsh diet you're on there. Personally, I don't think that going on a total diet is necessary to get back the energy you had before. Just stick to a good diet with plenty of protein. The body does need a lot of different kinds of nutrients after all, and some of those aren't in vegetables. And plus you might be using a lot more energy than those vegetables are giving you.

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Oooh, harsh diet you're on there. Personally, I don't think that going on a total diet is necessary to get back the energy you had before. Just stick to a good diet with plenty of protein. The body does need a lot of different kinds of nutrients after all, and some of those aren't in vegetables. And plus you might be using a lot more energy than those vegetables are giving you.

I've been on a good diet... being a vegetarian and following macrobiotic principles. You don't know how sensitive I am! I've done this before last year for almost half a year..I felt so GOOD. anyway, I only did the raw vegan cleanse for a day and my head felt clear again. Unfortunately, I listened to my mom and ate some soup she made for me and now my mind feels clouded again, not to mention I'm coughing again. I just know my body it is crying out for lots of dark greens and some fruits.

By the way, many people don't understand this because their body has become numbed to the foods they put in their bodies. I've cleansed my body so much since freshman year in college [ I'm a senior now] that I can't tolerate a lot of foods anymore, which is good because now I know what foods are not meant to be consumed. Still, sometimes I do ignore my body's warnings just because the particular food/drink tastes too good that I don't even care much bout how bad I feel. People may think this is harsh to do to your body but it's not apparently because my face is perfectly clear no pimples [ unless i eat badly ] and normal not oily as before where i had to use 3 oil sheets a day! I'm grateful where i AM now. There are more to a good diet and treating yourself well also in a spiritual sense. lol oops wrote a lot. I'm just really passionate about health/spirituality...and really talk the walk and walk the talk.

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