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Guest redranger

I tried again and I've been talking to him/her for the past thirty minutes. Turns out my stranger's Korean. Interesting!

Here's a snippet (I can't type Korean kaz I haven't installed it, but I can read it):

You: How is life in Korea? Is it true that

You: you guys go to school 9 hours a day? o_o

Stranger: 7시 30분(am) 등교해서 11시30(pm)분에 끝나요 ^^

Stranger: 방학때는 7시30분(am)등교해서 6시(pm)에 끝나요

Stranger: 한국은 교육은 엄격하잖아요 ..

You: WOW...

You: I would die.

You: Hahaha.

Stranger: 한국은 가진것이 인적자원뿐이라서

Stranger: 교육열은 참 대단해요

You: Hahah yeah.

You: I guess. But America's resources are good too :) But I don't think people go to school from 7 to 11

You: That's really intense.

Stranger: 가족과 있는 시간보다 학교에서 친구들과 보내는 시간이 더 많아요

Stranger: 한국은 원래 유대관계를 중요시 하는데 더많은 시간을 함께 하기 때문에

Stranger: 친구들과의 관계는 가족같죠

You: You don't feel like you're missing out with your family sometimes?

Stranger: 한국에서는 부모님 모두가 일하시는 가정이 많기 때문에

Stranger: 집에 일찍 온다고해서 부모님과 함께 지내는건 아니에요

Stranger: 토요일 일요일에나 함께하죠

You: Wow.

You: Such tight schedules.

Stranger: 고등학교 3년만 그렇게 지내면 되기 때문에

Stranger: 학교에 있는 시간만 듣고 상상하면

Stranger: 끔찍하게 여겨지겠지만 친구들과의 학교생활은 아주 즐거워요 ^^

Stranger: 하루종일 같이 있기 때문에 에피소드도 많구

You: Hahaha

You: I'm impressed.

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Guest Octopus__

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You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

A word of advice: "asl" is boring. Please find something more interesting to talk about!

You: What's up?

Stranger: Hi

Stranger: Nothin

You: fosho

Stranger: You?

You: tired and john teshing.. just, idk confused and lost, you know?

Stranger: I can relate

You: mini cooper, my lady.. idk man. It's hard. She called me earlier today saying she might be pregnant

You: and I'm like, "john tesh. I didn't john tesh you!!"

You: and damn it.. there's just so much drama

Stranger: Oh man

You: damn.. and idk

You: It's just that this guy at work, you know? He said he liked me

You: and I was starting to get into my relationship with my girl

Stranger: Woah

You: but, mini cooper.. I might like him too

You: he's damn fine, I'll admit

You: idk what's up with me

Stranger: Wow

You: whatever, what's up with you?

You: I need to get my mind off all this mini cooper

Stranger: Atleast you can get it out on this site

You: yeahh..

You: thanks for listening, buddy

Stranger: No problem

Stranger: Well I just got out of avrelation ship with this girl and she crazy now

Stranger: I'm just gonna stay sibglebfor while

Stranger: I'm on my iPod andvits hard to type

You: Yeah, I don't give a john tesh about spelling, haha.

Stranger: Just making sure you understand me

You: I know what you mean. You might as well stay single, you know? Take some time alone and wait until someone else jumps into your life.

Stranger: Yup

Stranger: But everything is crazy

Stranger: All my friends are like fighting and mini cooper

Stranger: Not really fighting but

Stranger: Getting mad at each other

Stranger: I'm just staying adide

Stranger: Adide

Stranger: Aside

Stranger: And see what happens

You: Dude, you just need to talk to your friends. If they're fighting about that chick, tell them to calm down and just have time to themselves for awhile. You seem like you need some time to yourself too.

Stranger: Yea lately I've been just staying home and chillin

Stranger: Just playing some xbox

Stranger: Lol

Stranger: Keepin out of trouble

You: That's good. I can't avoid my mini cooper 'cause I work with that dude and my girl lives two blocks away.

Stranger: Stuck in the middle

Stranger: Awe that sucks

You: Holy john tesh. Idk what to do with her. She's been john teshing behind my back. It better not be with one of my homies either. Damn it.. I just want to hit her you know? But then I might just end up breaking down seeing her. mini coopertt.

You: Should I just.. dump her richard simmons?

You: And.. put that guy down?

