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The Sims 3

Guest melzbellz

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Guest HeartOnHerSleeve

AHHH!!! <3

I started playing Sims 3 for the first time in months today...

I spent a bunch of time just trying to figure out the new way of putting custom content in folders and stuff and then I spent maybe 2 whole hours just downloading CC. Then I worked on a Sim for maybe 30 minutes and this is the result!!




Took wayyyy too much time. She will probably be the only Sim I will ever take the time to make. I'm just gonna download other people's very cute premade Sims from now on... XD

[edit: I really don't wanna take all the credit for making the Sim. I used someone else's very well-made Sim and used the facial structure as a base. ^^")

Has anyone gotten Ambitions? I really want to play with the Ghost Hunter and Fire Fighter careers =)))

[edit again: Sorry if the pictures are really big. My screen resolution is rather large.]

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Guest HeartOnHerSleeve


I can't get enough of her face TT___TT



LOL at this face. This male sim always makes really weird/silly faces when he does romance interactions.


>__< Omg, the romance interactions in the Sims 3 are too cute.


Aw, I'm a little sad this thread is barely alive XD

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Guest cinjin


LOL at your male sim's face HAHA. Your sims are so pretty :3

I was a little iffy about buying the sims 3 because I didn't like how they looked and I wasn't sure whether people can make CC to improve them or not but wow I'm so amazed. They look amazing. CC can definitely do a lot! I really want the sims 3 now but I'm afraid it might crash my laptop xP.

edit: sighh my laptop will most definitely crash. It doesn't meet the requirements D:.

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Guest HeartOnHerSleeve

Thanks!! ^^ Yup, it's all about the CC lol

The Sims 3 is really fun, but I feel people should know all the things that are not too good with the Sims 3...

because very many times I hear people complaining about it and returning their copy.

I'm having problems with my Sims 3 copy and I'm using a desktop (which is really new -__-). The Sims 3 is really faulty...even with patches...I was playing a brand new game today and after a few hours where it worked great, the game started freezing up and stuff for...pretty much no reason (as far as I can tell). It's really frustrating troubleshooting or trying to fix your game if something does happen unless you're good at that kind of stuff. There are a lot of sites to help you in these cases, especially sites like modthesims.info, but still, it can be a little stressful.

BUT, there are many people who don't have any problems at all with the Sims 3 (I envy them) and they have a lot of fun with it.

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Guest Keiyun

I've had TS3 for a bit over half a year, and I've had no problems at all, although I'd consider my desktop to be a medium to high end computer. I have all settings on high, so the difference between TS2 and TS3 is HUGE.

I tried installing it on my laptop and it looked awful, since it doesn't have a dedicated graphics card. I uninstalled it. If you don't have a decent computer, it will look terrible.

I haven't played it in a while... I'll take some screencaps and help liven up this thread sometime :D

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Guest HeartOnHerSleeve


If you REALLY wanna play the Sims 3, you should go ahead and try it out. A lot of people whose computers don't meet the minimum requirements have said that the Sims 3 runs just fine on it. Maybe they're just exceptions, but who knows? It MIGHT work on your laptop too. ^^ You should make sure you can return the game used/opened.


Yay! I would really like to see other people's screenshots and see how they play the game =)

Ambitions should come in the mail tomorrow!!!!!! I'm excited ^__^ (I waited a while before getting it so I could get it cheaper...haha)

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  • 1 month later...
Guest chopper!

my aunt bought me this game two days ago and i'm so addicted to it lol

i never actually played the sims before, but she just bought me the latest one, which i'm guessing is the sims 3.

there's not a lot of variety in the game, but i'm enjoying it. wish it had more places to go to though haha

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Guest escalade_x

Is Sims 3 really worth buying if you already have all the Sims 2 expansion packs?

I used to be really addicted to Sims 2 and I have most of the expansion packs, as well as a crazy amount of custom content... and I'm wondering if Sims 3 is worth replacing all that? =/

The build mode isn't really that different, is it? I normally only play Sims 2 to build, and furnish xD Nothing else.

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Is Sims 3 really worth buying if you already have all the Sims 2 expansion packs?

I used to be really addicted to Sims 2 and I have most of the expansion packs, as well as a crazy amount of custom content... and I'm wondering if Sims 3 is worth replacing all that? =/

The build mode isn't really that different, is it? I normally only play Sims 2 to build, and furnish xD Nothing else.

The Create-A-Style feature is AMAZING. I don't think I can ever go back to not using it. xD

It pretty much gets rid of the need to download multiple recolours of items. Like, you can just download a tonne of patterns and basically have infinite selection of colours/patterns on all your items. You can change the pattern to pretty much whatever the heck you want. You can finally make everything match!

I've only got the base game (with tonnes of custom content of course xD) and I'm a builder type too - I think it's great for building, although if you've got a lot of expansion packs already, it might not be worth it.

Still, I'd get just the base game to try it out, maybe when it's on sale? I really do think it's a great game, and it was worth the money I spent on it.

EDIT: Oh yeah, another thing to keep in consideration - if you don't have a decent computer, I don't think it's worth getting Sims 3. It looks about the same as Sims 2 on a lower end computer... even worse, I'd say.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest teukiie

I've never played Sims before, but it sounds so exciting. Is this worth buying? My cousin said it's not since there's no.. "end"

I just want something to play when I'm bored.

