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[Variety] Super Junior Full House 슈퍼주니어의 풀하우스

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Guest lyzi88

this is getting ridiculous... so drop it. who cares..the show is for entertainment..it can't please everyone and its not trying to. okay?

*someone seems like theyre jealous*....

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Guest Babygurl272

^polar bear I'm not sure what you are saying. Are you trying to say you don't like them or trying to tell us to appraciate them and not hate on them?

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Guest FTIsland&Primadonna

dang why the hell are u writing a essay. shitnitz.

u care to much about the 2 girls. if they aren't there, there wont be a suju show Full House. if u dislike them girls so much, stop watching it then.

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Guest starbrite

No offense but people need to stop bashing before a MOD comes and suspends this thread. Keep your opinion(s) to yourself.

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Guest polar_bear

I just want to you know the truth.

You love them but they don't need your love. They aren't famous!!!!

Don't feel affection for them, they will leave soon (^^)

I just I hope this show finishes.

Well, I don't see it anymore!!!!!!!

OK, peace!!!

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Guest StarCrystal

I think everyone would have a more or less same reaction if there were different people on the show that would replace Anya and Eva's places. I think you're reading too much into their personalities. I don't mind them and interaction with international people is refreshing.

;P I still have a couple pages from this thread on offline. And I liked Damifino's response to the Anya bashing. So guys, chill. If you don't like the show, don't watch it. Simple as that. There's plenty of Super Junior to watch everywhere else.

damifino @ Jul 21 2006, 12:33 AM

So she isn't Emily Post, she isn't the devil incarnate either. Anya is attempting to learn Korean, so what's so wrong with the guys trying to learn English? Wasn't that the whole premise and purpose of the show? So that they can learn about each other, their cultures, and languages? It isn't only about the girls learning Korean. They were already learning Korean before they met SuJu. It's for them to communicate with each other. They spoke mainly Korean to each other for 6 episodes, but now she should be hung from her toenails because she (AND Kibum and Eva) wanted them to speak only English for one measly day? She wasn't saying they should speak PERFECT English for the day, just that they attempt it while they were at the English Village. The hostility towards Anya is overblown to say the least.

As for "real" fans living with them. Why would they (SuJu) want that? They wouldn't be able to say or do anything in fear that they might offend them (as some seem to be here and they haven't even dealt directly with them). It would definitely make them feel awkward and the show just wouldn't be fun with them not being themselves.

As for "fame" getting into Anya's head, the show wasn't even on the air when they were filming in the beginning and she didn't even know who they were so how could fame affect her personality from the start? She hasn't changed as far as we've seen. How she treated the so-called fans? I wasn't there so I can't comment on other people's experiences, but it can't be easy being pushed into the limelight and having to deal with crazed fans no matter who you are, but especially if you've never dealt with it before.

Frankly, I mainly watch for Heechul, I didn't even know who SuJu was other than that Heechul was in it. But after this show, I'm starting to like them as a group and it was all because of them being their funny, relaxed selves and their interaction with the girls, especially Anya.

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OMFG im getting tired of this polar bear whatsit.....shut your trap please. Gosh the Mods should warn her or something shes causing problems here and sj thread. WHAT IS UP WITH YOU ?????? Theyre here for a freaking intern !!!

If they were here to get close to Sj or to gain popularity u can say anything u want...but theyre here to study and they seem very respectful. Something YOU DONT SEEM TO HAVE :P

Im so sick of ur bs....if u dont like em dont freakin come here and bash em u bash them ure bound to get bashed on. And u call urself SJ fan. If u really are u wouldnt cause so much problems like this over small matters !!!

I read alot of ur comments in the SJ thread i commented u once, I really want to say more but I didnt wanna waist my time, but here u are again starting sh!t !! So i'll waist my time again to say something.

SHUT UP AND GO AWWWAAYYYYYY !!! You wanna earn repsect here ? You gotta give respect !!

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Guest ellstars

I think everyone would have a more or less same reaction if there were different people on the show that would replace Anya and Eva's places. I think you're reading too much into their personalities. I don't mind them and interaction with international people is refreshing.

i agree completely.

polar bear... your essay there kinda contradicts itself no offense and yea,

its just a show. dont like it? DON'T WATCH IT.