Stranger: Depends on how deep you are

Stranger: If she is pregnant stay and find out who's the father

Stranger: If it's not yours then you should dump her

You: I know it ain't mine. She said she'd wait for marriage for me, man. I believed her too. God. What a dumb pinkberry! I can't believe I said I'd wait for her and that I loved her. Damn it!!

Stranger: How could she do something like that

You: She just texted me.. she said, "I'm sorry." Damn.. i don't even know what to say to that.

Stranger: Do you still love her?

You: I.. do. But I know I shouldn't. Not after all this. Damn it. I feel like just crying.

Stranger: You should find out a little more from her

Stranger: Befor you do amything

You: What else do I need to find out? She john teshed up. I didn't.

You: Alright, I'll tell you our week we had

Stranger: Ok

You: There was a party last friday. We went to it, had fun.. didn't drink or do any mini cooper like that. I said I was going to go home and thought she'd like a ride since we don't live that far. We drove to her place, made out in my car for bit and then she left. I went to my place and crashed. I called her the next morning and she didn't answer. I figured she was getting ready to go to her class so I got up and went to work. She didn't call me back that night. I called the next day to see what's up, but she didn't answer again. I figured it was finals week or something.

You: I went to work that day again, afternoon shift this time and I saw her friend. She asked me where my girl was since she hadn't gone to the class the other day.

You: I didn't know.. but I knew if she didn't pick up that she wasn't feeling well.

You: I gave her space and then Wednesday.. she calls me and says she didn't get fer period yet. It was four days into the week of her period and she hadn't gotten it.

You: I was just like, "Okay. You feeling good?"

You: and she goes, "I think I'm pregnant."

You: that's it man.

Stranger: Holy crud

Stranger: How could she cheat on you when she made you a prommise

You: Idk man. I feel like I.. was probably that boyfriend that was just the showcase. I wasn't really her boyfriend to her, but to the public yeah. In private.. she probably had more than one guy.

You: I shouldn't say that.. damn it. I just wonder if she's been with one or more guys

Stranger: It's her fault it's all up to you if you want to stay or go

You: I was going to call up my coworker, but.. idk if I should

You: he might think I want a go with him or something gay.

Stranger: Call him a different time

Stranger: Do you know who she chested on you with?

Stranger: Cheated

You: No. I think.. I should call her tonight and find out.

Stranger: Find that out first

You: ..haha, I should, shouldn't I?

Stranger: It will make it easier

You: But I feel like if it's with one of my friends.. imma just john teshing bust.

You: I hate this feeling of wanting to know, but knowing I probably shouldn't.

Stranger: If it your friend dump her and call your coworker

You: Idk if I should tell you this..

You: Well.. idk

Stranger: We don't know each other you can say amything

Stranger: I will never know

You: it's more like a.. Well, I should ask first. Do you get ticked off easily? 'Cause I don't.

Stranger: depends on what I'm mad about

You: Ahh. This has been all a joke. I'm really a girl. ;D

Stranger: Ha

Stranger: Wow

Stranger: You got me good

You: Yeah. I'm good at making mini cooper up aren't I?

You: I can be a guy.. which freaks my friends out >>;

Stranger: Haha omg

You: Sorry. Haha. I needed to be entertained

You: so I made mini cooper up and it just flowed ;D

Stranger: That's why I'm onvhere

Stranger: I sometime do that but I can't pull it off as well as you do

You: want to be friends? ;D

Stranger: Yea why not

There's more, but I'll leave it at that since

the 'more' was all my personal stuff. Haha.

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i'm one of those weird people. lol

You: i love you

Stranger: helloooo

Stranger: i love me too

You: you my new bff

You: okay?

You: baby my sweetie?

You: teehee

You: lah yooou

You: so much

Stranger: no you are a dude......

You: so muchoo

You: nuh uhh

You: i girl

You: beautiful girl

Stranger: riiight

You: you handsome man

You: gorgeous handsome man

You: teehee

Stranger: k peace bro

You: i love you



You have disconnected.

my friend says i sound like a creepy old man. D:

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Guest xOhSnapShelley

You: o-o

Stranger: My fatasy is you on me. Im a bisexual rainbow

You: oh thats nice!

Stranger: b or g?

You: boy.

You: so how was your day

Your conversational partner has disconnected.

How mean.LOL

Even though I lied o:

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Guest brenni.

