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Guest moonyah

sorry i have another question

i just looked at the first year courses

and i was wondering if it'd be super hard for me if i didn't take grade12 accounting or economics

is the accounting they teach/review the same as grade 12 high school?

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Guest RenaRyu

I will be attending 'Loo for the coming school year as well.


For all those who are on Soompi and take the accounting programs, are you guys still into fandom or anything..? (i.e. remain interested in kpop groups, etc, etc).. because I'm worried that the course load at Waterloo will just be too much.

I've heard for second year it gets really hard.. but i would just like to know, what are the factors adding to UW's dropout rate? is it because of lack of interest? hard curriculum? too much partying?

Anywayz~ hope to see you guys very soon =).. I'll probably in V1 for the LLC (AFM) so yeah =).. i'll probably be seeing the lot of you other AFM students =)

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Guest Georgianna

@babycee: I took grade 11-12 accounting but never took economics. I'm speaking from my perspective but yes, it is definitely easier if you already took accounting in high school because financial accounting will be review for you if that's the case. However, I ended up underestimating financial accounting and slacked off too much so I didn't do as well as I should have. If you didn't take it, you'll probably put more effort into it and do better? In terms of economics, it's manageable for sure. I can't speak for people who took if in high school but I thought it was fairly straightforward and easy even though I hadn't learned it before.

@RenaRyu: I slacked off a lot in first year. In fact...I worked even less than I did in high school...hence why I didn't do as well as I wanted to. Of course, it always depends on the person, some people have really efficient study habits or they just understand things easily. If you're this type of person, of course it'll be easier for you. The course load is definitely manageable, unless you get some crazy elective that takes like massive time...I'm not sure if these exist...but....yeah... Second year gets more difficult because a) courses become more difficult B) we have to deal with getting a coop position, so on top of the extra time we're supposed to invest into studying, we have to do interviews, do cover letters, etc. I actually don't know of anyone that's dropped out of the AFM program...but in this other forum I go on, one girl was saying that she was kicked out due to a low GPA from too much partying..so it's definitely possible? SAF (school of accounting and finance) offers tutoring though, so if you have trouble managing the material or just need some help with certain areas then you can visit these. If you living in V1, then there's accounting tutoring located there, there's also tutoring available in the SAF building (HH-Hagey Hall). Some people do drop out due to lack of interest, you have to remember that AFM is aimed at students who are sure that they want to do accounting in the future (or finance) so students discover that they dislike accounting or they discover that they like something else so they switch. It's best to switch after first year because our tuition for subsequent years double...or something like that... The curriculum itself is, in my opinion, similar to high school? First year isn't designed to be hard, it's a transition year so get an average as high as possible in your first year! (Really regretting that I don't practice what I preach though...T-T)

Remember to join extracurriculars! Loo has tons of clubs so definitely get out there and meet people! =)

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Guest moonyah

what are the possibilities of first years geting into the mackenzie suites? & are the chances slim of getting 4 single bed rooms for the UWP suites?

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Guest o1honey

what are the possibilities of first years geting into the mackenzie suites? & are the chances slim of getting 4 single bed rooms for the UWP suites?

you'll definitely get Mackenzie if you have any food allergies/special needs AND you ranked it as your number one choice.

I wonder if they need proof of your allergies, i remember one girl from the york forum said she was allergic to a bunch of food to get into their suite style residence but she wasn't HAHA

Were there any 4 bedrooms in UWP? I stayed in one of the smaller UWP buildings, 3 bedroom and a heck bigger than Beck/Eby hall O_o

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Guest AiMango

you'll definitely get Mackenzie if you have any food allergies/special needs AND you ranked it as your number one choice.

I wonder if they need proof of your allergies, i remember one girl from the york forum said she was allergic to a bunch of food to get into their suite style residence but she wasn't HAHA

are you serious? LOL did they check if she really had allergies or w/e? dont you need like medical proof xD wow if they dont check then im putting that down to get into mkv =P

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Guest o1honey

^ I'm not sure if they actually do check or not >o<", peanut allergies count (obviously)

BUT, there's an option that you can room w/ specific ppl (your friends etc.) if you or any one of your friends have allergies and they get chosen to live @ MKV, they you will too since the specified they want to room with you: )

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Guest PrincessBoa

you'll definitely get Mackenzie if you have any food allergies/special needs AND you ranked it as your number one choice.

