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Chat With A Stranger


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Guest chee_c

You: hi

Stranger: y halo thar

You: halo

Stranger: how many fingers do you have?

You: i think 10

Stranger: DAMN, you too?


Stranger: talk dirty to me?

You: mud


Stranger: agente tem descamso

mas mesmo nesa hora de descamsa tem que falar com empresario. rsrsr, brincadeira viu maciel

abracao pra vc

You: me no speaking

You: sorry


Stranger: I LUV U

You: aww

Stranger: :3

Stranger: guesh what

You: what?

Stranger: I WANT DEVORCE >:C


Stranger: asl

You: stalker!!~~



You: evil

Stranger: y[

Stranger: i kill u.

Stranger: silence!

You: bring it!!!

Stranger: thanks.


Stranger: hello

You: hey

Stranger: from where you are

You: wherever your not

--------(i ended it every time they asked me where i lived)

Stranger: heelloo

You: hey

Stranger: wanna cybe

Stranger: r

You: wanna get a life?

Stranger: nope!



Stranger: NOW

You: transparent

Stranger: THANK GOD


Stranger: NO, REALLY


You: oompa loompa?

Stranger: 9/10 IT WILL BE GREEN

Stranger: GODSPEED

You: oh i see

Stranger: GODSPEED



there was also another one-- but i didn't copy and paste..

it was a Japanese 17 yr old.. and she asked me if i like Japanese girl

--yeah i ended it--freaky ppl!!~

hahh~ but it was funny

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Guest maiky

dude this site is so weird.....it sounds like you're talking to a robot but i don't think you are...i had a really good conversation but i stopped it...i didn't know everyone was brazilian on there??

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Guest chiasta

Stranger: Virtual Sex with webcam ?

You: no i don't have a webcam

You: im cheap

Your conversational partner has disconnected.

I love this place.It's fun.

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Guest duckie 27

AHAHAHA. This is an interesting site. I'll post up my convo.

Stranger: hey!

You: Hi!

Stranger: whats up!

You: Nothing much.

You: What's with you?

Stranger: why the heck not!

You: Are you a bot?

Stranger: no

Stranger: :D

You: Are you human?

Stranger: i hope so

You: What do you mean I hope so?

You: You should know!


You: And why the heck not?

Stranger: what if im an organic robot from a distant galaxy, made to look, feel and think that im human

Stranger: id never knowww

You: Ahh True!! But could such things truly happen?

Stranger: hmm

Stranger: maybe they can, but im made to think they cant

Stranger: reinforcing my belief in my humanity

Stranger: it could happen!

You: How are you so sure that it could happen?

Stranger: well a lot crazier stuff has happened

Stranger: like us actually existing

You: That's not crazy.

Stranger: why not

You: Because I'm made to be here. AHAHAHA

Stranger: NUH UH

You: Why not?

Stranger: who says you were made at all

Stranger: maybe you dont even exist

You: If I don't exist, how is it that I'm chatting with you?

Stranger: perhaps you are the figment of the imagination of a much greater creature

Stranger: who is imagining us talking right now

You: What are you, really?

Stranger: AN ALIEN

Your conversational partner has disconnected.

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sheesh those ppl creep me out LOL

it felt.....really awkward

i couldnt even start a conversation


see..lol awkward

Stranger: TANNER


Stranger: DUNNO

Stranger: a

You: b

Stranger: c

You: d

Stranger: e

You: f

Stranger: g

You: h

Stranger: i

You: j

Stranger: k

You: l

Stranger: m

You: n

Stranger: o

You: p

Stranger: q

You: r

Stranger: s

You: t

Stranger: u

You: v

Stranger: w

You: x

Stranger: z


Connection imploded. <<< how does that happen?!?!?! ROFLLL

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Guest ddcee

Stranger: hey

You: oh you beat me to my hello ,

Stranger: lol

Stranger: wats yo name

You: jessica . you ?

Stranger: matt

Stranger: i bet your boobs are huge lol

You: thanks, i'm sure they are.

Stranger: id love to suck on them

You: you do that.

Your conversational partner has disconnected.


okay anyways,

my name is not jessica.

haahah :D

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LOL I HAD THE FUNNIEST CHAT EVEEEEEEEEEEER!! This guy was actually decent!

Connecting to server...

