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Guest o1honey

i'm going to be in my first year at loo for afm-fm! :)

& o1-honey i'm gonig to be in hongkong for the summer !!! ;)

i'm hoping to get into Mackenzie or uwp for the suites

let's try to make it more social:D

You can always keep your suite door open when your at home, that way when ppl pass by you (or them) can say hi :P My roommates and I did that for the first couple of months then stopped because of exams and stuff lol.

Hong Kong is great right now, apparently the weather is nicer than in Canada, not as hot at least (yes, unbelievable xD)

hey hey artsbiz does not automatically mean relaxing hahah =_= im in honours econ/honours artsbiz right now and its so hectic coz the some of the econ specializations have so much work xP

hahaha I know Artsbiz isn't relaxing since AFM takes a lot of similar courses as well... but i guess my roommate must be genius or something, everytime I pass by her room/ talking to her etc etc she's NEVER studying... always on the computer watching gg/bbt/himym =,= I don't need DC++ much, i get all my movies and episodes from her LOL.


...oh buddy... hahaha... you'll see, you'll see ;)

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Guest moonyah

if i don't like my program in the first year

i can switch into another concentration int he 2nd right?

im not so sure if i'm that into afm ! but i want ot give it a try

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Guest AiMango

^ depends on what you transfer into. if its to another similar program then it should be easy.

btw can we get WatCards now? or do we have to wait until student life 101 day? i wont even be able to go that day though since ill be on vaca x.x

for MKV - do they put you on a floor with all 1st years?

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Guest sweetxxsoul

^ you get your watcard during frosh week, you gotta go to the bottom floor of SLC and they'll take your picture and give you your watcard there. if you're not there during frosh week, i'm pretty sure you can go to the watcard office (@ bottom floor of slc) whenever

i know that mkv also has 2nd year students too but even so, there's only going to be a couple.. your floor will be mostly 1st years maayybbee the occasional upper year as well (not including the dons)

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Guest lmfao

I got a conditional offer and accepted it on OUAC. When my final grades became available, I mailed it to Waterloo as soon as I could (not sure if it's with them right now tho).

Today I got a "Welcome to UWaterloo!" e-mail but when I checked Quest, it still says "Desired" next to my Final Grade Requirement. Does this mean I'm in unconditionally or what? A little confusing.

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Guest 1n_c0mplete

^ depends on what you transfer into. if its to another similar program then it should be easy.

btw can we get WatCards now? or do we have to wait until student life 101 day? i wont even be able to go that day though since ill be on vaca x.x

for MKV - do they put you on a floor with all 1st years?

you can get your watcard either on frosh day, or you can email your picture to them now and they'll have it ready by july (im not sure what the date is) or you could pick just go and pick it up during frosh and avoid the loooooong line ups

MKV as far as i know is pretty much like 99% first years...the only upper years are probably the dons. Most upper years in res will be living at either uwp or clv

hahaha I know Artsbiz isn't relaxing since AFM takes a lot of similar courses as well... but i guess my roommate must be genius or something, everytime I pass by her room/ talking to her etc etc she's NEVER studying... always on the computer watching gg/bbt/himym =,= I don't need DC++ much, i get all my movies and episodes from her LOL.

haha she might be in a different specialization or something i suppose.

What year are you in? DC++ has gotten worse over the years...nobody uploads as much stuff anymore. When i was in first year there was literally EVERYTHING. and then when i went to my friends res to dc++ stuff like at least half the stuff was gone lol.

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Guest moonyah

for wat cards

you can send in your picture to get it done ?

is it like those airport photos ?~~

& sorry for asking so much

for calculus 109

do i need to know integrations?

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Guest AiMango

you can get your watcard either on frosh day, or you can email your picture to them now and they'll have it ready by july (im not sure what the date is) or you could pick just go and pick it up during frosh and avoid the loooooong line ups

MKV as far as i know is pretty much like 99% first years...the only upper years are probably the dons. Most upper years in res will be living at either uwp or clv

well they only reserve 300 spots for 1st years at MKV so i thought itd mainly be upper years o_o for the other 3 residences, they reserve ~1000+ at each res

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Guest Georgianna

for wat cards

you can send in your picture to get it done ?

is it like those airport photos ?~~

& sorry for asking so much

for calculus 109

do i need to know integrations?