I wonder if they need proof of your allergies, i remember one girl from the york forum said she was allergic to a bunch of food to get into their suite style residence but she wasn't HAHA

Were there any 4 bedrooms in UWP? I stayed in one of the smaller UWP buildings, 3 bedroom and a heck bigger than Beck/Eby hall O_o

^There are the 3-4 bedrooms in UWP haha..I think the 3 was in Beck Hall (One double room and one single, or 3 single..vice versa) and really? Which UWP building did you stay at? O_O I actually asked a few students and they said Beck Hall (+ I visited also) single rooms were ALOT bigger than the other ones.. since there was only two bedrooms but 3 people living there. O_O I know for the other "courts", there are 4 bedrooms but they're smaller since there's more people living in that suite.

Well I'm going to apply for UWPlace and just hope I get a nice room mate especially since alot of my friends aren't going to Waterloo ): Boo. Does anyone know how long it takes to get to Renison University College from UWPLace?

The only reason why I was hesitant on applying to UW Place was because REV (Didn't like) and V1 seemed alot more social and such :X


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Guest AiMango

^ yeah its because UWP doesnt really have a lounge, since its a bunch of separate buildings, and its away from the other 3 res. plus theres no caf so...

btw o1honey, what program are you in? are you doing coop or school term right now? : O

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Guest Pomegranate

I got accepted into life sci but I never got a course selection thing .__.

I only got one for honours arts....am i only supposed to get 1? ._.

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Guest o1honey

^There are the 3-4 bedrooms in UWP haha..I think the 3 was in Beck Hall (One double room and one single, or 3 single..vice versa) and really? Which UWP building did you stay at? O_O I actually asked a few students and they said Beck Hall (+ I visited also) single rooms were ALOT bigger than the other ones.. since there was only two bedrooms but 3 people living there. O_O I know for the other "courts", there are 4 bedrooms but they're smaller since there's more people living in that suite.

Well I'm going to apply for UWPlace and just hope I get a nice room mate especially since alot of my friends aren't going to Waterloo ): Boo. Does anyone know how long it takes to get to Renison University College from UWPLace?

The only reason why I was hesitant on applying to UW Place was because REV (Didn't like) and V1 seemed alot more social and such :X


^ yeah its because UWP doesnt really have a lounge, since its a bunch of separate buildings, and its away from the other 3 res. plus theres no caf so...

btw o1honey, what program are you in? are you doing coop or school term right now? : O

I lived in Waterloo Courts North, it was really nice because I had a spacious room and a nice living room and one of my roommates brought a TV so we didn't miss a single episode of our shows,,hahaha. I was able to study a lot in my room (ppl in v1 and Rev usually study @ the library because they COULD NOT stand the noise while studying >.<)

I'm going into my 2nd year for AFM-FM in September, I'm spending my entire summer in Hong Kongg..... working T_T sigh...

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Guest PrincessBoa

I lived in Waterloo Courts North, it was really nice because I had a spacious room and a nice living room and one of my roommates brought a TV so we didn't miss a single episode of our shows,,hahaha. I was able to study a lot in my room (ppl in v1 and Rev usually study @ the library because they COULD NOT stand the noise while studying >.<)

I'm going into my 2nd year for AFM-FM in September, I'm spending my entire summer in Hong Kongg..... working T_T sigh...

^I thought the rooms in Beck Hall (singles) were a bit bigger than the rest of the courts? :o Did you get a single for the 2 people or 3 people room|? LOL! I should think of bringing a TV..haha... so you guys installed cable then? LOL Yeah! Well I heard that UWP wasn't as social as REV or V1 but I prefer that to being really noisy at night and I hate studying in the library to be honest xD. Are you planning on still living at UWP next year? =O I was just wondering since you live there- I heard it takes awhile to walk from UWP to Renison UC and my mom was all like...you can't walk for 25 minutes in the winter (Cause I looked up the directions xD) and asked me if there was a shuttle bus./ daily bus. ;X Do you know of a quick way / short cut to go there? OO Not really familiar with the campus yet haha.

Oh you are? :o I know a few people going into 1st year with me (I'm going into SDS though) for AFM-FM haha but at least you get to go to HK! :) I have to spend my whole summer in Toronto working to pay my tuition ):.

