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Guest nobody knows

I hate you

I never ever say I hate anything. I believe hate to be a strong word and should never be used, except in extreme conditions. I never ever use hate to describe how I feel about someone. I’ll say I dislike or don’t like or strongly dislike, but I’ve never used hate. I don’t want to hate anyone, but

I don’t care if you’re my blood sibling, I don’t care if you’re older, or if you have a steady job, if you make more money or mini cooper

if you have no right to lecture me on responsibility and independence. no right to tell me I’m immature and have “no future for yourself” if I’m going to keep dreaming. no reason to say “i really wanna beat you up” because if you can’t stand me that much, then FEEL FREE TO CUT OFF ALL TIES WITH ME. because really, I can’t stand you just as much.

I hate your pompous attitude, how you lecture me on my personality and behavior when you have just as many faults, how you’re such a hypocrite about your complaints. I hate how you think you’re such an incredible person when in reality the only person that can tolerate you is our mom and your stupid girlfriend.

no wonder because it was your girlfriend that changed you into the jerk you are today. before you met her, you were nice and casual and fun to talk to. I know I have no right to tell you that you’ve changed for the worse because I’m probably not much better ..

but if you’ve changed into someone that I dislike, stop pushing yourself onto me. I don’t really want to have to tolerate you anymore

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Guest Octopus__

All I hear is pinkberrypinkberrypinkberrypinkberrypinkberry. Can't you just calm down? Just because you had one little mistake, you start freaking out and hitting mini cooper? I can't understand it. It's ONE LITTLE MISTAKE. You bought the wrong thing, so the world is going to end? So john teshing dramatic. I don't see how you can act that way. You're like a child trying to be grown up. You can't understand the simplest things. You don't know how to grow up. How are you my mother when all you do is pinkberry? Learn to understand your mistakes and be more cautious for john teshs sake. Honestly, if you're feeling stressed out the only way to not feel like that is to calm down. You're ridiculous lady.

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Guest daweonnx

  • Learn to close the door.
  • Learn some manners.
  • The purpose of having your own keys is to use it when the door is locked. Are you guys THAT lazy? Stop bothering me.

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Guest _FallenLeaf_

I hate myself for wanting my friend not to work out with a guy!

What kind of friend am I? I tell myself that I want her to be happy but deep inside I don't want it to work out.

I'm selfish and I want to be in a relationship before her, yup it's just jealousy taking over me

I'm a horrible friend 

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Disappointed. That was such a typical guy thing to do. You only talked to her (ignoring everyone else) and offered to walk her back to her dorm *smh*

A bit douchey too. Well, I guess I shouldn't assume things yet but this first impression doesn't help.

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Guest han-song

What the hell is up with you?! gosh you and ur so called boyfriend well i dont care i thought you were just playing around but obviously not!!! and what's up with asking my guy out for me??? what's your flippin problem?! and dude, what's up with taking the mick out of me??? how would you like it if i went out with your FRIEND instead?? would you want me then?? would you??? GAH

oh and also people stop spreading rumours about me!!! NO, I AM NOT GOING TO ASK OUT A FIRST YEAR!!!! D:< I wish i could buy and xbox but obviously not after i told my parents about the red ring of death!!! 

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my stupid car keeps breaking all the time, just want a new one already!

stupid phone customer service people suck and don't know what they're doing


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Guest bubblyteax

I don't have anybody anymore and I can't have a dog either. I'm alone and I'm not one of those cute puppies that you feel bad for. I'm just a stinkin' wall. I'm not even a nice color wall. Just dull and unnoticeable..

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Hypocrites are so amusing. You get mad about people talking about you when they barely know you yet you're doing the same thing. You just got a taste of your own medicine and it doesn't taste so good, right? Either you grow up and admit the childish things you do or continue to be immature and stop complaining when you hear your name roll out of another person's mouth because you're doing the same thing. Just like those people you're crying about, you're full of drama.

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Guest BabyDevotion

I've kept myself away from drama since Sophomore year of highschool and I'm 20 now. And my BESTFRIEND of 5 years would come and blow up in my face insulting me and my boyfriend (who had nothing to do with this and didn't need to be involved) because I couldn't go to class for 2 days because of family reasons. It was JUST one class in the morning that was from 11am-12:15pm.. I had important things to do and she called me lazy and told me I was bringing her down in life and blah blah blah. Goodness gracious. This woman needs to shut her trap.

