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[N.G] Kissed By You


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I'm sorry about not posting for so long! My computer is broken and I'm just really busy with international day practices and practices for a Quinceanera for my best friend. Hopefully I can post again soon! Thanks to all loyal readers<3 I can't make this long >O< but yea, summer is coming soon, so let's see if I can fit in more posts. Depending on my job too :X lol.


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Guest t33z3

I'm glad you let us know! It's good that you haven't forgotten about the fic. =]

I hope everything works out dandy!

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i'm glad you informed us

but i hope that you have enough time for this fic (:

other than that, i understand

can't wait for the summer (:

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Guest 1tym012

i was wondering why there where no new post... but it'a all good, post whenever you have the time, we'll still wait for it. :]

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Guest musical.memory

that's okay. we're all busy sometimes. ^_^ but please post soon, jenny! that last cliffhanger still has me hanging. lols. but yeah, update soon! and i mean really soon! (still, no pressure or anything. lols.)

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Guest tiramisuu

new reader [=

i adore this fic ^^

yuhwan and yekyung <3

anticipating your next update [=

- much love xox.

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ahhhh post more soon please! &&you're gonna be in a quinceañera? ahh thats great. i remember when i had mine. i loved it! =] hope you have fun.

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Guest xsilentangel

OMG i miss this story

please update soon!!!!

omg jungroo and seeduk... =O

i finally caught up!!!!!!

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Guest xLittoAnjo12

so far i'm on chapter 26.

my opinion= AeRim and HeeJoo should totally be in jail already.

and i'm surprised that YeKyung isn't dead yet. 0_o

how can she survive after all those attacks?

so far so good.i love this story.


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Guest berry_x.2


gladd u told us ^^

mm, have fun at..a quinceañera?

i have no idea what that is T^T


-berry <3

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“Eun YuHwan, tell YeKyung to come out.”


“It’s a matter of life and death here.”

If it was a matter of life and death, why did he sound so calm? Despite the yelling, his tone didn't indicate any rush.

“What happened now?”

”SeeDuk’s in the hospital.”

I raised an eyebrow. What’s that got to do with me? Even though I was a little concerned, that didn't mean I needed to be the person to visit him. “And?”

“And JungRoo.”

Kissed By You || 46

My heart stopped when those words slipped from his mouth. I walked forward and slid in between YuHwan and SungHwan with a pale expression. “What happened,” I demanded shakily.

“Car accident.”

“Sh!t.” I mumbled. Pushing SungHwan out of the way, I quickly ran to the stairs and made my way down with a trembling heart.

“Take the elevator!” SungHwan yelled as his feet quickly ran to catch up with me.

“I don’t use elevators.”

I continued going down the stairs with a quick pace as SungHwan tried to keep up with my rushed movements.

“Which hospital?” I asked when we reached the bottom. SeungHoo and YuHwan came out of the elevator and joined the two of us.


Hailing a cab, I calmly told the cab driver to take us to Seoul Hospital. The two guys as well as SeungHoo sat in the back.

The atmosphere in the car was dead silent. I could feel thick tension in the air from YuHwan and SungHwan’s glares at each other. SeungHoo sat in between them, already shaking from fear of being killed from their death stares as well as fear for JungRoo.

“Stop it you two,” I said aloud, slicing through the tension.

“Here we are ma'am," the driver announced.

Thanking him, I paid the driver and rushed towards the main desk. When I reached there, I quickly leaned over to be nearer to the lady in charge of the front desk. “Su JungRoo please," I said with a rushed tone.

“Room 23.”

The boys followed me as I searched for the room. When I finally saw it, I slammed it open to see no one. “What is this?” I asked aloud.

“Uh...Miss, who are you?” A nurse asked from in the room.

“I’m looking for Su JungRoo, the patient that’s supposed to be occupying this room.”

The nurse gave me a sympathetic look. “I’m sorry; she’s in the ICU right now.”

My knees slightly buckled making YuHwan take a hold of my waist. “She’s what?”

“Are you a family member?”


“Please come with me. The doctor would like to talk to you about her condition."

Shakily, I followed her, telling the others to stay behind. We reached an office which she sent me into. The room was well lit. There were bookcases and a desk with two chairs on either side of it. The doctor, whose name read Dr. Lee on the name tag, looked up and gave me a grim look.

“Are you a family member of Su JungRoo?”

“Yes, her cousin.”


“Su, Su YeKyung.”

“Ms. Su, are you aware of the accident that JungRoo was in?”

I shook my head. “I just found out today.”

“Well," he started, "she was riding in a car with another person, Gyo SeeDuk, at night. Unfortunately, just as they were about to finish crossing the intersection, a drunk driver in a truck hit them. It wouldn’t have been as bad had Mr. Gyo not swerve the car and have the truck almost drive completely over the car. It’s amazing they’re still alive.”