Connecting to server...

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

A word of advice: "asl" is boring. Please find something more interesting to talk about!

Stranger: Webcam s--?

I disconnected.

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Stranger: hey

Stranger: hey

Stranger: hey

Stranger: hey

You: hi !

Stranger: hey

Stranger: :D

Stranger: <3

You: XD

Stranger: hey

You: :3

You: now what ?

Stranger: :(

Stranger: im sorry

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Mine went well, until it said the person was typing, and he didn't post anything, lol...

Connecting to server...

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

A word of advice: "asl" is boring. Please find something more interesting to talk about!

Stranger: hey

You: yo

Stranger: m/f?

You: f

You: you like pokemon?

Stranger: john tesh YEAH!

You: pikachu is the shizzz

Stranger: squritle is da' bomb!

You: what about charmander?

Stranger: of course

Stranger: and charazard

You: ash was a richard simmons...couldn't catch for mini cooper

Stranger: the fire breating dragogn

You: yeah yeah the dragon

Stranger: i knowww

You: and what was up with the red pokemon gps thingy?

Stranger: i dont know hee was like reterted that he needed a thing to tell him what animal is was like wtf?

You: didn't you like it when there were just, like 100 pokemon...

You: and you could sing the song

Stranger: totally

You: and remember all their names

You: now its like, WTF?

You: oh, forget to ask, you m/f?

You: you still there?

You: still typing?

You: or are you out catching jigglypuff?.......you know you want to...

You have disconnected.

That's right, I'm an old school Pokemon lover...Gotta love 90's and early 2000 for cartoon subject starters!

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.. i`m too scared to try. D:


WTH? really?, cuz if that's true, lol, im kinda pissed since i ALREADY used it...why didn't I think of that before? Then maybe the best way to use it is from a school or library computer, not at home...

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WTH? really?, cuz if that's true, lol, im kinda pissed since i ALREADY used it...why didn't I think of that before? Then maybe the best way to use it is from a school or library computer, not at home...

haha yahh. D:

that`s why i`m scared, man.

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haha yahh. D:

that`s why i`m scared, man.

I guess the best thing would be to NOT use the home computer to MINIMIZE the risk. Other than that, its pretty fun, and random, depending on who you converse with.... But seriously, dude, that fear's now got me scared, haha!

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Guest gleeeful

Everyone seems to be either 20 or 21.. hahahaha.


The person is either:



-Non English Speaker

There will occasionally be a normal person..

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Guest adieu.cloud

Stranger: suck my nuts

You: but i dont like nuts :[

You: esp peanuts

You: like how are you suppose to eat those dry stuff D:

Stranger: then suck my richard simmons

You: richard simmons??

You: what are richard simmons?

Stranger: your mom

Stranger: ask her

^ O___O

Stranger: hey

You: NO :o

Stranger: m/l

You: im a male too!

Stranger: m/f

Stranger: damn hello kitty

You: MALE!

Your conversational partner has disconnected.

ROFL this was funny :D

Stranger: hi


Stranger: I came

You: i welcome you

Stranger: to where?

You: to my car

You: with luxcerious car seats

Stranger: oh mini cooper these are luxurious

Stranger: and heated

Stranger: omg


Stranger: omg

Stranger: AND COOLED


You: dont forget the flat screen tv D:


Stranger: sheets?

You: mini coopers*

Stranger: mini coopers?

You: word :o

Stranger: oh mini cooper and there's even a stripper pole AND a stripper

You: yeah (: he works for me

Stranger: oh

Stranger: It's a guy?

Stranger: :s I couldn't tell.....

You: WHY!?

You: you dont want a guy?!

Stranger: not really

You: we got more in the trunk ;D

Stranger: 8D

You: theres fat

You: skinny

Stranger: wait

You: guy

Stranger: 8/

Stranger: not more guys?

Stranger: you have female strippers too rite

You: gay . ;o all kind !

You: we got trans :D


Stranger: wut

Stranger: I'm confused

You: we got transexuals .

You: guy to girl o-o

Stranger: nah

You: hurry, we got more customers .

Stranger: k

Your conversational partner has disconnected.

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Guest I Cook With A Flashlight

You know... After adding a girl from omegle to my FB, I never thought twice about visiting Omegle again...

