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[Variety] Super Junior Full House 슈퍼주니어의 풀하우스

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Guest ch14n2

thank you for the link but does somebody have MU or SendSpace link? The YSI link take a long time to me [i'm not sure if it's only me...]

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Guest ellstars

just wondering, who ever saw today's epi. did donghae say f..k you OR for you? >__<


i am totally sure he swore.. >__< aishh.. and it sounds soo mean too! >__<

when did he say that...?


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when did he say that...?


you know the part where all of the members have a box and a present inside.. when donghae open his box.. he yelled out, 'f..k you' to heechul. i was like.. omg.. what the heck did he just say? >__<

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Guest SophiaSan

whooooo episode 11!!



that's like a catch phrase now.

anyways!! ive been like so confused, whats like LQ and HQ? like soft sub and hard subs?

so no subs for ep 11 yet?

omgahh im so stupid xD

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Guest __JBM*

^ there haven't been any subs out from the sjfh staff since episode 7

nownforever's clubbox has epi. 8+9 subs. noone has subs for 10+11. plus, 11 JUST came out.

anyway, this episode was pretty fun even though i dont know what they're saying. haha :).

i can't wait for next week's.<3.

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Guest tnguyet

This week's episode was cute lol. Siwon, Kibum's and Eunhyuk's Heechul impressions were the best...next week's episode looks funnnn...sauunnnaa

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Guest beauti_fulsecret

sorry for asking a random question.. but how do u use HJSPLIT to join two megaupload links...? im having a hard time with mikkichan's contribution~ ><

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Have you open HJSpilt?

Just make sure that the two files are placed in the same folder.

And when you open HJSplit, just click 'join'.

Browse thru your folder and choose the .001 file.

They will automatically locate your .002 file if it's in the same folder.

Hope you get me.

And I've yet watched Epi 11.

But thanks all for the links! :D

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Guest MsCHua

Even though I didn't understand what they're saying but I can kinda understand whats going on ...

Is it just me or HeeChul is smart enough to find out about the cameras in the room?

My goodness the shirt was like so small and he fits it, he's skinnier than I thought.

Hmm, even though i may not understand a word Donghae was reading, but I'm pretty sure it was very touching. It was really sweet when HeeChul, Kangin and Enhyuk (sp?).

But yeah, I agree with everyone, it really was a touching episode.

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Guest SophiaSan

^ there haven't been any subs out from the sjfh staff since episode 7

nownforever's clubbox has epi. 8+9 subs. noone has subs for 10+11. plus, 11 JUST came out.

anyway, this episode was pretty fun even though i dont know what they're saying. haha :).

i can't wait for next week's.<3.

thanks :)

the nownforever's clubbox, like it always dl to 30% but somehow it stops? like it wont ever move from 30% T.T;;

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Guest beauti_fulsecret




Have you open HJSpilt?

Just make sure that the two files are placed in the same folder.

And when you open HJSplit, just click 'join'.

Browse thru your folder and choose the .001 file.

They will automatically locate your .002 file if it's in the same folder.

Hope you get me.

And I've yet watched Epi 11.

But thanks all for the links! :D

i get ya. thanks! haha i actually enjoyed this episode and of heechul's cockiness when he thought anya and eva's friends were real fans. ^^

is it just me or is their manager pretty good looking~ haha x]

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Guest silverwingz



Have fun watching.. for all the LQ viewers out there! :w00t:

KangIn makes the funniest faces! He's such a cutie.. And poor HeeChul... he looked so lost! AND the imitations.. they were all funny.. It was very sweet towards the end!

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a real nice birthday! loved siwon's perfect imitations!?? donghae's message was so sweet. they have a special friendship!

think this show is too addictive - by accident i did the heechul 'v" to a friend?? turned beet red. my friend must have thought i was weird??

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Guest raspb3rry

wahahaha, silverwingz you rock! XD Thankyou so much for LQ of ep 11! Btw, is there another CB other than NownForever for subs for ep 9? I can't seem to find it. I searched up to page 8 of the CB and it reached ep 8 subs, but still no sign of ep 9 subs >.<.

I found it :D!! It's on page 9 of nownforever's CB if anyone else was looking for it hehe.

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