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[N.G] Kissed By You


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Guest lostdesires

0-0 becoming soft?? ahaha! must be cuz of yuhwan... sighz one person can make such a difference... >< <333333333333zz

post up soon !~!^^

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Guest Cua Lee


whaaa sorry for not commenting you for a while now, I was too busy going to the korean music thread.

Love the chapts a lot, hope you post soonnnn <33

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Guest baybee ll loveLy


sooo.. yuhwan. ;];]

she's falling for him. =)

i loved this chapter.

heejoo's so funnay.

the more she comes out the funnier she gets.

*smirk. bitter evil laughter. :]

wow i'm so fickle. :P

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I dropped the pencil I was fiddling with. “K-KyungHee?”


“Am I becoming….soft?!”

We both widened our eyes in horror. It was terrible. Never in my seventeen years of living have I ever been soft on anyone! Never!

“Don’t worry YeKyung! We’ll get them after school. You’ll feel so much better after a good as$kicking.” She smiled gleefully.

I nodded my head and rested my back against the seat, hoping I wasn’t turning mushy because of one person.

Kissed By You || 26


To avoid the yell of my name, I ducked behind a bush in the back of the school. My proof that I’m becoming soft? I’m hiding from KyungHee.


I stood up and glared at her. Who the hell was she calling skimpy?! “You richard simmons! Look at your own skimpy as$.”

She rolled her eyes. “Get over here you silly girl! We’ve got some butts to beat up!”

“Uh, I can’t today.”

KyungHee grabbed my two shoulders and shook me until I yelled at her. “What’s gotten into you?! You’re becoming soft you old banana bag!”

“KyungHee! I can’t…”

“Because you’re soft now. You’re as soft as a smashed banana,” KyungHee spat.

“Stop using the banana to compare to me!” I snapped. “I’m not soft. I’m just not in the mood right now.”

“Should I make you angry? Should I try and get you pissed and then have you attack them?” She made me sound like a freaking dog. Sad, really.

“Don’t tempt me to punch you,” I growled.

“Anything will be better then not punching someone! Su YeKyung! Your name is going down the drain. You’re losing all your dignity you fool!”

“Have not! Have not, have not!” I stomped around in the dirt until I felt like it was enough.

“Fine, do what you want. Be a loser and lose to HeeJoo then. I don’t care!” She threw her arms up in anger and walked away. I watched her back disappear and sighed. I guess girls have their days too. Even jjang girls.

“Damn, how do you put up with that?”

I whirled around and saw the three guys leaning casually on the wall smoking cigarettes. Yep, cigarettes. I wonder why I even bother telling them not to smoke. I walked down the line and plucked each of the cigarettes out of their lips or hands. Throwing them on the ground, I grounded them until I felt satisfied that they had deserved their rightful punishment.

“You’re wasting my money,” JaeHo said.

“Well, smoking just wastes time and living space,” I retorted.

“Every time you do that, you’re paying me ten cents.”

I looked over at YuHwan and snorted. “It’s your entire fault that I’m in this mess you cocky bastar.d!”

He raised an eyebrow and pointed his index finger as himself. “Me?”

“Yes, you! Before you came, I had no trouble earning everyone’s respect, but now that you came, HeeJoo’s been stepping all over me like I were the floor!”

“That’s because you can’t help but fall for my sexiness.”

His answer got me red in the face. Fall for his sexiness my as$!

“You wish you had something people would fall for!” I blurted.

“I think you’re the one wishing I would fall for you.”

“Oh, I can make you fall. Like this.” I swept my feet neatly under his and had him on his back in just a second. As I was about to walk away, he locked my ankle with his foot and pulled. I tripped and fell onto the ground, except I had more to worry about. Bastar.d! I was wearing a freaking skirt!

“Are you crazy?!” I screeched as I tried to cover myself quickly.

He sat up and grinned. “No, not really.”

“Perverted jerk,” I mumbled as I got up and dusted myself.

“Su YeKyung.”

“What?" I asked him frustratedly, still fussing with my skirt and blouse.

“What time should I get at your place?”

My hands froze and I jerked my head up. “Why?”

“The dinner.”

Immediately, I groaned. I thought Appa was kidding about that! And it seems like YuHwan's being serious about this whole girlfriend-boyfriend thing as well! “I guess seven. Might as well bring WooRi and JaeHo since KyungHee’s coming,” I added.