I swallowed the lump that was starting to form in my throat. I didn't need details; I needed to know if JungRoo would be alright!

“Mr. Gyo came out with not as many injuries as JungRoo. She was sitting in the front seat, a very unsafe place for a child. Her small body was crushed against the dashboard. There is a large cut starting from her left temple trailing down to her cheek. There were a few broken ribs here and there and a large wound on her right leg from a window glass. She lost a lot of blood and at this time, she is in a coma. I’m not sure if she’ll wake up…it depends on how much she’ll be able to fight it.”

I looked down at my hands and released the tears that I had been trying to hold back. JungRoo ah…how can you do this to me? Do you know how much guilt and pain you’re making me feel?

“You may go see her if you wish,” Dr. Lee gently told me.

I nodded my head and walked out, bumping into SeungHoo and YuHwan.

“Noona…what’s wrong?” SeungHoo tugged on my hand.

“S-SeungHoo, follow me.”

I grabbed both their hands and pulled them with me towards the room near the ICU that JungRoo had just been placed in. My feet became heavy once I neared the door. It pained me just to be in here, in the hospital where hundreds die every day.


I pushed the door open and gently pushed SeungHoo in, following him in afterwards with YuHwan behind me.

There, on the bed covered with white sheets, laid a feeble looking JungRoo with IV tubes hooked up around her body. Her bandages made her look so small under their large wraps.

“J-JungRoo!” SeungHoo cried. He ran up to the bed and grabbed her hand. It was pale and lifeless. Already, SeungHoo’s eyes were streaming with tears which made me cry harder.

YuHwan grabbed me into his embrace which I gladly accepted. I couldn’t look at her. Knowing what I said to her before the accident made me feel like such a fool; such an idiot.

“JungRoo ah! W-wake up…wake up! W-we—No-Noona and H-Hyung, they w-want to take us t-to eat ice cream. Y-You want some, y-yea?” SeungHoo tried to talk through his tears, but failed miserably. His body was trembling viciously while his hands weakly tugged at hers as if to arouse her from her sleeping state.

“S-SeungHoo,” I weakly called out.

“Noona.” He turned around with tear filled eyes. “Noona, JungRoo says she’s tired. S-she’s too lazy to get up. Hah, lazy JungRoo.” He turned back around and sat on the side of the bed now, his feet dangling freely like his tears.

My voice became silent and I lost the will to look at the scene. I turned away and hid my face in YuHwan’s chest.

I’m not coming to get you.









You can come back on your own.

Those words…those words that I had spoken to her, they seemed to hold such a different meaning now then what I intended it to. I’m sorry JungRoo ah…I didn’t mean for this to happen. I was busy thinking about myself…busy being selfish.

Wiping my tears, I looked up at YuHwan and gave him a small smile. His fingers were still stroking my lower back in hopes of getting me to calm down. I turned towards SeungHoo.

“S-stay with JungRoo, okay? We’ll be right back.”

He nodded and looked back down at JungRoo once more. I took YuHwan’s hand in mine and walked towards the main desk.

“Could I please have the room in which Gyo SeeDuk is in?”

“Room 25.”

“Thank you.”

I walked towards JungRoo’s previous room and looked two doors ahead. In my mind, the only thing I wanted to know was what happened, and I had to confront SeeDuk about it. And also to find out where he was planning to take her to so late into the night.

“YeKyung ah, what are you doing?”

“I have some questions that need to be answered.” Knocking on SeeDuk’s door, I waited until there was an answer to let me in.

“Come in.”

YuHwan and I walked in to find SungHwan sitting on the side of SeeDuk’s bed. When they saw us, their expressions changed and I watched as they grew stiff, as did YuHwan. I paid little attention to the guys though. Their own dislike for each other could wait until I got some answers.

“Su YeKyung, what are you doing here?”

Grimly, I walked up to the bed and looked at SeeDuk. “What were you doing out at night with JungRoo?”

SeeDuk shifted around in his bed so that he could sit up. “She called me up in the middle of the night saying she wanted to go see you guys.”

Furrowing my eyebrows in a frustrated manner, I grabbed a hold of a bit of the sheets and started twisting them in my hands. “And you actually agreed to it?”

He shrugged. “I was already driving around there, so I just decided to pick her up.”

“Why…” I said, my anger now being taken out on the already wrinkled sheets.

“Why what?”

“Why did you swerve the car?” The question made me grit my teeth in anger. If he didn’t swerve the car…they would’ve been fine…they would’ve been given minor injuries. If he didn't swerve the car, JungRoo would be in the same condition as SeeDuk: just whining and complaining about being sore.

“It was out of reflex.”

I closed my eyes and drew in a shuddering breath. It was no time to cause trouble, especially when he was already in a cast with a crushed leg and some few cuts.


