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Halo - Beyonce


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So I've been bumming around the last year on soompi,

but I never got a chance to post anything because

I felt like they were kind of really crap.

I'm not saying that this isn't crap either, but I tried kind of.

But yeah, it's my boyfriend + I 100th day,

and I got ooberly bored this afternoon waiting for him to wake up

so I decided to record a video!

Took me 2 hours to figure out what program to use

(where it wouldn't cut off after the first 15 seconds)

Very annoying- I was going to smash my laptop.

Not really...

Anyways, so this wasn't really serious and my voice gets pretty high

so I would suggest you guys to lower your volume :).

Click the image to listen.


Comments + Ratings appreciated.

Edit: wow I wrote an essay O_O;

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Guest fanfre

shucks, i can't listen. ><*

but i'll be back to comment when i get my laptop back--whenever that is. XD

i bet this will sound nice, though. :P and happy 100th day!

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Guest amurokenji

li didnt read the post so i didnt put the volume down... u go flat now and then but its all good .. as long as your bf likes it.. it was cute and u were cute . u should dance and sing next time.. shake dat booty~! ^^

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Guest babigurl87

awwwwwww ! congrats ! .... anyway .. youre voice was flat in the beginning =[ !! but good job !!! omg u got the courage to post up youtube vid of you singing !! .. i dont =[

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Hey, baby<3

I heard this already and yeah I'm totally out of the loop on American music but I thought it was cute.

Post some more soon, FOR ME, and not for your stupid Jeffrey.

HAHAHA. Just kidding.

I hope you two are happy.

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Guest jzsun

awwww cutie ;3 congrats on 100th day!

yeah, a little pitchy, but i get so pitchy, so i have no right to say anything xDDDD;

totally cuteeee~ *squishes* i miss youuuu T____T and i think we still have a pending collab missy!

holy shiznat, omg omg omg i just counted and today is jimi and my 101th day ;O how coincidental!

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Guest cee-es-jay

i'm not sure if this is the song for your voice exactly but it's a sweet gesture for your boyfriend.

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Guest dramaprincessxox

Well, you're really likable somehow! Like if I met you in real life, I'd definitely want us to be friends! lol

I've wanted to cover this song forever, but never got the time! Maybe I'll do it this weekend or something.

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Guest SUjjang

hey hun. long time!!!!

you should call me when you get the time


btw. I'M SO HAPPY FOR YOU AND YOUR BF. go die. i don't have one hahaha

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fanfre; thanks <3 Haha, uhmm LOWER THE VOLUME when you do listen :]

amurokenji; lol whoops ;p I should've told you :X haha I can't dance. How about you dance and rap for me at the same time. hella sexy ;]

babigurl87; I had to upload it on youtube anyways because sending it would take ages, so I thought about posting it on soompi as well. And I did, since it's been a LONG while since I posted. WE NEED TO COLLAB AGAIN, the only time I remember was... Nobody? That was last year :[

ywjjloverx012; hii baby<3! You're so cute, I'll post something for you soon. Once I find a song and time when my parents are out. Or there'd be constant noises in the background.

SweetsLove; I miss you! I shall come find you soon..

jzsun; lol you're cuteee! yes, our collab that has never been like really talked about or done. MSG ME ON MSN! (UNLESS YOU'RE TOO BUSY T_T) =P

o6.91; hell yeah! Happy 3 years sooon!

kAPEESH; oh please, you cheated on me first foo. AHEMdannykhu.

jjaanngg; lol yeah, usually I'd prefer rapping. I couldn't find a song with the exact definition that fit. Suggestions? :]

andsharonx; I do, I did too much before. (that was a long time ago, valentines day?) lol okay :] I think I know the perfect song for you but I just have to finish learning the lyrics <3 :]

dramaprincessxox; lol thanks! you should definitely record it this weekend and post :]

cathylovee; :]

SUjjang; susannnnnn <3 spoke to you not too long ago! see you thursday<3 (i'll be your boyfriend;])

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