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[N.G] Kissed By You


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Guest phat mole

omgoshh u r AWESOMEEE!!!!!!! =D


Omgoshhh soo much drama i love it to bits! THAT HEEJOO BIACTHH SHE'S GONNA DIE MAN!!!!

JungRoo she hasn't lost her memory has she? She better not have! T_T

thankss verry muchee for the humungous post and PM!! <3

s2 phat mole :]

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Guest lynaz

yeay u posted!!!

im surprised by the length of the post.

i actually kinda forgotten how story goes.. but regained it after a while.


heejoo is UBER b-y-t-c-h!!!!!!!!

poor jungroo.. hope she's okay..

i love the part where they slept together in one bed. that is so cute and sweet!!

seunghoon is just freaking adorable. :w00t:

thanks to u, now im craving for some delicious ice-cream!!! SIGH! :tongue2: hehehehhee...

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Guest hunnyl

yay Jungroo woke up..^^Heejoo is such a richard simmons!Seunghoon's soo cute....!I love it when YuHwan and YeKyung have their moments..^^soo sweet...love it so far...!!post soon&&thanks for the PM!

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Guest missxsuong

good gosh you finally updated!


thanks a lot i was gettting bored at home!

but grr i want to hit Jaeho for likeing aerim

and yay jungroo is up!

and i really like Yuhwan and Seunghoon

their such sweet hearts

oh question

was heejoo drunk or was she pretending to be and hit them on purpose?

if you have a pm list please add me!

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Guest whit3light

new reader and great fan fic LOVE it !! can't wait for u next update!!!! ^0^

and and i love the way Yuhwan and Yekyung 's relationship develops hehehe it's much more realistic!!

Love it can't wait >.<

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Guest ~Karamel~

omg Jung Roo is awake!! i hope u dont make her lose her memory.....

and so much ice cream!!! i want ice cream too!! i wish i had a whole hallway full of ice cream too!!

thanx for the 4 chapters! update soon please!

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Guest b a n g!


I <3 your story!! You write soo well and all the drama

and stuff has got me hooked ^.^ hahahah YeKyung &

YuHwan are perfect for each other :wub: KyungHee is

funny and she & WooRi make an..... interesting couple

hahaha but I'd rather have him going out with her than

AeRim ughh lol I like ChamSol way more than MeeLah

even though she is YeKyung'a cousin and not sister she

still shouldn't have treated her like that and same with

her aunt I like her uncle he is the only nice person in

her family HeeJo needs to dieee don't really like the

Gyo brothers lol but don't know much about them yet

soo........ yeahhh oh and JungRoo and SeungHoo :]

are soo adorable!ahh they are going to like each other

and end up together when they are older right?!?! ^.^

hahahaha when you finish this you could write a sequel

about them hahah ... just a suggestion....? ohh I almost

forgot JaeHo! I feel so bad for him AeRim is evil :ph34r:

I think he should get over her even though it seems like

he really likess her JungRoo woke up yayyyyyyyy ^.^

You are awesome! posting 4 chapters up :w00t: wow :]

Since you don't have any spots available on your PM list

could I be added to your waiting list for this fanfic only

if you have one? if you do not have a waiting list u can

just ignore this! sorry for the long reply great chptr! <33


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We both got off at our stop and walked into the hospital, hoping JungRoo had awakened. SeungHoo opened the door and jumped when he saw a nurse and JungRoo sitting up.

“JungRoo!” He screeched with happiness.

Kissed By You || 50

“Noo!!” JungRoo shielded herself but failed miserably when SeungHoo jumped onto her bed and hugged her fiercely.

I also ran forward and hugged the two. Seeing her awake so soon really put my guilt and fear to rest. When the nurse finally realized what we were doing, she suddenly screamed and started to freak out.

“Get off of her!” She shrieked.

We both jumped away in surprise. The nurse rushed over and checked to see if JungRoo was alright. Then, she turned around and glared at us with her hands on her hips and a glare in her eyes.

“She just woke up! You could've hurt her!”

SeungHoo, like the fragile boy he was, looked up at JungRoo with tear-filled eyes. “J-JungRoo? Did I h-hurt you?”

