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Do You Answer The Door When You're Home Alone?

Guest meiming8

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Guest lidool_dr3amer

i don't usually have people knocking on my door.

But when someone DOES, i don't open it 'cause they're usually the sales people.

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Guest Poneyclub20

Nope, I never open the door when I'm home alone. Even though I am 19, the area I'm

in isn't all that safe :blink: Lot of crazies around here :crazy::sweatingbullets:

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Guest erika.march1993

This guy knocked on our front door and he was delivering a package. I just came home and I had NO bra on , just a WHITE shirt, and I was brushing my teeth. So I ran to the front of the door and I held my arms in front of my boobs casually, so he wouldn't notice. LOL then he put that paper thing out to me to make sure I got the package and LOL I held the pen and I looked like a kangaroo with my arms pressed against my chest. The package was really heavy so he asked me to take the paper and sign it instead of him holding it. I just scribbled on the paper and I accidentally dropped the pen on the ground while I was trying to get the package. I quickly took it, apologized for dropping the pen, and closed the door. I'm slightly embarrassed lol, he was nice though.

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Guest velvetsky

nopes, I'm not allowed to but its not like I would had opened the door anyways rofls

my neighbourhood isnt really that safe so yea

usually I look through the peekhole to see who it is LOL and yea I turn down the volume on my tv and comp

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Guest pucca1430262022

i normally open the door to whoever it is. if they're strangers my dog usually scares them away. but now there is an increase in burglaries during the day and im usually home at that time, so i have to carry a pepper spray when i open the door now. so paranoid :wacko:

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Guest rachii-ee

I'm to scared to open the door cause I'm scared it'll be like a rapist or something, LOL.

But I usually peek through the windows to see who it is and yeah~

Nawww, I feel so sorry for you!

I would've died from embarrassment if I were you!

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Guest BattleRoyale

lucky we have a large gate that needs to be buzzed to open. when it's a stranger or some door-to-door salesman i dont =X

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Guest HelloCrystal

HELL NO! I don't open the door when I'm home alone.

I've gotten robbed before while I was inside my house..but the robbers didn't know I was home. (FYI: only $200,000 worth of jewelry was stolen)Anyway, since then..we've installed 5 cameras all around the outside of my house.

So with that being said, I usually check the monitors when I hear the door bell ring.

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Guest MarsCrescent

No. I get really quiet and try to look out the window to see who it is without them seeing me. Then I go upstairs so they can't look in the windows and see me. lol. Usually it's just Jehova's Witness or UPS man. But you never know...

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Guest athirah_24

if no one around in the house, i wont answer the door.

only if the postman comes with a package delivery.

if some stranger came, i'll immediately shut the tv off and take cover! haha.

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