I looked to my right at SungHwan. “What?”

He stood up and motioned for me to follow him. Instictively, my hands shot out and grabbed a hold of YuHwan’s. We walked out and stood in the hall with SungHwan fidgeting in his spot.

“What is it?”

“What would you do if you found out who the driver who hit them was?”

I sensed something wrong the moment he said that. All the gears in my head started to work faster to understand what was going on and just why he was acting the way he was. SungHwan's not a person who is easily distressed. “SungHwan...who is it?”

He shook his head. “What would you do?”

I was stuck. What would I do? I'd beat the living crap out of them until they never touch a bottle of alcohol again but it's not like I would tell him that.

“Gyo SungHwan, what are you talking about?” YuHwan now stepped slightly forward with his other hand in a fist. “It wasn’t an accident, was it?”

SungHwan shook his head. “You still haven’t answered me YeKyung.”

I looked up at him and said, “It would depend on who the person is.”

“YeKyung….it’s HeeJoo,” SungHwan whispered in a low, trembling voice.

And like a dynamite, I exploded.


Kissed By You || 47

“YeKyung, calm down!” YuHwan yelled over my banging.

I continued hitting the pans against the cabinets, throwing the forks, spoons, and chopsticks at him and breaking all sorts of things. If I couldn’t go to the gym, that’s what I did to take my anger out.

SeungHoo was running around, flailing his arms and screaming as he tried to dodge the dangerous utensils that flew towards his direction.

My anger tantrum stopped when YuHwan grabbed my hands and roughly pulled the pans away. He glared at me. I glared back with equal anger reflected in my eyes, if not more.

“You need to sit down and talk it out.”

“And YOU need to stay out of my way.” I poked his chest angrily.

Walking around the glass pieces of the broken vases I had smashed, I found my way to the couch, which was covered with eating utensils. Wiping them off onto the floor, I took a seat and crossed my arms angrily.

YuHwan made his way over to me and stood before me with his crossed arms and an angry frown.

“What?” I asked as innocently as I could say in my furious state.

“Get back here and clean this up.”

I lazily got up and took a bucket out of the closet. Bringing it over, I kneeled down and carefully picked up the pieces of glass. When the television turned on, I turned around and glared at YuHwan and SeungHoo, who took no heed of it but continued to enjoy their moment of peace. They just weren't helping! We all found out that HeeJoo was the one that had hit JungRoo and SeeDuk and yet, they were so calm. I just didn't understand how anyone could be so composed!

So for an hour, I cleaned and finally picked up the last piece of utensil at the end of the hour. “YuHwan ah, my fingers hurt,” I whined.

“It’s your fault.”


“It’s your fault,” he simply repeated.

“I heard you the first time moron,” I muttered.

He was about to come back at me with a rebuttal when the phone rang. YuHwan picked it up before I could even move. I watched as his expression changed from angry to extremely pissed off. He slammed the phone down and grabbed his jacket.

“Come on,” he said, grabbing me roughly by the arm.

“Not so hard!”

We walked down the sidewalk in silence. I was wondering what he was thinking about with his hands in his pocket and his gaze on the ground. SeungHoo copied YuHwan’s motions. I smiled; that little cutie.

“Where are we going?” I asked.

He didn’t answer. Deciding to try a different question, I walked a bit closer to him so I could watch his expression better.

“Are you mad?”

YuHwan shook his head. I gave up and walked next to him quietly. SeungHoo snuck a smile at me. I grinned. This kid was so strange. Even with JungRoo's injury gnawing at his insides, he kept up such a mask to keep everyone around him happy.

The rushing of a car flying past us made me look up abruptly. It stopped next to us and out walked…HeeJoo?! I walked forward immediately when SeungHoo grabbed my hand. “Noona…don’t!”

“Let go SeungHoo.” My voice was low and the need to hit her was growing by the minute. This fcuking richard simmons dared to show her face in front of me after what she did?!

“Su YeKyung.”

I looked up at YuHwan, who was warning me, through his eyes, to keep myself calm. Taking in deep breaths and trying to convince myself that it was better I hold back, I stood back with SeungHoo holding tightly onto my pinky. The two of us watched as YuHwan talked to HeeJoo over at the car. I glared at her head, wishing I could just drill holes into her oversized head.

“Noona, is that them? Did they hurt JungRoo?” SeungHoo whispered.

I nodded my head. He glared at HeeJoo but stayed back. If it wasn't for YuHwan, he probably would've let me go at HeeJoo all I wanted.

“You can’t do that!” HeeJoo stomped her foot and whined all of a sudden.

“If you don’t listen to me, then I will,” YuHwan threatened.

HeeJoo turned around and glared at me. I stuck my tongue at her with SeungHoo backing me up.

“YeKyung,” YuHwan warned.