JungRoo glared at him making me glare at her. Even after the accident, she was still the same rude little smart-mouthed prodigy.

“Why is it you always have to make him cry?” I asked her with my hands on my hips.

“Why is it you always have to make YuHwan feel rejection?” She retorted.

And there it was; the connection. We were exactly alike. The boys were exactly alike; always being hurt by the girls. SeungHoo and JungRoo just demonstrated our relationship in a childhood form. I sighed and walked over to SeungHoo.

“Big boys don’t cry,” I told him.

He nodded his head and wiped away the tears. Timidly walking to stand beside her bed, he looked up and asked her once more in a calmer voice,” Did I hurt you?”

JungRoo slowly nodded her head. I could tell she was extremely tired though. The bags under her eyes and just how pale looking she was was all the evidence I needed to know she was anything was fine.

“Miss, could you and the boy please leave? I need to do a few tests,” the nurse told us.

We both nodded and left the two.

“Noona! Let’s go visit that Hyung.”

I raised an eyebrow. “Who?”

“That booger brain.”

I laughed. “Gyo SeeDuk? Why?”

SeungHoo turned towards me. “Halmoni said no matter how much you hate them, you should always care. If you let hatred rule you, then you are no different from the satan.”

I nodded my head and followed him. He reminded me so much of Halmoni. God, do I miss her. She was the wisest person I had ever known.

When we reached SeeDuk's room, we slowly opened the door and saw SungHwan talking to SeeDuk. They jumped when they saw us come in.

“What are you guys doing here?”

I shrugged, trying to make it seem like I didn’t care. “Just came to see how you were doing.”

SeungHoo walked towards the side of SeeDuk’s bed and looked at him. “Hyung, who are you to JungRoo?”

My eyes widened at his question. What was this boy doing?! And what in the world did he mean what SeeDuk was to JungRoo...?!

“I’m her Oppa.”

SeungHoo paused a moment before asking, “Just…Oppa?”

“Yes, just Oppa.”

SeungHoo smiled. “Can I be her boyfriend?”

“Are you asking for my permission?” SeeDuk’s eyes twinkled with amusement. I could tell that he liked having this kind of authority.

SeungHoo nodded his head innocently.

“Hey! Why don’t you ask for MY permission?!” I blurted out in indignation.

“Because I know you’ll let me Noona.” SeungHoo grinned.

I frowned. “What if I said no?”

“Then I’ll cry and tell halmoni you’re being mean.”

Why...that little tattletaler!

“Sure, you can be her boyfriend,” SeeDuk answered before SeungHoo and I started to argue.

I watched as SeungHoo happily skipped out the door with a huge grin on his face. My gaping face was enough for him to claim a victory.

“You didn’t do anything to her…did you?” SungHwan asked.

I looked back at him. “Who? HeeJoo?”

He nodded his head.

“No, I didn’t,” I mumbled.

“Was it because of Eun YuHwan?”

I shifted around in my spot, a bit uncomfortable about discussing HeeJoo and YuHwan in the same situation. “Sorta.” Then I looked back at them, weariness in my eyes. “What are you guys really doing here?” They still refused to answer my question.

They both remained silent. Without an answer, I wasn’t going to leave the room. They needed to tell me just what was their return supposed to be about. I had buried them in my memory, accepting them as a good part of my past, but to return so suddenly like this and to announce that their 'business' is to do with me made me angry.

“We told you—“

“I’m not why you’re here,” I said sternly.

“Yes, you are,” SeeDuk opposed firmly.

“What’s that supposed to mean?!” I paced back and forth, feeling frustrated by what he was saying. How can I possibly be someone's reason to be here?

“I can’t tell you,” he quietly answered.

“Then leave.” I had had enough of all this. It would have been better if he had come back when we were younger. I would’ve forgiven them without any hard feelings, but after so many years, their visiting me wasn’t needed any longer. I had grown up, I was strong now. I didn’t need them to help defend me.


“Hyung, I think we should leave,” SungHwan said.

“No,” SeeDuk snapped. “If you want to go, then leave. I’m not.”

