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tr; 2PM wallies | batch three: closed

2PM wallpaper request thread

status: closed

hello everyone! my name is salee, nice to meet you. please feel free to introduce yourself to me (:

I actually started off just making a wallie for myself but I thought some of you might want new wallies as well

thus, here I am! and the reason why this is solely a 2pm wallpaper request thread is because the boys

much are too enticing. I refuse to make wallpapers of any other people! n-n;


+ HQ pictures are an absolute must

+ Only 2PM members

+ I may reject your request. Usually when I do, it's because I don't like the pictures provided

+ No need to credit but I will be putting my username on all the wallpapers

+ Please do not redistribute the wallpapers; they are for your personal use only

+ Kudo points and e-hugs to the person who requests a Chansung wallie!

thank you for reading! <3

EXAMPLES (click for full view)




+ Text:

+ Pictures:

+ Size:

+ Colors to avoid:

+ Extras:


batch 01;

+ Yoyo

+ *graceless;soul.

+ lovescape!

+ nom de plume.

+ abercrombiegirl

+ phoung

+ 13!enchanted.

+ Star005

batch 02;

+ b a n g !

+ chiaroscuro.

+ nom de plume.

+ ilyrawr.

+ paulineeeex3

+ Ji_Eunie

+ &adamo.

batch 03;

+ xHerlyn

+ donghae.

+ **lily**

+ katvangsta


happy requesting~

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+ Text: i chose you ORRRRRRRRR textless

+ Pictures: http://i44.tinypic.com/152cqo6.jpg http://i40.tinypic.com/34domr6.jpg three http://i42.tinypic.com/zjcrrt.jpg http://i42.tinypic.com/2nvdr3s.jpg http://i44.tinypic.com/359agph.jpg seven

+ Size: 1280 x 800

+ Colors to avoid: ----- ilikeallcolors

+ Extras: i couldn't find all pictures of one member :\ and and and i couldn't choose LMFAO! so i'll just let you choose whoever you can work with kekeke. & just another thing, can you not have it on like the wayyyy right ? my clock and stuff is there t___t stupid hp laptop D: sorry!

SALEE, i'll BRB. how are you ? ah i hope you remember linda here! i remember when you made me a sohee banner <3 keke. i still have it hahas. and omo. i adore your works, and your chansung wallpaper examples <33 keke. i'm so excited. i can't wait to see the results ~ will be back to see them! thank you so much!

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Guest esoteric.


Salee did you ditch your banner thread? ): wallpapers are good too though! I was seriously in need of a new wallpaper because although there are like a bajillion threads right now, no one is taking wallpapers (at least that I know of anyway). I'm so stoked! I need a Jay wallie~ the closest anyone gets to making a Jay wallpaper is when they just make a general one of all the boys ):

& Channie's a cutiepie~


Text: only jaeeun


Size: 1024 x 600

Colors to avoid: really light colors like light yellow, pink, light blue, etc.

Extras: not on the left side please, I have my desktop shortcuts there.

I love how your list is seven. 7 boys in 2PM <3 It took me so long to pick pictures, only because I have so many Jay pictures but not all are HQ and others are just not really wallpaper-fiable you know? Hopefully these work out for you! AND HEY LOOK I picked 7 without thinking! bahaha~

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Guest last love.


Heyheyhey. ;] Isn't 2PM amazing? HAHA. <3 I love them, if you haven't noticed, lolll. :] I got really excited when I saw this thread. You know I missed out on your wonderful banners .. How can I miss out on a Salee WALLPAPER? Hahaha. <3 And ooh, I'm guessing you got some lovin' for General Hwang? XD Hahaha. Maknae needs some loving. D: It's always either Jay or Khun. -sighsigh- It's okay, though 'cause you're different! Did you see the Rain tribute? Chansung was hella sexy in it, yo. <3 F'sureeee. :]

+ Text: got me steady goin' for your love

+ Pictures: OCK TAECYEON

+ Size: 1200 x 800

+ Colors to avoid: No limitations!