I smiled sweetly and held up a victory sign as HeeJoo got into the car and it swiftly drove off, leaving SeungHoo and I happy at our little moment of victory.

“You’re always provoking them. No wonder they hate you." He sighed.

“Hey, don’t be jealous now.” I grinned. “Anyways, where are we going?! You still haven’t told me--here?!”

I looked up at the run down building. It was so old and dark. With a scared look, SeungHoo and I followed YuHwan in, looking all around us. There were rats that skittered across the floor and some hissed at us, making SeungHoo and I jump and scatter towards YuHwan. He gave us an annoyed look when we bumped into him. We stopped before one of the apartments and with a knock, the door opened. Surprise, surprise, JaeHo opened the door.

He looked surprised. It was the first time he showed actual emotion! So he’s not as expressionless as I had originally thought.

“What are you guys doing here?” He asked stiffly once the surprise wore off.

“Let us in,” YuHwan persuaded.

JaeHo didn’t look like he wanted to, but reluctantly had to. I walked in and my eyes scanned over the place. Compared to the outside of this building, it was actually a bit nicer. Even though the carpeting was very thin, it was at least warm. Even though the room was right there without a hallway leading towards it, and every other room seemed to be connected with a single door, I though it was very cozy. You didn’t have to live somewhere luxurious to find comfort. True that.

“So, what are you doing here?” JaeHo kept us near the doorway, jumping in his spot like he wanted to keep us from looking around.

“Just came for a visit.”

SeungHoo and I sneaked around, peeking at the place. I could hear SeungHoo giggling while we acted like spies, sliding against walls and looking in every nook and crook to see if we could find something interesting.

“What are you two doing?” JaeHo asked with his hands on his hips.

We giggled secretively. “Nothing,” the two of us answered in unison.

He shook his head and sat down next to YuHwan. I told SeungHoo not to go far. He answered me with a nod before running off. I sat down in at the square table and looked at JaeHo. “So…do you live here?”

I could tell instantly that he wasn’t comfortable with discussing the matter. But he did answer me. “Yes.”

My head bobbed up and down. “I like it. It’s cozy.”

I sat on the couch and pretended I wasn’t eavesdropping, when I reality, my ears were really looking for some news to hear. Good news of course. I’d had enough of bad news for one day.

“Why didn’t you tell me?” YuHwan asked in a hushed voice.

“Tell you what?”

“Sh!t, Baek JaeHo, stop acting stupid. I know what the landlord—“

“I can pay for it,” JaeHo cut YuHwan off with his curt reply.

“Don’t be stubborn. I’m your friend. Why won’t you let us help? You know, WooRi’s been getting on my case about this. He’s worrying his as$ off at home wondering if you’re even able to feed yourself!”

I abruptly stood up and walked over to them. The problem wasn't really clear to me, but I wanted to find out myself why he would do such a thing.

When I reached where the two were sitting, my eyes connected with JaeHo's, asking him why he did such a thing. And I saw it. He wanted to be independent. He wanted to trust himself before he could trust others. Because of Lee AeRim, he had to prove himself. And I started to cry. I started to cry for no damn reason.

“The fcuk?!” YuHwan stood up and quickly came to my aid. “What’s wrong?!”

I shook my head and tried to keep back the cries that broke out of my mouth.

“Noona! Noona, did Hyung do something bad?!” SeungHoo asked with wide eyes. He narrowed his eyes and stared accusingly at YuHwan.

While the two argued, I walked over to JaeHo with teary eyes. “Why are you doing this for her?” My voice was shaky. I didn’t understand. I wanted to know why he would give up so much for her. She didn’t even care…she didn’t even notice. So why would he waste his time trying to prove something to someone who didn't even acknowledge his feelings; his presence?! Anyone but she is worth all this trouble.

He looked down at the table and remained silent. All he did was let his finger trace the wood of the table.

“Why?” I was now kneeled down in front of him. His eyes widened as he tried to make me stand up, but I stubbornly stayed in my position. “Why?!” I yelled, unable to contain my anger. “She doesn’t even fcuking care! She only wants WooRi, damn her!”

Everyone was now standing. JaeHo’s head hung low as he tried to hide himself. I walked over to him, lifted his face and gave him a still confused look. Almost helplessly, he hugged me and rested his head on my shoulder. “I need her. YeKyung ah, I need her so much. She doesn’t even know it.”

Why are girls such b!tches? Why is it they don’t notice their selfishness when others are hurting around them? How come it’s always that the girls assume they’re hurting, when the guys are hurting so much more? The world has such a twisted way of making things work.

JaeHo backed away and smiled at me. “You know, if you showed people how sweet you are, I think they’d get along with you more.”

“They’d think I was a weakling!” I exclaimed. “Just look at you, crying. You’re a man! Suck it up, Baek JaeHo,” I teased with residue of tears still on my face.