A few hours was all it took for our friendship to fall. Not that I wasn't expecting it to crumble into peices sooner or later but wow. Then a whole weekend later, my trio of besties turned into a duo. Both me and my other bestie told this girl that we were done. We've had enough of her criticism, hatred, and negativity.You don't think anyone could be such a negativity nancy until you've met this girl.

Such a concieted, two-faced girl.. Thinking she's on top of the world because she makes more money at her age. She thinks she can look down on you. Calling you a loser and claiming you are "extra baggage" in her life and throw insults at the people you love without actually making the effort to get to know them. What a patheticly shallow girl.

All I listened to when I was with her was criticism about how "I hate your boyfriend", "your job sucks", "I make this much and I have an awesome 30 year old boyfriend when I'm only 20"... Ridiculous. I honestly can't believe I even stayed her friend as long as I did. A "friend" who constantly puts you down. A friend who can't be happy for you when you've found a boyfriend. Instead, tell him that they hate him in front of his face because he was BLACK on the first day they met.. Why? Because she's bitter her last relationship didn't work out and she was being completely racist. A friend who can't say "congrats" when you've found a job when you've been looking for months. Instead, tells you to find a more respectable job.. A friend who just like to put you down and try to make herself feel better. This my friends, is not a friend, but someone who will pull you down in life and try to hold you back because they like to sit and gloat about how their life is better than yours.

Another thing. I loved how this girl blow everything up on Facebook. Why do certain people like to publicize their problems.. Are you TRYING to look for sympathy. Can you not handle this situation without having the whole entire world there. She just likes attention. She likes how people back her up when those people don't even know how she really is. She has no real friends, all her "friends" were met online and live miles away and have never really sat down and got to know her. Not in the way I have.

She put up an "apology" note on Facebook as well. But you see, this wasn't a normal apology, it was a "how I tried to help you guys in my way but you guys tossed me away like trash" note. I love hearing all her negative comments about my life daily. That's suppose to be her "honesty". I loved how she tried to make people see me as a bad person. And you know what? She's probably still going to go about her daily life talking smack about me and my other friend. She loves pretending to be innocent, but never thinks twice about turning around and talking smack all day about you. I loved being called "extra baggage" from a friend. I love being thought as a loser and how I'll never achieve anything in life.

Woman. I am 20 years old. I go to school full time. I work part time. I honestly don't expect to get paid more than minimum wage-10/12 bucks without a degree. Just because you got lucky in life doesn't mean everyone gets that opportunity. Rubbing it in our faces makes you look bad, not us. And once people realize who/what you really are. Karma is going to suck. You only get away with what you do/say because we are nice where we are from. We put up with you because you are our "friend". We accepted your criticism, and kept it in mind. But honestly, you want what you want and we want what we want. So don't try to change us because that's what YOU want out of a friend. Find another friend who can kiss your toes because I'm over it and it's time that I be myself and not have to try to change myself because YOU want to look better.

I'm done with it. I've had enough of this. Sometimes it's time to change the people around you before you become like them. I hope this girl goes and rots in a ditch. Life doesn't need someone like her around and karma will come back to haunt you. Things happen for a reason, and if you keep running your mouth the way you do, life's going to cut you off.. And you'll learn it the hard, painful way.


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So one of my close friend is changing...and she's acting like a lil suck up 2 face! I hate it.

So yesterday I stood up to her and called her out because she's been talking trash on "OUR" friends.

Everything is about herself, it's as if she has a princess syndrome, I really hate it.

She makes every one thinks that she's the victim and that WE are the bad one who is picking on her.

She say sorry when she doesn't mean it, yo, it's not about who's right and wrong, it's about

understanding each others feelings....but yeah I guess she doesn't give a F about how we feel!

It's always about HER, HER, and HER! She's the center of the universe! Conceited and a show off.

Attention seeker! I'm sick of it! After calling her out and I spit out all the stuff that I've been keeping inside,

I feel so much better....but then here she goes, acting as if "nothing" happened. She's trying to act

NORMAL...what a 2 face...she's putting on an act and I know it..ughh

If she burst my bubbles again, I'm going to do something about it.

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