Yup, you can send in a picture to the Watcard office and they'll use that one. Sometimes they might crop it a bit, just make sure that you're looking straight, similar to your passport photos?

For Math109, you will be doing integrals, you guys are lucky though, apparently, they're moving Math109 to your first semester, so the math should be more fresh...? They are also adding a finance course to your winter term. I think they're going to be eliminating the FM/PA stream distinction soon as well. Wish I was a year younger...>.<

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Guest Georgianna

ps. does anyone have used textbooks for the afm-fm courses that they wanna sell ? :)

haha, which courses do you want? are you thinking of prepping in the summer?

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I herd there are too many asians at waterloo! Is this true?

and i herd there are no parties :( is this also true?

ps. im attending waterloo this fall for health sci

and im asian from a really small town and am really white washed

so thats why i dont want to be with alot of asians

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Guest Mmm...

I herd there are too many asians at waterloo! Is this true?

and i herd there are no parties :( is this also true?

ps. im attending waterloo this fall for health sci

and im asian from a really small town and am really white washed

so thats why i dont want to be with alot of asians

Laurier is just right next door XD

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Guest moonyah

haha, which courses do you want? are you thinking of prepping in the summer?

macro and micro eco

and i have no clue what else i am learning first year ! LOL

i should check on that

&btw, does anyone know if calc is required as the top 6 marks for the AFM-FM program if i have all 3 maths?

so i have spot in the uw place!

what are the chances of getting stuck in a double room and having to share rooms?

cause i really want a single room

my first choice is mkv,

but is it true that beck hall is the only nice looking res out of the uw place choices?

i read somewhere that people thought the other places just look like portables:S

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&btw, does anyone know if calc is required as the top 6 marks for the AFM-FM program if i have all 3 maths?

so i have spot in the uw place!

what are the chances of getting stuck in a double room and having to share rooms?

cause i really want a single room

Also wondering about the calc thing.. D: my calc mark will drag my avg down if it is included in top 6

How do you know you have a spot in UW place? O__O I only got the 'reserved room for you in UW residences' email today >__<

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Guest Georgianna

macro and micro eco

and i have no clue what else i am learning first year ! LOL

i should check on that

&btw, does anyone know if calc is required as the top 6 marks for the AFM-FM program if i have all 3 maths?

so i have spot in the uw place!

what are the chances of getting stuck in a double room and having to share rooms?

cause i really want a single room

my first choice is mkv,

but is it true that beck hall is the only nice looking res out of the uw place choices?

i read somewhere that people thought the other places just look like portables:S

I sold my micro already but I still have my macro if you want it? If your courses are still the same as ours from first year, then it should be: Introduction to Canadian Business (AFM131), Intro to psych (PSYCH101), Intro to Financial accounting (AFM101), Microeconomics (or macro if you prefer to do that first) (ECON101-micro, ECON102-macro), and we had an elective but an upper year with faculty connections says that math is being switched into first term so, calculus will also be in your first term if that's the case (MATH109). Even if you have all 3 maths, calculus is considered a prerequisite starting in your year I believe. From what I remember looking at the new requirements, it's calculus and another math? and the standard english. So unfortunately, even though you took all 3 maths, calculus is still included in top 6 marks calculations.

I had a double room in beck hall actually. They only exist in beck hall and there's...10 suites per floor, 2 of those are 2 single room suites. There's...12 floors, so 96 suites...which means 192 students have the possibility of getting a double room placement. The rest are single rooms, of which, 6 of those suites belong to dons. Personally, I don't think there's too much of a difference between Beck Hall or the other buildings. One thing though, is that Beck Hall is all first years and it's also the building for people with allergies, because it's the only building without carpeting. So weigh out the options? The single rooms in Beck Hall are definitely the largest single rooms you can get on campus...my god they're huge! One tip, if you really hate your room (or your roommates..although I hope that doesn't happen...) you can cancel your contract and sign a contract for a different room somewhere else (MKV for example), keep in mind that there's a $500 fine for cancelling the contract though.

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Guest ariesbaybee

how hard is it to get into a chinese course?

if by chinese course you mean mandarin then all that is necessary is you fill out this form and then you'll be called in for an interview with one of the mandarin profs so that he/she can check what level you should take because a lot of people who actually know the language have like chosen to take the lower levels so that they could get really high marks

hope that helps~~

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