Oh BTW- I'm a reader of your blog haha and I enjoy it alot :)


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Guest o1honey

^I thought the rooms in Beck Hall (singles) were a bit bigger than the rest of the courts? :o Did you get a single for the 2 people or 3 people room|? LOL! I should think of bringing a TV..haha... so you guys installed cable then? LOL Yeah! Well I heard that UWP wasn't as social as REV or V1 but I prefer that to being really noisy at night and I hate studying in the library to be honest xD. Are you planning on still living at UWP next year? =O I was just wondering since you live there- I heard it takes awhile to walk from UWP to Renison UC and my mom was all like...you can't walk for 25 minutes in the winter (Cause I looked up the directions xD) and asked me if there was a shuttle bus./ daily bus. ;X Do you know of a quick way / short cut to go there? OO Not really familiar with the campus yet haha.

Oh you are? :o I know a few people going into 1st year with me (I'm going into SDS though) for AFM-FM haha but at least you get to go to HK! :) I have to spend my whole summer in Toronto working to pay my tuition ):.

Oh BTW- I'm a reader of your blog haha and I enjoy it alot :)


I'm spending my entire summer in Hong Kong working to get a good reference letter so i can get a good co-op job >o<" I realized that is not cheap living in HK T_T

The courts have 3 single rooms for 3 people, it's normally really quiet depending on how loud your neighbours are haha...and i'm not living at UWP next year i'm living in an apartment on Columbia. It's parallel to University Ave >.<

UWP isn't that far walking to Rension, i had to go there once a week for class for both semesters. It's like at most a 20min walk. There really isn't a shortcut to get to Renison unfortunately =[ However, there's IS a "shortcut" to get to almost any building in the university to avoid the cold weather.

You can use that "shortcut" to get to Renison but it'll take a bit more time.. but hey.. at least your avoiding the cold weather for most part of your walk (I quoted "shortcut" because it's not really a shortcut it might take longer using that route but the only pro is you can avoid any nasty weather xD) I could show it to you when i get back on Campus : ) It took me a few tries to get the route right hahaha because you can literally end up in random buildings if you don't know where your going O_o

The shuttle bus runs daily starting @ 7pm, i found it kinda useless though, because they only leave SLC once every hour and i found it faster to just walk back to res than to wait for the shuttle to take me home, but if you feel unsafe it's a good option.

And what's SDS? :)

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Guest PrincessBoa

I'm spending my entire summer in Hong Kong working to get a good reference letter so i can get a good co-op job >o<" I realized that is not cheap living in HK T_T

The courts have 3 single rooms for 3 people, it's normally really quiet depending on how loud your neighbours are haha...and i'm not living at UWP next year i'm living in an apartment on Columbia. It's parallel to University Ave >.<

UWP isn't that far walking to Rension, i had to go there once a week for class for both semesters. It's like at most a 20min walk. There really isn't a shortcut to get to Renison unfortunately =[ However, there's IS a "shortcut" to get to almost any building in the university to avoid the cold weather.

You can use that "shortcut" to get to Renison but it'll take a bit more time.. but hey.. at least your avoiding the cold weather for most part of your walk (I quoted "shortcut" because it's not really a shortcut it might take longer using that route but the only pro is you can avoid any nasty weather xD) I could show it to you when i get back on Campus : ) It took me a few tries to get the route right hahaha because you can literally end up in random buildings if you don't know where your going O_o

The shuttle bus runs daily starting @ 7pm, i found it kinda useless though, because they only leave SLC once every hour and i found it faster to just walk back to res than to wait for the shuttle to take me home, but if you feel unsafe it's a good option.

And what's SDS? :)

Haha I heard hte people at UWPlace aren't as social as in REV or V1 but I think I prefer the quiet anyways..

Oh I justa sked someone and they told mea shortcut that only took 10 minutes O_O Avoiding the cold weather is a must! Haha that would be great if you could show me around ^^ (If you have time that is!! :) ) BTW Whats your name? =O Mine's Rene. xD

LOL Waterloo to me was pertty big so when I went to visit I kept getting lost! D: But the cute thing are the ducks and the babies I keep seeing..or was it the loons? Haha.

Oh you're not? I was thinking of applying to Columbia- however theres less than a 1% to get into there esp. if you don't have anyone specifically to room with ): Are you going to the North side one? (It's so much nicer!! :D)

Oh what did you think of living at UWPlace? Nice..etc? :X

Oh! Why don't you just work in Toronto then?! Haha HKis so far away..but hey- at least you get to visit around and such! I haven't been back to China since I was 2 ><.

Yeah that's a good point. :)

Thanks so much for answering BTW :D

Huhh SDS is Social Development Studies and I'm also doing ARts & Biz co op. =D (Well techincally its under ARts & Biz so yeah..)


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Guest o1honey

Haha I heard hte people at UWPlace aren't as social as in REV or V1 but I think I prefer the quiet anyways..