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Wow Great job!

escalade_x,   It depends. I got the Sims 3 when it first came out (pre-ordered), and I liked it but I had a lot of problems with it.  It was very sloooow, buggy, would crash, and after a couple months, one of the new patches broke the game completely for me.  I had to install it on another computer (which it also ran slow on). >.<

At the time I only had 1 expansion for Sims 2 (open for business).  After I got mad at Sims 3 I got all the other expansions for Sims2, and Imo with all the expansions, Sims 2 is a more complete game, if you are happy with Sims2, maybe wait until more expansions come out for Sims 3 and get it in a bundle?

Sims 3 has:

-the ability to travel to town or neighbors (no traveling load scene).

-Sim traits to give your sims personality (which is cool),

-and Story progression (So your sim that you aren't playing, isn't the same age as their great great grandchild. :)),  tho when I played story progression was bugged and I had to dled mods to fix it.

- On that note, there are some neat mods.

The cons are (someone correct me if this has changed since I last played.)

-There are a set number of lots and houses, you can't add lots (there may be a mod to fix this.)

- No Pets

- No Apartments

- No magic

- No running your own business (tho you can purchase businesses and get an income from it.)

- You can't go inside most of the buisnesses/buildings in town. (If I remember right, you can only enter the Library, Gym, Public Pool and Gallery.)

- Resource Hog, you need a very good computer, not just graphic wise.

- Changing families is a little awkward

Don't get me wrong, it's a really fun game. But owning both Sims 2 (with expansions) and Sims 3, I find myself playing Sims 2 when I need my sim fix.

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The cons are (someone correct me if this has changed since I last played.)

-There are a set number of lots and houses, you can't add lots (there may be a mod to fix this.)

- No Pets

- No Apartments

- No magic

- No running your own business (tho you can purchase businesses and get an income from it.)

- You can't go inside most of the buisnesses/buildings in town. (If I remember right, you can only enter the Library, Gym, Public Pool and Gallery.)

- Resource Hog, you need a very good computer, not just graphic wise.

- Changing families is a little awkward

Don't get me wrong, it's a really fun game. But owning both Sims 2 (with expansions) and Sims 3, I find myself playing Sims 2 when I need my sim fix.

It's a little unfair to compare Sims 2's expansions to Sims 3 base game :P You can now add lots - one of the more recent patches added it in.

But yeah, the fact that you can't go inside some buildings annoys me, but I can't see myself watching my sims work anyway, so it's not too big of a deal.

I've heard of TS3 being very buggy, but I've never experienced it myself. I guess it's because I wasn't an early adopter. xD It is a huge resource hog though, if you want it to look pretty and not lag. Definitely stick to TS2 + mods if your computer can't handle it.

@teukiie - That's the whole point of The Sims. xD There isn't MEANT to be an end; it's not an RPG with a set storyline. You create your own story. If that's not your thing, just building a gazillion houses is fun too. xD Definitely a good timekiller. Make sure you have a good computer though.

Edit: Here are some screencaps of my Simming. xD

Breeding out the ugly gene. I thought it was a hilarious idea... So I started with the sim on the left. The one on the right is after 4 generations. She still looks kinda weird, but at least she lost the crazy skin colour xD


This Sim gained a tonne of weight since I kept making her cook :X But since the dress she's wearing didn't have a 'fat version', she ended up only having a very puffy face. o.o


A house I built a while ago:


Andddd a house I'm working on. I have a bad habit of making hugeeeeee houses @_@


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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest chopper!

I preordered the late night on saturday, I'm getting it tommorrow. I saw a few pics and comments about it, and it looks fun! clubs, vampires, mixologists, elevators, celebs, papparazzi, hot tubs, and all that good stuff lol

I'm kinda excited for it!

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AHHH!!! <3

I started playing Sims 3 for the first time in months today...

I spent a bunch of time just trying to figure out the new way of putting custom content in folders and stuff and then I spent maybe 2 whole hours just downloading CC. Then I worked on a Sim for maybe 30 minutes and this is the result!!




Took wayyyy too much time. She will probably be the only Sim I will ever take the time to make. I'm just gonna download other people's very cute premade Sims from now on... XD

[edit: I really don't wanna take all the credit for making the Sim. I used someone else's very well-made Sim and used the facial structure as a base. ^^")

Has anyone gotten Ambitions? I really want to play with the Ghost Hunter and Fire Fighter careers =)))

[edit again: Sorry if the pictures are really big. My screen resolution is rather large.]

Jealous...I stopped playing sims 3 because i could never figure out how the CC installation worked. I did just fine in sims 2. But nothing ever worked for me on sims 3. /sad

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest teukiie

Is it worth buying Sims 2, because I heard Sims 2 is better without the expansion packs than Sims 3?

I've never played Sims, so should I get Sims 2 or Sims 3?

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Guest LazyAzian

Sims 3 is better IMO, mainly because of more customization PLUS you play in a real-time neighbourhood. Meaning as you're playing one family you can go around time and interact with the other families which are doing their own tasks.

I'm still waiting to get Sims 3 when it's price get below $39.99 (.__.)... I know there's going to be Sims 3 Medieval Version in 2011.

The whole game will be based on Medieval life, so you're gonna have knights and castles, etc.

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