He chuckled then turned to YuHwan. “Sorry YuHwan, I needed a moment with her.”

YuHwan rolled his eyes. “I’m so glad you took her off my hands. We have to get going now. See you tomorrow!” He grabbed my hand and SeungHoo’s and walked out the door while dragging us behind him.

As we walked home in the dark, I could feel his question just wanting to burst. Sighing, I told him. “Go ahead, ask me.”

“Ask you what?”

“I know you want to ask me something. Might as well do it now.”

There was a paused before he spoke. “Who did you mean by…she?”

“Lee AeRim.”

“What does she have to do with his not being able to paying the bills?” asked YuHwan.

I stopped. “Can’t you see it in his eyes? The reason he won’t accept your money or WooRi’s is because he wants to prove to AeRim that he can be the person she wants. He wants to show her that he’s just as good as WooRi, even if that means giving up his good, luxurious life.”

YuHwan didn't say anything for a moment and we just walked on. It was only a moment later before he spoke. “I wonder why you’re always so smart when it comes to other people, but you fail to notice me.” His pained voice made me stop in place.

I watched as his back disappeared in the darkness. My outstretched hand dejectedly fell to my side as I stood in the darkness with SeungHoo next to me.


Kissed By You || 48

In the darkness, I lay in my bed looking at the door. It was hard for me to go to sleep with someone mad at me, especially if that person was YuHwan.

I sat up and quietly tiptoed out my door and looked sadly as his closed door. He always left it open…always.

Slowly, as to not arouse any noise, I opened the door and slipped in, closing the door the same way it had been opened. Over on the bed, YuHwan's figure was outlined by the comforter that rested softly on his body. His chest rose and fell as he slept. The outline of his body under the blanket wasn’t hard to see due to his muscular frame. I walked over to the bed and hovered over him. An angel, that’s what he was; an angel that was all mine.

He seemed very deep in sleep. Seeing that it wouldn’t hurt, I made sure there was enough room before laying myself down beside him. My eyes just couldn’t get enough of him. He was like a masterpiece that I could stare at all my life and never find out the true meaning behind it's creation. Something about his aura made me fall underneath and lose myself in him over and over again.

So suddenly that I almost fell off the bed, he opened his eyes. They didn’t seem to focus in on me at first, but when he did notice me, he backed away a bit. “What are you doing here?”

My chest tightened at his movement and my smile left my lips. I was pained by his expression. It hurt to see him so angry. Lately, it’s all I see, that angry expression.


“I’m sorry,” I whispered. To prevent myself from crying, I had to bit my lower lip. I was crying a lot lately too. It seems like YuHwan really does have a big impact on me.

His eyes softened and he pulled me towards him. I nuzzled my nose into his neck, loving his intoxicating scent and wanting to lose myself in it.

“I’m so selfish, huh?” I quietly asked. There was no reply from him. There wasn’t one needed of him to tell me I was correct.

“I was just frustrated…” He trailed off.

“Am I bothering you?” I lifted my head and asked.

“…bothering me?”

“If I’m bringing too much trouble, I’ll just pack my things and stay at—“

“No. Don't go anywhere. Just stay here with me."

He lay his head back down on the pillow and carefully took a strand of my hair, twirling it around his hair then unraveling it again. I smiled at his childish behavior. “Is my hair that amusing?”

“Yes, it really is.”

I watched as his eyes wandered all over and his hands still played with my hair lightly, which tickled me softly. My eyes softened as I watched him. There's something about the moonlight when it shines down on him. It makes his features so ethereal and everytime I think about how soft it would be, I feel like stretching my hand out and stroking it. Such temptations were unusual to me though, so I was surprised I was even thinking of such a thing. We were already a bit too close as it is.

Slowly, I found that my sleepiness was starting to take over. My eyelids dropped and sleep overtook me as YuHwan's smiling face imprinted itself into my mind.


He watched as she slept, the moon’s light illuminating her soft skin. Only one question bothered his mind: how to break that barrier of hers. He knew her reason for being so locked up was because of her mother. It wasn’t hard to see the way the two looked at each other and stood when one another were around each other.

In his hands, her hair felt like silk; so soft and smooth. One attribute he loved about her. He could tell her father also loved it. The way his eyes would sparkle whenever she’d walk by with her hair swinging so freely behind her made YuHwan understand his proudness.

A creak at the door made him stop his ministrations and look up.

“SeungHoo?” YuHwan whispered.

And sure enough, SeungHoo walked in with a little white teddy bear encased in his arms. “Hyung, I had a nightmare.”

Yuhwan smiled and motioned for him to come over, motioning for him to be quiet.

When SeungHoo saw YeKyung’s back, he giggled. “It’s a sleep over!” He was itching to jump on the bed, but YuHwan warned him not to.

