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Chat With A Stranger


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Guest cup_of_jo89

WOW. That was one convo that had me sweating. hahaha! That was fun and HARD!

That was pretty funny! It's pretty amazing it got that far and complex. :)

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Guest micoxdd

Stranger: JEW

Stranger: NOSE

Stranger: OBAMA

Stranger: PENIS

You: o_O

Stranger: VAIGNA

You: ur cool




You: afk

Stranger: GAME

Stranger: LOL

Stranger: AFK

Stranger: RTFM

Stranger: GTFO

Stranger: RO richard simmons


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Guest still_life

Did japanese in High School so thought I'll practice it and pretend to be a Japanese person!

You: konnichwa!

You: onamae wa nan desu ka?

Stranger: are you from japan?

You: haii

You: where is you from?

Stranger: I lived there once

You: ooooh soo desu ne!

Stranger: I lived there though when I was really little

You: you work in nihon?

Stranger: I don't remember it

You: you come visit us sometime!

Stranger: I might have too

You: horidai

Stranger: if duty calls that is

You: ^___^

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  • 2 weeks later...

Me just being silly

Stranger: hi

You: hello

Stranger: asl

You: animal slavery lover?

You: umm i'm not one of them

You: animal slavery should not be condoned

and again

Stranger: hello

You: hi

Stranger: from?

You: from?

You: my mum's vagina?

Stranger: 나는 한국의시

Stranger: 你有病把你

You: 예

Stranger: 滚

(can some one please translate what he says?)

they keep disconnecting on me

Stranger: hi

You: hello

Stranger: male or female?

You: the gender I am, has the word male in it

Your conversational partner has disconnected.

lols if you are ever talking to some one really random. It probably is me. =]

to many pervs on that site for my liking

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Stranger: Heey

You: hi

Stranger: Where r u from?

You: finland

You: europe

Stranger: Haha sama täällä (Haha same here)

You: O_O

You: no ohho (wow)

Stranger: Ensimmäinen kerta ku joku muuki suomalainen (first time talking to a person who is finnish too in here)

You: no joo O_O (yeah... O_O)

You: sama täällä (same here)

turns out she was female too and i actually had ok time XD (we didn't talk much just couple words about what we were doing)

and I was waiting for weird people :P

EDIT: Some more

Stranger: ribbit

You: ring ring

Stranger: hello?

You: charlie?

Stranger: sammy?

Stranger: hi well yes i liekd to order a piece of pie please

Stranger: with extra whipped cream


Stranger: =]

Stranger: so can u get tht to me by 3?

Stranger: ?

You: nope

You: i make the cream

Stranger: why not i want my pie by threeee

You: sorry

You: don't have one

Your conversational partner has disconnected.

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Guest DarkApprentice89

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

You: 你懂中文,吗?

Stranger: Bonjur

You: tu parle francais?

Stranger: No pinkberry im from england :)

You: eh close enough

Stranger: suckkk on daaattt

You: what's daaattt?

Stranger: HAHAHA


Stranger: YOU TARD


Stranger: :)

Interesting how "你懂中文,吗?" can get almost anyone to disconnect.

Stranger: 22m ca searching fo 30 f Franch

You: 你懂中文,吗?

Stranger: 懂

Stranger: 你是男的女的

You: 真的?

Stranger: 不是问你是真的假的

Stranger: 我问你是男的女的

You: 对不起,我是男的。不是你想要的三十岁法兰西女孩子.

Stranger: 说话啊

Stranger: 我想干她。。。

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Guest icecreamcherry

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

Stranger: hi

Stranger: m or f

You: YAH!


Stranger: nice

Stranger: how old

You: why

Stranger: just cuz

You: ?????????????????

Stranger: im m

You: cuz why??????????

You: so??

Stranger: just to talk

Stranger: im 15

You: go do your HW!!!


This site pair you up with a complete stranger and chat. There are some freaky people out there =/. Post your conversations if it's funny.

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just a quick one had to stop cause i went to dinner =[

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

You: dad?

Stranger: yes it is mee

You: Why did you leave me when i was 3?