It was clear that SungHwan was dragged back here. Strange that it was SeeDuk that wanted to come instead of SungHwan. I had always thought SungHwan would be the one…

“YeKyung ah!” Ten year old SungHwan ran over to me from the creek. I hopped over to him.

“What?” Rubbing my hands on the thighs of my already dirty overalls, I raised an eyebrow at him.

“I have something for you.”

“What is it?”

“This.” He leaned forward with puckered up lips. I froze in horror. When he came about an inch, I backed away quickly and he fell forward, falling into the mud with still puckered lips.

SungHwan sat up and spat out the mud. “YeKyung! Why’d you move?!”

“Gyo SungHwan, I hate kisses and I don’t like boys with cooties.” I leaned over with my hands on my hips and stuck out my tongue at him.

He frowned. “But, the other day you said—“

“No, the other day I was kidding.”

“SeeDuk Hyung said you liked me." He looked up at me with his pants soaking in the mud.

I rolled my eyes. “SeeDuk Oppa is a babo.”

SungHwan stood up and opened his mouth wide. “AWW! I’m telling Hyung!”

“Tattle tale.”

“I’m not a tattle tale!”

“Then don’t tell," I resolved.


“What’s going on here?” SeeDuk walked over with his crew of friends.

I glared at them. They always picked on me at school about being a boy. Just because I dress like one doesn’t mean I am!

“Hyung! YeKyung said you are a babo,” SungHwan blurted.

I rolled my eyes at him. He was never one to keep his mouth shut.

“Did she now?” SeeDuk glanced at me out of the corner of his eye.

Even though I was ten years old, I was never really intimidated by things that seemed bigger than me. Crossing my arms over my chest, I glared at him. “Yes, I did.”

He took a threatening step towards me, but I didn’t flinch nor react. Another step and I could see he was getting angry at my lack of response.

“Aren’t you scared?”

“Not a bit," I answered with my chin pointing upwards.

He was about to say something when SungHwan ran up and put his arms out in front of him. “Hyung! Don’t hurt YeKyung. She was just kidding, right?” He asked over his shoulder.

“Whatever,” I mumbled.

SeeDuk backed off, but his glare was still intense. Sptting at the ground near me, he left with his group of mindless jerks.

“What are you pacing around for?” SungHwan’s eye twitched annoyingly.

“I’m trying to get you two to leave.”

“I’m not leaving.” SeeDuk’s tone of voice made it sound final.

Stopping my pacing, I walked over to him. “SeeDuk…what are you doing?”

He looked away and refused to answer me.

“I don’t understand you…one moment, you hate me…and the next you need me? What are you trying to do…?”

“I never hated you.”

His answer took me by surprise. “But…all those times—“

“That wasn’t me.”

I walked away. “Well, that’s the Gyo SeeDuk I know. You aren’t Him.”


Kissed By You || 51

I walked out of the door and bumped into YuHwan.


“Come on! I’ve been looking all over for you!” He grabbed my hand and pulled me along with anxiousness.

“Wait! What about SeungHoo?!” I asked him while he continued dragging me.

“He’s with JungRoo. They’ll be fine,” Yuhwan answered in one breath.

We stopped when YuHwan reached…his motorcycle?! I glanced at the thing like it was a suicide machine.

“What are you staring at?! Get on.” He held out his helmet for me to take it.

“Uh, I prefer to live.”

Rolling his eyes, YuHwan pulled me onto the seat and put the helmet on my head. “Hold on tight.”

“YeaaaAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!” I screamed and held on for dear life. That jerk! He could’ve killed me!

“WHERE ARE YOU TAKING ME?!” I yelled over the intense roar of the wind.


The scene past my eyes and I could feel my eyelids growing heavy. Of course, I didn’t want to die, so I had to slap myself every now and then to stay awake. The city lights and loud sounds of the people started to slowly disappear and were replaced with a calmer setting of the sun bleeding into different colors until it was finally blue.

We finally stopped near the beach where the sun was a just a little over the horizon. I was surprised he took me here, but hey, it’s all good if I get a free ride and food!

“What are we doing here?”

“Would you shut up for once and just follow?”

Pouting, I followed him towards the pier. He then turned around and took out a black blindfold.

“What's that for?" I questioned suspiciously. He could be planning on killing me. Maybe he's a psycho in disguise!

