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[N.G] Kissed By You


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omg this is a sad chapt, i was so surprised that her parents r actually her aunt n uncle,, n MeeLahn was her cousin!! aish! n its lucky tat YuHwan was there with her, otherwise im sure she'll think e wrong way n end her life jus like this!! YuHwan did a good job to comfort her..

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thanks for the pm!


that was like totatlly unexpected.. and i was even sad..

poor her..!

but.. yuhwan..

hes such a good boyfriend.. i would love to have a man like him :sigh:

mangolover omg, really?! My hair is starting to burn at the tips. Plus, I get so many split ends =__= so I have to go cut it off. I wish I could just speed up time so my hair could be long again.. T0T

yea.. i had REALLY long hair.. and then .. i went to get it TRIMMED!

just more defined layers.. and what do they do.?? they cut it.. like to where my ears are..

i was like O_O NOOOO!!

and now.. i have soo many split ends.. my mom was like "your hair is going to get longer if you cut the split

ends..." so.. im getting another haircut.. i hope what she says is true.. :sigh:

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Guest kp4life

omg, she was adopted =o

that sucks... n her aunt sucks. wat kinda aunt is like that to her niece. its like she was blaming her sorrows on her or something. AND her aunt is a coward, writing a letter instead of telling it to her face to face.

thanks for the post more soon!<3

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Guest xonike

whoaa! adopted? so unexpected!

i wonder is she has like any other secret relatives O.o haha.

awwe. yuhwan is soo sweet!

their lives are so compilcated.

cant wait to see what happens next!

glad you updated! thanks for the PM!

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Guest asdf.BLAHH

danng, i want my eyeballs to turn gray :D

*sigh* i guess i forgive her mother aunt.

yeahH! my 1,100 post was posted here :)

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Wow. o_o

That was unexpected, she's adopted??

Usually the child that's adopted is treated better than the biological one.

Strange. In YeKyung's case, it's the opposite.

Did MeeLah know all along too??

Her eyes turn blank &lifeless when she's crying or sad?

Poor YuHwan, he feels so helpless.

It would suck if her enemies planed to attack during the next few days.

Unless the letter was their plan.

But I'm probably wrong. =_=

Awesome chapter again.

I can't wait for the next one!

Post Soon! :]

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first off happy 100 page but im not on that page.. whines*

wow she was adopted all along?! i didn't expect that coming at all

and i agree with yuhwan even though she was adopted

she shouldn't have been treated that way.

i still don't like her aunt even though

she said that Yekyung looks like her sister

if she was, than she wouldn't treat her that way too right

like treating her own sister like that!!

and i love YuHwan POV.. we know what he is thinking!!

I love the way you descibe the eyes cuz i could never. lol

Ahhh, i never knew you had a pmlist but its full

but if someone doesn't reply for a long time

and there is space can you add me to the pmlist

but im pretty sure there is also a waiting list by now right.lol

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Guest talksound

holy moly. adopted? oh gosh. so much drama! >.<

i totally feel for yekyung. man. the tears & sadness behind it all. >.<

& there are OTHER reasons to her aunt's dislike? oh jeez. does it have anythign to do with meehlah? O.o Hmmmm.

Gosh. Update more! ^^ Great chapter.

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Guest cathyy

omg awww that effing sucks

to find out ur parents were actually ur aunt and uncle danngg!

thats kinda freaky omg hope she doesnt do nething crazy

and but the look of yuhwan sigh doesnt sound too good D :

hope ur daddy feels better : ) thanks : D

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Guest MizzNana

She was adopted! O.O I didn't see that coming! WOW! Her eyes can turn grey too. Hopefully Yuhwan can get through to her and make her happy again.

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Guest xjustsweet

ohh eff. O_O shes not their real

child ommeegosh! T_T poor here

cheeeyyyaaa boY! go and comfort

your gf!

*hits him with melon* xD

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Guest DaViviCode

that's so shock!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

but somehow i kinda don't believe the letter her (aunt) wrote

i mean it look fishy...or i'm thinking too much?

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Guest ilove korea

i was a silent reader till now but i decided that to comment you since you're such a good writer!! oh my gosh..that's so mean breaking the news in letter, they should have said it in person...tsk tsk..awww...yuhwan and yekyung look like they're going to end up as real couple!! cute cute<33

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Guest ladyxchristina

omg her aunt so mean. how can she say she loved her like meelah when she treated her so bad. shes so pissingful. i feel so bad for yekyung..yuhwan so sweet and its so cool how her eyes become greyy.. :sweatingbullets:

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Guest faded_x_memories

gosh, the letter make me cry almost. lol. gosh, loser! i rather take chior than anything else. HAHHAHA. i feel bad for you family. lol. but what do they say when you sing? the only thing i sing is vietnamese. i wish i could sing korean, chinese, japanese and english good. they sound okay to me but not as good as i want it to be like my viet. lol. geez, you seem bust. OHHHHH!! you should be a dancer for a korean group. so like you can be close to them. ;D and her eyes turn grey?! i wish i have those eye color. hehehehe. post soon

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Guest greymoose
greymoose lol, finish that project! I hate being the cause of procrastination :X ahha

LOL sorrryy!! haha(: but i successfully finished, i had to write some love letters an dyou kind of gave me some ideas so i guess you helped me with my project? LOL! interesting..

holy. wtf. yekyung? ADOPTED?! WOAHHHH!! wierd. but i lovelovelove yuhwan. hes such a sweetheart! haha i want a bf EXACTLY LIKE THAT! AHAHAH(:youve been posting alot more often these days(: hhaaha you knwo i lreally love you right now(: haha well thank you for the pm!!


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