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

Stranger: hai

You: Hai

Stranger: []====|>

You: oh nice

Stranger: thats my ninja knife!

You: I'm a pirate

You: we fight ninjas

Stranger: Hahahahahahahahha

You: perpare for a fight

You: !!

Stranger: Are you the same guy from SA?

You: I'm female

Stranger: lolok

You: D=====>

You: that's my sword

Stranger: ohh a katana

You: it's not as good as your knife

You: but trust me it's very sharp

Stranger: lol

You: what is your knife made out of?

Stranger: pirate form?

Stranger: from*

Stranger: steel mostly

You: I'm from Yoho yoho island. You?

Stranger: it was handed to me by me sensei

You: Dang, you gotta hook me up with that!

Stranger: I'm from Kazaulakbarallahkhistan

You: My blade needs some sharpin'

You: LOL

You: Is that wher Borat is from?

Stranger: Hah no won't

Stranger: Yaas!

You: I didn't know ninjas existed there

Stranger: they do

Stranger: is good is naice

You: Do you know Borat?

You: is he a ninja too?

Stranger: so you're a captain?

You: Yeah

You: I'm the first female captain

Stranger: I don't know him personally.

You: Oh too bad

Stranger: But hes having an affair with that fat guy

Stranger: I forgot his name

You: I would have liked to combat him

Stranger: Congrats btw!

Stranger: combat Borat?

You: Oh I know who you are talking about, I forget his name too

You: he's not important

You: Yes! I would like to combat Borat

Stranger: Azamat or something similar.

You: Haha

You: The scene with his richard simmons onto on Borat was sick

Stranger: are you from one of those soccer countries too?

Stranger: Yeah LOL!

You: Are you referring to Brazil?

Stranger: nono Brazil is famous

You: I don't live in a country

Stranger: the ones near it

You: I live on an island

You: We don't have soccer here

Stranger: isnt it a part of some replubic?

You: no no, I know the place

Stranger: Ninjas dont have soccer too.

You: I'm Captain Yohana

Stranger: They're not into teamwork and all

You: we're from Yoho Yoho Island

You: Oh I see

You: what do you guys do for fun then?

Stranger: I'm Ninja Bunty! from India.

You: Very nice!

Stranger: just go around having fun with the ninja costumes

You: Do you guys fight crime?

Stranger: or screw around with trigonometry problems sometimes

Stranger: nono


You: some math students I assume

Stranger: samurais are into fighting crime and teamwork

Stranger: yep

You: Oh

You: then were do you guys earn a living from?

You: We rob other ships

Stranger: The sensei cares for that!

Stranger: nasty!

You: you get paid to screw around with math?

Stranger: Yeah sometimes

You: we must fight for survial

You: that's why we rob ships

Stranger: What do you do with all the loot?

You: but we rarely hurt people

You: we spend it

You: we buy makeup.

You: LOL

You: Pirates need to look good too you know

Stranger: Hahaha!

You: what do you do with your share?

Stranger: good looking decorated female pirate captain!

Stranger: thats heavy!

You: Oh definitely!

You: I mean, I have to keep a reputation!

Stranger: I pay my phone bills and rent for the weapons

You: what about food?

Stranger: the seinsei cares for that!

You: gees, your sensei sounds to be very wealthy\

You: is he single?

Stranger: reputation and all!

Stranger: Lol!

Stranger: no

You: is he looking?

You: LOL

Stranger: He has a fat wife

You: oh too bad

Stranger: But she cooks well

You: do you have any other senseis?

You: that are wealthy?

You: are strong?

You: I'm not a home wrecker

You: we may be pirates, but we have morals

Stranger: Looking good must help, you dont expect mutiny and all against you.

Stranger: Hah!

You: did I mention my crew consists of all female

You: we're smok'in hooott

You: and nice

You: :)

Stranger: my old sensei wen to Russia and study Share market

You: and well educated.

Stranger: woohoo!

You: Oh, well I'm a pirate majoring in business

You: see, maybe you can hook me up with your sensei that went to russia

Stranger: nice.

You: we can work today and have a family of accountants

Stranger: sure!

Stranger: Hehe

You: then I can finially stop robbing other ships

You: and settle down

You: :)

Stranger: That sounds good.

You: are you a male? Perhaps I can introduce you to one of my crew members

Stranger: I plan to open up my own weapon shop.

Stranger: Yaas male here.