So there they lay, YeKyung on the outside of the bed, SeungHoo snuggled in the middle and YuHwan with his back against the wall. The two went right to sleep with a small smile on their faces. YuHwan lay wide awake, watching them. Being a single child was always hard for him. Now, he felt like he was finally complete…finally.


Kissed By You || 49


I rubbed my eyes and groaned. “YuHwan ah, go get the door,” I grumbled.


“YAH!” I sat up angrily and looked around. This…this is his room! I quickly got up but only found SeungHoo underneath the pile of sheets, sleeping soundly with a tight grip on his bear. Sighing, I walked to the door and opened it to see KyungHee carrying a whole bunch of boxes in her hands.

“Help me!”

I didn’t really have a choice, because they started falling and, out of reflex, I caught them. “KyungHee, what are these boxes filled with?!”

“Vanilla ice cream.”

“What?!” My eyes popped at her answer. Once I placed down the ones in my hands, I walked out into the hallway to discover a whole bunch of boxes being delievered. “KIM KYUNGHEE!”

She turned around and smiled. “Yes?”

“What’s all this for?!”

“You silly!”

“What do you want?” There was something suspicious about this. She knew that only ice cream could make me weak towards her pleas and begs.

“I don’t want anything at all!”

I didn't believe her for one second. “Sure you don’t.”

“I’m serious YeKyung. It’s just a gift.”

“For what?”

KyungHee stepped back surprised. Walking up to me, she took my shoulders with her hands. “Are you Su YeKyung?”

“Yea?” I was confused now.

“What’s your sister’s name?”

“Su—I don’t have a sister.”


“KyungHee yah, I’m actually adopted.”

She gaped. “Why didn’t you tell me?! Gosh, I bet YuHwan knows too.”

I gave her a nervous smile and she burst. “What?! He knows before I, your BEST friend?! This is ridiculous. I can't even believe I'm giving you a gift right now.”

She kept rambling furiously while all the deliverers kept bringing in more and more ice cream. It just never seemed to end!

“Yah, sit down you idiot," I told her.

We both sat down as the deliverers continued to place the boxes against the walls in front and to the sides of us. “My father and mother are actually my aunt and uncle, making MeehLah my cousin.”

“That’s great!” KyungHee smiled then frowned. “Err…great that MeehLah’s just your cousin I mean.”

I gave her a weak smile.

“Cheer up! It’s your birthday anyways.”

And right then, I felt like the idiot. It was my birthday! How could I forget?!

“Yea, you’re a very stupid person," KyungHee agreed when she saw my stupefied expression. "Now, get up!”

“I-Is this for me?!”

“Duh! Who else could eat as much ice cream as you could?”

“Where do you expect me to keep all this?”

KyungHee froze. “Uh…where?”

“Yes, where?” I asked again.

KyungHee smacked her head loudly and groaned. “Aw man! Guys! Take back all of them except for three!”

The guys stopped and started glaring at KyungHee. Nooo! Ice cream…my ice cream!

“No! You all can leave it. I have a place…” I said, trailing off because there was definitely no way I was moving these into the apartment.

“Are you sure?”


Once they were done unloading everything, the hallway was like an ice box. The cold from the ice cream escaped into the air. We had plenty of neighbors complaining that they were going to get a cold from it. I had to yell at one that came with the police. Crazy people. They just can’t stand to have people more fortunate than them living around them.

“Where’s YuHwan Hyung?” SeungHoo asked.

I looked at KyungHee, expecting an answer.

“Uh, he’s out…buying some things.”

“Noona! I want to eat some ice cream.”

The two of us walked out of the apartment with a jacket and gloves on. We looked ridiculous, I had to admit, but hey! It’s my ice cream and I can do what I want. Scooping out big chunks in our bowls, we both walked back into the apartment, happily eating the cool snack.

“You babo, why do you love it so much?”

I shrugged. “It’s good!”

“Whatever,” KyungHee said and rolled her eyes.

*Ring Ring

KyungHee picked up her cell phone. She kept looking over at me every now and then while she talked to the other person on the line. I stopped eating and raised an eyebrow at her behavior.

“SeungHoo ah, let’s go visit JungRoo,” I suggested.

He nodded anxiously. The two of us got dressed and came out to find KyungHee pacing back and forth nervously with her cell phone in hand.

“KyungHee, what’s wrong?” I asked while tying my hair up in a ponytail.

She looked up and smiled nervously. “Um, there’s a situation at home, I’ll see you later alright?”

The three of us walked out of the apartment complex and went our separate ways. SeungHoo chatted non-stop as we rode to the hospital on the bus. That is, until he saw someone.

“Noona! Isn’t that the scary guy?”

I looked up and saw SungHwan’s blue hair a few seats in front of us.

“Shh, I don’t want him to know we’re on the bus,” I said to SeungHoo with my finger against my lips to motion that we be quiet.