I trudged down the sidewalk with my bag hanging loosely over my shoulder. My mind was clouded with too many thoughts for me to think clearly.

* Bee lee da dee doo dee


“YeKyungah…I think you should get over here.”

“KyungHee? Where are you?” I worriedly asked.

“I’m at your father’s restaurant.”

“Alright, I’ll be there in a second.”

I turned my trudge into a run as my mind race with the possibilities of what might’ve happened. Stopping before the store, I was surprised to find the sign on closed instead of its usual open sign. I walked in and gasped. The whole store was a mess. It was totaled!

The chairs were thrown everywhere, some of them broken. The wooden tables that were so nicely arranged were here and there in awkward positions. There was water all over the floor, mixed with bits of food. I walked around, tears threatening to fall. Over at the counter was my Appa, crying to himself that all he had was gone. I walked over and opened the cash registers. Empty, empty, and empty! They’d robbed him and destroyed his business.

In the kitchen, the whole place was a wreck. I didn’t have the courage to stay and inspect the damage. Knowing it was my entire fault, the guilt slashed through me like an axe on a chicken’s neck.

I sat down next to Appa and quietly cried along with him. I cried for his job and his hard work. I cried that if I wasn’t such a richard simmons, this might’ve never happened to Appa. He might’ve never suffered such a huge loss had I not just given up. Because of my selfish reasons, my loved ones suffer along with me.


Kissed By You || 27

“YeKyung, I told you, you should’ve gotten her! I fcuking told you!” KyungHee nagged at me for the five hundredth time.

It was already late, but the two of us were just now walking to my house. Reacting to her nagging, I stopped walking and turned around. “I know! You already fcuking told me a million times! But what can I do now?! What’s done is done!” I exploded angrily.

She stopped walking. “What you can do is trust you best friend instead of a couple of guys you hardly know.”

I dropped onto my knees to the ground weakly and mumbled, “It’s my entire fault, isn’t it? I’m the one to blame.”

KyungHee sat down next to me. “We can fix it. All we need is to raise the money and repaint things. Put them back together. It’s not going to be easy, but we can do it with a bit of hope.”

I sighed. “KyungHee, I’m so tired of this sh!t. She’s gone too far. It’s almost as though she’ll always be after me unless I kill her!”

She shook her head. “Killing her would only make a huge mark on your guilt. It’ll make you just as bad as her. I think we just have to fight her until she’s tired. Not everyone can go on without having a weakness. All we have to do is poke that weak spot and take advantage of the time we’re given.”

I nodded. “Thanks KyungHee. I don’t know what I’d do without you.”

KyungHee smiled. “You’d probably die.”

We got up and walked into my apartment complex. I walked through the door to see everyone sitting at the dinner table, including YuHwan, WooRi and JaeHo.

The three glared at us but my Umma, Appa, and MeehLah didn’t say a word. They weren’t going to blame it on me, but I knew it was me to blame. It’s my fcuking fault.

I smiled weakly. “Sorry we’re late.”

“It’s alright. MeehLah, help me warm the food up,” Umma softly ordered.

KyungHee and I silently walked over and sat down. I looked down at the bowl, unable to look up at Appa’s heart broken eyes.


I looked over to my side at YuHwan. “What?” I whispered.

“Give me your bowl.”

Obediantly, I handed it to him and watched him fill it up.

“So, YuHwan,’ Appa started with a slightly shaky voice even though a smile was on his face. “How long have you known YeKyung?”

“About two to three weeks,” he answered easily.

Appa sat back from shock. “And you’re already going out with my daughter?”

“What can I say? It was love at first sight.”

I rolled my eyes. Sure it was.

“YeKyung ah, take the bowl,” YuHwan said and handed the bowl to me.

I did as I was told and slowly ate while listening to the conversation. KyungHee and I sent each other messages through our expressions. Mostly, we had to say that YuHwan was a good actor. Extremely good.

“Do you have any plans for your future?” Appa asked. “As in plans of a career?”

“I want to be a doctor.”

Umma suddenly put down her chopsticks and smiled brightly. “A doctor? Why, that’s a very good occupation.”

I stared hard at my bowl and swallowed the rice I’d just placed in my mouth. She was doing it again.

“What do you look for in girls though?” Umma interrogated.

“Well, someone I can understand and that’ll understand me. She should be able to cook and clean like any wife should.”