You: I have just the female for you

You: her name is Violet

Stranger: nice name.

You: she is a master at carving weapons

Stranger: whoa!

You: nice richard simmons too

You: LOL


Stranger: I'll marry her.

You: Hahaha

Stranger: My sensei's bank account will support the cause.

You: oh problem

You: she said

Stranger: wut?

You: she'll only marry you if you support her siblings too

Stranger: hmm.

Stranger: How many of them?

You: she's the oldest of of 10 siblings

Stranger: *omglolwtf expression*

Stranger: do you have any siblings too?

You: one has a rare medical disorder, where she feels like she needs to eat the mot expensive chocolate every hour of the day

You: oh me?

Stranger: haha

Stranger: yep

You: oh no, I was the only girl

Stranger: nice

Stranger: are you a master at carving weapons?

You: LOL

You: You broke Violet's heart

Stranger: and you know the last question :D

Stranger: aww

You: she's sending her siblings after you

You: all 10 of then, including her

Stranger: Hey ninjas are nor trained to handle such situations

You: I'm sorry I forgot to mention Violet was named after Violent

You: she has a history of destorying.

You: with her mastery of weapons

Stranger: thats nasty

Stranger: Perhaps you know someone else?

You: hm

You: let me look around

You: give me a description

You: we have a sorts of girls here

Stranger: COol

Stranger: ummm... short hair, non-blonde though

You: hm

Stranger: and shouldn't be taller than me

You: how tall are you?

You: we are pretty tall here

Stranger: That might not be good for a Ninja'

You: we range from 5'5 - 5'11

Stranger: around 5.111

Stranger: 11*

You: 5'11?

Stranger: should cook well

You: we don't cook here

You: we rob

Stranger: oh okok

You: usually the ship we rob has meals prepared

You: but we do sing

Stranger: Haha!

Stranger: ok should sing well

You: ah ha! I've got the prefect gril

You: no history of violent behaviour as well!

Stranger: Nice!

You: Her name is Paris

Stranger: hmm

Stranger: nice richard simmons?

You: Don't worry, she's not blonde.

You: She's a little thicker.. but nice richard simmons nonetheless

Stranger: righto!

Stranger: lol

Stranger: I'm not sure

Stranger: skinnyninja here

You: Oh nonsense!

You: the girl's 5'11

You: you can't expect her to be 100 pounds

Stranger: Haha okok.

You: do not worry, she's very ncie and curvey

You: like beyonce

Stranger: Nice

You: Does she sound like a winner to you?

Stranger: hey not beyonce :(

Stranger: almost

You: you don't like beyonce?

Stranger: beyonce looks so plastic.

You: no, not her face. Her body is like beyonce's

Stranger: Always decorated like a christmas tree.

You: don't worry, my pirates are 100% natural

Stranger: not an issue! ^_^

You: we don't have a plastic surgeon on board

Stranger: Thats sounds..

Stranger: appropriate

You: But Paris isn't very good at weaponary

Stranger: not an issue ^_^

You: infact she's very lazy most of the time

Stranger: Hey Yohana

You: yes?

Stranger: lolwtf

Stranger: I g2g :)

You: oh okay

You: well thanks for the chat Bunty!

Stranger: My sensei needs me

You: I will send Paris to you soon!

You: see ya!

Stranger: Thanks to you too

Stranger: Aye captun!

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Guest crashandburn

I've actually talked to many people there so far

but all I can say is:

there are a lot of Brazilian people.

Haha i noticed that too. I've met the same person at least 10 times already its qweqwiorhqweio

I can tell who he/she is because they always start with
I love chocolate >.<

About 3 other people asked for cybers3x....
I told them to shove it where the sun don't shine then they disconnected.

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Guest XxanimechibixX

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

Stranger: RONALDO!

You: who's ronaldo?


You: uh no

Stranger: --'

Stranger: Can u give me my brother?

You: o.O

You: what?


You: i did?

Stranger: --

Stranger: Where's RONALDO IS?

You: ronaldo is...hiding under your bed

And then I got disconnected. :(

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Guest lilo_azn_gurl

hahahaha!! wow.

you people have very weird conversations!!!

and some of them realy dont seem to last very long.

mine lasted about 30-40 mintues, but then i had to leave. :P

and it is true, there are a lot of Brazilian people on that thing.

