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What's On Your Mind Right Now?

Guest LittleCabbage

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Guest FragrantWhisper

It took me such a long time to be less attached.

But that hug just screwed me over.

What the hell is going on? :[

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It sucks to be so moody. It sucks to be cranky just because you're cranky. I don't like it. I can't sleep either. And this hair dye smells terrible. ugh. Ahh...can't sleep. I miss him. More thinking. More browsing. More thinking. More moodiness. More more more more. -_- *mentally bangs head*

Dude, I'm really hungry. Or I just feel like snacking a lot today. I need some crackers. Or a sandwich. Or some bubble tea...=3



I've been worrying so much these days, especially about whether or not I can afford this or that. lol Why? WHY!? My roommate wants to get a fridge, microwave, and T.V. I feel bad because I can't bring any of that, since well, I'm f-cking poor! <_< I don't have a job, I don't really have any money saved up except for those freaking pennies, nickels, dimes, and quarters in my piggy bank. I have some money in my wallet still, but that's gonna run out quick...it's not even $50. What am I going to do? Ah...what the hell, what the hell...can't ask Mom and Dad for too much, can't just let me roommate pay for all those things herself, and can't be so cheap either. But then again, getting that room there meant we had to pay for a meal plan so why does she need a fridge or a microwave? We can just eat at the dining hall............dsfgdahbgs! And I really don't want to go raving with her, really. I really don't, but how do I turn that down without being a b-tch?

Why can't I be a b-tch outside of my mind? Hmmm...

I realized just now that I could still ask my parents. But then I thought, "I can't take anymore of their money!" -_- Am I supposed to let them help me? Would they even really want to? I don't know...I can't. I just can't.



I'm channeling my thoughts to my hair. So that I can distract myself. So that I'll be thinking about something else more. But yeah, my hair. Feels like crap today. I put this smoothing creme by Pantene in it, and it feels like crap. It didn't do anything, it just made it freaking sticky! wtf. At least it looks really red in the lighting right now...I guess that hair dye wasn't that bad. But still, I can't see any red in it in a regular room lighting.

Holy crap, I sure did post a lot here.



I'm having trouble sleeping again...distraction, I need a distraction.

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LOLS jokes jokes x]

Hms... a certain kirby dork and wondering how he's going with work and life in general. Saw his recent youtube favourites and they're filled with songs that keeps me thinking whether he's thinking of me while he's playing them. I miss him a lot as a boyfriend and is very happy for him as a friend but... start convos with me often like you used to do, you dork! >w<

Other than that, it's food and how excited I am to make more new friends keke ^w^

~ Betty

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...all you can eat buffet... hehe...


but overeating is a sin so i try not to think about it too much.

i have a problem with eating too much since i have a high metabolism... -.-

if i can go to my friends house later..

stupid ride issues -.-


LOL i encounter those all the time.... but recently everything has been working out nicely :3

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♪♫ The ballad of a dove

Go with peace and love

Gather up your tears, keep 'em in your pocket

Save them for a time when you're really gonna need them, oh

This song is stuck in my head since I just replayed it a couple of times. It makes me so sad at the moment just thinking about how my sister just lost a friend who absolutely loved this song.

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There's school tomorrow.

I should be sleeping now if i do not want to fall asleep during lessons.

I haven't do my homework. I'm doom.

I wasted my past few days when i can use it to study and catch up with my classmates.

EOY exam is 1 more month away.

I should be studying instead of surfing net.


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Guest juwiee

aw just thinking about my eye candy at work! =D *drools* omg hes gorgeous.. hes always trying to talk to me - His fav word "hey hows it going?" *smiles* .. and when he passes by the cafe he always waves!!! hess soo freaken yummy! omg should i ask if hes single.. or his number!! what do i doooo?? T_T

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