+ Extras: Preferably, could you have him focused near the middle-right? x; Thanks!

If my pictures aren't HQ enough for you, just give me the word, and I'll provide you with more. <3 Thanks, Saleeee. :] You're amazing~

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SALEEEEEEEE <333 *thisiskimhelloooo* Ah man a wallpaper from youuuu? I wish I had better pics of Jun Su but apparently Jun.K doesn't like to have nice pics in which are my cup of tea T_T

Dang. If I can find good pics of him, I'd request. *sighs* Your wallpapers are so pretty---I love the colors in which you used for Chansung's Taekyeon's wallies (Oh my God I can't believe I thought Chansung was Taek in the second wallpaper *gets shot*). The pretty blue <3

It's Jaebum time~


+ Text: textless or again & again

+ Pictures: un | deux | trois | quatre | cinq | six | sept | huit | neuf | dix

+ Size: 1280x800

+ Colors to avoid: PINK

+ Extras: Thank you, Salee ♥

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AHHHHH SALEEEEE ! you made another tr ! :) and not banners like your usual trs XDD

i love your wallies too ! <3 youre so proo ! and asdoijasodjaosf ;____; if only i was more obsessed with 2pm, i woulda requested ;_____; owell , i guess this is my first time stalking and not requesting in your tr XDDD


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Guest cosmicbeat.

hi salee ! nice to see you made another tr haha :] i love second chansung one. <3 I would request but my screen is absolutely HUGE. It's like 1680x10402394830 ugh. Haha. How are you ?

- angel

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Guest abercrombiegirl

+ Text: Jay ♥ Kitty

+ Pictures: 1 2 3 4 5 6

+ Size: 1024x768

+ Colors to avoid: none

+ Extras: Thank You

love always,


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Guest illumine*

Okay I know your banner style oh so well but... I think this is the first time I've seen you do wallies. *o* I'm not requesting but may I say that your samples are drool-worthy? Simple but elegant. You can count on me to watch out for upcoming results. *fans self* Salee right? I've never intro'd myself I believe. I'm Iris. ^^

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Guest talksound

hey salee! as always love your work. the wallies are simple, but so gorgeous. the 2pm fanbase is growinggggg! <3

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Guest cupquakee.

i counted six requests so far...so now i'm debating on whether or not i should take the last spot lols

i think i'll just wait since i'm pretty sure the three other people viewing your popular thread at the moment are going to snatch it anyways haha

i agree with iris your banner style is so distinguishable but so are your wallpapers! haha, you should make wallpapers more often salee! they're definitely nice on the eyes (:

i love the second one, which is weird cause i usually don't like things that are blue but i'm really attracted towards it...which is weird now cause i'm attracted to a wallpaper LOLS look what your wallpapers do to me!

anyways, i'll just come back around to see the results !


see someone else did grab the last spot! lols

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Guest b a n g!

salee those examples are stunning! 2PM <33 too bad I don't have very many good HQ pictures of them :[ I need to find time to go search ahahah plus all the spots are filled up ! not a big shock since all your tr's fill up fast LOL i think my screen would be too big anyway T_T looking forward to the results!

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Guest haradays


gotta save this spot. 2PM SMEXY YO!

+ Text: Ok Taecyeon

+ Pictures: here!

+ Size: 1280x1024

+ Colors to avoid: none. i love all colours~

+ Extras: thank u. oh, btw im fika. nice to meet u!

u got such a hot + smexy chansung wallies up there ^^

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Guest Star005

YAY i wanted a wallie and you came to my rescue :]

hi im carrie


+ Text: my love and my fate

+ Pictures: pictures

+ Size:1280x1024

+ Colors to avoid:none

+ Extras: i love changsung too but i dont have any good pictures of him hahaha

thank you <3

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