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Guest Hakiri

haha I keep getting people that just write FAIL and leave .____.;;

Or just call me a pinkberry -- then leave xD

I had an awesome convo with one person though, they even live quite close to me ^^ - random!

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Guest MyLovelyBlondie

I was in a childish mood and here is my conversation:

Connecting to server...

Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on.

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

Stranger: Hi

You: Do you have a cookie?

Stranger: yes

You: Can I get it?

Stranger: i just finished it.

Stranger: sorry

Stranger: =(

You: Can you make me one?

Stranger: Sure,

You: Thank you

You: :)

Stranger: do you want me to email it to you?

You: Sure :)

Stranger: i almost finish it

You: :)

Stranger: i'm now sending you a cookie

You: Good.

Stranger: did you got it?

You: Yes.

You: What is the recipe?

Stranger: Nice :)

Stranger: i don't know, you have to ask the packaging

You: Okay

You: Just wait a little...

You: Okay, I found the recipe.

Stranger: Good :)

You: It is very tasty.

Stranger: That's nice :)

You: Yes.

You: Do you want some?

Stranger: I have lots of cookies, so no thank you.

Your conversational partner has disconnected.

Very fun conversation :)

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Guest IceySoul

Stranger: live every week like it's shark week!

You: You're boring don't you think?

You: Let me talk to your daughter

You: shes more interesting

You: plus shes hot, i would bang her all night long

Stranger: no, daddy's touching her right now

You: that is



Stranger: we like to keep it in the family

You: LOLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL <dies on my chair>

Stranger: may you rest in peace

Your conversational partner has disconnected.

My GOSH... this one was freaky (I decided to talk like that because i tried this a few times already and i wanted to see the response...)

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damn this site is soooo funny.

You: never gonna give you up!

Stranger: good

Stranger: lol

You: please dont leave me

You: ill die

You: ill do it

Stranger: ok ok ok

Stranger: i promise not to leave u

You: i thought we had something special

Stranger: we did

Stranger: i am sorry

Stranger: i'll never leave you again baby

You: you love me too. you just...dont know it yet.

Stranger: of course i do baby

Stranger: i love u more than anything eve

You: i was thinking we should have 10 kids. all girls. ok maybe 1 boy for you.

Stranger: *ever

Stranger: how about 2 boys?

You: 2.......?

You: you've changed....

Stranger: wow is it too much?

You: this is too much pressure.

Stranger: ok ok ok how about we make 10 kids, till we are 100 yrs old, then adopt another one to change our diapers

Stranger: well?

Stranger: answer me now god damnit

You: .....i must leave. i cant take this mental abuse!

Stranger: i dont want to waste my time with someone that doesnt want kids

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Guest domo_kun

Stranger: COLDPLAY !


Stranger: ;D

Stranger: where r u from?

You: us

You: you?

Stranger: brazil,

Stranger: m or f?

You: both

Your conversational partner has disconnected.


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Guest xXsmilesXx

I've actually talked to many people there so far

but all I can say is:

there are a lot of Brazilian people.

um yeah same here

alot of ppl seem to be from

Brazil hahah.

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Guest rozeng1122

Stranger: hi

You: hey

Stranger: are u a psycho

You: no

You: u?

Stranger: yes

You: interesting

Stranger: i'm in ur closet

You: i don't have a closet

You: i live in a dumpster

Stranger: yes u do

Stranger: i can see u

You: ơ you mean you are in the trash can nest to me

You: next

Stranger: yeah

You: ohh how is it there

Stranger: pretty nice actually

Stranger: i'm eating banana

You: that's nice

You: i found a laptop

Stranger: how about u

Stranger: wow me too

You: cool!

Stranger: what are u?

You: i am a person

You: u?

Stranger: i'm a fairy

You: cool

You: like the tooth fairy

Stranger: yeah

You: do you know her

Stranger: yeah

Stranger: i can fly

You: i want her autograph

Stranger: i can get u one

You: really

Stranger: i'll bring it to u tomorrow

You: for free right?

Stranger: yeah

You: awesome

Stranger: yup

You: i have the cookie monster next to me

Stranger: cool

You: and the green guy with the eyebrow

Stranger: i have pink little ponys next to me

You: can i have one?

Stranger: yeah why not

Stranger: can u see me

You: but i rather prefer a purple one

Stranger: i don't have a purple one

You: oo

You: nvm then

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