Rolling his eyes at my fearful expression, he advanced towards me. “Let me tie this over your eyes.”

I gradually agreed and waited until it was secure. He led me by the shoulders towards my mysterious destination.

“Okay, now count to three and then take off the blindfold.”

“Why in the wo—“

“Just count.”

His hands left my shoulders, making me feel lost. I shook my head and slowly counted. “1…2….3.” My hands reached up and untied the blindfold, which easily slipped off.

I opened my eyes and looked around in the darkness. Was this a joke?

“Eun YuHwan! Where are you?”

“Right here,” came the whisper next to my ear.

I turned around and gasped at the sight before me. I was standing at the end of the pier, which had candles all the way towards the start of it on either side. Rose petals led towards me like a trail was left behind while YuHwan led me towards the end. “Surprise.”

I turned around and punched him in the arm. He rubbed it with astoundment. “What was that for?!”

“What are you wasting money on me for?! I mean, it’s my birthday yea, but why did you have to go and spend all that money on this crap?! You’re unbelievably stupid do you know that?!” While I blabbed on about how wasteful he was, tears unexpectedly filled my eyes. I was thankful….beyond thankful. No one had ever set anything special up for my birthday and here he was, planning out surprises and spending all his money on me.

YuHwan shut me up by pulling me into a tight hug. I clutched onto his arm and rested my head against his chest, listening to his heart beat.

“You have a really strange way of saying thank you.” He chuckled.

“You’re so sweet,” I whispered, getting caught up in the moment. I looked up at him and froze at our closeness.

“YeKyung…” he whispered.

My head wouldn’t move as he leaned closer towards me. My body wasn’t even tense…just relaxed.

Right when he was about to kiss me, an alarm went off in my head. Actually, that alarm was a nearby yell of my name and a profanity following it.

“SU YEKYUNG! YOU richard simmons!”

We both turned around to find Han HeeJoo stomping her way towards us with Lee AeRim lagging behind.

I was very annoyed. It was my birthday and she just had to show up at the wrong moment. Well, maybe I should thank her, because she stopped the kiss! Ahh, I wonder why my body didn’t react when I saw it coming.

“You fcuking richard simmons!” She screeched and slapped me so hard that I felt blood trickle from the side of my lip. YuHwan and I were caught off by that very quick and sudden attack.

“Sh!t, what the fcuk is your problem?!” YuHwan yelled at her.

I turned my head and wiped off the blood, my eyes piercing into hers. “Move,” I ordered YuHwan in a dangerously low voice.

He ignored me and continued yelling at her.

“Move...” My eyes started to shake.

Still, he ignored me. This is one crazy guy. He doesn’t know what happens when I want to kill; when I need to kill.

“MOVE!” I pushed him out of the way and lunged at HeeJoo. My fist met with her face as she fought back; surprisingly she was able to land a couple of hits on me. We fought back and forth when YuHwan finally managed to pull me off of her. I used all of my strength to pull against him, my fingers curled up tightly.

“LEAVE!” YuHwan yelled at AeRim and HeeJoo. HeeJoo stopped resisting AeRim and walked away, but not without flicking me off.

“YOU’RE GOING TO DIE richard simmons! JUST WAIT TILL TOMORROW!” I yelled after her.

He let go of me and I fell onto the wooden floor planks with my palms pressing against it.

“You need to really take an anger management class,” he commented while sitting on the pier next to where I was on all four. I sat down next to him and furrowed my eyebrows together, dusting my hands off. Even though I was still a bit angry, I knew I shouldn’t let HeeJoo ruin my birthday let alone worry about why she was here in the first place. Probably saw YuHwan and decided to stalk him; crazy richard simmons.

I looked at the stars in the sky. They were pretty bright tonight. All of this was so perfect, just perfect. And to top it all off, YuHwan pulled me into his warm embrace and we quietly talked as the waters below us softly swished back and forth.