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Guest alyssiiebearx3

Stranger: i'm looking horny girls with pics and msn

You: o.o''

^ LOL. i disconnected then.. lmao

Stranger: hi

You: hi

Stranger: asl?

You: yu first lol

Stranger: 18m

You: oh . im 14 and female. lol.

Your conversational partner has disconnected.


Connecting to server...

Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on.

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

A word of advice: "asl" is boring. Please find something more interesting to talk about!

Stranger: GET NAKED richard simmons


You: :D

Stranger: :o

Stranger: go on. get naked

You: no (:

Stranger: :<


Stranger: haha wat.


Stranger: O_O

Stranger: i love you too. but im afraid you arent naked enough


You: D:<

Stranger: lol. how old are you

You: yu first !

You: LOL

Stranger: <.< ha 18

You: ohs.

You: yu should prob find a new person to talk to LOL. im 4 years younger than yu :D.

You: and female

You: o_o

You: r yu female

You: o_o

Stranger: nope

You: oh

You: yur prob gonna dc rnt chu LOL

Stranger: i have little idea what you are saying lol. but there are few 14 year olds on here

You: yur prob gonna disconnect? and oh im here.. cuz on a forum.. [soompi.com] it said to go on this site and then meet ppl and post waht ppl say lmao

You: :3

You: im asian :D.

You: LOL

Stranger: haha. you are so strange

You: i know (x

You: where ya from? :D

Stranger: the uk. u?

You: americaaa.

You: lol

You: r yu asian? (:

Stranger: ha no. do you only know asian people

You: no i know non-asians :D.

You: but its fun to think everyone yu meet online is asian :3.

Your conversational partner has disconnected.

You: ^^''

^ O:

Stranger: hi

You: hii

Stranger: from

You: uranus :D

Stranger: :D

Stranger: frmo

Stranger: from

You: new york

You: yu?

Stranger: türkiye

You: ohs.

Stranger: female?

You: yea

Stranger: oke

Stranger: now ı am happy

You: lolol

Stranger: new york haa.

Stranger: your name

You: aeryn

Stranger: deniz

Stranger: nice to meet you

Stranger: age?

You: lmao. yu shuld disconnect...

You: lmao. im young :D.

Stranger: age

You: 14

You: there

You: :D.

You: now yu dcd

You: *dc

You: LOl

Stranger: no

Stranger: dc

You: o-o;

Stranger: 14 ha

Stranger: pls give me msn

You: how old r yu? o-o;

Stranger: 15

You: oh

You: o-o;

You: ethnicity?

Stranger: yeah

Stranger: msn

You: wahts yur ethnicity O:

Stranger: what 'ethni

Stranger: ı dont understand

You: wahts yur race

You: lol

Stranger: dont understand

Stranger: pls msn

You: o_o waht if yur not 15.

You: o-o;

You: waht if yur a pedobear O:

You: then poor me = victim

You: LOL

Stranger: hey 14 sweet girl . pls msn give me or dc

You: bye (:

You have disconnected.

Stranger: What do you think about socialized healthcare?

You: im stupid.

Stranger: That's okay, don't worry!

Stranger: What do you think about healthcare?

You: what am i suppose to think about it o-o;


^wtbuck. LOL.

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Guest XangelXtranX

You: hey

Stranger: HELLO

You:Ilike turtles how bout you (:

Stranger: I LOVE turtles !!

Stranger: But monkey kick richard simmons yo !

You:Nah I still like turtle better

You: So how old are you !

Stranger: 15

You: Same :D

You: Californian


Stranger: Coroladoin

Stranger: Not sure if thats how u spell it

You: Oh

You:Canadian ehh (:

Your conversational partner has disconnected.


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Guest shining_star-:


Stranger: horny

You: wtf

You: ur horny

Your conversational partner has disconnected.



You: hello

Stranger: lets do sex

You: ewwwwww perv

You: bye

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Guest CaptainO

You: hi

You: Hello

Stranger: hello guy

Stranger: im sexy gay male

You: Sorry, I'm a girl

Your conversational partner has disconnected.

Haha, this site is so funny!


Another funny one!

You: :D

Stranger: hello

Stranger: woman?

You: Man?

Stranger: yes

You: No

Your conversational partner has disconnected.


So I had another conversation like the one above! I just love it when people are HOPING you're female. I just keep telling them I'm a dude.


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