“Are we playing the quiet game?!” He asked excitedly. “Noona! I’m going to win!!”

“Okay, you have to play right though. Let’s see who can stay quiet the longest.”


And he shut up, looking around with curious eyes and sometimes smiling at the grandmothers or girls that would look at the adorable little boy. This boy was going to grow up being a ladies’ man. I just had a feeling he was. After all, everytime he looked at a girl, old or not, they fell for his adorable little smile.

We both got off at our stop and walked into the hospital, hoping JungRoo had awakened. SeungHoo opened the door and jumped when he saw a nurse and JungRoo sitting up.

“JungRoo!” He screeched with happiness.



Kumikox3 lol, you just love the drama, don't you?

vivian0522 crazy stuff happened

lyrical lies ahaa, the LeShing lollipop~<3 but yea, drama drama!

babii3xquiisit3 SeeDuk is explained in chapter 35. You'll see more of his appearance =]

bbobbo* lol, so suspenseful, right?

x3wendy it's all good. As long as you started, right?

on3derful Go to the author's note/pm list link. I have questions answered there =]

itami Thanks<3

TiMExLESS SungHwan dealt with things like this before, so yea.

mct2dj her life's just a huge mess after another

TiNGxx2 LOL, that DUCK

lil-angel lol, the excitement!

liltoazndevil his father's an richard simmons =\ lol, and yea, my boyfriend and YuHwan share a few similarities =]

linnienguyen poor jungroo =(

greymoose haha speechless?


Sharleen lol, it's all about you ;] ahah. But yea, I've come a long way from Moonlight Walk...lol

jocepi poor girl; she's a little on the sick side =\

xchink LOL, it's just JungRoo

HYPERGURLY^^ lol i used to have staring fights all the time =]

hyunwoo_luver they're a great family

smileyface(: yea, it's a really weird sort of vision.

Sophi.e* lol, deal with it! JK<3

MizzNana They're becoming a really close knit family =] lol, SungHwan and SeeDuk are like, the bad luck in this story xP

JungPilGyo crazy, eh?

xonike You've got psychic powers or something lol. Car accident indeed!

cathyy LOL, i just slapped you guys with a huge surprise xP

mangolover ahah, the single replies just keep adding up and up >O<

shronie_x3 haha, no set up! it's all real

gottalovegirl that car crash dream was actually completely different, but you know, it could be foreshadowing as well =]

xjustsweet lol, they're too greedy xD

sweet;sarang YuHwan's father just doesn't care =\

mzclumzie yea, all sweet moments have to be ruined it seems

minwoo-forever well, JungRoo and SeeDuk go way back. She's just a kid befriending an older kid. It's hard...

hunnyl craziness!

KoReAnSaReSoSeXy lol, np

damn.u lol, it's just too much!

xodreamer lol, sorry about the shortness. SungHwan was the one YeKyung had a relationship with...it wasn't really a relationship though. They just liked each other and knew it but never went further.

Sweety_x1 SungHwan's just sorta dazed you could say xD

x Sim pli city x lol,SungHwan, the bearer of bad news

birainy LOL, he's adorable =]

dakoreanhamster he's just a bum living off of his kids

phat mole she should learn from it. depends on her ego though

t33z3 LOL, speechless!

jenni89 haha, craziness

Korean_Girl92 they do have a horrible relationship. Some people are just so messed up.

yokemun lkjaf;ajwklfa, why??! lol

*.:AnGeL*BAbII:.* haha, But JungRoo doesn't deserve any bad to come to her. It'll only make SeungHoo cry

tinstarr hehe, I'm back for a bit =]

cHoCoLo lol, SeeDuk reminds you of the pokemon?! haha, that's so cute<3

baybeeh_bliss crazy drama happening all the time

shooshi car accidents: number one reason for hospitalized characters lol

kimchiluv np!

kaneki lol, i try not to, but i can't help it!

zer moua i seriously go hand-in-hand with cliffhangers haha

♥„~“Cleopatra“~„♥ lol, don't hate JungRoo! >O< but yea, SeungHoo is seriously the life of everything haah

lynaz super twisted!

absolutelyboredx lol, all of these things could indeed be true!

leebabe007 well, these chapters are definitely longer! =]

milkis Welcome! np =]

Ciao.Bella car accident >O<

JungYunHo<3 JungRoo shall remain strong!

mizzochan lol, some of my events are definitely exaggerated xD haha. But yea, I still think I need to improve on my skills though. The relationship thing, I try to keep real cause it's no fun reading about like, extra fake people and all. People just aren't that stupid (like in some stories where the girl like, doesn't know/see anything) and all of that =p

x1buckybabey must believe she'll be fine!