Her eyes twinkled. I grabbed my chopsticks and started grinding them against each other under the table, taking my anger out on them.

“So, you want a house wife?”

“Not necessarily. She should be able to do those things, but I don’t require them. Other than that, she should be strong. I don’t want her to be so weak physically and mentally that she can’t handle things well. It would turn into a huge disaster for her to know me in that case because I’d have no interest in caring for her night and day as though she were a child.”

“YeKyung ah, go get me more rice,” Appa told me.

I silently thanked him and went over to the rice cooker. Was it that I just wasn’t good enough or did she really favor my sister that much over me? Just because I'm more of a tomboy and fail at certain expectations she has doesn't mean she should completely ignore me. I'm as much of a living person as MeehLah is, so why does she always ignore my happiness, fake or not, and dive straight for any opportunity of providing MeehLah with the best?

“Thank you.”

I sat down and played around with the end of my shirt. My meal was hardly finished except for a few bits here and there.

“So, what age do you plan on marri—“

“May I be excused?” I interrupted Umma’s question.

Appa nodded and I rudely scrapped my chair against the floor. Swiftly, I walked away from the dinner table and into my room.

I love you just as much as her.

Don’t you tell me that you care because you don’t!

Life’s like a movie. You have to act it right. If not, you’re just replaced or cut out of it.

I gave my best. Everything! What more do you want?

If I was given a chance to choose a member of my family to leave…it’d be you.

In the dark, I glared at the wall. Every voice that spoke in my mind made me glare harder, losing myself in the insane world of hatred. Though she was my mother, I couldn't remember a moment in the past when she ever hid her favoring of MeehLah over me. Appa loved the two of us unconditionally but it wasn't enough. I wanted my mother's love too. I wanted to be cared for and thought of as an equal in the family, not just a person that freeloads around the house.

My moment of loathing my mother stopped when there was a knock at the door. I looked up at the sound and straightened my clothes. Clearing my voice, I called out, “Come in.”

The door opened letting some of the light take over the darkness and wipe away my cold thoughts. YuHwan leaned against the doorway and looked down at me. I turned my face away.

“What is it?” I asked quietly.

He walked in and sat down next to me, causing me to scoot over one spot. “Your parents would’ve gotten suspicious if I didn’t follow you.”


We sat in silence, listening to the sounds of clattering dishes and chairs being pushed towards the table. YuHwan handed me a piece of paper that was folded up. Opening it, I read the words that finally let all hell loose.

I told you you’d pay. But let’s just have your family suffer first.

Crumbling the paper, I got up and walked towards the door but a hand on my wrist stopped me immediately. I turned around and glared. “Let me go.”

“I can’t.”

“Why?!” I demanded. If his reason wasn’t reasonable, then he might as well join HeeJoo and AeRim. They had touched my family, something that I never resulted to no matter how much I hate a person. They had touched something sacred of mine and I was going to get them back.

“It’s a trap.”

“How do you know?” My suspicions were only growing from AeRim’s winking at WooRi to how YuHwan knew so much. I grew up being able to smell a fake from a real and YuHwan definitely didn’t seem fake, but then again, he could be a very good actor.

“They’ve done this before.”

“...to whom?”

I found myself turning on the lights and sitting down at my desk, awaiting his explanation.

“Do you remember Kim JooNa?”

I nodded my head. “She was the girlfriend of the one of the jjangs of JingMong High.”

“She was absolutely gorgeous. HeeJoo hated anyone prettier than her so she devised a plan to rid JooNa from everyone’s view. Running her out of town could work, but you know how that girl’s mind works. It’s crazy, almost obsessive.”

Boy, did I know what he was talking about.

“HeeJoo and AeRim planned many tricks. There was one that worked to its best though. Kim JooNa was afraid of the dark and small spaces. What nobody knew was that she was claustrophobic. Somehow, those two had found out and they locked her in the school in the janitor’s closet, purposely blocking all of the noise. What they didn’t plan on was that the school water system would explode and the school would flood. JooNa died due to drowning.”

I couldn’t believe it. JooNa had been a close friend of mine too. Nobody would tell me the real truth of what had happened to her because they knew I would swear to kill whoever had caused JooNa’s death.

“And, they did exactly what they did to me to her?”

“They did it to her friends. She wasn’t strong enough to fight back, so her friends went down for her instead. Even then, you should keep away. Do you know how many people they’ve already ruined? Adults included. It’s a damn shame that they keep going.”

