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Guest iangel

wow.. a waterloo thread on page 1.

to stir up some random conversations. Some buddies and i went down to the underground tunnels the other day after discovering that the entrance in bio2 was unlocked. it is as the legend goes that the tunnel is a maze of pipe works that connects the entire university and many students of the past held a master-key for convinient travelling within school grounds. But school closed its doors for good after a girl was raped down there. So far, we found couple of entrances: the big yellow door across from the bookstore in south campus hall; the door labeled "mechical room" on second floor in RCH; the door below the stairs at CPH where it says "engineering tour begins here"; the door at EIT's lowers lecture floor across from the dino displays; and of course the door in bio2..the tunnels extend from CPH all the way to V1, installed with motion sensors and whatnot. But sadly, the only opened entrance is closed again.. pretty harry potter like if you ask me..

is anyone actually in school right now? finals is in 2 weeks and i still couldn't manage to find a job yet :( very depressed about my marks as well.. should probably be studying rather than bathing in soompi all night..

ITS REAL!?!?!?!?!?!....

omg crazy, haha

edit: hey i topped a page! lolz

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Guest foxytoe

my friend's going to waterloo in a cuople of days and she's wondering what are some really easy bird course that doesn't really have any pre-req..

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Guest electricolor

going to be moving in on sept. 6th ... haven't packed at all >.<

Same here. I'm going to be packing on the night before or in the morning :/.

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How is everything liking Frosh Week?! :o

it's honestly not as interesting as i thought it would be.. maybe it's because i've been around/ heard about UTSG's annual frosh week that it makes ours seem kinda dull : (



hahaha, how typical..

yea, too late for an advice but you are suppose to find your own frosh week installed of following the school around.. frosh week has the best parties ;)

facebook: http://www.facebook.com/RaayChen

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Guest foldingvault

hey guys...!

Since I don't usually ask people WHOA ARE YOU FROM SOOMPI?! I may as well introduce myself here and see if I meet anyone @ waterloo.

I res on the second floor of Wilmot court north at waterloo. I'm in mechatronics engineering and was a dark blue musketeer for o-week. If you were at the slow bike race, I was the guy who won the last heat and the finals...and I did handstands to try and impress EDCOM.

At Saturday Night Live in Fedhall, I was on stage fort he psychic magic performance. I wore a short sleeve dress shirt with a skinny gray tie + black vest. I answered stockholm as the city I had visited on my card and the magician handed the card back to me first.

If none of this helps you in finding me, if you see a korean-looking chinese kid with a canon camera (20D + 17-85) and maybe w/ an external flash... I'm probably him. I have sorta flat/straight ish bangs with a touch of bleached hair...I always wear shorts and either skate shoes or stockholm blueyellow adidas shoes.

Hope to see+meet a bunch of you :)


named Mark

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Guest insertnameHERE.

i'm thinking of waterloo for uni , but just some questions ..

- is anyone in the AFM program ? how is it ? is there a big difference between the PA and FM streams ?

i'm also considering to eventually go into optometry .. anyone have any information/stories/etc. about that ?

thanks : )

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Guest faithpuppy

i'm thinking of waterloo for uni , but just some questions ..

- is anyone in the AFM program ? how is it ? is there a big difference between the PA and FM streams ?

i'm also considering to eventually go into optometry .. anyone have any information/stories/etc. about that ?

thanks : )

I think one stream deals with accounting in a company/organization while the other stream deals with accounting in the government/federal level?

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i'm thinking of waterloo for uni , but just some questions ..

- is anyone in the AFM program ? how is it ? is there a big difference between the PA and FM streams ?

i'm also considering to eventually go into optometry .. anyone have any information/stories/etc. about that ?

thanks : )

You have to really have a mind set on something. It will change no doubt but you should consider what you want at the moment and possible alternatives. If you want optometry I think science is the best choice to go for that. I'm not sure of the exact requirements for it maybe you can go there from AFM but a large majority of people in science want that and its really competitive you'll be at a huge disadvtange.

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hi I'm in AFM.

come here if you have lots and lots of money.

I don't, and I'm regretting my decision of coming here.

What do you mean? Do you mean Waterloo's living expenses are really high?

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