I didn't know it, but later, I would look back on this moment and remember it as the very beginning.



overly obsessed lol, it’s meant to be

ASiANBABYGiRL they thought it’d be a long-term coma, but because of her will, she came out of it quick.

xsilentangel haah, no problem

kibumOxyunho she wants to real bad

shronie_x3 lol, I know it’s been really long >O<

hanie lol excitement =D

berry_x.2 aha, so much!

xjustsweet definitely

milkis lol, it’s actually HeeJoo haah. Too many names so you get mixed up xD

smileyface(: haha, forgetting your own birthday, pretty crazy huh?

JungYunho<3 lol, to make up for the missed ones

cathyy he’s still trying to get through to her

Kumikox3 drama coming back with a bang ;]

yelinoh lol, everyone loves so many chapters xD

xchink I love ice cream. I had some yesterday!

tinstarr to make up for so many missed days

Sophi.e* I should stop with the cliffhanging, eh? (can’t though; it’s just my style :X lol)

TuBbieCheeKz he’s amazing =]

BKRI lmao, quadroople <3 haah. Lol, HeeJoo is going to make her come-back now!

Lisan lol, ice cream in the hallway is the way to go!

xsweeetzx adorable couple =D Y+Y

Sweety_x1 drinking and driving is horrible.

vivian0522 lmao, YuHwan was definitely jealous when JaeHo and YeKyung hugged. He’s just keeping it in ;]

jocepi she’s a tough girl

FREAKY ALTOIAN lol, it’s focusing on YeKyung more right now

liltoazndevil Love makes people do crazy things. For JaeHo, it’s a huge sacrifice.

MizzNana lol SeungHoo is already loved as a child. When he grows up…*whoo!

KoReAnSaReSoSeXy At that quote, he meant that how come YeKyung noticed things about everyone else so quickly, but she failed to notice YuHwan’s feelings and focus on their relationship.

JungPilGyo lol,I wouldn’t want to make poor SeungHoo suffer!

mangolover they’re adorkable

myREVERIE. lol, your welcome =D

yokemun YuHwan meant to say that YeKyung notices everyone else’s feelings so well but doesn’t notice his

x Sim pli city x she needs a life

greymoose lol, she musn’t become soft!

Sophie lol things with my boyfriend are great. My parents found out about him a couple of days ago, but everything’s cool. I know T____T my internet is just down and I can’t get onto the forum >O< What’s up with you lately?

dakoreanhamster YeKyung was going to beat HeeJoo up. She desperately wanted to, but YuHwan was going to deal with it because he was getting sick of it.

lil-angel HeeJoo is blahhh

summerrainburns lol, I still write even if the internet is down =) I must finish a story no matter what haha.

twist&fall- I got some ice cream after posting this! lol

Mae! lol, the long awaited kiss scene: when will it ever come?! Haha

jellyace695 he’s amazing<3

winta ahhh, good luck on your exams! Mine were okay

*.:AnGeL*BAbII:.* lol, not disappearing on her birthday ;]

edible.x Welcome! lol, at least you found my story!

LoveItLiveIt haa, many many chapters

xsogorgeliciousx definitely a super post.

damn.u yea, that quote is true. lol, SeeDuk's got this hotness to him that's sort of irresistible xD JungRoo is about eight years old =]

♥„~“Cleopatra“~„♥ JungRoo isn't going to have anything bad happen to her lol

t33z3 lol, cliffhangers are so bad

mzclumzie She's going to make it through to the end

SwtDrmz5892 Welcome! Definitely fighting against the world

baybeeh_bliss lol ice cream!

jaejoong<3 yea, i recap cause i'm sure it's hard to remember certain details after a long period of not posting xD

baybee || loveLy all questions will be answered =]

leebabe007 they do act like a married couple!

Korean_Girl92 the most amazing

-SK nah, no amnesia

Miss_van Welcome! np

mizzochan lol, YuHwan is amazing. He can come off as the perfect gentleman =] no memory loss for JungRoo, lol. I felt it too cliche that she'd have that happen too :X hehe. and yea, H & A hold too many grudges against YeKyung for tiny reasons. They're just too tempered =\

TiMExLESS SeungHoo is my most amazing character ever lol

Sharleen really? lol, i didn't know that >O< they're official already...just no kissing XD

gottalovegirl lol, you can question away, but i'll not answer :X hehe

x1buckybabey they are =]

kaneki at least she woke up

lido0LmisSundersto0D she's fine =]]

zer moua thanks!

eunhyung as evil as they come!

xodreamer lol, not too slowly. yea, YeKyung has just picked bad enemies

1tym012 lol, np

jaykay4792 Welcome! lol, the kissing part is coming ;]

linnienguyen lol, forever and ever

tiramisuu they are like a family

sadistbishxx lol the best =D

maizakichi Welcome! thanks<3

msxadina she's a serious richard simmons, definitely

sheLLiJiElUn nah, she's fine

xsh0paholic lol, that would be horrible for JungRoo!