Sophie gahh, I haven't talked to you in forever T____T my computer is so freaking gayyyy!

jack jack attack poor little SeungHoo T___T

xsogorgeliciousx car accident =\

TuBbieCheeKz not mean, just strategizing lol

1tym012 got hurt =\

ASiANBABYGiRL lol, always got the perfect breakfast

-SK haha, definitely!

whiteyingfa Welcome! lmao, you're amazing =]

lido0LmisSundersto0D you're amazing too! xD

flip mamii Welcome! lol, nothing wrong with liking him =) I'm surprised everyone hates him though ahaha

lostdesires lol, everything's just complicated now

BKRI ahaa, i love my MW readers that still stick with me =)

baybee || loveLy lol, so many questions!

berry_x.2 lol, makes me cry thinking back on the Moonlight Walk days *sighs*

jaejoong<3 lol, memories =]

LoveItLiveIt they won't die so early! :X lol

sheLLiJiElUn they shall be!

jisoo012 Welcome! Thanks, I chose them because they were the ones that gave me most inspiration when writing this story.

JaeJoongLover I want a kid like SeungHoo!

missxsuong Welcome! haah thanks =]

xsweeetzx Welcome! well, keep being excited ;]

xsh0paholic cliffhangerrrs!

FREAKY ALTOIAN haha, i wish I could have a taste of this LeShing lollipop xD

xMoOshiE Welcome! You'll see what's going on later ;]

trinhee Welcome! thanks

c3n8g haa, i always do that :X

winta lol, i can't wait until summer. but then again, i don't want summer to come cause i have to work T___T blerrrrgh!

Rea you see now?

kibumOxyunho they got into a car accident T_T

HikaruStlye Welcome! lol, it's okay. maybe there's just something you see. but then again, more mysteries will arise from this!

one gurl Welcome! many are hooked ;] haha

lilaznmichi haha, candy in the morning isn't good though :X

shawtyyxd lol, good!

ai paper x star Welcome! lol, reading it all at once can be dizzying

tully123 Welcome! I'll post as much as I can =]

luv_ly_aZN Welcome! thanks

summerrainburns lol, you're awesome xD

Mae! I think you're still on the PM list. I haven't really changed anything around because I've been so busy =] lol, the happiness era always fades away right when it seems to be so perfect

JaKi JungRoo is YeKyung's little prodigy cousin from America =)

*reminiscing.soul. adorable =]

*intoxicated i want SeungHoo to be real. I'd steal him first ;] lol

Katxdbsk Welcome! It's occured a lot. I can't add any more onto the PM list =\ I just don't have enough time for more.

angelcrisis Yea, I'm sorry >O<

h3rsh3yx0kissez Welcome! Glad you like

twist&fall- Welcome! lol, I'm glad you liked Moonlight Walk! I'm cliffhanger queen, like, unofficially lol

ilovepoppin yep!

yummy_cake I am =]

sadistbishxx Welcome! no more spots available on the list unforunately =\

eunhyung Welcome! thanks xD

hanie lol, unfortunately, I'm a queen at cliffhangers xP

aZnMaYMaY Welcome! thanks

xsecret lol, i'm posting xD

sachiko_x impatiently? lol

tiramisuu Welcome&thankyou!

xsilentangel i miss you readers too >O<

xLittoAnjo12 Welcome! lol, they just might be in jail later on ;] YeKyung is one tough as$ chick. She can handle it ;]

Thanks for being so patient you guys! I know how long of a wait it has been and the suspense must be killing you guys :X lol. But yea, so just to be cautious in case I don't post for quite a while, I've decided to post four chapters this time so that it can make up for all of the times that I've not posted. I'm hoping I can get my computer fixed soon, but we'll just have to play it by ear.


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Guest tainted.skies

omfg, second! saved spot :3 i saw you online and wondered if you were gonna post!

-- Editt!

Ooohmg. It`s soooo sad. JungRoo ): Poor girl, I seriously want to kill HeeJoo now. Roaaar. Ugh, I wonder what ''deal'' it is between YuHwan and HeeJoo o_O; Weird. HeeJoo should be in jail by now >_____>;; Ah, I feel so sorry for YeKyung.. Her life is so sad T_T; But then again she has YuHwan, so she`s good. ICECREAMMMMMM!! Damn, that`s a lot of icecream.. I want some ice-cream now.. Haha. Ahh, JungRoo`s fine I suppose? But I thought she was in a coma? o_o How`d she come out of the coma so quickly? Confuuuusing~ @_@ I finished reading the chapters then I got the PM. Thanks for the PM anyway! <3 I can`t wait for the next chapters!! ^__________________^

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Guest xsilentangel



YAY that was gooooooo0o0o0od reading!

OMG jungroo is up :o :o :o :o

omggomgomgomg heejoo is a beeeeeeeeeech -_-

OMG the ice cream scene makes me hungry O_O

thanks for posting up so much!!!!!! post asap again :)

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