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Guest gerlie777

okay can we just like drop it now, ppl are saying what they want and its getting a bit too far, yes freedom of speech is great, but just dnt say it so you are bashing what people like. a super junior full house show thread, is made so people can share how they feel on this show and say why and how much they LIKED it. not the opposite.

and yes YAY subs are coming soon ! mwuaha i love the subbers work

p.s: please drop the topic

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Guest psychoanalyst

holy moley ! why in the world is every so stuck on the two girls ? let`s stop talkin` smack before the thread`s suspended >.< b/c i sure would hate to not be able to watch the boys :(

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Guest sirce

Those girls didn't anything to deserve be there, who are they??? NOBODY!!!!!!!!!!

In their countries nobody knows them.

They aren't famous, nobody wants their autographs and they aren't celebrities. Nobody speaks in the entire world of them, well nobody knows Super Junior, just some people.

So Anya and Eva are two common people that want to be famous joining with a famous group in Korea but when they leave Korea they'll be the insignificant girls that lived in their country and when that happens, they'll see they aren't famous.

Why some of you want to believe they are important? Why do you want to get their autographs? They are like you, the guys are the famous.

Those girls eat free, are in the house with our boys free, don't spend their money in transports, they have the affection of the guys, their telephone numbers, their and-mails and all this FREE. Why do you have of the guys?? Do you can write them by msn, yahoo, etc? Do some of them know our faces?????

With the money of the Korean fans and our money Anya and Eva buy their personal things. All the things that we don't see pay them the fans and we don't have anything of the guys, our guys!!!! We made them famous and they spend their time with two strangers, they aren't fans.

If you like this go ahead, many of you don't waste your money buying Super Junior's albums, posters etc. maybe for that reason you can't understand. And if you believe that the company pays the transport, the entrances to the television programs, the clothes that those girls use, the chocolate's cake and the t-shirt that Hee Chul paid among other things that we don't know, you're mistaken.

I worked with a famous singer, I was model too and the things that I've lived and those that I've seen are horrible and very sad. Many artists don't care about their fans and they take advantage of them. Anya and Eva are enjoying what you should have.

At least, you should have an international meeting with the members, an international club of fans and an encounter with the boys via on-line; you should get the same opportunity to live in the house with the guys than Anya and Eva.

Many of you are students so you have more merits than those girls because you are fans and you are foreigner too.

Do you know why they are with the guys? How did they arrive to Korea? How did they obtain that opportunity? How did they meet the members? All this is very strange. Nobody here knows anything about them because they don't want to say any word about their live, their work, their school, etc.

If they want to be famous they should tell us who are, what they study, how they arrived, etc. This is a test that they aren't famous, nobody knew about their existence, nobody will know who they are and nobody will remember them in a couple of months.

First, I'm a bit confused if you're against the girls, but I'm assuming you are.

Second, no offense, but you sound like one of those jealous psycho stalkergirls who think they own Suju, just because they are fans. I don't understand the bashing of the girls. I like them. I don't care if they might seem s bit snobby as long as they are fun in the show. (besides, the boys like them too) If the show stops, I might be a little sad, but hee life moves on.

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Guest shred

there's a troll in the thread :phew:

i like anya. she's blunt. and i also like how the boys behave around them.

they're not trying to act "cutesy" with each other. that's what makes the show funny.

thanks for the latest subs, subbing team :wub:

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Guest mkdinh

oh my god just CHILL

we dont want a fight in here o_O

anyways, looking foreward to tomorrow's show [tomorrow right? im nto sure lol]

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Guest gerlie777

^ hahah its on tonite ! u can watch it live on the sbs.co.kr site ! if you sign up that is! yayaya !

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Guest polar_bear

You like them 'cause you think that you are they but HELLO!!!! you aren't.

Sadly for you they'll leave the show and the house very soon, yeah!!!!

By the way I'm not a SuJu fan :P

I just like their music and some things they do

Poor girls, you love Anya more than your artists

Poor guys too

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Guest starbrite

polar_bear I think you should think twice before you post because that one long post is fill with irony and the rest were just confusing.

Anyways. Yay, tomorrow~ Can't wait. :]

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Guest gerlie777

OMGOSH drop the topic already !! Polar_bear you are really getting to people in this thread, just leave it, and just to correct you no one said that they liked anya or even eva more than our suju boys !!! we were just simply saying what we felt about them !! just simply talk about sj full house now !! alrite


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