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Do You Answer The Door When You're Home Alone?

Guest meiming8

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"crouched on the floor hiding"
<--ROFL! omg, that's so funny. haha

I can see who's at the door from the window, so if I know the person,

I would open the door, but if not, I don't do anything o-o

I get creeped out when I'm alone and someone calls, or is at the door

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Guest bubblegum-chum-cherry-bum

I look through the hole to see who it is. when it's a person i know, i run out the back door to greet them (cuz i'm an asian, i use the back door. AND my front door is like unopenable) so like....yeah. i don't open the door to strangers......UNLESS THEY'RE SCHOOL KIDS SELLING CHOCOLATES. i run out like VROOOOM and then run back because i forgot my wallet, and then i VROOM out again. :D

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Guest Pink_guava

I don't deal with strangers often except when i'm expecting one.

Black magic is quite famous here and there's a case in my neighbourhood, they can rob you just by a simple hypnosis.

So, it's better for me to ignore whoever came.

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LOL he saw you crouching? xD

Nothing like that ever happened at my house, but when I was working at a restaurant;

the manager/cook (mother and son) would leave the whole restaurant to me (there were only the three of us working at the restaurant, but only the cook and a waitress would be working together at the same time..) Anyways, they'd tell me to lock up the place and not to answer the door.

And for some reason that would be when we would get the most customers, and they'd always be the crazy ones (ones who slam on the door and try to break in or something) Then one time, a guy spotted me crouching over by the drive thru window, Then he started pounding on the door.

Why don't people get that if you can't open the door, they probably don't want you in there!! Instead, they try to pry their way in there. =__=;;

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Guest child2child

lol no, i usually just stop and freeze until i hear them go away :'D

LOL me too. But that's because the majority of the time I know it's those religious people asking for donations or someshietts like that. But if it's the UPS guy then HELLO THERE :D

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Guest Little_Miss_Sunshine

whaha, it depends. I first have to pick up the phone anyways, and then I can ask whose standing outside. So during daytime I do aswere the door (the phone) :P But after 10 pm I dont answere the phone, because I live in an entertainment area next to a nightclub and people sometimes find it funny to just ring the doorbell for no reason <_<

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Guest vietbaby_

i never open the door when i`m home alone O_O

i go and spy at them through my bedroom window, until the give up and leave : D

plus i get too many lectures about opening the door to strangers from my 'rents anyway.

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Guest chdairkld

i'm way too chicken to open the door if no one else is home with me...even if just my sister and i are home without my dad I won't open the door. but i wonder if he were also home and there really was an intruder, i doubt the situation will change much. it's all psychological i guess.

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Guest choppsueyy!

the only person that ever knocks on the door is the ups man >.>

he's a bit of a creeper, so i don't answer the door and he usually leaves the package at the door step -_-

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Guest cupcake*

it depends. if it's during daytime, i'd look through the blinds to see who it is first, then i'll probably answer it. if it's during nighttime, i'd probably be too sissy to open it. LOL.

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Guest binjoo

Haha. I imagined you crouching on the ground and him looking at you like "what the...?"

I always check through the windows to see who it is first.

If it's someone I don't know, then I won't open the door.

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Guest ♥neekers

Your encounters really made me laugh, and all in one day? How unfortunate.

Well, I'm the total opposite from you. I basically throw my door open.

It's usually those random religious, foundation money raisers, energy people who comes.

I just simply state, 'parent's aren't home, bye.' And smile before closing the door.

We don't usually get visitors at night, but if we do, I just shout really loud, 'WHO IS IT?'

I don't know why I bother, I mean I don't even wait for a reply, I just open the door.

I really need to stop that, it's just a habit though since I'm home alone majority of the time.

I'm the one put in charge of opening the door, picking up the phone calls and everything in the house.

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Guest Eun_neptune_Him

I do not answer the door whenever i am home alone. Last week i was terrified cause there was a homeless guy knocking on the front door asking for recyclables +__+

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Guest -MeiMei ♡-

No way do I open the door! XD

Omg, your story about the crouching is funny !

Well, I forgot I had a driving lesson yesterday, and he came to my house (two guys). I forgot what car and everything, like a total mental blank and our windows are covered in that lace material stuff I was standing behind it, and he kept horning and I got freaked coz I couldn't really see what they looked like through the lace. so I went to my room and got my baseball bat (i play baseball and it was the first thing that came to my head coz it was by my door from a game a few days ago ) and my mobile. Then i was about to call my mum and I was crouching at the corner of the window and then they pointed at me, and I got freaked. THEY COULD SEE ME D= And then it hit me I had a lesson, so i ran out the front door and they were smiling like trying not to laugh. TWAS FREAKY.

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Guest Champagne*kisses

^ LOL awww.... your story and meiming8's story is just so funny and cute

I never answer the door when I am home alone, I just stay very quiet and maybe go look out the window. Only if it is someone I know or the mail person delivery a package.

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