HYPERGURLY^^ they're an amazing family xD

dreamyxxx Welcome! thanks =) i try to make it as original as possible =]

misz.perfect. Welcome! lol, glad you're back!

mchelly114 Welcome! I'm glad it's so addicting ;] haha I like to read about really tough girls once in a while too =]

phat mole nah, JungRoo is fine =)

lynaz lol, i ate all of the ice cream we have :X

hunnyl HeeJoo and AeRim are going to make a comeback

shawtyyxd ah, there's not enough room on the PM list =( but i hope you can catch up yourself...

missxsuong sorry, I can't fit anymore onto the PM list =\

mskama thanksss<333

whit3light Welcome! I try my best =)

cHoCoLo kk

UHLEEYUHx3 that's quick! i can't PM anymore =\

lilaznmichi nah, that'd be cruel :X

indelible_sin Welcome! I'm trying my best

xo_hyeseung Welcome! lmao, you're already thinking of a sequel?! haha. I don't know. We'll have to see ;]

Welcome to new readers and returning ones! <3 So yea, I think that everytime I post, I'm going to be posting a couple of chapters at a time. It seems like my internet only works for a couple of minutes before it just completely cuts off and because I have such a long list of PMs to do, I'm going to be posting maybe just once in a while or so...

If someone is willing to take over PMing people for me, I'd appreciate it ALOT. That would really help because then I'd be able to post more often as well.

Anyways, surprised? Annoyed? Pissed off? lol. So we still don't know what SeeDuk and SungHwan are doing there. As for the long awaited kiss, it was interuppted by HeeJoo and AeRim. I guess my teasing is getting a bit too much eh? >O< ahh~!

So we're about halfway through with the story. But trust me, there's still a lot more that's going to happen before everything calms down, so stay on the edge of your seats!


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Guest silver_

edible.x Welcome! lol, at least you found my story!

^SO GLAD I DID!!! ^^ those were 2 hawt chappies!!!!!!

cant w8 for next update!




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Guest dakoreanhamster

ahhhh they almost shared their first kiss as a couple!!!! stupid heejoo!! why the heck is she always getting in the way? can't she see that yuhwan doesn't want her??!! freaking stubborn bum. awwww yuhwan is so freaking sweet! i bet it was the beginning of yekyung's fear finally disappearing or even a real relationship!!!!! seunghoon is such a cutie, asking for permission why are they here? what is seeduk hiding?

thanks for the pm!!

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Guest musical.memory

seunghoo is such a cutie.

why is seeduk and sunghwan

there? to me, it seems like

before, sunghwan was the one

who liked her and seeduk was

the one who hated her. now,

it's like the complete opposite.

yuhwan is such a sweet heart.

ahhhh, you just HAD to keep

us waiting for that kiss, huh

jenny? darn you, you great

writer. lols. xP anyhoo, heejoo

and aerim are still b-tches.

true dat. lols. but why do they

keep showing up? gosh. <.<

i hope heejoo and aerim get

hit by a bus while going back. ^_^

wouldn't that just be lovely?

thanks for the pm! post soon!~

<3 Vivian

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Guest stephaniemsja18

that was so frustrating!

y doesnt someone do something about heejoo....

shes so annoying O_O

but i understand that its part of the plot

im just venting :)

and i could help with lik 1/3 of the pm list...?

just pm me the list of ppl i could help with

other than that update soon~

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Guest mzclumzie

heejoo heejoo heejoo! i want to just ahjdshjhak! her! so close to their first kiss and bam heejoo! she makes me go crazy! i think because of her i might need anger management lmao just kidding. thank you for the update i love it!

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