Stranger: b/c i had another women on the side

Stranger: i have a family now

Stranger: we r doing fine

You: what about mum?

You: I thought you loved me

You: and her

Stranger: ur moms a tramp

Stranger: she had other men too

You: was it because of bob?

Stranger: bob and five others

You: you know, it wasn't bob all along. He was actually a she... called fiona

You: mum confessed to me when I was 10, and I wanted to know why you left

Stranger: well i left cause i couldnt take her pinkberryin

Stranger: and she didnt love me

Stranger: im sorry

You: dad. you loved me though? didn't you? couldn't you have stayed for me?

Stranger: of course i love u son but i have needs and ur a big boy and u gotta take care of ur mom

You: but dad. I'm a girl

You: you're so cruel

You: you don't even know my gender.

You: do you even know my age?

Stranger: i understand the confusion ur feeling about ur sexuality

Stranger: its oi

Stranger: oki*

Stranger: ive been there too

You: you weren't even there for my sex change

You: I couldn't even find your name in the yellow pages

Stranger: im in austria

Stranger: but i was there in spirit

You: but i thought you hated Austria

Stranger: not until i met helga

You: geeze, the only place I told my private detective not to go, cause I knew you wouldn't be living their

You: and that's where you go

Stranger: thats how little u know me

Stranger: its oki though

Stranger: well reunite again

You: dad, I'm married you know

You: the child doesn't even know what the word grandad means

You: poor thing

Stranger: well show him a picture of an old man

You: (brbs Gotta go to dinner- continue this convesation dad)

Stranger: well son

Stranger: i guess we shall meet again

Stranger: cause daddy needs to sleep with helga

Stranger: so imma go to bed

Your conversational partner has disconnected.

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Guest jayanahill

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

Stranger: hiii

You: hiii

Stranger: a/s/l?

Stranger: i love cats you to???

Stranger: im stupid

Stranger: are you crazy???

You: yes i love hello kitty

Stranger: have you a carrot?

You: yes

You: reaal crazy

Stranger: for my bunny???

Stranger: hiihi you are cool

Stranger: hihi im in a funny moet

You: hii buny

Stranger: emotions

Stranger: heey

Stranger: my grandma has chikkens!!!!

Stranger: cool he

You: ur owner give u carrot yet

You: my dag has roosters

Stranger: oow can i have him?

Stranger: mmm?

Stranger: whats a dag?

You: yes he will bite u

Stranger: oow hihi

You: dogggg

Stranger: but seriusely

Stranger: can i have my carrot now?

You: yes if u sit

Stranger: allright i'm sitting on the computer!

Stranger: heey

You: ok now roll over and play dead

Stranger: have you a lamp?

You: goooooodddd buuuuuunnnnnnnyyyy !!!!!!!

Stranger: alright X-(

You: heres ur carrot

You: yum yum yum

Stranger: thanks

Stranger: mmmmmmmmmm!!!

You: ok bunny

Stranger: allright what a animal are you? a dog?

Stranger: a cat

Stranger: a GIRAFFE!!!

You: meaw meaw

You: kitty kat

You: rrrrrrrrrr

Stranger: aa sweety kitten!

Stranger: are you a mean kitty?

You: ffffff

You: yess bad 1

Stranger: don't scraching me!

You: i did look at ur pants

Stranger: than you don't gat a coocky!

Stranger: oooo! bad kitty!

You: =;(

Stranger: hihii

You: coookeyy !!!!!!!

You: pleeessssss

Stranger: allright you look so sweet!!!! hers your cookey!

Stranger: yum yum

You: yumyy

You: kitty love u

You: meaw !!!~~~

Stranger: yes bunny love you yto!

Stranger: snif snif

You: ok bye bunny

Stranger: what a noise make a bunny?

Stranger: no don't go :'-(

You: ?????? er erpss

Stranger: mmm??? what

You: lolxx

You: idk

Stranger: hihi lollll

Stranger: what's idk?

You: hola como sta

You: idont know

Stranger: oow hihii

You: hhhhhiiiiiiii

Stranger: haha you are so funny!!!!

Stranger: hihyihihihihihihihihihiihaHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH

You: hhaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhaaaaa lmao

Stranger: hihihii

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You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

Stranger: Hey there... 20 m here looking for a horny girl who wants to webcam ;)

You: hey gangster

You: i dont have webcam

You: and im a male

You: sorry.

Stranger: its ok

Stranger: i dont mind

You: whats going on bro?

Stranger: nothing im just so john teshing horny

You: nah chills, i know what you mean though

You: tryna hook up some chicks on here?

Stranger: no i am way to horny

Stranger: john tesh yeah

Stranger: because

Stranger: like i said

You: right

Stranger: im horny

You: okay

You: well i can't help you there

Stranger: Well its ok

Stranger: im masturbating anyway

Stranger: this is hot

You: oh to me?

You: thanks bra

Stranger: john tesh yeah

Stranger: you pretty good

Stranger: but

You: damn dont be turning me gay too now

Stranger: ive had better

Stranger: well

Stranger: just go for it

You: i know you do that well

You: what kind of girls you looking for?

You: maybe i can hook a brother up

You: where you from

Stranger: Massachusetts

Stranger: let me ask you something

Stranger: is it true that pimping aint easy?

You: it ain't

You: who said fame and power came easy man

You: see now

Stranger: good point

You: tiger woods

You: he got both

You: thats why he got them chicks up on him

Stranger: of course

You: hey

You: dont be discouraged

You: im sure you'll find someone

You: probably not online though

Stranger: oh i know that

Stranger: i just think its funny

You: what is?

Stranger: Hey there... 20 m here looking for a horny girl who wants to webcam ;)

Stranger: besides

Stranger: if i wanted internet sex

You: you copying and pasting that everywhere arent you

Stranger: id go for porn

Stranger: its so easy

Stranger: yeah

You: haha then why not

You: where else would you be jacking off to

Stranger: exactly

You: you young?

You: what age?

Stranger: is said i was 20

Stranger: that is true

You: been single for a while?

You: not getting it often?

Stranger: too long

You: damn yo

You: i feel for you

Stranger: thanks

You: well okay

You: hope you find that chick

Stranger: i will

You: thanks for talking to me

You: its been a pleasure

Stranger: no problem

Stranger: yup

You: one last thing

Stranger: ?

You: do i pull off a guy well?

Stranger: yeah

Stranger: fooled me

You: damn guess not

You: whend you figure?

Stranger: i never did

Stranger: im not kidding

You: for serious?

Stranger: yeah

You: damn im a hustler

You: sweet, thanks man

You: at least now you know youre not gay.

Stranger: i know

Stranger: im bisexual

Stranger: i like both

You: hot.

Stranger: thanks

You: kay bye

HAHAHAHAH okay. That was really fun.

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Stranger: heyYou: hiStranger: asl?You: huh?Stranger: age?You: ohStranger: sex?Stranger: location?You: 16 femaleYou: MinnesotaYou: U.S.Stranger: 16 m wisconsinYou: U?You: Oh...cools..Stranger: yaStranger: r u horny?You: what?You: do you want me to be?Stranger: idk it doesnt matterYou: Oh, then noStranger: goodYou: hahahahYou: wowYou: are you white?Stranger: yaYou: oh i seeYou: i'm asianStranger: like mayo yoStranger: koolYou: hahaha wow...cools..You: :DYou: I'm cold You: hereStranger: im a gingerYou: huh? ginger? what's that?Stranger: orange hair, freckles, firecrotchYou: oh....i see....wow....interestingYou: orange hair?You: tightStranger: yupStranger: do u snowboard?You: no, but i've always wanted to!You: :DYou: do you?Stranger: its funStranger: yaYou: really?You: wowStranger: yaStranger: sometimesYou: ya?You: is that a Wisconsin thing?You: cools...Stranger: noYou: hahahaha lolsStranger: some northerners kinda talk like that thoStranger: like da yoopersStranger: a bandYou: ohYou: cool!Stranger: yaYou: I'm cold...You: is it cold there?Stranger: yupYou: 3 degrees?Stranger: around thatYou: okay!:DYou: cool!Stranger: literallyStranger: lolYou: okay...g2gStranger: smaeYou: see yaStranger: sameStranger: l8r


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Guest jsung8070

f*cking lawl. this isa wesome

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

Stranger: i'm male looking for horny and sexy female

You: sup

You: im male looking for a horny and sexy male thats looking for horny and sexy females

You: ^.~

You: so..

