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[one-shot] Hate

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Guest pink.strawberrie;

So once upon a time, there was this boy who entered my life.

He wasn't the cutest boy I ever laid eyes on nor did he have the best personality I came across.

So what was so special about him that made my heart thump out of rhythm? And what was it about him that made me smile whenever I saw him?

I tried to search for the answers inside my heart, I dug deep and found nothing.

I grew scared because he was so mysterious yet he was able to capture my heart. Maybe because he was different, maybe because he built a wall around himself that made me interested.

I tried to speak to him, I tried to make him open up to me. By doing so, I thought I'll be able to find a reason for having feelings for him, but the outcome was always my questions being unanswered.

I told myself to get over him and move on, I told myself that he wasn't worth to give my heart to.

It was obvious he wasn't interested in me. Still, my heart wouldn't let go, it frustrated me.

that pretty much sums up my life.

:/ it sucks.

anyway I really liked this one-shot because I could some-what relate to it!

and it's ironic that it's based on a true story.

anyway good job.

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Guest Miss.Understood

Sunshine! OMG. How awkward it must of been for you! =( Hopefully, you're okay now, right? I definitely enjoyed this, and it being based on a true story really reels in the heart breaking effect. Reading it made my eyes all watery. ^^; Well, thanks for sharing! =) I hope to see more of your wonderful one-shots on soompi.

<3 Missy.

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Guest ashleyy- -

Wow, that was a beautifully written one-shot . I'm usually a super silent reader buuuut I noticed that you were the one who made a poster for my new story coming up so I decided to leave a comment for you as well as leave a quick thanks . Okay, so on with the story . Wow, like I'm still so speechless from all of this that I don't even know what to type ? Pardon me for saying this but I really want to kick your 'Bestfriend's' !@#$%^&* . HOOOOOO . That girl would be dead if I ever met her . I also really liked how you mentioned that there was nothing really that special about him and yet something drew/attracted you to him; because for the most part that's really true, I mean half the time I don't even know why I love my ex but after all we went through it's kind of hard to think of any of that aside from the memories that we had . As for the girl you call your bestfriend- I barely know you but I'm sure I could be a better friend to you . I cannot believe that someone has the heart to do something like that even when she knew how much you liked him and how much he meant to you . She obviously was smoking something :rolleyes:

I wanted to laugh though it wasn't funny, I wanted to scream because it hurt, but the thing I wanted most was for them to feel my pain, too.

I know how you feel especially when you stated that you wanted them to feel your pain . That happened to me before , I was dating someone it wasn't anything serious but I was pretty much hurt in the end out of the relationship . He dated a few of my close friends- nothing serious either . I didn't mind too much but it bothered me when he dated this girl who was even closer to me . . I wanted them to break up or feel someone guilty . But the truth is and reality is - they probably were happy as hell and that's the part that kills the most; knowing that we made no impact at all .

Why did I deserve this? I never did anything wrong, but why did this happened to me?

You don't deserve it, definitely, but I guess we all go through heartbreak in life and we come out of it stronger and better . I hope I just made sense . LOL . And I believe as much as you hated them at first, you were kind-hearted enough to let some part of it go . So all the hatred that you felt, vanished years later and you weren't as resentful towards them anymore . I know that you mentioned this was a real story and it's true that not many people get their happy-ending but I really do hope that you don't give up until you find that someone for you because I'm sure you will ! There are many fishes in the sea and just because one was an richard simmons.hole who chose the wrong girl doesn't mean that they're all like that ! (:

Basically, hate, a strong feeling I thought would linger forever in my heart turned out to be one that fades.

My favorite quote in the WHOLE story . LOVED IT . Because it's so true . . we can't hate forever . If we did, that would be a totally different story and we'd all become crazy .

But great one-shot, Cha_gurl . I enjoyed it ! It was short, simple and you told your story . Hope to see you around more ! ^^; btw - thank you so much once again for the poster !


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Guest leeseohae

Woah, that was real deep. Gosh! It shot right through my heart and ouch, that has got to leave a mark. And I'm sure you were scarred too. Tsk tsk, life!

Anyways, thank you for this wonderful story! Kudos to you dear.

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