Oh I justa sked someone and they told mea shortcut that only took 10 minutes O_O Avoiding the cold weather is a must! Haha that would be great if you could show me around ^^ (If you have time that is!! :) ) BTW Whats your name? =O Mine's Rene. xD

LOL Waterloo to me was pertty big so when I went to visit I kept getting lost! D: But the cute thing are the ducks and the babies I keep seeing..or was it the loons? Haha.

Oh you're not? I was thinking of applying to Columbia- however theres less than a 1% to get into there esp. if you don't have anyone specifically to room with ): Are you going to the North side one? (It's so much nicer!! :D)

Oh what did you think of living at UWPlace? Nice..etc? :X

Oh! Why don't you just work in Toronto then?! Haha HKis so far away..but hey- at least you get to visit around and such! I haven't been back to China since I was 2 ><.

Yeah that's a good point. :)

Thanks so much for answering BTW :D

Huhh SDS is Social Development Studies and I'm also doing ARts & Biz co op. =D (Well techincally its under ARts & Biz so yeah..)


My name's Tiffany : )

Once you get used it Waterloo, it won't be that big anymore xD I think the campus is very cozy because everything is close to each other :P And you prob won't be too fond of bird-type animals after a year @ waterloo, well mainly Geese anyways, goose poo can be found everywhere during good weathers, and Geese warning signs can be found around V1 and Rev LOL they are vicious.. really O_O

The Columbia res your talking about is FARRRR, i'm technically not living on res next year (The place is owned by UW, but they rent it out regularly) i just have to cut across the RIM parking lot to get to school =P

I really liked UW place, aside from the fact that all UW res walls are like ricepaper

(my friend who lived @ V1 said when times were reallyyy quiet there, she heard the person in the room next to her fart LOLOL, i hope she was joking though =.=)

I liked having everything within arms reach (because i'm lazy) I didn't have to walk to the caf. to get food, I bought/made my own food, I didn't have to go to the lounge just to watch TV, and i can at least change the channel to watch what i want bwahahaha. I might of missed a lot of partying scenes but I didn't mind, i prob wouldn't have gone even if i lived @ V1 and such, to many things going on last year, i didn't have time for distractions =P

And besides, if you know ppl over @ V1, Rev, you can always sleep over at their place if its too late to get back to UW ;)

A few of my friends are in Arts & business, it seems so relaxing D=

I went to HK to work, because i got an internship over here, can't pass up on that. I need a good reference letter to get a good co-op job =P

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Guest moonyah

i'm going to be in my first year at loo for afm-fm! :)

& o1-honey i'm gonig to be in hongkong for the summer !!! ;)

i'm hoping to get into Mackenzie or uwp for the suites

let's try to make it more social:D

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Guest 1n_c0mplete

My name's Tiffany : )

Once you get used it Waterloo, it won't be that big anymore xD I think the campus is very cozy because everything is close to each other :P And you prob won't be too fond of bird-type animals after a year @ waterloo, well mainly Geese anyways, goose poo can be found everywhere during good weathers, and Geese warning signs can be found around V1 and Rev LOL they are vicious.. really O_O

The Columbia res your talking about is FARRRR, i'm technically not living on res next year (The place is owned by UW, but they rent it out regularly) i just have to cut across the RIM parking lot to get to school =P

I really liked UW place, aside from the fact that all UW res walls are like ricepaper

(my friend who lived @ V1 said when times were reallyyy quiet there, she heard the person in the room next to her fart LOLOL, i hope she was joking though =.=)

I liked having everything within arms reach (because i'm lazy) I didn't have to walk to the caf. to get food, I bought/made my own food, I didn't have to go to the lounge just to watch TV, and i can at least change the channel to watch what i want bwahahaha. I might of missed a lot of partying scenes but I didn't mind, i prob wouldn't have gone even if i lived @ V1 and such, to many things going on last year, i didn't have time for distractions =P

And besides, if you know ppl over @ V1, Rev, you can always sleep over at their place if its too late to get back to UW ;)

A few of my friends are in Arts & business, it seems so relaxing D=

I went to HK to work, because i got an internship over here, can't pass up on that. I need a good reference letter to get a good co-op job =P

hey hey artsbiz does not automatically mean relaxing hahah =_= im in honours econ/honours artsbiz right now and its so hectic coz the some of the econ specializations have so much work xP

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Guest justforboa

So many people in AFM. But, just a quick question. How many of you are choosing finance instead of accounting

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