You: what are you wearing

Your conversational partner has disconnected.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest julie8086

First time chattin-

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

Stranger: hi

You: hi

Stranger: how are u?

You: fine thx u?

Stranger: fine thx

Stranger: where?

You: Earth

You: u?

Stranger: ıam from mars

Stranger: m or f?

You: t

Stranger: t what?

You: tranny

Stranger: trannys mean?

You: transexual. was m now f

Your conversational partner has disconnected.


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I occasionally meet really cool people as in like..maybe one..LOL. Most of the times I troll :X

I know..how bad......there's been worse convos I'm keeping to myself too. >_<

Stranger: i hav a Richard

You: oh really?

You: are you going to be my darth invader?

You: my sperminator?

Stranger: i dont have a metal Richard?

You: what is your name bad boy?

Stranger: you can call me bad hank

You: mmm i like

You: you can call me big bertha

You: or herpes helen

Stranger: I'll go with the former

You: good choice

Stranger: anyway big bertha, I would like to see you naked

You: hi

Stranger: Hello.

You: wut up

Stranger: Apparently not your knowledge of grammar.

My friend was also doing it and when someone asked her to show them her Richard, she sent him a picture of Richard Cheney.

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lol ok this is dumb

Stranger: 573 315 8361 /// text it ill send picture

You: i have my own pictures ty very much

Stranger: :(

Stranger: i cuter

You: oh trust me.. immm wayyyyyyyy cuter

Stranger: nooo ur not girlfriend

You: uhuh.. yes i am


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You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

You: hi

Stranger: Hey

You: this is so weird

Stranger: what?

You: talking to a stranger

Stranger: hehe

You: every stranger i talked to this last minute disconnected

Stranger: anyway

Stranger: wazzup?

You: nm

You: you?

You: are you a bot btw? haha

Stranger: nm too

Stranger: no ,im not

Stranger: im a living person from Poland

Stranger: xP

You: ok lol

You: haha

Stranger: theres no bots in here

You: so why do you go on here?

Stranger: where are you from?

You: UK

Stranger: xP

You: i wonder why i went one this haha

Stranger: he? :D

You: *on

You: so have you met any weirdos on this?

Stranger: i meat some pedofeals

Stranger: gays

Stranger: one nazist

Stranger: hmm

Stranger: they are weird for you?

Stranger: :D

You: lol

You: i just tried this out for fun

You: so you seem like the first normal to me

You: haven't met any weirdos yet

Stranger: hehe

Stranger: you are so lucky

Stranger: ^^

You: ^^

You: umm

You: what time is it in poland?

Stranger: 19.58

Stranger: Be right back, im out for sec

You: ok

Stranger: im back

Stranger: Anyway, whats your gender?

You: male

You: you?

Stranger: male too

You: over 20?

Stranger: im under 20

Stranger: xp

You: o me too haha

Stranger: 16 axactly

You: aww so young

Stranger: exactly &

Stranger: xP

Stranger: you are 19?

You: no 18

Stranger: dont worry

Stranger: i got much 18 yrs old friends

Stranger: xP

You: haha

You: i had to teach some polish kids how to read english in my secondary school

You: very hard working

Stranger: xDD

Stranger: nice work

You: so do you go on this all the time?

Stranger: on omegle?

Stranger: only sometimes

You: ahh

Stranger: i have to go :P i hope you found another normal partner to talk

Your conversational partner has disconnected.

yay i met someone nice lol

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Guest julie8086

i spend like 30 minutes talkin to this 34 year old german abt badminton..=_=.. but was nothing inappropriate. which was good.. lots of horny ppl .. its rare to meet ppl who actually do "normal talks".

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You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

Stranger: hello

You: YO

Stranger: asl?


Your conversational partner has disconnected.

... Some people are no fun, LOL. I wish I could meet someone interestin' like you guys XD

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