“That’s why I have to put a stop to it. Even if it means getting injured. If they aren’t stopped, then next will be my friends and my family. You really don’t see the problem?!”

“Fcuk, you’re not listening.” YuHwan scratched his head in frustration at my stubborness.

“Yes, I am. I’m just tired of running!” I exclaimed.

“When did you run?”

“Ever since you stopped me from giving them a smack in the head.”

YuHwan growled. “You don’t give people smacks in the head YeKyung. You give them a punch, that’s the difference.”

Ignorant of the danger in the situation, I got up and walked towards the door. If it was a trap, what kind was it that I couldn’t control? I’ve gone through so many problems and here he is telling me not to go. Walking out the door, I bumped into the joyful crew who were talking amongst themselves in the living room.

“Are you feeling better dear?” Appa asked.

“Nae. Appa, I’m going out. Don’t wait up.”

Those last three words made KyungHee look up. She knew what I was doing, which meant she wasn’t going to let me go alone.

“I’m going with her!” KyungHee jumped up and bowed to my parents. “YeKyung, wait up.”

When I saw YuHwan coming towards us, I closed the door and grabbed KyungHee. “We have to hurry.”

That meant running. Both of us used the stairs since the elevator was as slow as anything, especially today. Throughout the time we were running, I kept thinking it was a bad idea. I know Yuhwan had told me it was a trap. I even said it was a trap. So why was I running?


I looked up and then blackness took over.


Ah, ha! Since I've given you guys two chapters (one of them being super long), I'm going to keep replies to myself today :P. lol, Just taking a break you guys. I will reply next time. I'm pretty tired today, so yea. Hope you enjoyed these two chapters! It's a cliffhanger I'm leaving you guys with :rolleyes: so I guess I'll be checking your reactions next time and having fun reading what you guys might think happened to YeKyung and KyungHee! xP


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Guest sweet; sarang

first.. for once haha.

woww.. those two sure are crazy.. you make me hatee them more and more. if i could, i would've killed them myself LOLL xD hmm i wonder what just happened to them. post soon

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Guest Sweety_x1

wahh i hate HeeJo and Aerim more and more and more :angry:

oohh waht happened to them >-<


I LOVE YOU great chapters :]

Thank you for the PM<3

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Guest asdf.BLAHH

darn! i thought each chapter was gonna take up the whole page >:[

oh well.... thanks for the pm!

i hope those two DIE OF uhh.. yeah, just die.


if you ever quit the story, you'll regret it.

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Guest MizzNana

YAY! Two chaps! OMG! What happen to them?! I wonder are they going to get locked in a closet too? Since YeKyung is afraid of the dark.

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Guest leebabe007

HOLY! CLIFF HANGER i wonder what

happened to yekyung. darn those two

are sume real b.itches to be setting a trap.

i really wonder though..how does yuhwan

know soo much about them anyway? man

i would be hectic pissed too if some b.itch

comes and destroys something important to

me. i guess all yekyung need to do is find

their weak point. thnks for the pm. update

soon. luv ya! ^_^

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Thanks for the PM-

HeeJoo and AeRim should jsut die. They are so evil.. why are they doing this?!

I hope YeKyung is okay. I can tell that there will be alot of action in the next chapter....

POST SOON! It's getting really exciting.

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Guest mzclumzie

awww... you left us at a cliffhanger! wonder

what happened to yekyung though?! is yuhwan

psychic or somthing though? how does he know

so much? ...

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UGH. cliff hanger T__T

what's heejoo and aerim up to now? :fury:

they should just....... die =_=


i think there's a hint in yuhwan's acting.. that he actually does feel for yekyung in that way~

i hope so [;

“That’s because you can’t help but fall for my sexiness.”

I don't know about yekyung, but I sure can't @__@ hahahahahaha

p.s. yekyung's mom is a biiaaaatttcchh

post soon^-^

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Guest Sophi.e*

Aw damnn! Cliffhanger?! x) ahha You love ending your chapters with cliffhangers, huh?! Great chapter none of the less!:) And is he really taking the 'realtionship' seriously?! O.O

Thanks for the PM!

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Guest xjustsweet

loving itt! lols.. OMG..i hate that..

2 girl! *kickkickkick* i wanna kick them!!!

ruining her appa's business


*sniffals* hehes

yay updated 2 chappies. !!! ^__^

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