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Do You Answer The Door When You're Home Alone?

Guest meiming8

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Guest meiming8

Just wondering...
Do you answer the door when you're home alone? Because I don't...I think it's a little bit scary, esp cuz they're strangers.

So two embarrassing things happened to me today...my family was out, and the postman came to the door to deliver a package. I don't like him because he's a bit creepy and pervy to me, so I didn't answer it even though my dog was barking like nuts. So he left, and he didn't see me. Then he came back to put that note saying he wasn't able to deliver the package because no one was home, but I was right near the door this time, trying to calm the dog down because I didn't know why he was barking. Then I saw the postman again, and the door is see-through so he must have seen me! I tried to open the door to be polite this time, but then he walked away too fast.

Second experience today...some home renovation man came to the house. I was in the kitchen, and there's a window where you can see from outside into the house. My parents hadn't told me anyone was coming and he looked suspicious so I didn't answer. I think he must have seen me in the kitchen before because he kept knocking REALLY LOUDLY. Then he started to walk around the house (which was weird) and he looked into the window and saw me crouched on the floor hiding!! We made eye contact too :( very embarrassing. And then he left.

SO those are my two experiences of the day so far. Even though I'm embarrassed, I still wouldn't have answered the door. I would have just chosen better hiding places :sweatingbullets: But I think it's better to be safe than sorry in these sort of instances, especially for the second one.

Have you had any similar experiences? Or do you just answer the door when someone knocks?

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Guest Grace-san

That's unlucky to get two experiences like that in one day! Very funny though. I have done things like that in the past. I've also got a semi-transparant front door and windows at the front of the house. I used to try and avoid being seen by crawling under the table and things like that xD. I also turned the volume down on the speakers/ TV so they wouldn't hear it from outside. All that was half because I was scared to open a door to strangers and half because my parents told me to not open the door when no one else was in. Now I just open the door whenever. The only time I don't is when I am upstairs and I can see who is at the front door. If it's someone who looks suspicious (which has only happened once) I don't open the door and I don't open the door for religion preaching people because they talk for ages .

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Guest ninyaah


^ Same here. Our house is filled with windows, so I try to see who's at the door first. LOL. Besides, our neighborhood's houses are practically next to each other. It's very safe.

Your story is so amusing. I'd be embarassed too.

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Guest jennych

lol i know how you feel, i dont ever answer it unless its people i know o.O i usually hide and dont make a noise or if im upstairs ill look who it is and watch them go away XD -.-

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Guest matango88

Do you answer the door when you're home alone? Because I don't...I think it's a little bit scary, esp cuz they're strangers.

So two embarrassing things happened to me today...my family was out, and the postman came to the door to deliver a package. I don't like him because he's a bit creepy and pervy to me, so I didn't answer it even though my dog was barking like nuts.

Second experience today...some home renovation man came to the house. I was in the kitchen, and there's a window where you can see from outside into the house. My parents hadn't told me anyone was coming and he looked suspicious so I didn't answer.

GOOD JOB! meiming8 :D

your very aware of your surroundings, thats very good instinct, you never know what a stranger might do if he knows your all alone, so what if he's the mail man he could also be a perv / rapist you never know!

also the home renovation man could be a rapist or perv, you should NEVER let a stranger in the house , especially since your alone and your parents did not tell you about it. He could be a FAKE! I have heard numerous stories of criminals posing as delivery men or salesmen, etc so they can get inside the house and rob or assault people.

I like your style, it's better to be safe than sorry, dont be a victim :)

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Guest Bby-GIE

i normally check the window from the room that is next to the door and see who it is.

but i dont open the door unless i know who the person is.

i think a few times people have spotted me peeping from the window. ><"

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Guest matango88

a friend told me they have a security camera and they saw a young latino guy wearing a back pack walking to the front door, then he removed his back pack and put it at the side of the house and rang the door bell but my friend would not answer and kept watching.

he went away, but the next day he heard his neighbor's house was broken into and burglarized! in the middle of the day when most people are away at work.

the guy knocking on the door was scoping out the neighborhood to see who's home so he could break into houses and steal.

so another thing to watch out for is suspicious people knocking on doors to see if your home, they will ask questions like does jon live here ? or some other questions pretending they are looking for a friend, etc.

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Guest gal-bi

i would answer it ONLY if i was expecting them to come

as in i ordered something online and it was coming this week... or people were coming over to fix/look at something

other than that... i dont open it

not even on halloween = =

so annoying. esp when im watching a movie with friends or something and they all go


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Guest ♥♥PowerOf9

since our house doesn't have a frikkin peak hole i can't see whose coming lmao it could be a murderer D: so no i don't open when i'm alone,

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Guest matango88

since our house doesn't have a frikkin peak hole i can't see whose coming lmao it could be a murderer D: so no i don't open when i'm alone,

just say "Go away theres nobody home" :lol:

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Guest bee_mused

I only answer the door if I know them or if my parents tell me they're expecting someone. I hate dealing with stranges (especially if they're trying to sell something -__-). Must suck for those of you who have windows everywhere haha

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Guest EHNerJI

haha uh well i order food a lot when i'm home alone LOL.

so i kinda have to : P but i will normally go downstairs

and peek to see who is there if i'm not expecting anything.

and if i don't know who it is, i just go back upstairs and pretend i'm not home o.o;

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Guest jaeka

Haha, awh you got caught hiding...

I'm like you, I hide! I check out who is there and then I just don't move. I never answer the door when I'm home alone unless I'm expecting someone or a package. Safety first! Plus I always have the dog near me if I do dare to open the door.. xD

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